UT - Kylen Schulte, 24, & Crystal Beck, 38, newlywed couple found dead, Grand County, 18 Aug 2021

Very odd that they never left any description of the "creepy man" or his vehicle, nor his plate numbers, while they were saying to a friend that they're outright afraid to get killed by their camping neighbor.
As was published a while ago:
Details released in deaths of newlywed couple at campsite
“Investigators were informed that Kylen had mentioned to her friends that if something happened to them, that they were murdered. Kylen had continued by saying there was a “creepy man” around their camp and they had been intimidated by him,” the search warrant states.

It seems there was a slowly escalating conflict around that campsite. To me seems very likely the creep showed up to enjoy camping by the creek with some shade trees by it, which might have been his favorite spot, and got riled up finding he has to share the space and with lesbians hated by him. If he arrived and found some guys, or a traditional family with kids - he most likely would have just left and looked for another spot, as he would be too afraid to enter a confrontation. If he found, say, an older conventional-looking lady - he probably would have setup nearby hoping she'd be uncomfortable and leave the spot for him to have to himself - but he likely wouldn't try to openly escalate the conflict, being afraid of cops /rangers being called on him.

I have to say that seeing alternative looking/dreadlocked women might have made him believe they'd be less likely to call LE on him, as deadlocked people are often perceived as being involved with drugs. As he saw female gay couple, it had probably fueled his rage much beyond just being territorial, and he setup right next and started escalating, harassing them. Until he finally completely lost it over something - may be they decided to push back or him getting very drunk that day. It seems like they didn't believe he was really capable of anything and was all talk, until the last moment - as not only they haven't relocated or shared his description, they actually went to town leaving stuff like the tent unattended (while he could have slashed their tent or steal their stuff).

It's not unheard of for people to go into rage over camping spaces. Just last year, there a local in Wyoming became enraged finding a group of out-of-staters in his favorite campsite (and that was inside a free Tin Cup campground) - he was drunk and proceeded to yell at them, then, as things had escalated, had threatened them with a gun - and got shot dead. One of the camping group was a police chief from Idaho and he shot the guy in self-defense. Even though there was a bunch of up to 18 "tough" guys who rode ATVs all the way from Idaho in that campsite - that one guy became enraged enough at out-fo-staters taking "his" space to try to run all of them off. One trigger point was hate at out-of-state people whom he called "Californians" (even though they were from ID), in this case. Some people can get very territorial over what they consider their favorite spaces on public lands.
Occam's Razor would suggest this is a likely scenario.

Perhaps he tried to make them uncomfortable so they would leave and it didn't work, which enraged him. Being women made it easier for him to act on that rage.
I feel like the sexual assault changes so much about this case. It also surprises me there isn’t DNA evidence.

I didn't check in on this case for several days so I think I missed this...LE have said there is no DNA evidence?

Or is this what family and/or the public are speculating, based on no apparent progress?

I only ask because the perpetrator cannot know for sure at this point whether or not he left some type of DNA behind (even if just a few skin cells) unless LE chooses to reveal it. So this info is normally kept close to the vest by LE if the responsible person is still to be interrogated. So it would be somewhat unusual for LE to confirm no DNA at this stage and if they did, that's a strategy that bears discussion of why they chose to.
I didn't check in on this case for several days so I think I missed this...LE have said there is no DNA evidence?

Or is this what family and/or the public are speculating, based on no apparent progress?

I only ask because the perpetrator cannot know for sure at this point whether or not he left some type of DNA behind (even if just a few skin cells) unless LE chooses to reveal it. So this info is normally kept close to the vest by LE if the responsible person is still to be interrogated. So it would be somewhat unusual for LE to confirm no DNA at this stage and if they did, that's a strategy that bears discussion of why they chose to.

There hasn't been any information released by LE about DNA, it just seems like if there was DNA evidence and one of the usual suspects committed the crime then there would be an arrest by now. So really, just me speculating, I'm frustrated.
“Investigators were informed that Kylen had mentioned to her friends that if something happened to them, that they were murdered,” the warrant says. “Kylen had continued by saying there was a ‘creepy man’ around their camp and they had been intimidated by him.”

To me, this is the key to the case--when did this communication occur and by what means? I don't even care who to or what else was said--this one statement is vital in the timeline. It tells people when, what day and time to focus on. I know I've posted on this before, but to date I have not been able to establish the source, much less any detail.

I see this passage quoted everywhere (even in the warrant itself) but it is always attributed to "friends" and that's it. As far as we know, the last time the victims were seen/heard from/witnessed/texted/anything...is ~9pm 8/13/21. The stories strongly imply the victims had talked about the creeper on two separate occasions, but we only have a date for one of them.

Does anyone have anything different?

