Why didn't Casey flee? **REVISIT OLD THREAD**

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I had a similar question almost two months ago but at that time news was breaking daily so it wasn't as important.
But now, thinking on this for a couple months I still don't understand.....

There were several times from the time Cindy showed up at AL's place that Casey could have bolted.

In the car, leaving AL's place I'm sure there were traffic signals, stop signs etc where Casey could have just jumped out of the car and refused to get back in. Casey is of age....not much Cindy could have done to make Casey get back in the car.

Again after dropping off AH. Mother and daughter were driving and I'm sure there were instances where the car was stopped at a light that Casey could have gotten out of the car.

Again, after they arrived home and even with Lee there, I'm sure Casey could have just said "I don't have to deal with this", grabbed her backpack and walked out the front door.

So many instances where Casey didn't HAVE to be there. There would have been nothing against the law about her walking out of her own house because she didn't want to hear her mother and brother "nag" her.

For all the strange things that have happened in this case, I have eleventy-two theories for each one.
But this one? Having so many opportunities to bolt, why didn't she? I just can't make sense or come up with any plausible theories for this one.

And go where? After this broke, no one would have her. She's radioactive.
100% correct - she would have needed another enabler and
there wasnt one lined up yet - the marine was being groomed but
apparently he wasnt taking the bait and TonE was not a sure thing
either - the attachment was largely in Casey's mind . She wanted
him but he seemed to be lukewarm at best .
Casey needed mommy and because she was dependent upon her
she hated her for her own dependence.....

Casey will adapt and do just fine in jail - she wont have to worry about any of the responsibilities of real life and can occupy her time with adoring pen pals and a fanasty life of winning appeals and over turned verdicts.

She may end up RUNNING the place!
I still think Casey didn't flee because she didn't have enough money. Casey kept the car as long as possible and only ditched it after Cindy and George got their economic stimulus checks and deposited them. I believe Casey could have been hanging around the house almost daily watching the mail and trying to steal those and had been trying to come up with a con saying that someone took Caylee and was demanding a ransom. Cindy refused to fall for it and screwed the whole plan up. Just a theory.
IMO – Casey is too tightly bound to her environment, her family, her friends and what she believes to be her “fan club” – to ever leave the state of Florida and travel all the way to California. IIRC – she is not a big fan of flying and I would find it difficult to believe that she would have the courage to make the journey solo. According to all of the phone records and pings – she barely traveled within a 12 mile radius of home. I believe that the man in California was for amusement purposes only (or another avenue to escape her reality) and just another jewel on Casey’s self-imposed crown. After all – we all know how much she likes attention and her “It’s all about me” mentality.

I would have to agree though with a few other posters – I would not put it past her to get this guy to cough up the air-line fare money and then suddenly disappear from his life. This theory seems a bit far fetched though as most airlines will allow you to purchase airline tickets on behalf of others so the transaction would take place directly between the airlines and the person booking the travel. No exchange of cash necessary.

Why did Casey choose to stay rather than flee ??? My primary belief is mentioned in the first paragraph but secondly - Casey is so caught up in her own lies, web of deception and belief that she can get away with anything – she really felt that there was no reason to leave. Look how much she has been able to get away with thus far. Has anyone held her accountable for anything??? NO. Even her own parents (and this just makes me sick beyond words) know that she murdered Caylee. George knew the moment the car unleashed the overwhelming scent of death into his face that something had happened to his grand-daughter. My God – he had to drive that car home!!!! They have had their daughter under their roof for the past how many days ??? And what have they done to bring the truth forward ???? NOTHING! Instead, they have chosen to cover up (once again) the mess that their daughter has made. Remember the statements that Casey made when her mother was calling the police to have her arrested. She was egging her on – to see if she would really do it.

And let me ask all of you this - Who do you know that will actually drive in a car with law enforcement, enter an office building at Universal Studios and walk these gentlemen through the hallways as if you work there – only to stop them and admit that it is a lie? Then proceed to sit with them in a conference room for a few hours spilling nothing but deception from her lips. Casey believes that she is beyond the touch of justice!!!

