GUILTY WA - Koralynn Fister, 2, raped & murdered, Centralia, 24 May 2012

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:wave: :heartbeat:

Hi LcoastMom, sorry about interrupting my post with you last night ... mother never knows when son says his call can't wait.

I thought you would appreciate this particular poster from the Comments section of the link below ... it is considered rumor technically.
1 week ago

Commentor says she is sorry for the mothers loss and Grandmother Rhonda too. Says Great Grandmother Dorothy briefly passed in camera's view near Rhonda's fainting. She seems so pained and lost for any answers for her daughter Rhonda. I know she wishes she could do somthing to make it all go away and bring that little one back to. I wish there was some magic that could make all the answers and somehow bring that little angle back to earth for the family.

She says the State doesn't execute Reeder, then God may as well incinerate the whole earth. Because our path is lost....

Says sick bast-urd needs to be executed in order to send a clear message! d. NO MORE!!!! State will need to prove Reeders guilt first. She feels it should be Death By Lethal Injection. Says it will show that Washington States Law is not soft in these matters of taking the beating heart away from a 2 year old baby.

Current Laws mean nothing to molesting Murder's. They should be:
1. Arrested by any force necessary.
2. Jailed with NO Bail and NO Chance of release PERIOD.
3. Only Death As Sentence if found Guilty.
4. One Appeal to be concluded within one month after sentencing.
5. Walla-Walla Death Row, and executed within one weeks arrival at that facility.
6. Cremated within the hour after sentence carried out, to be more than sure.

Says Gosh Damnit people have to stand up and rally / protest / march / write there Lawmakers about this.

Also says, this hand slapping law crap has got to stop. We are minus many innocent babies because they were murdered and erased out of the equation.
<snipped by me>

So, where were these people when little Koralynn Fister needed them?? :heartbeat:
:wave: :heartbeat:

Hi LcoastMom, It is so good to see you posting and thanking posters!!

You are so right concerning how fast mommy moved the "monster" in ...
more later ... I have to do a Skype with my son - which he says can't wait. :)

Thanks southernnnana, :seeya: not having wifi was killing me!

:wave: :heartbeat:

Hi LcoastMom, sorry about interrupting my post with you last night ... mother never knows when son says his call can't wait.

I thought you would appreciate this particular poster from the Comments section of the link below ... it is considered rumor technically.
1 week ago

Commentor says she is sorry for the mothers loss and Grandmother Rhonda too. Says Great Grandmother Dorothy briefly passed in camera's view near Rhonda's fainting. She seems so pained and lost for any answers for her daughter Rhonda. I know she wishes she could do somthing to make it all go away and bring that little one back to. I wish there was some magic that could make all the answers and somehow bring that little angle back to earth for the family.

She says the State doesn't execute Reeder, then God may as well incinerate the whole earth. Because our path is lost....

Says sick bast-urd needs to be executed in order to send a clear message! d. NO MORE!!!! State will need to prove Reeders guilt first. She feels it should be Death By Lethal Injection. Says it will show that Washington States Law is not soft in these matters of taking the beating heart away from a 2 year old baby.

Current Laws mean nothing to molesting Murder's. They should be:
1. Arrested by any force necessary.
2. Jailed with NO Bail and NO Chance of release PERIOD.
3. Only Death As Sentence if found Guilty.
4. One Appeal to be concluded within one month after sentencing.
5. Walla-Walla Death Row, and executed within one weeks arrival at that facility.
6. Cremated within the hour after sentence carried out, to be more than sure.

Says Gosh Damnit people have to stand up and rally / protest / march / write there Lawmakers about this.

Also says, this hand slapping law crap has got to stop. We are minus many innocent babies because they were murdered and erased out of the equation.
<snipped by me>

So, where were these people when little Koralynn Fister needed them?? :heartbeat:

I hope you had a good chat with your son! Always make time for our boys!

So I read that comment slowly and I have to tell you, the whole time I was thinking ''Where was this passion over the last two months when Koralynn was being abused?''

We all sadly know this was not an isolated incident. Where was Koralynn's family when her mother handed her over to a monster?

Your comment nailed it "Where were these people when little Koralynn needed them?"