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Forest Service road 4651 (which they camped off) supposedly has up to 5 campsites (1 to 5) total, according to boondocking guide. Most of the people will be camping in RVs in this kind of place. On the actual creek (most desirable part)....I'd say 2 sites max, going by satellite. There're some bigger trees by the creek, in that shadeless/brutal sun area, and this whould be the most desirable site in entire larger area, as there's some shade and the creek is there. Especially for anyone without RV. I haven't seen any actual photos of the campsite published. It's pretty easy to figure out where exactly they were camping based on satellite view. There's room for 2 campsites. If I picked the area to camp, I'd be expecting someone else might attempt to camp very close nearby, creeks act like magnets to people and so do trees in shadeless areas (so I would not pick that location, for this exact reason of someone else showing up/possible territorial conflict and lack of privacy as there's only little cleared space). It's also quite exposed to being seen from the road on one side.
During that time, clearly there were hardly any people in that area (except the wedding at the ranch), at least not camping on FR4651 or they'd hear the gunshots, screams.
It likely happening around Friday the 13th, midnight after, as their friend said...can't make the stuff up.

I'll say it again -- this is one of the saddest and most maddening attacks/murders I've seen. Just two women in love, just married -- wanting to be outside in mild-ish weather, have dinner, snuggle, and talk a bit. Just a bit silly perhaps, lotsa smiles & little kisses, I'm thinking, and happy, happy, happy. "We did it!"
Just two newlyweds, finally being together and looking for a long life as a couple, probably not without some hard times in their growing-up years. And now this bliss.
And then, surprise, fear, lots of pain, worried about the other, and then it all goes black and it's gone.
Makes me want to cry and then slap somebody's face really, really hard.
Just dammit.
She is amazing, thanks for posting. I feel for her so much.

Oh, what she did! She felt that she was being led to go here instead of there; to go straight instead of right, etc., etc. And then she found one of them in the water. She'll never get that out of her head, but what she did was huge -- that should help her deal with that image.
What a good friend.
Yes, there are angels in America. And she is one.
usually i am healthily skeptical also. particularly when there are living survivors claiming themselves to be victims of hate crime in the press. *cough* jussie *cough*. this one just screams hate crime at me though. but could be wrong of course.
I am certainly not ruling it out. It was my first thought. OTOH it could be a RSO who saw two women by themselves.
From early September to mid-October, Sean Paul Schulte set up a “clue booth” in Swanny City Park, hoping to collect potential leads and keep the deaths of his daughter and her wife in the public eye. For hours each day, he sat at a picnic table in the park and met with members of the community.

[The private investigator] will be taking over as my ‘boots on the ground,’ along with my lawyer, as I am heading home to Montana,” Schulte said.

“What Sean Paul did with his clue booth was really quite brilliant,” said investigator Jason Jensen. The Utah-based licensed private investigator is the lead at Jensen Private Investigations and co-founder of the Utah Cold Case Coalition.

The Grand County Sheriff’s Office is currently running forensic analysis on “items of interest,” according to a Sept. 28 statement but the lab analysis may take “several months or more to complete.”
Father hires PI to look into Moab couple’s murder: Visitors to the La Sals in mid-August asked for tips
I'll say it again -- this is one of the saddest and most maddening attacks/murders I've seen. Just two women in love, just married -- wanting to be outside in mild-ish weather, have dinner, snuggle, and talk a bit. Just a bit silly perhaps, lotsa smiles & little kisses, I'm thinking, and happy, happy, happy. "We did it!"
Just two newlyweds, finally being together and looking for a long life as a couple, probably not without some hard times in their growing-up years. And now this bliss.
And then, surprise, fear, lots of pain, worried about the other, and then it all goes black and it's gone.
Makes me want to cry and then slap somebody's face really, really hard.
Just dammit.

This made me tear up. I really wish this case would get more coverage. K & C deserve justice. There is a murderer (and SO in my opinion) on the loose, and I wouldn't be surprised if he struck again, this crime was so callous and depraved.
People.com picked this story up. If everyone keeps talking about it, posting info, and spreading the word on social then this can be solved. If it's a random killer, he/she needs to be found--soon;

How an Investigator Is Using Satellite Images to Solve Murders of Utah Couple Who Noticed 'Creepy Man'

The PI (Jensen) clarified the timeline:

"According to Jensen, Turner and Schulte left Woody's Tavern just after midnight, and returned to their campsite shortly before 1 a.m. on Aug. 14.

Both women failed to show up at their jobs at 5:30 a.m. on Aug. 15.

"So, that means the window where they were murdered was very early on the 14th to very early on the 15th, so you're talking no better than a 24-, 25-hour window," Jensen explains."