My fervent prayer is that the truth will present itself and precious Caylee can be put to rest. And in no un-certain terms should Casey Anthony feel that she will get away with this. For my friend – she will one day stand before the ONE that will hold the ultimate judgment and Casey will spend eternity in an abyss of hell and forever separation from all that she has known……and we all know how much she does not like to be alone!!!!
Colce171, you are right on. Kudo's to you.
IMO – Casey is too tightly bound to her environment, her family, her friends and what she believes to be her “fan club” – to ever leave the state of Florida and travel all the way to California. IIRC – she is not a big fan of flying and I would find it difficult to believe that she would have the courage to make the journey solo. According to all of the phone records and pings – she barely traveled within a 12 mile radius of home. I believe that the man in California was for amusement purposes only (or another avenue to escape her reality) and just another jewel on Casey’s self-imposed crown. After all – we all know how much she likes attention and her “It’s all about me” mentality.

I would have to agree though with a few other posters – I would not put it past her to get this guy to cough up the air-line fare money and then suddenly disappear from his life. This theory seems a bit far fetched though as most airlines will allow you to purchase airline tickets on behalf of others so the transaction would take place directly between the airlines and the person booking the travel. No exchange of cash necessary.

Why did Casey choose to stay rather than flee ??? My primary belief is mentioned in the first paragraph but secondly - Casey is so caught up in her own lies, web of deception and belief that she can get away with anything – she really felt that there was no reason to leave. Look how much she has been able to get away with thus far. Has anyone held her accountable for anything??? NO. Even her own parents (and this just makes me sick beyond words) know that she murdered Caylee. George knew the moment the car unleashed the overwhelming scent of death into his face that something had happened to his grand-daughter. My God – he had to drive that car home!!!! They have had their daughter under their roof for the past how many days ??? And what have they done to bring the truth forward ???? NOTHING! Instead, they have chosen to cover up (once again) the mess that their daughter has made. Remember the statements that Casey made when her mother was calling the police to have her arrested. She was egging her on – to see if she would really do it.

And let me ask all of you this - Who do you know that will actually drive in a car with law enforcement, enter an office building at Universal Studios and walk these gentlemen through the hallways as if you work there – only to stop them and admit that it is a lie? Then proceed to sit with them in a conference room for a few hours spilling nothing but deception from her lips. Casey believes that she is beyond the touch of justice!!!

My fervent prayer is that the truth will present itself and precious Caylee can be put to rest. And in no un-certain terms should Casey Anthony feel that she will get away with this. For my friend – she will one day stand before the ONE that will hold the ultimate judgment and Casey will spend eternity in an abyss of hell and forever separation from all that she has known……and we all know how much she does not like to be alone!!!!

I'm tellin ya she didn't run because she isn't afraid of getting caught. I'm willing to bet my Nyquil she is still sitting over in mommy and daddy's house thinking she may still be able pull this off. She thinks she is smarter than the cops, then her parents..
Long time lurker - 1st time poster - Relative to the theory that KC may have been planning to leave, but her plan had not come together yet, does anyone recall somewhere in CA's interviews she mentioned that they dumped KC's purse out on the floor at her home and she asked the lady LE if they were interested in any of the contents. I can't find confirmation, but I think she said that the lady LE took an ID that was behind KC's. If so, whose was it? I remember Cindy seeming indignant that they didn't appear interested. Sorry if this is something that has been covered somewhere else or if my memory is faulty.

Welcome mombomb. IIRC a female deputy whipped that ID type card out of the wallet before CA had a chance, according to LA. I have never seen any reference to it since, but it's bound to be in the hands of detectives.

IMO, KC flies and lies by the seat of her pants. I don't think she had plans to leave the area at that point, because it hadn't dawned on her she would ever need to. Don't forget, she was only arrested on a "****ing whim".
I think she didn't flee because of TonE. He was her new obsession. She probably considered herself 'in love' with him and couldn't live without him. JMO of course, but I really think he is the reason she didn't flee.

I agree.

PLUS...until Cindy showed up at Tony's door, Casey had Cindy convinced she was in Jacksonville "working". There was no need to leave TonE, YET.

Casey had to leave with Cindy because she didn't want too much said "in front of" Tony. She didn't take her stuff with her when she left Tony's because she thought she was going to come right back. I am sure Casey thought she could get Cindy to bring her back.

Once, Cindy got her hands on Casey, she didn't give Casey any fleeing opportunity.

Casey was kept in the car with her riding around for hours. Casey couldnt jump out of the car. Lee was waiting at the house once Cindy and Casey got home.

I think Lee was fully capable of and WOULD HAVE physically restrained Casey so she'd wait for the police. Casey knew that. Casey's car didn't have a battery in it so getting to her car wouldn't do her any good.

