Why didn't Casey flee? **REVISIT OLD THREAD**

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I agree she is a Sociopath but disagree that she believes her own stories. For example she tells the cops where she works, they take her to Universal and walk her to the door and before she goes in she turns around and says oops, I don't really work here. If she believed she worked there she would have walked right in and been confused when in wasn't really her office. She knows the truth but according to her lawyer she doesn't think it will benefit her to tell it!

I, sadly, believe Caylee is in a better place! Can you imagine how messed up Caylee would be after being raised by Casey? Unless Casey would've changed her ways in the "very near future" then her daughter would have been taught that you... change men like you change shoes, you lie and steal and manipulate to get what you want, education not so important, the way get what you want from your parents..lie, yell, intimidate and totally disrespect them, friends just use them until they won't let you anymore and then move to the next set and repeat as necessary etc...

As always JMHO and again this case leaves me empty, sad and angry!

I agree with you to a point: I think as she's telling the stories, she believes them. Maybe not all of the specifics, but the idea of it. She's a high powered event coordinator in her mind. The reality of being jobless doesn't really affect that perception of herself, imo. Ok, so when confronted and put to the test, she had to confess she's not really employed there but I doubt her self image was affected. She also likely sees herself as the victim in everything and that self image is as real to her as actual events are to the rest of us. She's probably mad at Amy for turning her in --- some friend Amy was; should NEVER have trusted her; what a waste!

Wish I could explain this better; hope you get the idea.
If any of these scenarios were true, then how did human decomposition (from Caylee) get into the trunk?

I think it's possible that she didn't flee because she actually believed someone she knew had Caylee and that everything was going to be okay. Whether that was true, or if she was trusting the wrong person, or trusting information some friend had given her about Caylee's whereabouts whether true or false, but something along those lines.
Or, if KC had friends hide Caylee due to the alleged "throttling" incident on June 15 if the throttling/choking ever did happen (LP reported someone had told him Cindy had allegedly throttled KC on that date when she found out about the theft of money from the grandmother or grandfather's account), in that case she wouldn't have any reason to flee.
If that incident did actually happen, is it even conceivable that that was enough to make KC decide to let Caylee be adopted by someone, if a great life was assured for Caylee and what if KC might even be allowed to maintain ties? You never know, it could happen (I don't personally think KC originally ever had any desire to be "rid" of Caylee, I honestly haven't seen evidence to support that motive. But if due to this alleged throttling incident KC finally did decide to let Caylee be adopted, a theory someone posted here a long time ago was that KC could have been waiting out some kind of holding/waiting period during these months for an adoption to be finalized, that could explain her not being forthcoming.) But in either of those cases, no reason to flee.
Or, there could even have been a scenario in which she believes someone in her circle of acquaintances or through the club was holding Caylee, whether to silence KC about a crime or even to prevent Caylee telling something if she had seen something, or because KC had crossed the wrong person, or even because someone had become attached to Caylee, or for whatever reason. No reason to flee if that were the situation. She might even have remained in town precisely because she thought someone was holding Caylee locally.
Or I think it's possible Caylee could have been caught in some kind of crossfire whether literally or not, that she could in that case have been accidentally harmed as a result of some criminal activity going on, in which case KC could be innocent of harming Caylee but might not be forthcoming for other reasons, but anyway she wouldn't have any reason to flee because she didn't harm Caylee.
Or, just that Caylee died in an innocent but tragic accident while she was with her mother or with friends of the mother, and KC does not want to admit that, or doesn't want her friends to get into any kind of trouble, or maybe can't even face that fact and is in some kind of denial or shock. But no reason to flee.
Anyway, just a few of the theories that could explain why she didn't flee.
But I find all the theories here interesting and you never know.
my opinion only and all my posts are purely theoretical and no accusation toward any individual

:waitasec:IMO - Transcript from 3rd 911 call from Cindy Anthony pretty much wipes out the probability of the first several scenarios you have listed -

Dispatch: your daughter admitted that the baby is where?

