We the Jury! Deliberations

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Christine Cornell (sketch artist) on IS. Stated she felt the Jurors dressed alike to send a message. Message being hey we are here. Stop ignoring us. Words to that effect.

my opinion still is that I think it's very unprofessional.

I wouldn't agree to it if I was on that Jury.
Kara Oko ‏@KaraOko
The jury is asking for #DrewPeterson and Stacy Peterson's phone records, as well as Harry Smith's and Neil Schori's testimony.
Brodsky should be paying more attention to the deliberations than pontificating to the press!

I don't know how much I can take of his discussions of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution.

:floorlaugh: He can't help himself.
Oh praise God! They are taking what Stacy said as being serious!
Kara Oko ‏@KaraOko
The jury is asking for #DrewPeterson and Stacy Peterson's phone records, as well as Harry Smith's and Neil Schori's testimony.

very good!!!!
Their thinking which is good.
missing... The murder of Kathleen Savio was glossed over because of incompetent and/or corrupt police that didn't follow protocol and collect info at the scene.
There were a couple of high profile missing person cases in Will County at the same time that Stacy went "missing".... Stacy Peterson and Lisa Stebic (who is still missing and her husband remains a person of interest)
I think that the "peterson" factor had very little to do with the spot-light on this case.....Stacy went missing and that received similar exposure as other missing person cases do, but Stacy's "disappearance" brought about more info about Kathleen Savio.
I would be interested to know at what point after Stacy went missing that Rev. Schori stepped forth. We know that Kathleen's sister came forth pretty quickly because she always thought Kathleen had been murdered.
This case has me wondering how many other murder cases have been classified as an accident and never investigated. I hope that this will tighten up procedures of investigation across the board.

The DT do have ugly accents....it isn't a Chicago accent though. They just sound like lowbrow thugs.

That's a good question. To be honest I haven't followed it close enough to have an informed opinion. I do enjoy his attorneys news conferences because they are amusing and make me thank God that I don't have that awful, awful accent they do...

I think he's a and shady; but I honestly don't think we'd ever have heard about this case if the last name wasn't Peterson and Stacy didn't disappear while the Scott Peterson case was still fresh in our minds..

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@Stacy St. Clair: #drewpeterson jury asks two questions: wants DP's phone records for weekend of savio death and Neil Schori testimony.

Not at all good for DP. They are making sure everything lines up as far as Schori's testimony about how SP tried to call DP the morning/night of KS'S death, IMO
Craig Wall ‏@craigrwall
Schori and Smith were perhaps the most critical witnesses for prosecutors. Both hearsay statements from Stacy in #DrewPeterson trial
Not at all good for DP. They are making sure everything lines up as far as Schori's testimony about how SP tried to call DP the morning/night of KS'S death, IMO

yep, just double checking here is all their doing.
Not at all good for DP. They are making sure everything lines up as far as Schori's testimony about how SP tried to call DP the morning/night of KS'S death, IMO

That doesn't look good for the defense. It looks like the jury have decided pretty quickly that this wasn't an accidental death.
In Session Glasgow is now back in the courtroom. Everybody seems to just be waiting for Judge Burmila.


LOL, if someone would take the magazines out of the Judges little chamber room, he might could show up a bit quicker, don't you think?
Stacy St. Clair ‏@StacyStClair
#drewpeterson judge will not give jury transcript of Smith or Schori testimony.

In Session Judge Burmila takes the bench. He notes that he’s received two questions from the jury. The first, at 11:10 CT, asked, “Can we have Drew Peterson’s phone records (2/28-3/31), and Neil Schori’s testimony?” The second question, from 11:15 CT, asks for Stacy Peterson’s phone records (2/28-3/3) and Harry Smith’s testimony. Judge: “The case law is crystal clear: I can’t give them the transcript . . . transcripts, if they are made available, are going to be read to the jury.”
That doesn't look good for the defense. It looks like the jury have decided pretty quickly that this wasn't an accidental death.

agree, or they have one or two on the limb and their getting something to help those on the limb.
Sounds like the jurors don't believe Kathleen slipped and fell.

1 Can we have DP's phone records from the weekend that KS died through March 1
Pastor Schori's testimony

2. Stacy's phone recordds through March 3
Harry Smith's testimony

(transcripts, if available, will be read to the jury)
Beth Karas: The jury wants the phone records from 2/28 through end of March on DP and SP records for time frame of 2/28 through 3/1.

Bye, DP.
Per Beth K. Jury has a question. No info on what.

The jury wants phone Drew Peterson phone records, Stacy Peterson's records for the same weekend that Kathleen was killed, and they want Harry Smiths testimony
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