Casey had made provisions to run. She stole the money to go. She was scouting escort opportunities. She was setting up her next mark.

In Casey's own words, she had a backup plan.

The only reason Casey wasn't already gone was because Cindy surprised her and then didn't give Casey opportunity.

"And let me ask all of you this - Who do you know that will actually drive in a car with law enforcement, enter an office building at Universal Studios and walk these gentlemen through the hallways as if you work there – only to stop them and admit that it is a lie? Then proceed to sit with them in a conference room for a few hours spilling nothing but deception from her lips. Casey believes that she is beyond the touch of justice!!! "

My thoughts exactly, and my comment to her thinking she's beyond justice, well that's b/c she's been very intimate with several LE people. She probably thought her charm and looks could get her a free pass with this group as well!:rolleyes:
Casey thought she had everyone fooled. She had the lifetime goal... many friends, parties, men, attention and everything was going well. She even had a plan to convince Cindy and George it was a kidnapping, stolen car, the whole nine yards. She just needed one more day... as she requested of Cindy... one more day and she thought she'd figure out the rest. That one more day didn't come and the rest of the plan had to be thought out... last minute literally... because she hadn't quite figured out how to make it all happen when the car was towed instead of stolen.

Sociopaths seem to work better when they have time to piece things together in their mind rather than scramble at the last minute. The last minute scrambling is evident when she couldn't quite make the pieces fit together... hence the changed stories, taking LE to places unknown and infamiliar, etc. It just didn't quite work out.
I dont think she thought she was gonna get caught by her mom... so she didnt have her getaway all planned out yet...
I think she figured that her mom didnt know where Tony lived, so she was "safe" there from every running into her... so she thought she could say there, avoid her mom, and keep telling her lies about Caylee's whereabouts until her getaway was all planned out..
I think it's possible that she didn't flee because she actually believed someone she knew had Caylee and that everything was going to be okay. Whether that was true, or if she was trusting the wrong person, or trusting information some friend had given her about Caylee's whereabouts whether true or false, but something along those lines.
Or, if KC had friends hide Caylee due to the alleged "throttling" incident on June 15 if the throttling/choking ever did happen (LP reported someone had told him Cindy had allegedly throttled KC on that date when she found out about the theft of money from the grandmother or grandfather's account), in that case she wouldn't have any reason to flee.
If that incident did actually happen, is it even conceivable that that was enough to make KC decide to let Caylee be adopted by someone, if a great life was assured for Caylee and what if KC might even be allowed to maintain ties? You never know, it could happen (I don't personally think KC originally ever had any desire to be "rid" of Caylee, I honestly haven't seen evidence to support that motive. But if due to this alleged throttling incident KC finally did decide to let Caylee be adopted, a theory someone posted here a long time ago was that KC could have been waiting out some kind of holding/waiting period during these months for an adoption to be finalized, that could explain her not being forthcoming.) But in either of those cases, no reason to flee.
Or, there could even have been a scenario in which she believes someone in her circle of acquaintances or through the club was holding Caylee, whether to silence KC about a crime or even to prevent Caylee telling something if she had seen something, or because KC had crossed the wrong person, or even because someone had become attached to Caylee, or for whatever reason. No reason to flee if that were the situation. She might even have remained in town precisely because she thought someone was holding Caylee locally.
Or I think it's possible Caylee could have been caught in some kind of crossfire whether literally or not, that she could in that case have been accidentally harmed as a result of some criminal activity going on, in which case KC could be innocent of harming Caylee but might not be forthcoming for other reasons, but anyway she wouldn't have any reason to flee because she didn't harm Caylee.
Or, just that Caylee died in an innocent but tragic accident while she was with her mother or with friends of the mother, and KC does not want to admit that, or doesn't want her friends to get into any kind of trouble, or maybe can't even face that fact and is in some kind of denial or shock. But no reason to flee.
Anyway, just a few of the theories that could explain why she didn't flee.
But I find all the theories here interesting and you never know.
my opinion only and all my posts are purely theoretical and no accusation toward any individual
I dont think she thought she was gonna get caught by her mom... so she didnt have her getaway all planned out yet...
I think she figured that her mom didnt know where Tony lived, so she was "safe" there from every running into her... so she thought she could say there, avoid her mom, and keep telling her lies about Caylee's whereabouts until her getaway was all planned out..
Indeed, and if she hadn't left Amy's resume in her car, Cindy wouldn't have found her at Tony's.

