Why didn't Casey flee? **REVISIT OLD THREAD**

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She didn't flee because she ONLY had $200.00 - you are not going very far on that.

She had her plan worked out to go to California, but she kept spending the money she stole before she could get there. She had not planned on CA coming after her, so she thought she had time.

Bottom line.........NO MONEY - Stuck in Florida.
To me, I think this is a great question and one of the central questions that just won't go away. To me, this behavior makes so little sense, I mean, why WOULD anyone tell meaningless lies that would be immediately disproved? It doesn't make any sense, it serves no strategic purpose or agenda, only ruins their own credibility. For this reason I haven't ever been able to fully believe that KC is a strategic/pathological liar, for me, these "lies" or whatever they were, seem more like confusion or delusion or even some kind of shock. But that's only speculation on my part, obviously I don't know KC's medical or psychiatric condition.

Thanks also to the person who started this thread regarding "Why didn't she flee?" If we could figure out the answer to these two questions, we might know what happened.

I believe we all know what happened...........I personally believe she went into a rage and bashed that baby's head in, drove around with her a few days until GA came to the rescue.

I don't believe there are any unsolved parts of this as LE has done a good job, now it is just a matter of charging her and presenting them in court. I even think they know where the body of Caylee is.

She is going to get a few years on the other charges, so they have all the time they need to charge her. Time is on their side.
Casey didn't flee because she didn't have her plans finalized yet. Remember she told her mom to give her one more day, and Cindy said no, she had already given her a month.
Casey also believed her own lies... and believed she could get away with it, and I think she still believes that.
We have a saying here about people like that... they wake up in a brand new world every day. Casey makes her own world.. she lives in her own reality.
For all that people think that Casey is such a schemer and a plotter and a planner, I disagree. I think she can't think more than 15 minutes ahead at best. This is evidenced by her nonsensical lies about a job, about getting her parent's house, about the money she stole from grandma being repaid by Universal, etc.

I call these lies of immediacy. She tells whatever lie will get her past the current sticky issue and gives no thought to how easily it will be proven a lie.

After Caylee was gone, I think Casey only thought about the situation sporadically, occasionally hatching a plot but only half heartedly, never following through. She just kind of waits for the next crisis and chews her way out of it so she can go party. I would wager that she is much more upset about house arrest than she ever was about Caylee's passing. The cold night sweats must be keeping the sheets piled up now.

I think she would have eventually wandered off, probably to California and then on to grift her way from man to man. Then years later if the Anthonys tracked her down, she'd cook up some tale of the sad and tragic death of Caylee and make Cindy feel guilty about it.
I think it's possible that she didn't flee because she actually believed someone she knew had Caylee and that everything was going to be okay. Whether that was true, or if she was trusting the wrong person, or trusting information some friend had given her about Caylee's whereabouts whether true or false, but something along those lines.
Or, if KC had friends hide Caylee due to the alleged "throttling" incident on June 15 if the throttling/choking ever did happen (LP reported someone had told him Cindy had allegedly throttled KC on that date when she found out about the theft of money from the grandmother or grandfather's account), in that case she wouldn't have any reason to flee.
If that incident did actually happen, is it even conceivable that that was enough to make KC decide to let Caylee be adopted by someone, if a great life was assured for Caylee and what if KC might even be allowed to maintain ties? You never know, it could happen (I don't personally think KC originally ever had any desire to be "rid" of Caylee, I honestly haven't seen evidence to support that motive. But if due to this alleged throttling incident KC finally did decide to let Caylee be adopted, a theory someone posted here a long time ago was that KC could have been waiting out some kind of holding/waiting period during these months for an adoption to be finalized, that could explain her not being forthcoming.) But in either of those cases, no reason to flee.
Or, there could even have been a scenario in which she believes someone in her circle of acquaintances or through the club was holding Caylee, whether to silence KC about a crime or even to prevent Caylee telling something if she had seen something, or because KC had crossed the wrong person, or even because someone had become attached to Caylee, or for whatever reason. No reason to flee if that were the situation. She might even have remained in town precisely because she thought someone was holding Caylee locally.
Or I think it's possible Caylee could have been caught in some kind of crossfire whether literally or not, that she could in that case have been accidentally harmed as a result of some criminal activity going on, in which case KC could be innocent of harming Caylee but might not be forthcoming for other reasons, but anyway she wouldn't have any reason to flee because she didn't harm Caylee.
Or, just that Caylee died in an innocent but tragic accident while she was with her mother or with friends of the mother, and KC does not want to admit that, or doesn't want her friends to get into any kind of trouble, or maybe can't even face that fact and is in some kind of denial or shock. But no reason to flee.
Anyway, just a few of the theories that could explain why she didn't flee.
But I find all the theories here interesting and you never know.
my opinion only and all my posts are purely theoretical and no accusation toward any individual

