WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - # 6

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I have to think that if they truly believe that he may be in the park, after all of these days, they would close the park unless they believed that he was in the water. I could be way off here, but I know that if I thought that a missing child were in a park(who has been missing for 6 days and one I've already mentioned hope in finding alive was fading) I would close the park if I thought that they were going to find him in an area where people could be. Not only so that finding him wouldn't psychologically damage another child or a person that stumbled upon him on accident, but so that the crime scene would be preserved once found. Obviously with all of the dive related people, I would lean even further that way. Don't mothers usually dispose of children in the water close to home?

Maybe (just thinking) some of their tips have concerned seeing them at the park and they will be able to talk to people in the park at the same time? :twocents:

I personally still cannot get over leaving the kids home for over 12 hours alone during that mediation... Being the "clean obsessed" person she is I cannot imagine her letting them having free reign of the apartment while she was gone. Why didn't she leave them with her mother? Her friend? She seems to me to be very controlling.....

I wish she would just talk. This obviously is not about her child that is missing but all about her..... What a mess. An absolute. mess. :twocents:
I wonder if she passed by Marymoore park on her trip that day and that is why they are starting there first. She did take them on the route that day he went missing, we just don't know they route she took...MOO

Maybe they have pulled her ping reports for the last couple of weeks.
also: it is one thing not to consent to a polygraph but quite another to not sit down with LE who are looking for your missing child... I mean grab your attorney and go sit down and talk to LE Julia!

((sorry.. this case exasperates me))
Maybe (just thinking) some of their tips have concerned seeing them at the park and they will be able to talk to people in the park at the same time? :twocents:

I personally still cannot get over leaving the kids home for over 12 hours alone during that mediation... Being the "clean obsessed" person she is I cannot imagine her letting them having free reign of the apartment while she was gone. Why didn't she leave them with her mother? Her friend? She seems to me to be very controlling.....

I wish she would just talk. This obviously is not about her child that is missing but all about her..... What a mess. An absolute. mess. :twocents:

I don't know. But I agree with you for sure that this doesn't seem like just a routine "let's just take a look" grid search. There are an awful lot of people out there and an ambulance and everything just sitting there? No way they aren't at least expecting to find something. Just too many resources focused there for me to think they aree just taking a look. But you never know! They were all over Jay Blanchard Park in Caylee's case and there was nothing there.

One thing that does give me hope that Julia may not have considered is that there is a HUGE difference between Florida in June/July and Washington State in November and temperature plays a huge part in how fast...things break down, if you KWIM.
I wonder if they ever thought to ask M what Sky was dressed as for Halloween. Did Julia's family not see M and Sky on Halloween? I don't know how these people are, but both sets of grandparents want and expect to see my kids on Halloween. Pictures at the very least, but I have never been bold enough to not bring them over and try just pictures for fear that one set of GPs would be angry that they didn't get to see the kids themselves. If we knew that, we could narrow things down a little more on timeline if they went out.
The daughter wasn't an infant? She was 3, I think. That's a toddler not an infant and she was able to voice her discontent about having to go with dad. There is a reason in my opinion and it's not because mom brainwashed her.

Respectfully... On what is this opinion based?

Give me a couple weeks, tops, and I could train YOU to be terrified of this guy. With the right environmental surroundings and conditions I could do it in a day or less, and you are an adult.

I'd like to know why she was afraid of him. That tape was very disturbing to listen to. I couldn't even get half way through. The poor kid was in agony.

There is something seriously wrong here.

Yes there is, no question. One thing that we KNOW is seriously wrong is that the kid being recorded is in the custody and power of a seriously dangerous lunatic who happens to be trying her crazy best to scare this kid.
When I do have to go to Bellevue I always take back roads, I don't like driving over the floating bridge... Really I do this anywhere I go here. It seems to be faster to take side roads at 25/30 with hardly any lights, stop signs or traffic. Also safer, IMO

I wonder if she took back roads too. It would explain why she was on a back road too..


FWIW, I do believe *advertiser censored**** is a child (a cousin perhaps). He looks to be about 4 years older - ish?


"Julia: “I love you and I want you but you are going to have to go with daddy. It’s not that I don’t want you, do you understand? It’s not that I don’t want you, I need you but you’re going to have to go with daddy.”

Not once does she say "It's OK, M****. Mommy will see you soon/tomorrow/in a couple of days" It sure does sound like she has planted the thought in this little girl's mind that her Daddy is trying to take her away from Mommy forever.

ETA: This is the first I've read this. I couldn't listen to the recording for more than a couple of minutes because, like someone else said, I was almost afraid a neighbour would call the police.
I agree. I'm betting they have ping reports that specifically place her at the park or near the water.

At some point. She didn't take her phone that day (that we know of), but it was an iPhone and capable of GPS.

The surveillance videos at the apartment complex (and other videos elsewhere) are going to be what ties things together IMO.
Maybe they have pulled her ping reports for the last couple of weeks.

