WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #7

First, the person I talked to is an 11 year old schoolmate and friend of Lindsey. We'll call her Shel.

Shel has been told that Lindsey's sweatshirt jacket and a flipflop of hers was found, but not reported in the media.
snipped for space

Any idea who "told" her this?
Very interesting, cyberswept!

One thing that puzzles me, though. The thing about the flip-flops. The Amber Alert or missing alert or whatever it was and all the missing sites say Lindsey was wearing sneakers.

I don't know Steadfast, I asked her a couple of times if she meant flipflops and she said yes. Again, I don't know where she got the information. I only know she has been around people connected with the case.

I hesitated to report some of this information because it is secondhand, but felt that I would report it and let the community here disseminate it how they see fit. I felt it better to report it than withhold something that might be a real clue.
I think if they had actually been able to confirm the found items were Lindsey's, then the description would have been more definite instead of "grey or blue sweatshirt" and shoes instead of flipflops. JMO
OK That was worth staying awake for, Cyber!!!! Way to GO!!

I am quite excited about her jacket and flip flops! (Bridge!) This would coincide with the theory that she did make it almost to her house and was being chased and/or fought hard before the abduction. If that is the case then LE does have a crime scene which is great news. They should also have been able to find other evidence such as broken fingernails etc. If possible, Touch DNA testing could prove to be effective on her jacket.

Boy, 5 drunk driving arrests does sound like a familiar character! I bet that man would be walking now to buy beer. ;) I can't imagine him having a drivers license anymore, but I bet he still has a car.

I think it would be OK to discuss the threats made by the brother and witnessed by the person you talked to about them. (As long as we don't mention his name since he is a minor!) Every detail about the brother which could play into this case should be fine. Shel being afraid of him tells me a lot already. I would like to hear more!

Glad you did your Honeydos first, Cyber~ Better keep that lil Mrs. happy so she will let you hang out with us! LOL

Great job on talking to Shel. You got some excellent information to share and today has been a feast here!! We have truly got some of the best sleuths on WS!! Super Sleuths!! Woohoo!!! What a Sunday it has been!!
I'm putting myself back at age 11 and remember that was when the Manson murders occurred. Man, was I scared! My friends and I talked about it a lot. We had some of the facts mixed up - discovered that a decade later when I read Helter Skelter.

Did you ask where Shel heard the info?

Kimster I did ask her. She said that her friends, and friends of Lindsey, were keeping in touch by texting what they find out. So, I can't give you an actual name. I gathered that some information she gets from her parents. Her mother was raised here in McCleary and went to school here, so I am sure she knows a lot of people. Shel has been to both Lindsey's house and the house where Lindsey was trying to stay at overnight.
'gnite folks, you worked really hard to day. well done.
bring this baby home.
I don't know Steadfast, I asked her a couple of times if she meant flipflops and she said yes. Again, I don't know where she got the information. I only know she has been around people connected with the case.

I hesitated to report some of this information because it is secondhand, but felt that I would report it and let the community here disseminate it how they see fit. I felt it better to report it than withhold something that might be a real clue.
This is the second report we have gotten on her wearing shoes which could come off easily (KK). Why they put tennis shoes on the missing poster is beyond me? I guess it is possible her mom didn't notice what she was wearing and couldn't find her tennis shoes?

This is no different than JVK talking to M or Scandi talking to FV today. It is fine to report it if you are the person talking directly to them. :) You can feel free to report the whole conversation...at your discretion of course.
does sound strange because they should have found those the first day.

They did supposedly find the sweatshirt and flipflop early on. I just heard about it today though. Again, I am only reporting what an 11 year old has told me. Some of which may not be true, I won't dispute that.
I think if they had actually been able to confirm the found items were Lindsey's, then the description would have been more definite instead of "grey or blue sweatshirt" and shoes instead of flipflops. JMO
The description was put out most likely before they found the items. It is usually the very first thing they put out initially after the first interview with the parent or last person to see her. Many times it can be wrong, but since it is in the official report...they don't change it. They only can go by what her mother told them and the way she described the clothing.
This is the second report we have gotten on her wearing shoes which could come off easily (KK). Why they put tennis shoes on the missing poster is beyond me? I guess it is possible her mom didn't notice what she was wearing and couldn't find her tennis shoes? - snipped

They could also be the type of tennis shoes with no back - they just slip on. I think they're also called mules.

like these: http://www.jcpenney.com/products/aq/mule-tennis-shoes.jsp
The lady at the race place said "allen left a week ago" isn't that right? Awful close timing.