If any of these scenarios were true, then how did human decomposition (from Caylee) get into the trunk?
Casey didn't leave because she was having fun catching Tony and playing house. BUT, Casey was about to get booted out soon. Tony's moving plans didn't include her.

So she stole "backup" money from Amy and started working on the guy in CA. She also started hunting for escort work in CA. IF Tony changed his mind and let her keep living with him, she would have stayed. BUT, if not, sounds like she had an alternative backup.

In the meantime, Casey bought a couple of weeks by telling Cindy she was in Jacksonville working. She also told her mom she was coming back to Orlando with Caylee and settling into family life with JH. (Dangling a carrot to make Cindy think she'd reformed to appease Cindy and maybe get her off her back a little. It sounded good.)

The car impound letter ruined everything.

After that Cindy kept her in the car and they drove. When they got to Cindy's house, Lee was waiting.

Casey stayed because she got trapped and cornered, period. She wasn't much of a planner. But, she was cunning and had an escape hatch.

If the Anthony's hadn't recieved the impound letter, I think Casey could have continued her charade for awhile. If Tony got an apartment without her, she had a couple of other men in place to hide her from Cindy.

She didn't flee because she was broke, and clueless.

She could have used all the money she stole from her mother, her grandmother and Amy to get out of dodge with no one the wiser. Instead, she bought food and doodads at Tarjay.

There's a reason this girl couldn't manage to graduate high school. Einstein, she ain't.
She did not flee for many reasons. She had nowhere to go, she did not have any income to support her once she got to another destination, she believed that there was no need to flee-she would just go on lying and hiding and if they had not caught her, she would be doing the very same thing today-partying and telling her parents a string of lies of why they could not talk to Caylee. She obviously cannot take care of herself, ie: stealing gas and food from her parents home at the age of 22 shows gross irresponsibility and mismanagement of her own life. Why she did not flee in the end is because she lacks the intelligence of a monkey and she thought that everyone would believe her half-cocked idiotic stories...apparently she has not done a whole lot of research and was not familiar with the concept and did not realize that with RESEARCH lies can be uncovered for what they are...She did not flee because she thought she was smarter than the whole world, because she fooled one small group of folks into believing her ridiculous lies.
I totally agree with this. She didn't leave because she had no way to take care of herself, didn't know of many others to mooch off of other places, couldn't get money off of mom if she was off elsewhere, she thought she could get away with what she had done, she had already gotten away with it for a month...why not longer?, everyone she mooched off of lived in that area, her party life was in that area, a new boyfriend, access to other men etc etc. Bottom line, she has gotten away with petty crime and lies and manipulating her parents for 22 years...what would be different about it now?

