What Do You Think Right Now?

What Do You Think is Caylee's Status?

  • Caylee is with Zenaida, her long-time babysitter, and is fine.

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • Caylee is with Zenaida, her long-time babysitter, and is in danger.

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • Caylee is with unknown persons and is fine.

    Votes: 4 0.7%
  • Caylee is with unknown persons and is in great danger.

    Votes: 4 0.7%
  • Caylee is with friends of Casey and is fine.

    Votes: 11 2.0%
  • Caylee is with known friends of Casey and is in danger.

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • Caylee has been killed by Zenaida.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Caylee has been killed by unknown persons.

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • Caylee has been killed by Casey, and no family or friends know about it.

    Votes: 184 32.9%
  • Caylee has been killed by Casey, and her whole family knows it.

    Votes: 100 17.9%
  • Caylee has been killed by Casey, and at least one family member knows it.

    Votes: 198 35.4%
  • Caylee has been killed by Casey, and one or more friends know it.

    Votes: 42 7.5%
  • Caylee has been killed by a known friend of Casey's.

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • Caylee has been killed by a family member of Casey's.

    Votes: 6 1.1%

  • Total voters
I don't think Cindy knows in the sense of being a partner in crime, but I do think she knows in her heart. And I think that Casey may have said one or more things to her that have confirmed it for her in her own mind, whether she can admit it to herself or not.

Seeing the room and how obviously loved that little girl was by her grandparents breaks my heart. I cannot imagine how you wrap your brain around the idea that you raised a murderer.
I believe Caylee was killed by Casey, possibly accidentally, and no one but Casey knows this.
I think she killed Caylee but I do not think the family knows. I thik that they may supect it in the back of there head but can not bring themselves to believe because they loved her soo much!!


that's my assumption also....and if they are realizing it they won't be admitting it publicly.
Wow, I would love to hear from the 5 (so far) who think that Caylee is fine. What makes you believe that? I would love to believe that, and wish you could convince me.

Is it positive thinking or is there some evidence that swayed you to that belief? Or do you just think "innocent until proven guilty" so you are choosing to believe Casey until we know more?

I am not bashing you. I really would be thrilled for someone to give me one tiny bit of hope to cling to. Right now I cannot find any, and it hurts my heart.

I voted that I think Caylee is fine. Why? I have been following this story closely over the past few weeks. I have also read a good bit of other's ideas on this site (you guys are great!).

Last night, GP said that Casey was the one who stole the gas cans, that he saw them in the trunk of her car on the 24th. There must not have been a "dead body" smell in the car on the 24th or he would have noticed. Now, could Casey have been SO dumb, to have left such clear evidence (shed break-in), if she was going to use the gas to get rid of Caylee's body? Maybe, but why not just buy gas (she reportedly had GM's credit cards). Or, maybe she was running out of money on the ccs, had no money and needed gas for her car?

Saw GM on another show this morning (gotta figure out what it was and post it - M&L or something like that), and the reporter asked her to "speak" to the person who had Casey. GM said something that alluded to the fact that the person who took Caylee, took her to punish Casey. She said just bring her back - she's confused and scared. Just drop her off someplace anonymously or make up a story, so you can get the reward money. Not once, did she say, don't hurt her...

So, at least this is what GM believes (I really do think she is being honest about what she believes). Either Casey told her this on the night Caylee was reported missing, or she told GM during the Sunday visit.

I find it odd that they have not release the video of GP's visit with Casey (just maybe she gave real details about who has Casey and the police don't want that out in the public). Then, Cindy canceled her visit yesterday for the sole reason (she said) that she didn't want to put Caylee in danger, because the video could be released to the public.

Then, yesterday, the police have the preliminary reports back on the the spot in the trunk (but aren't releasing, yet). And, they formally charged her only with the child neglect and giving false information, but no homicide or murder.

So, maybe someone did take Caylee to punish Casey for something? If she was involved with gangs, this is entirely possible. Maybe Casey was hoping the person would give her back or was just in denial? Maybe she was trying to "right the wrong" for whatever made a person take Caylee?

Sorry for the long post, but this is my random thought pattern. Or, maybe it's wishful thinking cuz I just want that little darling to be ok.

Looking forward to your thoughts!
Daisy 7, I may be wrong and if I am can someone please correct me, but I believe the car that had the dead body odor was the parents' vehicle and Casey had her own vehicle.

I too believe that Casey killed her beautiful little daughter. I don't think it was an accident though. I believe if it was she would have reported the death. She is covering up more than an accidental death. I don't think the grandparents know for sure but I think they do in their hearts. I am wondering why the grandparents are believing Casey's ridiculous stories about the family being in harm if she tells who has her. That is yet another contradiction to her original story that the nanny took her. This entire situation has been one contradiction after another all created by Casey. Unfortunately, I think Casey is a mental train wreck and has lost all connection to reality. She is a very sick young lady. My opinion.
I wish she was alive- but I believe she is dead. I think Lee and GM know or suspect this. Frankly this case has me so angry at this dysfunctional family that I could scream.. For God's sake the FBI specializes in kidnappings- why not talk the them if this child was really kidnapped. This family couldn't find their way out of a closet let alone have their own investigation. Oh, has anyone in the family heard of a SWAT TEAM???:furious::furious::furious:
The comment from George about Casey always having a second car key in her pocket in case she locks Caylee (& her purse) inside the car while loading packages really got me thinking that Casey left Caylee unattended in the car while shopping. IMO she tried to bury Caylee at the GP's house & then elsewhere. All along willing to blame others.
I voted for accidental death but I suppose that there is a slim possiblity that, idiot that she is, is that Casey could have left her child alone somewhere and she doesn't want her family to know how she was lost.
I think Cayley is no longer alive...I hope I'm wrong, though. It's too bizarre too believe otherwise, and the bottom line is the cadaver dogs hit on the trunk and backyard...I'm sorry, but they don't HIT on PIZZA
What about accidental death? I think Cayle is no longer with us, but I believe it was accidental.

