Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #29

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That's a good point. I'm going to assume, without any other information, that she was killed where she was found. Hasn't it been noted that the campsite they were at was highly populated? If so, wouldn't it be safe to assume that someone being killed out in the open would be heard?

That's why strangulation is such a high probability. Or a blow on the head. Both can be relatively silent. That's a large campground and there would be kids and others shrieking and playing, some people playing music, generators running until late at night - people run them all day to watch TV in campgrounds, IME.

Whoever chose the van's parking spot (presumably Brian) chose a spot that almost no one else would want and away from the madding crowd. There was probably creek noise near the actual spot where she was found.

Now that we know about the argument in Merry Piglet restaurant, I think it's safe to say that the two were probably still fighting and unhappy with each other by the time they arrived at the campground. Maybe they were out looking for a non rocky spot for their tent and getting more and more frustrated.
I couldn’t quote the post bc it’s in the previous thread but someone said something along the lines of “if he was so controlling why would he leave her on her own for a week”.

I was terrified of my ex husband to the point that he could deploy for a year and I was still hiding behind a display if I ran into an ex at the grocery because I knew how mad he would be if he knew I spoke to one. He quizzed me every phone call and I never tried to hide anything from him because of fear I would get “caught” and the repercussions would be far worse. Emotional abuse is very real.

Look up trauma bonding.

I hope this isn’t flagged as me trying to make the post about myself- I’m just trying to offer insight to people who can’t imagine how someone could control you from a distance.
I really wish WSers would not wish "ill will", "hope they go to hell", etc. on anyone, including Brian and his family.

I hope Brian is captured or turns himself in and tells LE what happened. It wont bring back Gabby, but he owes that to her memory and people that loved her. And he needs to take responsibly for his actions.
re: Camping trip

Here is something we could sleuth- Assuming they were gone for no longer than four days, what is the furthest they could travel to get back in that amount of time?

Then we would have a radius to think about.
Yes, relatively recently in Toronto. A man with ASD killed 10 and injured 16 in a premeditated mass-murder with a van on a busy Toronto street.

He tried to claim he was criminally not responsible based on his Autism diagnosis. It was ruled that it played no part.

“During his six-week judge-alone trial over Zoom late last year, the 28-year-old's lawyers argued that Minassian should be found not criminally responsible (NCR) for his actions due to his Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis.

A person is found NCR if they were suffering from a mental disorder that rendered them “incapable of appreciating the nature and quality of the act or omission or of knowing that it was wrong” under Sec. 16 of the Criminal Code.

It is believed to be the first time ASD has been used as the sole diagnosis for an NCR defence in a murder trial in Canada and the onus was on the defence to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt.” Alek Minassian found criminally responsible for Toronto van attack, guilty on all 26 counts

Thank you so much! That's really interesting.
Looking for an MSM confirmation that BL flew home for a period of time during their trip -- anyone?

It seems incongruent to me that someone who has been described by GP's best friend to have control issues, and has the overall optics of being an abusive narcissist would leave GP for a period of nearly a week. "Allowing" her to have her own experiences absent of him seems like atypical behaviour, so I'm curious if this trip has been confirmed to have happened (for whatever reason) or is spiraling conjecture.

Exactly what I am thinking.
My guess is they either both checked into the hotel to get a breath from the stressful van-life with an unsuitably small and windowless van to "work things out" after the 12th Aug crisis, or they separated with her being in the hotel and him using the van. In either case, they reconnected eventually, probably because they realised (as was speculated before here) that they were all-in and did not have a plan B, so they had to continue. They kept this a secret because of embarrassment, and also to proceed with the "good life" social media story they planned to monetize.
Only that it did not get better from there.
"Any person who maintains or assists the principal or accessory before the fact, or gives the offender any other aid, knowing that the offender had committed the offense of child abuse, neglect of a child, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child under 18 years of age, or murder of a child under 18 years of age, or had been an accessory thereto before the fact, with the intent that the offender avoids or escapes detection, arrest, trial, or punishment, is an accessory after the fact unless the court finds that the person is a victim of domestic violence."

BBM to reflect that GP was 22....also if the relative is keeping hush because of DV they would waive charges.

This provision holds that an individual can’t be charged with accessory after the fact if they are the suspect’s:
  • Wife
  • Husband
  • Parent
  • Grandparent
  • Child
  • Grandchild
  • Brother (by blood or marriage)
  • Sister (by blood or marriage)
Those who are NOT protected under the related person exemption include:
  • Uncle
  • Aunt
  • Cousin
  • Mother/ Father of Shared Child (unless married)
  • Girlfriend/ Boyfriend

This is very helpful-so his parents cannot be charged for assisting BL, if they did?
Federal law supersedes state statute, correct? I appreciate learning the information but I don’t think FL law is relevant here. JMO but I believe a lawyer has also weighed in.

Generally speaking, federal laws trump state laws, if they are regulating the same area. But if a court rules that the federal government didn't have the authority to regulate, then the state law would take effect and the federal law would be thrown out. But that's not really relevenat at all.

In this case, GP was killed on federal property. That makes it a federal crime to be prosecuted by the US government. If she had been found one foot outside federal lands, it would be the state's jurisdction. It really just has to do with where it happened.

All of that being said, it might have been a federal case regardless if he crossed state lines while committing the crime.
"She's not just a name. She's not just a case. She was a person, and she was very special to a lot of people and many of us here," the restaurant's general manager, Lara Witschen, told WWAY.

"She was a good soul, a good spirit, and touched so many lives. That's what we want her to be remembered for."

A small memorial now also marks the spot in Wyoming where Petito's remains were found this week.

Petito's stepfather, Jim Schmidt, left a memorial at the site and sunflowers, "which were his daughter's favorite flower," family attorney Rick Stafford told CNN.

Gabby Petito update: More details emerge about Petito's last days as communities mourn her - CNN

A memorial is planned Saturday for Gabby Petito in North Port, Florida, where friends will release butterflies and light candles to honor the slain Long Island native, according to a report.

“Join us for a memorial butterfly release and candle lighting in remembrance of Gabby Petito,” reads an invitation by Lisa Correll for the event called “Butterfly Wings to Heaven for Gabby.”

Memorial planned Saturday in Florida for Gabby Petito
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This caught my attention because I feel the opposite. Gabby was trying to build a community but her posts were incredibly short and not very "influencer-y" She was crying about how stressed she was about social media and "making it work" and they'd been travelling for weeks before the first youtube video went up. My belief is he was upset with how she was doing things, and that's why her latest Insta posts are all written/edited by what seems to be BL. His posts have been long and drawn out and narcissistic. He wants to be seen. He wants to be tagged.He wants brand deals. They were also fighting over her phone, so maybe he was trying to change her posts and make it more "influencer" and that caused a lot of tension and was why she felt like she was at fault when the police pulled over. I'd feel so silly crying to the police over social media posts so I think they didn't go into greater detail because she wanted to be taken seriously. MOO

Per the interview with her friend/s, BL had previously taken her drivers license so she couldn’t get into the place she and her girlfriend had planned to go one night, and also that GP and the girlfriend used to have each other on an app that lets you see where your friends are all the time, and the girlfriend said BL made GP delete it*.
So if Rosie is recalling correctly, BL seemed to have a habit of attempting to control GP's access to things in order to control her. This seems consistent with someone who would take her keys or take/threaten to take her van when she wouldn't behave as he wanted.

*this example is of course extra-awful given where things are today
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