She did not flee for many reasons. She had nowhere to go, she did not have any income to support her once she got to another destination, she believed that there was no need to flee-she would just go on lying and hiding and if they had not caught her, she would be doing the very same thing today-partying and telling her parents a string of lies of why they could not talk to Caylee. She obviously cannot take care of herself, ie: stealing gas and food from her parents home at the age of 22 shows gross irresponsibility and mismanagement of her own life. Why she did not flee in the end is because she lacks the intelligence of a monkey and she thought that everyone would believe her half-cocked idiotic stories...apparently she has not done a whole lot of research and was not familiar with the concept and did not realize that with RESEARCH lies can be uncovered for what they are...She did not flee because she thought she was smarter than the whole world, because she fooled one small group of folks into believing her ridiculous lies.
She's 22, still lives at home mooching off her parents, has no job and no prospects, never graduated high school...

she didn't flee because she's a loser.
She did not flee for many reasons. She had nowhere to go, she did not have any income to support her once she got to another destination, she believed that there was no need to flee-she would just go on lying and hiding and if they had not caught her, she would be doing the very same thing today-partying and telling her parents a string of lies of why they could not talk to Caylee. She obviously cannot take care of herself, ie: stealing gas and food from her parents home at the age of 22 shows gross irresponsibility and mismanagement of her own life. Why she did not flee in the end is because she lacks the intelligence of a monkey and she thought that everyone would believe her half-cocked idiotic stories...apparently she has not done a whole lot of research and was not familiar with the concept and did not realize that with RESEARCH lies can be uncovered for what they are...She did not flee because she thought she was smarter than the whole world, because she fooled one small group of folks into believing her ridiculous lies.

Could we not consider her attempts to leave to CA as an atteempt to flee?
Casey didn't leave because she was having fun catching Tony and playing house. BUT, Casey was about to get booted out soon. Tony's moving plans didn't include her.

So she stole "backup" money from Amy and started working on the guy in CA. She also started hunting for escort work in CA. IF Tony changed his mind and let her keep living with him, she would have stayed. BUT, if not, sounds like she had an alternative backup.

In the meantime, Casey bought a couple of weeks by telling Cindy she was in Jacksonville working. She also told her mom she was coming back to Orlando with Caylee and settling into family life with JH. (Dangling a carrot to make Cindy think she'd reformed to appease Cindy and maybe get her off her back a little. It sounded good.)

The car impound letter ruined everything.

After that Cindy kept her in the car and they drove. When they got to Cindy's house, Lee was waiting.

Casey stayed because she got trapped and cornered, period. She wasn't much of a planner. But, she was cunning and had an escape hatch.

If the Anthony's hadn't recieved the impound letter, I think Casey could have continued her charade for awhile. If Tony got an apartment without her, she had a couple of other men in place to hide her from Cindy.


:clap::clap: I agree! I am not sure when the escort look-ups were done but..I think this would indicate her fleeing. If the car got stolen that would have been a blessing for her. She could have everyone believing poor little Casey and Caylee got kidnapped. She could have disappeared into hooker land (no ID, SSN# any of that needed for employment. Create a new identity and go!). It's a perfect life for her, basically just party, have sex and be taken care of by your John. She was already doing this only her John was her parents and friends and she stole the money!:(
I believe we all know what happened...........I personally believe she went into a rage and bashed that baby's head in, drove around with her a few days until GA came to the rescue.

I don't believe there are any unsolved parts of this as LE has done a good job, now it is just a matter of charging her and presenting them in court. I even think they know where the body of Caylee is.

She is going to get a few years on the other charges, so they have all the time they need to charge her. Time is on their side.

I don't agree with your whole post but I do believe that she left on the 15th P'd off, Caylee probably cried for Nana sending Casey over the edge. Casey was enraged at Cindy and Caylee paid.
I had a similar question almost two months ago but at that time news was breaking daily so it wasn't as important.
But now, thinking on this for a couple months I still don't understand.....

There were several times from the time Cindy showed up at AL's place that Casey could have bolted.

In the car, leaving AL's place I'm sure there were traffic signals, stop signs etc where Casey could have just jumped out of the car and refused to get back in. Casey is of age....not much Cindy could have done to make Casey get back in the car.

Again after dropping off AH. Mother and daughter were driving and I'm sure there were instances where the car was stopped at a light that Casey could have gotten out of the car.