I hate these cases. HATE. THEM. They are 100% preventable. Women, don't trust your babies to some guy you just met! Don't let your boyfriend babysit (even if he offers)! Don't put some male "in front" of your children, ever!! It's not rocket science.
Can I just say something here about strong women? This country has gone through a huge change in the last 60+ years (longer than that, really). The world has opened up for women and we can now be just about anything we want to be. There was a time when women didn't have a lot of say or choice in the manner in which their children were raised. Women and children were little better than a man's property. Ladies, those days are OVER. I really do not understand how in the world we still have so many spineless, mindless, needy women! They will put their own children on the line just to get or keep some man who more than likely treats them like crap anyway.

It is our RIGHT to be independant and strong and it is our DUTY to protect our children!! Any woman in this day and age who says she is not responsible for the abuse she allows her children to suffer at the hands of her man is a sorry excuse for a woman!

I get so angry and frustrated when I read these stories. If not for her mother's poor judgement, Koralynn would not have suffered and died!

Makes me want to punch someone!
Why is the egg donor still free?She brought this scum into her home,she left this with her little girl.IMO She is as responsible as he is.No way do I believe she knew nothing, I hope and pray they keep her other child from her.What a poor excuse for a mother she is,she never saw her daughter in pain or scared to be left with this .As far as the neighbor who heard horrible screams from this child how could she do nothing,a phone call might have saved this child's life. I know if it was me and I did nothing to help this child it would haunt me forever.WTF is wrong with people.
:steamed: :steamed:

I read these remarks tonight in an online edition of Lewis County Sirens.Com and realized I had not previously read some of them and would like to post them for others to read and comment on. I feel they directly relate to subjects we are interested in posting on. So, bear with me when there is material you have already read.

Updated at 11:37 p.m.[/B]
By Sharyn L. Decker
Lewis County Sirens news reporter

CHEHALIS &#8211; Koralynn Fister

Defense attorney Bob Schroeter said his client absolutely and positively denies the allegations and has no history of any felony.

The pathologist&#8217;s examination found four distinct areas of head trauma, according to the declaration. Lewis County Coroner Warren McLeod said earlier today Koralynn died from that and drowning.

The filed declaration of probable cause describes significant bruising, cuts, abrasions and other wounds found on the child&#8217;s body, some in more advanced stages of healing than others.

Among the injuries noted were palm-sized pieces of skin missing from her buttocks, caused according to forensic evaluation, by traumatic injuries inflicted upon the child.

The declaration also mentions missing skin on the top and bottom of a toe, but offers no specific explanation for how any wounds were inflicted

Prosecutor Meyer&#8217;s declaration says none of the injuries were noted when the mother and her two daughters went for well-child exams conducted in early April and that Reeder has been living with them about 10 weeks.

The prosecutor wrote that Reeder persuaded the mother about a month ago to divide up parenting duties and would insist when the mother left, she take the oldest daughter with her, leaving him time alone with the toddler.

A passage in the declaration includes Reeder telling police the bath began shortly after the mother and older child left the residence at about 12:30 p.m., and neighbors reporting it was around 3:15 p.m. when Reeder was beating on their door, holding the girl and yelling for help.

Defense attorney Schroeter asked for reasonable bail, pointed out to the judge a row of Reeder&#8217;s family members sitting in the back of the courtroom.

&#8220;Nobody is more distraught about this situation than Mr. Reeder,&#8221; Schroeter said. &#8220;All indications are one person took positive action on behalf of this child,&#8221; he said. &#8220;And that is Mr. Reeder.&#8221;

&#8220;All indications are one person took positive action on behalf of this child,&#8221; he said. &#8220;And that is Mr. Reeder.&#8221;
<snipped by me>

Where wereas the grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends of this girls mom and boyfriend?

I can't believe not one person thought this arrangement was strange and screams sexual abuse. IMO the mother looked the other way because this guy was supplying her drugs. Death penalty for BOTH. IMOO

The mother was keeping this child away from her father but handing her over to a brand new step-daddy who gave her baths while insisting on being alone with her??
In one report I read that he left her alone to get a towel and she had drowned when he returned. What did he have to go next door to get a towel from a neighbor? And another report that he stepped out to get something and she fell in the bathtub, hitting her head as she went down.

How did a slip and fall in the bath cause four distinct injuries to her head? Why did he leave her alone long enough for her to drown if he heard her fall and hit her head? His own statements say plenty. If his atty Schroeter believes that. “ person took positive action on behalf of this child,” he said. “And that is Mr. Reeder.” Mr Schroeter needs some parenting classes.

