Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #31

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Then why wouldn't she have reported it to the authorities?
She was apparently 'locked ' into a dysfunctional, symbiotic relationship which had eroded her confidence to the point we all witnessed in the bodycam footage.
She wasn't ready to break free at any point before her probably murder.
This is a well recognised phenomenon and described well.
Also she was dead by then.
I didn't realize it was that long. I thought it was just long enough to order pizza. Still, I would think that she would be talking to her friends or her mom. My impression is that she was a lot more social and outgoing than Brian.

And I do remember him saying if he knew she was alone he'd come get her. I wonder why she didn't feel comfortable enough to tell her parents what was going on, especially if they did break up at that time. Maybe she didn't want them to worry.

It will be interesting to learn what LE finds on her cellphone and computer data during that time.

Right. I'm thinking either Brian did not leave her alone for a week or she did not tell her parents that. I don't know who else she talked to. We'll see. But yeah, watch dad on Dr. Phil. He talks about it extensively, which is why it's so strange he doesn't say Brian had left her. Unless I missed it. I will watch it a 3rd time to make sure.

It's been my theory that she couldn't get work done with Brian around. and Brian was getting down on her about it, too. She posted nothing for DAYS and DAys! But when in that hotel, she finally put out a video -- with the help of dad.
There's nothing on the website but one image. I find it hard to believe they worked all day on it.
2× snipped
But it would take me an entire day to do the cover image. I. would say. I have moderate abilities in that area.
Don't disparage the time it takes to make graphics - there's a reason why people do not change them frequently.
If it were fast and simple to build a website, there wouldn't be thousands of people making a living creating websites for others.
I didn't realize it was that long. I thought it was just long enough to order pizza. Still, I would think that she would be talking to her friends or her mom. My impression is that she was a lot more social and outgoing than Brian.

And I do remember him saying if he knew she was alone he'd come get her. I wonder why she didn't feel comfortable enough to tell her parents what was going on, especially if they did break up at that time. Maybe she didn't want them to worry.

It will be interesting to learn what LE finds on her cellphone and computer data during that time.
I was in a situation very close to this, and I was a lot older than Gabby. I was not ready to leave (I did eventually), I was not ready to feel that the marriage had failed and I knew my parents and siblings would nag me to leave.
@10ofRods I work at a Library in SoCal and we do have surveillance cameras.
It helped ID the indecent exposure perp last Saturday afternoon!

Oh, I'm sure some have them. My daughter works at one that does not. We do have them at the college - although, it's a mess if we ever need to actually retrieve the identity of someone (having a picture of someone who is using a computer without credentials - limited though it is - is not always possible; we do require a verified log-in to use actual library resources).

Where I am about half the public library services are provided by mobile vans (no surveillance but also no internet access) and others are in strip malls (limited internet access - but very popular).

Only the main library has cameras sparsely put about. My hometown library here in SoCal still has no cameras near its computers. It is supposed to be using "surveillance software" but that's not working well at all. I don't know where this will go - but free computer access at libraries is now considered some kind of right and my daughter is frequently threatened by individuals just because they can't figure out how to sign into various websites.
Perhaps Gabby did not tell her dad that she'd been left alone; perhaps thought it would shatter what we now know was an illusion of a happy relationship with Brian.
That very well could be. Victim's usually don't want to upset their parents and keep alot of what goes on secret. Gabby probably did the same. Until it becomes so bad that people start seeing it right in front of them. Abusers usually are pretty covert about the abuse though. Theirs was out in plain site and definitely escalating IMHO.
Thank you! If they were both using Gabby's cards what's to stop him saying he didn't know she was dead? Would LE have to have knowledge that he knew she was dead to charge him? Or based on what we know so far in the case would that be enough for LE to convince them he knew? Hope that makes sense! o_O
From what I have gathered 2-3 threads back, LE is basing it on the dates he used it, and it's after they think she was dead. To me, the fake text on Aug. 30th suggesting that she was in Yosemite, in CA is enough alone to suggest that he knew she was dead. We know that she never made it there, nor could she have sent that text.
What does "silver play button" mean? Please enlighten those of us not into social media. Thanks!