Again, after they arrived home and even with Lee there, I'm sure Casey could have just said "I don't have to deal with this", grabbed her backpack and walked out the front door.

So many instances where Casey didn't HAVE to be there. There would have been nothing against the law about her walking out of her own house because she didn't want to hear her mother and brother "nag" her.

For all the strange things that have happened in this case, I have eleventy-two theories for each one.
But this one? Having so many opportunities to bolt, why didn't she? I just can't make sense or come up with any plausible theories for this one.

Makes us all wonder so much & question just why KC was ever so compliant, doesn't it?

The only way that any of it makes any sense at all is that the nonsense that we have observedwas not supposed to be presented in that way at all. I think that the "script" spoken of to Rob Dick was the original plan of presentation but was HALTED when CA "slipped" with the comment regarding "the car smells like a dead body has been in it" on the 3rd 911 call. I think that poor little Caylee was murdered 6/15 or 6/16, that GA & CA were confronted with the situation pretty close to that date that an "accident" had occurred resulting in the death of Caylee. GA & CA KNOW KC LIES, although they pretend otherwise & know they are in no position financially to deal with it. If the child goes missing THERE WILL BE NO BURIAL EXPENSES, if the STORY IS SENSATIONAL enough it will be picked up by the NATIONAL MEDIA that will spur sympathy, donations, contributions, ROYALTIES from BOOK & MOVIE rights, a probable DEFENSE ATTORNEY provided by private funds. None of those things are within reach if the authorities are contacted with the story given them by KC. Burial will take place sooner than later presenting unanticipated expenses when they had just recently been faced with the credit card fiasco created by the criminal necessitating the 401K withdrawal/loan (don't know which), the realization that it very well may not be true & should the fate of the criminal be placed with a publicly appointed DEFENSE ATTORNEY? IMO, at the point of shock & searching for the best scenario available a decision was reached to stage a kidnapping scenario, which there was an agreed upon date to make a call to thea authorities. That date was not kept to by KC, necessitating her being hunted down by CA. The car was abandoned & towed, costing high fees, which imo caused the anger that spurred the error of the decomposition being disclosed to OCSO. The alarming odor in the car is not in any of the initial statements taken 7/15 that we have read, had the 911 call not been listened to it is hard to know if that car would ever have been investigated by OCSO, if the kidnapping from J Blanchard Park had been the initial telling under a calmer situation of controlled panic by distraught grandparents calling OCSO when told of the kidnapping by their daughter. IMO, it was decided that some time needed to pass from the incident date for disposal, yes decomposition, in the event that the body be found, difficulty in determining manner of death & composure to absorb the loss & be prepared for what would be the resulting circumstances following the decisions made.

IMO, a script was drafted to accomplish the solution agreed upon, but then it went awry & the mess came out to be what we have been & will continue to witness. 1st call, defense attorney, 2nd call media broker. Trying so desperately to void the importance of the physical evidence held by the car, is it anyway explainable that objects were removed from that car? Items were also cleaned after being removed from that car? Is it reasonable to believe that such action would be taken? I personally don't think so. Pretend it has no importance, pretend it can be negated, stick to the plan. Try to undo the done. No matter how I look at this, FINANCIAL MOTIVATIONS are of the highest importance, it is disgusting & highly repulsive.