Thanks for keeping the discussion going southernnana; I stand by my belief that this was 100% preventable and Koralynn's mama holds a big chunk of responsibility in her baby's death. Knowing how these crimes effect LE I'd sure like for them to find someway to prove she was complacent so they can charge her with failure to protect (at the least), neglect, whatever it takes to make these young women stand up and take notice.
Some injuries in more advanced stages of healing than others and mom didn't want the bio dad to spend time with her after the scum bf moved in.

Imo, the mom knew. Imo, all mothers have knowledge when abuse is happening to their child whether they witness it or not. There are always red flags - injuries, behavior etc. Denial is so much easier for those that let it continue to happen - and they need to be charged along with the perpetrator. They are guilty of aiding and abetting the crime.

Flutterby80 said it best - we have a duty to protect our children!

The red flag for me was the remarks in my previous post concerning the "bath(s)." These remarks were given in a statement to LE that the child's "bath" began shortly after the mom and 4-yr old left at about 12:30 pm - and when he took the child over to the neighbor's yelling for help, it was approxiately 3:15 pm.

There is no doubt in my mind that once this monster started these "baths" is that it was a daily torture for that precious child!! :eek: Just drug mommy up and send her on her way!!

And, the row of Reeder relatives that the defense attorney pointed out to the judge in the courtroom, attempting to get a reasonable bail ... where were they and Becky's relatives in the past ten weeks????


Arraignment in Centralia toddler death put on hold
Thursday, June 7, 2012 at 2:53 pm
By Sharyn L. Decker

CHEHALIS – The Centralia man accused of torture and rape in the death of his girlfriend’s 2-year-old daughter was scheduled to make his plea in court today, but at the last minute his lawyer asked for a postponement.
Arcuri would only say after the brief hearing there are some important tasks an attorney needs to do before an arraignment can place.

For example, making sure the client understands the charges and is competent to stand trial, Arcuri said, noting those were only generic examples.

Prosecutor Jonathan Meyer, who is handling the case for his office, asked the judge to sign an order allowing the child’s body to be released from the coroner.

:rose: :rose:
What...are they going to do an IQ test so he can plead diminished capacity?! I hope not!!

What...are they going to do an IQ test so he can plead diminished capacity?! I hope not!!

I imagine the defense attorney will use any resources for his client that he can get the state to pay for. That's his job, poor soul!

He might also be getting a bit nervous as personal knowledge of information on court records and remarks of people from the community who know Reeder and his family are beginning to be made public. And, the public outcry for no mercy. :moo: :moo: :moo:

The defense team has access to details on court records that the public does not ... which is true of the 28 records in WA courts that are public court records online, in the names of James Maurice Reeder, James M. Reeder, and Jimmy Reeder.

James Maurice Reeder Sr, age 58, is the father of James Maurice Reeder Jr, age 30 - who is the child abuser/murder suspect in this case. Jr was called "Jimmy" by family. Both men are long-time residents of the area. Both men have history in the court records.

Birthdates are not available in Wa state for the public to view in online court records, thus it is not simple to determine by viewing records online which record is concerning which person. Date of incident and other parties involved on the records are about the only clues - and that is doable. Lots of cross-checking to be done if you are a "john q public viewing online."


A few remarks out of 134 Comments from link - to be considered rumors.

1 week ago
This commentor says sure this is the worst thing they have ever heard. Terrible. Says knew his ex wife whom was also abused by him. Only thing that matters now is the prosecution of this evil man. Says how could you do this Jimmy? Sick, disturbing and plain evil. I pray for the death penalty.

1 week ago
Commentor says how could a mother NOT attend a memorial for her murdered daughter?

1 week ago
Commentor says my sympathies to the father and his family. Says why isn't the "mother", if you can call her that, in jail as an accessory to this abuse and murder? There is no way this woman did not know this was going on. Says she hopes the other child is in protective custody. It is time to have only one sentence for child abuse, child neglect and child murder - it is called the death penalty.

1 week ago
Commentor says all she keep thinking about is where was the mother? Did this guy have priors? Says what is any woman thinking leaving a child that young for that long with a boyfriend?

2 weeks ago
This murdering monster has quite the (public) record which can be viewed after a search on his name at the Washington Courts online site.

Mom is complicit, needs to be charged as an accomplice. Mom is guilty by reason of intentional indifference, pleading ignorance is not acceptable excuse. She failed to protect her helpless daughter, giving the daughter over to the sick perverted @#%^^@#% she allowed into her home. She must have placed this child in a soundproof room so she would not have to listen to the screams of agony from this poor little sweetheaert who was her own flesh and blood. Either that or she found other ways to silence this poor little toddler who suffered so much.
So....what do we do? We have to try and DO something...posting about how sick we are of these "mothers" handing over their children (knowingly or just being lax in their duty to protect, doesn't matter has the same sad outcome) isn't going to change a thing.