Cindy also erred in letting her antipathy for Jesse prevent her from calling him back in June - he certainly could have given her information about Casey's activities, and would have for Caylee's benefit.

The Anthonys also neglected to take a look at Casey's myspace and facebook pages, which were public at the time. They would have seen immediately all that correspondence about Fusian Fridays.
"And let me ask all of you this - Who do you know that will actually drive in a car with law enforcement, enter an office building at Universal Studios and walk these gentlemen through the hallways as if you work there – only to stop them and admit that it is a lie? Then proceed to sit with them in a conference room for a few hours spilling nothing but deception from her lips. Casey believes that she is beyond the touch of justice!!! "

My thoughts exactly, and my comment to her thinking she's beyond justice, well that's b/c she's been very intimate with several LE people. She probably thought her charm and looks could get her a free pass with this group as well!:rolleyes:

To me, I think this is a great question and one of the central questions that just won't go away. To me, this behavior makes so little sense, I mean, why WOULD anyone tell meaningless lies that would be immediately disproved? It doesn't make any sense, it serves no strategic purpose or agenda, only ruins their own credibility. For this reason I haven't ever been able to fully believe that KC is a strategic/pathological liar, for me, these "lies" or whatever they were, seem more like confusion or delusion or even some kind of shock. But that's only speculation on my part, obviously I don't know KC's medical or psychiatric condition.

Thanks also to the person who started this thread regarding "Why didn't she flee?" If we could figure out the answer to these two questions, we might know what happened.
She didn't flee, because she is a Sociopath and therefore believes her own stories and thinks everyone will believe her like they always have, and that she would get away with it.
And actually, (and sadly), it's happening as she planned, she's surrounded by enablers and believers who are letting her get away with murder.

Exactly, short stuff! Her family has let her get away with everything for years. She's a sociopath and felt there was no need to run, her family would cover for her once again. IMO she was hoping the guy in Calif. would send her money to go out there for a trip, or maybe she just thought she'd stay in Orlando and bleed him for money by pretending he was the father.
She didn't flee because she thinks she's going to get away with it. Plain & simple.

And don't forget...she had too many party buds in Orlando. Why flee when partying with the homies was her goal when she killed her baby.
To me, I think this is a great question and one of the central questions that just won't go away. To me, this behavior makes so little sense, I mean, why WOULD anyone tell meaningless lies that would be immediately disproved? It doesn't make any sense, it serves no strategic purpose or agenda, only ruins their own credibility. For this reason I haven't ever been able to fully believe that KC is a strategic/pathological liar, for me, these "lies" or whatever they were, seem more like confusion or delusion or even some kind of shock. But that's only speculation on my part, obviously I don't know KC's medical or psychiatric condition.

Thanks also to the person who started this thread regarding "Why didn't she flee?" If we could figure out the answer to these two questions, we might know what happened.

Because she has always told meaningless lies and has gotten away with them. There is no confusion, delusion or shock - just plain lies. There is no medical or psychiatric condition - just plain lies. She is a pathological liar and lies - just to lie. Evil witch - I can't wait until she is put away for life.
She didnt flee because she is a sociopath, she doesnt believe she did anything wrong and there is nothing wrong with her. Sociopaths also spend their whole lives mimicking others emotions, thoughts, and ideas in order to fit into society, this is where the lies come in. Had she had influences her whole life from someone who constantly "runs" to get away from their problems, then she would have run. But her primary influences condoned her lies and behaviour so as a sociopath she believes she doesnt need to.
I disagree with KC's "plans". I really don't think KC ever planned anything in her whole life! I think she suffers terribly from Scarlett O'Hara syndrome. If circumstances put her in a place she doesn't like, she'll just lie, cheat, or steal to make it "right". Remember Gone With The Wind? Think about that character. KC is too immature to even think about fleeing. That is the one area where her upbringing plays a role. She is genuinely ill-prepared to survive this world on her own. She would surely deny that fact indignitely, but deep down inside she knows it is true. The fact that she does roll-over for Cindy just proves it. I do think that if Cindy really let her have it--she could get a bit farther with the info. KC will NEVER tell the truth, but mothers of children like KC know the buttons to push to keep those lies rolling so a few kernels of truth spill out with each turn. I would have a hard time working in a legal system that won't let the family talk to the mother of a missing child "about the case"!!
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