Whoa! Meter Reader gave tip on August 13th!

What's your gut reaction?

  • Meter Reader called in tips, then went searching on his own.

    Votes: 441 89.8%
  • Meter Reader is the one who killed Caylee.

    Votes: 3 0.6%
  • Meter Reader is related to an accomplice.

    Votes: 37 7.5%
  • Meter Reader is Casey's accomplice.

    Votes: 10 2.0%

  • Total voters
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More info coming from Headline News:

Capt Nieves said that the meter reader is credible, is a concerned citizen and if I heard correctly- that the tip he called in on the 13th was about a bag on the side of the road. Now Capt Nieves has to get with the deputy to see what came of that because a deputy met the meter reader.

Nieves says this meter reader reported a bag on the SIDE of the road on August 11th. He met with a deputy on the 13th at the site. I say heck no, the meter reader is credible. The cops made a huge mistake.
I am beginning to dislike OSCO. 3 calls on consecutive days and NOBODY went to look?
The are also saying that maybe he wasnt in the woods to "relieve himself" but following up on his own info.

Where in the world did they come up with this thing about him weeing in the woods?

is there anybody else here other than me, that thought right from the beginning that there was something a little weird about this "meter reader's" story. I mean, I know these things do happen, but it's one in a million that somebody would stop to relieve themselves and just come across this bag with a skull in it, so close to the Anthony's house. I always thought there was more to this story...if he's a meter reader, then I wonder if he was the Anthony's meter reader???

And to me additionally strange that he called not once but 3 times in August (urgency) and then nothing until December?! :confused:
is there anybody else here other than me, that thought right from the beginning that there was something a little weird about this "meter reader's" story. I mean, I know these things do happen, but it's one in a million that somebody would stop to relieve themselves and just come across this bag with a skull in it, so close to the Anthony's house. I always thought there was more to this story...if he's a meter reader, then I wonder if he was the Anthony's meter reader???

I do not agree that the meter reader is suspicious.
Totally bizzare...

Why lie about going to the bathroom in the woods as apposed to searching?

I want to know exactly what his "tip" was in August, was it the exact same area...

Remember the 5 police reports filed in to Nov doc dump (turned out unrelated) - they kept those on file, why not this "tip" back in August?

Voted #1
I want to know what tips had the meter reader giving LE back in August. Does anyone knows?
If this is fact, it is disturbing beyond comprehension. There is absolutely no reason that this should have been overlooked on *any* level. This is a nightmare for all LE involved in this case. However, if this is truth, LE brought it on themselves.

That's a very very common last name, like Smith or Jones. I have two working at my company with that last name and they are not related at all.

This poor guy - he calls in this info, and waits and waits and waits...finally it sounds like he did the work thing just so he could finally get her the attention she needed. I hope he gets lots of therapy, that would just mindeff me that I knew this info and the authorities either blew me off or didn't take me seriously or DIDN'T DO THEIR JOB!
is there anybody else here other than me, that thought right from the beginning that there was something a little weird about this "meter reader's" story. I mean, I know these things do happen, but it's one in a million that somebody would stop to relieve themselves and just come across this bag with a skull in it, so close to the Anthony's house. I always thought there was more to this story...if he's a meter reader, then I wonder if he was the Anthony's meter reader???

Yes, it struck me as weird. I know of no guy who would poke a stick at a bag he just wizzed on. Go, do your business, then run back, or light up and walk back- not git excited about what was dumped there. I'm sure there's lots of trash around this teen hangout.

Meter man didnt kill caylee. meter man was not a friend of KC's. Meter man was focused on caylee.
Why would anyone on team kc want the body to be found?

I want to know what he saw that made him so sure that that was where caylees remains were.
And why have we never heard aboout this tip from LE until now?
He did the right thing in calling the tipline, and not going to the media. sadly if he hadve done just that then maybe LE would have been more thorough when they went to search, instead of clearing it so quickly.
Am very glad to see the cap is looking into how it was handled and an investigation is underway.(into le- not mr meter man)

The whole thing has my head spinning once again.
Poor caylee could have been brought home to rest back in august.
I understand people make mistakes but the price of this one is just HUGE.
I don't know. Now they are saying the meter reader was off-duty. Well, what about the 9-1-1 call where the supervisor said that he'll be waiting for the Sheriff in a "white Colorado with OC decal on the side?"

How did the guy end up telling his supervisor to call 9-1-1? If he was out there looking, surely he'd have a cell phone with him? Was it just a big ol coincidence that he went looking on his own and then ran into his co-workers and asked his boss to call 9-1-1?

If he is lying so he can get the reward, then he could be lying about other things...

I don't know. Now they are saying the meter reader was off-duty. Well, what about the 9-1-1 call where the supervisor said that he'll be waiting for the Sheriff in a "white Colorado with OC decal on the side?"

How did the guy end up telling his supervisor to call 9-1-1? If he was out there looking, surely he'd have a cell phone with him? Was it just a big ol coincidence that he went looking on his own and then ran into his co-workers and asked his boss to call 9-1-1?

If he is lying so he can get the reward, then he could be lying about other things...


bolded by me.

So fat the majority of you believe the meter reader is an innocent amateur detective.

I need to know what his tips were on the 11th, 12th, 13th. Also, I need to know how the police found out this connection? Did he volunteer it on the spot or is this something that was uncovered?

Confused. He saw a bag on the side of the road there in August. Who moved the damn bag?
this is my first reaction, could change as more info comes out. After being rebuffed three times, the rain comes and makes the area unfit to search. He could have come back everyday to check water level or once a week. Finally the water is down and and decides to go check for himself one more time.

I don't think the I just ducked into the woods to take a leak story is the truth anymore. Was he dispatched to this area to read the meters or was he out of his area? Not that that is a crime, but curious to know if this is his normal territory.
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