Accidental homicide maybe - but still at the hands of a neglectful Casey. That's my gut feeling anyway. I don't think that Casey set out to kill Caylee, but I do think something happened and that Casey is afraid to tell the truth about it.
Cindy said last night on LKL, when Larry asked Cindy: "are you convinced your granddaughter is alive?" Cindy responds: I am "absolutely" 100% convinced she is alive, OR was alive when Casey gave her to the person she gave her too!

Very interesting statement ....

Not really interesting OR 'new' at all....

Casey & then her family have been claiming all along.... Caylee was left with some non-existent person & so poor lying Casey is just a victim.

Why should Casey ever tell the truth... her family seems quite comfortable believing her IDIOTIC & ILLOGICAL lies? Or at least they're happy pretending they believe her & in this case THAT'S preventing anyone from convincing her to tell the truth.

Casey lies to everyone. Casey's family lies to themselves.

I think Caylee died either by accident OR because Casey killed her... Casey dumped her body somewhere. Nobody had a clue. Casey spent the next weeks enjoying life now that she didn't have any adult responsibilities slowing her down.

I don't believe her family or friends were involved in Caylee's death in any way.
I voted for Caylee has been killed by Casey and the whole family knows it. I don't think they knew about it when it happened, but now after the cryptic conversations and all of the lies Casey has told, how could they think otherwise.
If links dont work checkout http://www.myspace.com/southernseedz
This is the contact for the DBC posting on craigslist. In pics at Fusian were shirts with DBC. Also in a fusian pic is casey signaling m13 in a pic? I think the page is done by the same person as under friends "Mrmann", also the profile "Pro" http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=687570 that has the quote "Im the boy that burned your baby" the other guy in the pic looks like friend "blackshades" who has a second myspace profile in the "blackshades" friends list "franz". His pics include gang signs, drugs, guns. Is his hand signal also m13, similar to caseys in pic at club?

I think she was involved in drug smuggling maybe with the m13, she is giving a what looks like m13 hand signal in pic at fusion and profile with all the guns has same sign. These people are connected to the DBC pr company and now with the cans being so important, that profile with "im the boy who killed your baby" is really creepy".

1.Craigslist Posting

"What up Rock Bands of all kinds I'm Dru with D.B.C Entertainment
and our current project is putting together a few local bands every
week to play LIVE in front of a large Fusian audience if interested
contact Drew Heyman @ DBCentertainment@gmail.com
or www.myspace.com/scoobydru
Drew Heyman (954)993-1400 for further info."
2.This is a friend of Caseys.


"I am the boy that set your girl on fire"
21 years old
Winter Park, FLORIDA
United States
3.I believe these are the same people:
http://www.myspace.com/southernseedz (white guy in pic)
4.I think the black guy in the southernseedz pic is this guy with 2 profiles

Look at all these guns and drugs!!!
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but since I am not.
yes I think she accidently died while Casey partied and left her in the hot car,and if she was still in diapers and not potty trained,Casey really seems to be the kind who would hate changing dirty diapers.

or teaching her potty manners.
that ticks a lot of parents off really sad but it does..
Sadly I believe that Caylee is no longer with us and I believe she died accidently while in Casey's care. I don't think the grandparents knew it in the beginning but I don't understand how they can't see it now.
MIMI2, I agree. I think Casey killed Caylee, most likely accidentally. I think when the Anthony family called LE, they had no idea that Caylee was dead but, with all the lies Casey has told and the way she refuses to cooperate, they have figured out the truth by now. They know their granddaughter isn't coming back but are having a difficult time accepting it. But they don't want Casey to go to jail so they're creating all this confusion with different stories that will hopefully land the truth.
I think I should have spent more time on listening to the 3rd 911 call. I've heard it 50 times but I never really listened to it until something was brought to my attention today.

It's a good lesson about hearing and listening. And the difference.
LE has Casey in hand, they have her in jail and so they don't have to worry about her custody. They are able to hear all of her conversations whether in person or by phone. I wonder if she is the only one involved? Is it possible the LE are looking for evidence that will point to an accomplice? Her "friends" have been awful quiet all this time. Is Casey able to pull something off all on her own?
Sadly I believe that Caylee is no longer with us and I believe she died accidently while in Casey's care. I don't think the grandparents knew it in the beginning but I don't understand how they can't see it now.

They are still in the denial stage of grieving. When they know they will break down big time.​

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