I'm sure the pings from a couple of weeks prior would be much more useful than the day he was reported missing. I get the feeling LE is on the right track.

this doesn't seem to be a "let's just take a look" grid search to me.... jmhoo

Agree, something led LE to this park. Perhaps she went there with the children on a regular basis or knows the layout of the park well. If she did dispose of Sky 's body somewhere, I seriously doubt she was digging in the earth to bury him. Therefore I am slightly skeptical that he'll be found in the park unless she knows of a very good hiding place where no one else could find him, without getting herself dirty.

At some point. She didn't take her phone that day (that we know of), but it was an iPhone and capable of GPS.

The surveillance videos at the apartment complex (and other videos elsewhere) are going to be what ties things together IMO.

I don't even take Sunday into consideration. I don't believe that he was in the car that morning. I am thinking that she has gone by there more than once. And I totally agree about video. I wonder if they pulled video from the park, if they have it. I know that all of the parks in my area that you have to drive into have surveillance cameras at the entrance.
At some point. She didn't take her phone that day (that we know of), but it was an iPhone and capable of GPS.

The surveillance videos at the apartment complex (and other videos elsewhere) are going to be what ties things together IMO.

And if she left the phone at home the day she claims he was allegedly taken from the car, who knows what other times she may have left it behind. The cell phone records/pings may not mean anything in this case.

When I do have to go to Bellevue I always take back roads, I don't like driving over the floating bridge... Really I do this anywhere I go here. It seems to be faster to take side roads at 25/30 with hardly any lights, stop signs or traffic. Also safer, IMO

I wonder if she took back roads too. It would explain why she was on a back road too..


Actually in her case, taking those back roads would make the location of the car even wonkier. She was on the other side of 405.

"Julia: “I love you and I want you but you are going to have to go with daddy. It’s not that I don’t want you, do you understand? It’s not that I don’t want you, I need you but you’re going to have to go with daddy.”

Not once does she say "It's OK, M****. Mommy will see you soon/tomorrow/in a couple of days" It sure does sound like she has planted the thought in this little girl's mind that her Daddy is trying to take her away from Mommy forever.

ETA: This is the first I've read this. I couldn't listen to the recording for more than a couple of minutes because, like someone else said, I was almost afraid a neighbour would call the police.


she knew she was recording this conversation... makes me puke
Search for toddler expands to Marymoor Park, father distributes flyers
At a press conference on Saturday, police did not say what led them to search the park
Metalwala said he had just heard about the Marymoor Park search and said that later on Satruday there may be a search near the children's grandmother's house in Issaquah.

My saddness matches the rainy weather today,bless all those searchers out there.
In addition to the things that others have mentioned to consider, I think that it is very telling that after going through all of this and dealing with the last year to keep the kids away from their father, when this all went down she didn't bother to show up in court (I believe the excuse was that she wanted to avoid the media, but not totally sure now) to try to get back custody of her daughter, herself. And her side SUPPORTED dad getting the daughter so that she wouldn't be with strangers.

As I have mentioned before, my daughter's father is a stone cold sociopath. I have no problems with him seeing her for supervised visits and encourage him to spend time with her, which he does not do of his own accord. But if something were to happen to me, considering my strong belief that something could happen to her so that he could stop paying child support, I would still fight tooth and nail that she be with strangers, if my abuse allegations were true or something I really believed. Being in the situation that I am in gives me an opportunity to look at this through her eyes and the fact that she was okay with M going with Dad after everything they have been through (supposedly) I lost all faith in mom's abuse stories as soon as I heard that. I am not saying he is a saint, but apparently, he is safe enough to send her other child with...all of this considering that she also feels that leaving these kids alone is a safe thing to do as well. I think in the end we are going to find out that mom is just nuts.

I agree that she is just nuts, BUT... there has to be some reason why he has not seen those kids in almost a year. I must have missed something somewhere, because I have not seen an explanation for that. I am having problems keeping up with the details as I'm not on here all day, but this is just not making sense to me. Did the courts refuse him visitation or what?

That aside, I am not seeing the logic in slamming her for leaving this child alone in the car when the father was guilty of the same thing when the boy was 3 months old. Except of course, the baby didn't come up missing that time. But he very easily could have, and just the fact he didn't does NOT absolve either one of them for doing such a stupid thing... JMO, of course.

Several years ago I pulled up beside a car in the lot at our local grocery store. I live in a pretty small town. There was a baby in a car seat in the back seat. I sat there for a few minutes, not sure why, I guess just to see if somebody had just run into the store for a second. Just when I was getting ready to go inside and report it to the manager so they could call the police, the mom (I assume she was the mom) came out carrying a sack of stuff and got in the car and drove off. I wanted to yell at her but I didn't. You think your kids are safe in a small town where everybody knows everybody else, but they're not. She was VERY LUCKY!!

I don't know what happened to Sky, but these cases are getting to me and nothing is making sense anymore. Thank you for replying to me in such a respectful manner, I appreciate it.
Search for toddler expands to Marymoor Park, father distributes flyers
At a press conference on Saturday, police did not say what led them to search the park
Metalwala said he had just heard about the Marymoor Park search and said that later on Satruday there may be a search near the children's grandmother's house in Issaquah.

My saddness matches the rainy weather today,bless all those searchers out there.
issaquah (general location) on map

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