It's time for a new law.....time for babies like Koralynn to be protected from the poor decisions of their drug/sex dependent "mothers". A new law that will let these poor excuses for women know that the " I didn't know" excuse was NOT going to be acceptable if their child dies at the hands of their live-ins. I'm sure someone will flame this post---".... Woman's rights...yada..yada...yada..." let me just say right now, "I dont care" if women want their rights to do whatever they want with whomever they want then Dont Have Children!! They need to come before ALL else. Enough is enough.

So, what do we do? If we care like we say we do, let's do something about it.
:rose: :rose:

I am posting two beautiful public Facebook links for little Koralynn Fister.

The first one is a memorial page. The second link has been used for seeking donations for littlle Koralynn's funeral. It was reported in a comment on that Facebook that the family has completed plans for little Koralynn's funeral and that it will be private.

There are numerous photographs, comments, and artwork on both pages. I read all of the comments. She was such a beautiful little girl.

The group of friends, family, and supporters have done a wonderful job in paying a tribute to this little child. They aren't stopping with the Facebook postings. They are in the planning stages of forming an organization for the prevention of child abuse in memory of Koralynn.


Funeral Donations

RIP baby girl ... as was said on the Facebook pages "Fly High with The Angels." :heartbeat:
Off topic for just one post. The seeker - glad you asked the question 'what do we do'? Have been formulating an idea for a few days.

Suggest a thread of do's and don'ts (mostly don'ts) for single moms meeting new bf's, compiled by posters at WS. You are correct that constantly posting how sick people are of the same abuse over and over again is not enough.

Such a thread will be useful for not only single moms, but their parents, extended family, friends and neighbors to be able to point to and say 'we are not the only ones that think you may be putting your child(ren) in harm's way.

Advice for single moms and new bf's does not require a million dollar study or someone with a million dollar education - simple, no nonsense life's experience of what common sense people know and live-by will do.

Further suggest a committee of 5 people be nominated to then create another thread of a final check-list of the do's and don'ts suggested in the first thread. The final check-list should be closed to posting and be a read only thread. It can be modified and added to as required.

I think it would prove most successful.

Thanks to Woodland for this meaningful post!! I would certainly participate.

:rose: :rose:

The group of friends, family, and supporters have done a wonderful job in paying a tribute to this little child. They aren't stopping with the Facebook postings. They are in the planning stages of forming an organization for the prevention of child abuse in memory of Koralynn.


Funeral Donations

RIP baby girl ... as was said on the Facebook pages "Fly High with The Angels." :heartbeat:

In reading the Facebook pages again this afternoon, I noticed the name of the organization supporters are in the planning stages of forming is referred to as the "Koralynn Help Stop Child Abuse Organization."
Off topic for just one post. The seeker - glad you asked the question 'what do we do'? Have been formulating an idea for a few days.

Suggest a thread of do's and don'ts (mostly don'ts) for single moms meeting new bf's, compiled by posters at WS. You are correct that constantly posting how sick people are of the same abuse over and over again is not enough.

Such a thread will be useful for not only single moms, but their parents, extended family, friends and neighbors to be able to point to and say 'we are not the only ones that think you may be putting your child(ren) in harm's way.

Advice for single moms and new bf's does not require a million dollar study or someone with a million dollar education - simple, no nonsense life's experience of what common sense people know and live-by will do.

Further suggest a committee of 5 people be nominated to then create another thread of a final check-list of the do's and don'ts suggested in the first thread. The final check-list should be closed to posting and be a read only thread. It can be modified and added to as required.

I think it would prove most successful.

Thanks for responding. I think that's a good thing to start with, what you suggested for sure. I think that it should be implemented in parenting classes as well, and counseling offices should have it on hand as well as clinics and hospitals.

I would actually like to see a new law formed regarding the no acceptance of the "I didn't know" excuse. It's their JOB to know. Korralynn's mom saw those injuries to her baby....but she chose to look the other way... "simple childhood injuries?" surely she isn't that stupid.
Woodland, where would we put the thread? I'll try and write some stuff down to contribute , although most of it is common sense. But so is being careful with hot coffee and they still have to print warnings for that.

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