Cindy: that the babysitter took her a month ago. That my daughter's been looking for. I told you my daughter was missing for a month. I just found her today. But I can't find my granddaughter. She just admitted to me that she's been trying to find her herself. There’s something wrong. I found my daughter's car today and it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car.
I think Casey was getting ready to flee ..out to Cali to her old friend in the Marines. I think that had she made it out there she would have said basically what she is telling us now, but more along the lines of someone kidnapped her at the airport. I believe she thought she could get away with this and no one would be the wiser.
There is that request for "travel" and "privacy" isn't there?

With as much press as there has been on this case - the opportunity for "privacy" during her travels will be nearly impossible. I can only imagine the helicopters fighting for airspace.....lol :Banane23:
She didn't flee because she wanted the pleasure of seeing how upset her mother would be.
Why so rude? Aren't other people entitled to their own opinions?

I share Lexington's succinct opinion of that post. For example, as others have pointed out, most of the theories contained therein ignored the decomp in the trunk.
I truly feel sadness for everyone in this case. I remember when I was Casey's age. How many young women are partying and being "irresponsible" at that age? We all know that.

It does not excuse her actions. If she did kill Caylee, she needed to admit it. She at that point however, chose to try and evade the fact so she, herself could remain free. She didn't flee because her plans were abruptly interrupted and she needed to fabricate.

Living and going to college in the South may be the difference, but I don't remember that many "wild" girls around. Most did their work, showed up for class and partied occasionally on weekends. I don't remember anyone who partied all the time like she did. Women like her were shunned by most up and coming young men. They USED them for sex, but never got involved with them.

I see this culture played out on TV today, but don't understand it. I live in a large university area and have been to many clubs in the area, but most of those young women do not act anything like KC.
She didn't flee because she wanted the pleasure of seeing how upset her mother would be.

I believe that is exactly right............she wanted to see her mother hurt and wanted to find a way to continue to hurt her........

I think she accomplished her goal.
I want to remind everyone that we should respect other's opinions. Look, when my friend was murdered, the press and locals all but convicted her husband. The police even had an indictment for Murder 1 for him but had not arrested him yet. There were rumors that he was having an affair and wanted her money. Then the real murderers confessed to a friend and gave him the murder weapons. The friend went to the police. It turned out my friend's husband was the PRIMARY intended victim of the murder and there was tons of evidence that there had been intruders who had launched the vicious attack. My friend's husband was lucky enough to survive the attack. What I'm trying to say is this, none of us really knows what is going on here. We know how the evidence pertaining to child neglect looks, but it's not the whole story. While emotions are running high, we need to all respect each other and understand, things may or may not be what they seem. We don't have ALL the facts yet. We really can't know for sure what is going on in this case. Slamming other people for their opinions may silence them and prevent people who have good ideas from feeling that they can post here. That's not good for Websleuths.

There are many strange mysteries of this case that need to be explored. We need everyone's input, regardless of if we personally agree with their ideas or not.
I have a new theory on Casey and why she didn't flee. I think that Casey may have a "to go" bag stashed at Universal with the missing phone, some clothes and cash. Maybe when she took LE there that day, her intention was to flee but they never allowed her any opportunity. It brings me back to that cryptic conversation with Lee about the phone, and being at Universal "not for work but not for fun" (paraphrased). It also brings me back to Casey telling LE that day that she was "running out of options" (again, paraphrased).

Crazy thoughts, I know, but what about this case isn't?
Remember Lee's interview? When he told KC 'when LE gets here they're going to ask you where's Caylee? Oh excellent, let's hop in the car and you can show us and all will be well.' He said she looked surprised.

It felt to me right then that she hadn't thought this far ahead. She thought everyone was just going to take her at her word. The whole babysitter stole the baby story was contrived almost on the spot. That's why the story fell apart so quickly. She never realized
she was going to have to answer for Caylee being missing. She had no reason to flee.
I have often wondered if she was planning on killing George & Cindy too; therefore, no reason to flee.

She seemed to be telling a lot of people that they were divorcing and IMHO was going to make it look like a murder-suicide. That's why I would love to know if KC was beneficiary for insurance. Or if Caylee was beneficiary.:waitasec:

Could this be the reason for her not fleeing. It could explain her begging Cindy for "one more day".