There are many horribly sad & tragic cases that have been discussed throughout the years that have some semblance of similiarity in behaviors observed within this situation that it is really difficult to absorb that unlike what draws us to these cases there are some who will use the knowledge obtained to attempt to defraud & feed off of tragedy as if the lottery was hit & in my mind this is one of those times that FINANCIAL MOTIVATIONS are ever so apparently present. JMHO
I have to agree...CA and KC's seem to be in a strong love-hate relationship that is covered deeply with lots of power/control issues between the two of them. CA seems to have been losing her control over KC the past few months as KC struggled to step out into her own control/power pulling away from and out of CA's power...I think the big fight the night of the 15th was hugely important as it was a turning point for KC...she took her power and stepped into full control that night stripping CA of any control/power...
KC thought she "won" as she managed to elude CA and family for 31 days. So during this time frame thinking she had "won" (escaped & took power) she saw no need to make further plans.
KC has never been held responsible for any of her misbehaves (lies, stealing, whatever) so she had no concerns that anyone would try to hold her to task at this late date.
The 911 calls were simply CA's unthought out plan to "control" (ie threaten) KC into telling where Caylee was. No One (especially CA) ever entertained what would happen after the 911 calls were made. You can't take them (911 calls) nor police involment back once you call them into your plan...thus began the snowball effect that CA/family/KC never anticipated
all of course JMHO...


Terrific, insightful post. I've counseled many a 'newer' mom, ok, so you've threatened __________. Now where do you go when that doesn't work? Gotta think it through....

That last part, thinking things through, seems to be something that family isn't used to doing.
On July 15th Cindy finally caught up with Casey and they were on their way to the police station, where Cindy intended on having Casey arrested for car theft and credit card fraud. The police station Cindy went to was closed, and while they were in the car, Cindy made a cell phone call to the police asking where she could take Casey and have her arrested. While Cindy was waiting for the operator to check something and get back on the line, you can hear Casey asking her mother to "just give me one more day."

I think if Cindy had given Casey that one more day, Casey would have found a way to disappear.

Ditto. I totally agree. She would have arranged to make do with her $200 and then found someone to supplement her non-income.
She's not very organized. She didn't get all the credits she needs to graduate high school. She apparently didn't use protection and got pregnant when she may not have wanted a child. She may not have clued her parents in until the last minute. She told a guy he was the daddy when he wasn't, a fact which could easily be proven. She might have kept her job but she just stopped showing up. She stole bigtime from her family and got caught. Mommy and Daddy were mad so she took off, without any place to go or any means to get there AND a kid. Her lies are very easily disproved. She just flies by the seat of her pants, makes it up as she goes along. Whatever happened, she didn't really seem to have come up with a cover story, even after 31 days. She was doing what she always did, goin' with the flow. She was thinkin' maybe it could work out with Tony. Then she'd come up with something. She'd be a bust an an event planner 'cuz Girl can't plan.

IMO, Casey is a bully. She seems quite used to bullying people around and getting her way on things. Case in point: According to JG, Casey through a fit when he wouldn't sign bc and wanted testing.
KC has shown some strong attachment to her parents. I remember in her 911 call, she was acting right away to protect her parents (but obviously didn't do that for her daughter).

Even though she has a child, it would have been SOOOOOO easy for her to have found a guy to shack up with, long before age 22. Gah, I know probably 10 women that have done that, and they aren't anywhere as conniving as KC. It is not hard for a good looking woman to fast forward a relationship with some guy and move in, with or without Caylee, and have the guy pay most of the bills.. (It's not hard to do and not criminal, either, just manipulative..) If she was staying home with Caylee but living with some guy, I think CA would still have been willing to babysit at any time she could, to spend time with Caylee.

I don't know if her personality disorder allows for loyalty, but for some reason she is attached to her parents. I think she thought she could wait it out and some miracle would come along that would give her the lifestyle she wanted..

KC has attachment only to KC, imo. I do not think she is wired to bond with others, including her parents. (My opinion of them is pretty low too, so wouldn't expect anyone to be able bond with them, anyway.)

What KC was concerned about in those calls, imo, was KC: KC's peace and quiet; KC's support system; and getting those pesky protesters out of her alternate reality.
I truly feel sadness for everyone in this case. I remember when I was Casey's age. How many young women are partying and being "irresponsible" at that age? We all know that.

It does not excuse her actions. If she did kill Caylee, she needed to admit it. She at that point however, chose to try and evade the fact so she, herself could remain free. She didn't flee because her plans were abruptly interrupted and she needed to fabricate.
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