I wonder if more focused media attention in the states Crystal and Kylen were originally from (Arkansas and Montana respectively, I believe) could help get more awareness on the case. I really don't believe either of them knew their killer (and I am a firm believer that he was the creeper lurking around their campsite), so I don't think he was an associate from Arkansas or Montana. However, I do think getting more attention on this case from the ladies' hometowns/home states can only be a good thing.
People.com picked this story up. If everyone keeps talking about it, posting info, and spreading the word on social then this can be solved. If it's a random killer, he/she needs to be found--soon;

How an Investigator Is Using Satellite Images to Solve Murders of Utah Couple Who Noticed 'Creepy Man'

The PI (Jensen) clarified the timeline:

"According to Jensen, Turner and Schulte left Woody's Tavern just after midnight, and returned to their campsite shortly before 1 a.m. on Aug. 14.

Both women failed to show up at their jobs at 5:30 a.m. on Aug. 15.

"So, that means the window where they were murdered was very early on the 14th to very early on the 15th, so you're talking no better than a 24-, 25-hour window," Jensen explains."


Why is the timeline changing? All of the earlier reports mention them leaving the bar at 9.

“They showed up at the bar around 6 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 13, and left around 9 p.m.,”

Footage Shows Last Time Slain Camping Couple Seen Alive
Why is the timeline changing? All of the earlier reports mention them leaving the bar at 9.

“They showed up at the bar around 6 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 13, and left around 9 p.m.,”

Footage Shows Last Time Slain Camping Couple Seen Alive

You are right, the article has wrong time.

Forest Service road 4651 (which they camped off) supposedly has up to 5 campsites (1 to 5) total, according to boondocking guide. Most of the people will be camping in RVs in this kind of place. On the actual creek (most desirable part)....I'd say 2 sites max, going by satellite. There're some bigger trees by the creek, in that shadeless/brutal sun area, and this whould be the most desirable site in entire larger area, as there's some shade and the creek is there. Especially for anyone without RV. I haven't seen any actual photos of the campsite published. It's pretty easy to figure out where exactly they were camping based on satellite view. There's room for 2 campsites. If I picked the area to camp, I'd be expecting someone else might attempt to camp very close nearby, creeks act like magnets to people and so do trees in shadeless areas (so I would not pick that location, for this exact reason of someone else showing up/possible territorial conflict and lack of privacy as there's only little cleared space). It's also quite exposed to being seen from the road on one side.
During that time, clearly there were hardly any people in that area (except the wedding at the ranch), at least not camping on FR4651 or they'd hear the gunshots, screams.
It likely happening around Friday the 13th, midnight after, as their friend said...can't make the stuff up.

I tried to PM you the video the PI took of the actual campground and another one close by in case you wanted to see. I don't think I can post on here. Your profile is locked so I can't PM you. Let me know if you want a link to the video if you haven't seen already!
You are right, the article has wrong time.

I tried to PM you the video the PI took of the actual campground and another one close by in case you wanted to see. I don't think I can post on here. Your profile is locked so I can't PM you. Let me know if you want a link to the video if you haven't seen already!
Please Post the video on here, if possible. Knowing the exact location, and how close other camp sites are, would be of a great help.
I didn't check in on this case for several days so I think I missed this...LE have said there is no DNA evidence?

Or is this what family and/or the public are speculating, based on no apparent progress?

I only ask because the perpetrator cannot know for sure at this point whether or not he left some type of DNA behind (even if just a few skin cells) unless LE chooses to reveal it. So this info is normally kept close to the vest by LE if the responsible person is still to be interrogated. So it would be somewhat unusual for LE to confirm no DNA at this stage and if they did, that's a strategy that bears discussion of why they chose to.
What does everyone think about the campsite being in disarray when their friend for it ? Was someone "camping" in their spot, and killed them when they returned? Was the chaos caused by that human/ humans?
Was it done by wildlife during the time the ladies were still missing by raccoons, etc.
How many days was the tent set up in their spot? Did they drive 1 hour each day for work?
*Probably a repost but it’s very telling. I can’t imagine living in their small town.

The Deseret News talked to dozens of Moab locals. Many of them were afraid, and most did not want to speak on the record.

Some didn’t want to give their name out of fear the murderer could identify them.

Several business owners and employees worried about retribution from Moab police or the Grand County Sheriff’s Office, which they accuse of mishandling both the murder investigation and the now high-profile domestic dispute between Gabby Petito and her fiance during their trip through the area.

“If I talk to you for your article, the next time I need to call the police they might not show,” an employee at a hotel said.

One person called the Deseret News in tears, saying they feared for their safety and asked to have their name withheld.

“When I get off everyone is in bed except for me, so that’s not great,” they told the Deseret News. “We don’t know if (police) think it’s someone in town or someone out of town. That sucks, walking by every house and being like, ‘You could be a murderer, maybe you could be a murderer.’”
Unsolved murders and Petito case leave dark cloud over Moab



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