Generally speaking , If somehow you earn the play button(s) you won't sell it .

Lets assume you have to sell it and even to someone who is very much interested

Silver play Button - 2–5k dollar

Golden play button - 10–20k dollars

Note that it will be that high only when you sell it to some collector because the raw price of it is almost NONE .

( They are not exactly made of gold or silver )
A law firm is offering a $20,000 reward to anyone who provides police with a tip that directly leads to finding Brian Laundrie

A law firm with multiple Florida locations is offering a $20,000 reward for a tip that directly leads law enforcement to Brian Laundrie, a person of interest in 22-year-old Gabby Petito's case.

Boohoff Law, a personal injury law firm, has an office in North Port, Florida, the location of Laundrie's parents' home. Laundrie was living at his parents' house when they reported him missing last week as investigators searched for Petito.

Laundrie had declined to cooperate with police in their search for Petito, his fiancé.
If BL was putting his money into Gabby's account wouldn't that be considered a gift to her legally?
I don’t think it’s Gabby charging him. It’s the Feds. It’s a criminal act to take money out of a bank account of someone deceased unless it is set up specifically so that you can do so. Most of the time , accounts are not so set up. You have to do paper work and get the court’s permission to take out money from a deceased’s account, and you either have to be a beneficiary or some admin paying the deceased’s bills with that money. Certainly not for your own personal expenses.

I doubt BL is even the designated beneficiary of anything of Gabby’s. So her parents are likely the ones from whom BL was stealing when he used those accounts. I doubt they are going to be nice about it

In cases, where a person did not know—say Gabby clearly died of an accident totally devoid of even any suspicion of involving of BL, and BL unthinkingly used the card as usual since that’s the way he and Gabby did things, or he was away and did not get word of her death, and clearly used the cards unwittingly, it is highly unlikely any warrant for arrest would be issued for this breach.

in this case, LE is looking for some reason to charge him with a crime, and this came up. Gives them some leeway to work up the more serious cases. They can maybe lock him up now when they find him. They couldn’t do a thing before. No leverage at all. They say ignorance of the law is no excuse or exception, but in reality , most LE, DAs, judges, will let something like this go when there use innocence all around. When the breach occurs by someone suspected of killing the owner of the accounts, they would come down hard
Right. I'm thinking either Brian did not leave her alone for a week or she did not tell her parents that. I don't know who else she talked to. We'll see. But yeah, watch dad on Dr. Phil. He talks about it extensively, which is why it's so strange he doesn't say Brian had left her. Unless I missed it. I will watch it a 3rd time to make sure.

It's been my theory that she couldn't get work done with Brian around. and Brian was getting down on her about it, too. She posted nothing for DAYS and DAys! But when in that hotel, she finally put out a video -- with the help of dad.
Dad only knows what Gabby told him.
She was in the hotel Aug 17-23 & posted the video Aug 19. I personally think she spent a great deal of time there making this video. It can be like hundreds of hours of work to edit video footage together & upload it & build a website.

It wouldn't have been hundreds of hours of editing video footage for the kind of videos she was making. Far from it.
A couple of hours here and there would've been more than enough.

I hope she spent the 6 days in the hotel, enjoying sleeping in a proper bed, making use of a hot shower, nice bathroom and chilling out and resting. She deserved it.
Thank you! If they were both using Gabby's cards what's to stop him saying he didn't know she was dead? Would LE have to have knowledge that he knew she was dead to charge him? Or based on what we know so far in the case would that be enough for LE to convince them he knew? Hope that makes sense! o_O

The Feds are very aggressive with these statutes and I think they would just say using her PIN without her present is unauthorized access, full stop. But I also think they know she died on or before August 29 so she could not have given permission and at her death, the beneficiary listed on her account or next of kin would be the owner. We know Mr. P and Mrs. S did not give their permission for BL to use the access device and they may consider it stolen. That may be why they went with 8/30 and not 8/28 or 8/29 if they want to be sure it was after her date of death.

The only carve-out I meant to highlight in my post (because I was sure it would come up later) was the example of say my husband and I stop at the ATM to take money out of our joint account. Even though it is a joint account, we have our own debit cards and PINs. I forget my card at home so he hands me his debit card and asks me to pull the money out so he doesn't have to park. I don't think I'm going to get arrested under 18 USC 1029 since I am being authorized, I don't have an intent to deceive, and we are jointly doing it even though I am using his PIN and not mine.