I know, good post. I wondered that also, (never thought about the "one more day" part though, that is an interesting thought.) But then of course, it really had been pretty recently that G & C had gone through their separation, etc. So with that in mind, I wonder if maybe there had been a tiny shred of truth somewhere, maybe the possibility had arisen during their separation that they might be moving to other households and whether KC would remain at that house and take over payments or what, maybe KC, wishfully thinking, was hoping that would be the case and had blown it up out of proportion and made promises to her friend, etc (but without sinister intent). But.... who knows.
I want to remind everyone that we should respect other's opinions. Look, when my friend was murdered, the press and locals all but convicted her husband. The police even had an indictment for Murder 1 for him but had not arrested him yet. There were rumors that he was having an affair and wanted her money. Then the real murderers confessed to a friend and gave him the murder weapons. The friend went to the police. It turned out my friend's husband was the PRIMARY intended victim of the murder and there was tons of evidence that there had been intruders who had launched the vicious attack. My friend's husband was lucky enough to survive the attack. What I'm trying to say is this, none of us really knows what is going on here. We know how the evidence pertaining to child neglect looks, but it's not the whole story. While emotions are running high, we need to all respect each other and understand, things may or may not be what they seem. We don't have ALL the facts yet. We really can't know for sure what is going on in this case. Slamming other people for their opinions may silence them and prevent people who have good ideas from feeling that they can post here. That's not good for Websleuths.

There are many strange mysteries of this case that need to be explored. We need everyone's input, regardless of if we personally agree with their ideas or not.

Thanks Princess Rose, and I am sorry to read about your friend.
talking about your friend's husband being wrongly accused when it turned out he had actually been the intended victim, I had also wondered in this case whether KC had conceivably been attacked with chloroform along with Caylee but survived. I don't think we know all the facts in this case by far yet.
Baez has been floating the story that Casey is being coerced and was not free to search for Caylee. Now he's also asking that her car be put on a lift so the undercarriage can be inspected. Could it be that there is a GPS tracking device on the bottom of the car?
Living and going to college in the South may be the difference, but I don't remember that many "wild" girls around. Most did their work, showed up for class and partied occasionally on weekends. I don't remember anyone who partied all the time like she did. Women like her were shunned by most up and coming young men. They USED them for sex, but never got involved with them.

I see this culture played out on TV today, but don't understand it. I live in a large university area and have been to many clubs in the area, but most of those young women do not act anything like KC.

I went to college in the south/midwest (in the 1980's) and there was certainly plenty of partying going on, but I know in some cities there's a lot more of a club/dance scene. I know the Florida universities usually supposedly rank pretty high on the "party schools" list, right? But anyway, to me, a lot of the KC "party" pictures shown so much in the media don't really look all that unusual for 21 year olds, at least KC doesn't, she is one of the tamest looking ones in all of the pictures. I did wonder about the one 39 year old guy in the pictures who is seen partying down with the 21 year olds, the one grabbing KC in the one famed picture, no accusation toward that guy, could be a perfectly nice guy. Later I read that he is one of her best friends. But anyway, regarding the so-called 'out of control partying' that we hear SO much about in the media, does it really add up to more than just a few of these "BDC (DBC? what's the name of that group?) Entertainment" functions, the one the friend ran --and did KC ever possibly work for that group, who knows-- and after that, Tony's events. When she was emailing friends saying "come out to Fusian", you know, she appears to have basically been promoting Tony's gigs. So the pictures shown so often in the media are from how many events and over how long a period? Maybe 4 or 5 events over a year? I don't know.

Anyway, I kind of think the media over-hyped the "partying photos", KC looks fairly tame and presentable in the pictures, really, compared to the stuff lots of young people of that age do now, I mean, for example, stuff like "flashing" (of chests) by young women seems to be fairly mainstream now, at least judging from the kind of thing that seemed to be commonplace when we lived in Tampa 1998-2001. I mean, in the photos, KC is fully dressed, hair combed, well-groomed, etc, she's at parties, okay.

P.S. In your description of "wild" girls and "up and coming" young men I have to laugh a little that you think the young men were any different from the girls! Equal participation, shared action, girls guilty of something but men somehow separate and of a different caliber....hmm, OK. :waitasec:

But anyway, back to the topic, "Why didn't KC flee?"
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