Yes, she said he was 'let go' about a week ago. It might have been a week ago, but I didn't get the feeling she was trying to be exact about it and even name a day or date. What mattered to her is they have been without a caretaker now for about a week and they have to find a new one. I have a feeling she is stepping up to the plate as she answered the phone.
I believe they were slip on type sneakers, maybe that could be considered flip-flop-ish

It could be that someone related it to her as flipflops when they mean slip-on-sneakers. My daughter has a pair of shoes that might be called flipflops, but it doesn't have the center piece that goes between the toes, she just slips her feet into the front of them. They have no back. Not sure what you would call those. Any of you ladies know what they might be called?
Can we move on to the threats? Were they directed towards Lindsey? Were they violent in nature?

I call my open backed/open toed shoes flip flops because my kids kept freaking when I called them "thongs". LOL Mules are one kind of open backed shoe tho.
It could be that someone related it to her as flipflops when they mean slip-on-sneakers. My daughter has a pair of shoes that might be called flipflops, but it doesn't have the center piece that goes between the toes, she just slips her feet into the front of them. They have no back. Not sure what you would call those. Any of you ladies know what they might be called?


like these:http://www.jcpenney.com/products/aq/mule-tennis-shoes.jsphttp://www.jcpenney.com/products/aq/mule-tennis-shoes.jsp
Ok guys, where to begin. First I am going to report what I was told today and how it came about. It's up to you as to whether you take it as hearsay or not. However, I believe this person for what that is worth.

My 5 year old was playing with the 5 year old next door today. His sister came over and was talking to my wife earlier and mentioned Lindsey's case. So later this evening I caught up with her and couldn't resist asking questions. Here are the details of what we talked about.

First, the person I talked to is an 11 year old schoolmate and friend of Lindsey. We'll call her Shel.

She confirmed that Lindsey goes to McCleary School with her and that she has gone there the whole time she has lived here.

Shel has been told that Lindsey's sweatshirt jacket and a flipflop of hers was found, but not reported in the media. They were not found together. The jacket was a little ways from the flipflop that was found in some bushes behind the shell station. From where the flipflop was found was just about in sight of Lindsey's home and they speculated that she was being chased and lost the flipflop while trying to hide from someone. The sweatshirt jacket may have come off during a schuffle. (My opinion).

So then I asked: Do they have any suspects? She said they had 1 local that is a person of interest. She didn't have a name, darn it. So then I asked if he was a SO. She said no, but he had been arrested for drunk driving 5 times. (Sound like anyone we know?)

I also asked her about the pool. Shel said the pool she was in that day was just a kiddy pool and they were all just playing and splashing. She has seen the pool. If that is the case, then chlorine would not have been an issue.

Lindsey's relationship with her father only started recently. She mentioned she hadn't seen her father in 10 years which would be pretty much her whole life. She mentioned she did get to see her father not too long ago, but whether he was here or she went there wasn't clear.

I asked if Lindsey ever talked about the ORV park, or riding motorcycles and she said she never mentioned it or knew of her being associated with that.

As of work being done off of tips, she said they have been searching peoples basements and searching the wooded areas around more. More like spot checking though. She mentioned that airplanes have been searching over the area too. Although I haven't heard but maybe one recently.

Shel has been over to Lindsey's before and gave me some interesting info on the Lindsey's brother, however, I don't know since he is a juvenile, what I can report here. She told me about his behavior and some of his threats that she has been witness too. She says the brother scares her.

She mentioned there have been reports that Lindsey was located. Once in some sewer and then another location, but they proved to be false. However, that could have triggered some LE activity and might explain some of that.

I wanted to ask her more, but felt I had gotten a lot from her and wanted to report to my websleuth friends.

WOW Cyber! I don't even know what to say yet!

Me neither Kimster. My jaw is on the floor!!

Thanks so much for your sleuthing Cyberswept. It is a veritable quandry of info we have taken in today, and learning there is a good possibility that even her zip up sweatshirt was found, plus a shoe is advancing the case for us up a big notch IMO. TA ;}

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