That's fascinating. Looks like he tried to get out of her car while it was moving too.

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EXCLUSIVE: A second woman has come forward to say she gave a hitchhiking Brian Laundrie a ride in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming on Aug. 29, two days after Gabby Petito was last seen.

The first woman, Miranda Baker, said in videos posted to TikTok on Sept. 17 that she and her boyfriend picked up Laundrie, 23, at 5:30 p.m. MST on Aug. 29 after spotting him hitchhiking on the side of the road. She said she spoke with police about the encounter.

Norma Jean Jalovec, a seasonal Wyoming resident from Florida, told Fox News Digital on Friday that after seeing Baker's TikTok video, she realized she had also picked up Laundrie on Aug. 29 and dropped him off around 6:30 or 6:40 MST at the Spread Creek dispersed camping area, where Petito's remains were discovered weeks later.

Jalovec said she spontaneously decided to visit a Catholic church called Chapel of the Sacred Heart in Grand Teton National Park that Sunday for its 5 p.m. MST service. The church is about 1.2 miles from Jackson Lake Dam, where Baker said she dropped Laundrie off after he "freaked out" and asked to get out of the couple's Jeep.

Jalovec said she picked him up around 6:15 or 6:20 past the dam on a stretch of road toward Spread Creek. He was walking backward and holding out his thumb, like so many do in that area of the National Park, she told Fox News.

"I picked him up…" Jelovec said. "… Something just said, 'Hey, ask him where he’s going.'"

Laundrie, who sat in the passenger seat of Jalovec's 4Runner, asked if she was going to Jackson. When she told him no because she lives in the opposite direction, he asked her if she'd drop him off at the Spread Creek dispersed camping area, which she agreed to, Jalovec said.

Spread Creek is about a 20-minute drive from the dam.



"Everything's legitimate. Everything's corroborated. I already talked to the FBI," Jalovec said, adding that she didn't realize she had given a ride to Laundrie until after she saw Baker's TikTok video and emphasized the important role social media has played in helping to solve this case.

Baker similarly explained in her video that she realized it was the 23-year-old person of interest in Petito's missing person case after watching videos on TikTok.

Jalovec described having the same small talk with Laundrie that Baker reported in her TikTok. He told her that he spent time hiking near Snake River and that he had a fiancé. He told her he had seen elk and moose but no bison, and when she asked him if he needed any gas money, he said no

On the ride to Spread Creek, Jalovec said she took a sharp right turn, causing a Bible on her dashboard to fall onto Laundrie's lap. He picked up the book and put it back on the dashboard.


The 23-year-old asked Jalovec to drop him off at the gate of the remote campground, which has a single dirt road that extends miles to various camping sites in the area; at 6:30 p.m. MST in August, there would have still been some daylight to see into the camping area. Jalovec responded saying she could drive him inside, which is when he tried to "get out of the moving car," she said.

"I can't explain why I was there," Jalovec said of her decision to go to the church in Grand Teton that day and pick up a hitchhiker. "It was something I don't typically do. I don't pick up hitchhikers in Florida. I've gotten so much s***t from family and friends for picking up a hitchhiker."

"Jalovec said she joked with Laundrie about wanting to impress his fiancé by hiking into the campground rather than hitching a ride, but he only responded by insisting that he be let out of the vehicle."

She said he tried to get out of her moving vehicle when she said she could drive him INTO the camping area. I think he didn't want her to see what was inside the camping area.

Very interesting. This was the 29th so did he leave already right after this ride? How odd this whole story is, IMO.
From what I have gathered 2-3 threads back, LE is basing it on the dates he used it, and it's after they think she was dead. To me, the fake text on Aug. 30th suggesting that she was in Yosemite, in CA is enough alone. We know that she never made it there, nor could she have sent that text.

The fraud charges are only a means to hold him (oh, if only they had him) while they get evidence to charge him with murder. I wouldn't be surprised if they "fall away" - assuming they ever find him.
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