Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #53

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This is interesting - it's not that there was a ton of "bad" content - there was really a dearth of any content. I know a couple that has finally started to monetize their YouTube channel, in a similar space, and it is an insane amount of work. They were laughing about getting their first "big check" for like 12 bucks.
It really isn't easy. Its not just about creating content either. It's about creating a following more than anything - if you have the following to start, then it becomes easier to make money, but it certainly isn't big bucks.
If he needed a refill of certain meds then certain doctors might require a visit before they would refill certain meds….
Most docs, since the pandemic, are comfortable doing med checks even for controlled substances by phone or video. Of course I can imagine situations in which a prescribing physician or psychiatrist might insist on an in-person evaluation (perhaps for significant health or safety concerns, or just a preference to eyeball all or certain patients if at all possible), but it's more typical that telehealth would be available, particularly where a patient is most of a country away.

That said, BL stated in the Moab video that neither he nor GP were taking meds for anxiety. He would have to be unusually literal-minded, or, for some strange reason, deliberately trying to hide being on other psychiatric-related meds when asked a question like that and giving such a narrow answer.

So for the moment, the information publicly available says no, this wasn't likely a trip home for a med refill.
That could be true although mental illness is easier to evaluate in a web visit vs say, heart disease. And with the pandemic...and there's almost a zero chance the doctor would have been prescribing an opioid even assuming BL has a mental illness. While other controlled substances require "visits" vs auto refills, it's not like prescribing an opiate.

I know what you are saying & you might be right. But that just feels wrong to me. Rather than prescribing "long-distance" (which isn't straightforward. The doctor in Florida likely isn't licensed in Utah..but it can be managed) the doctor insisted on a face to face visit? He/she thinks a Zoom type visit won't be good enough? So it's better for a mentally unstable person to travel 2300+ miles by himself instead?

Seems to me the doctor should have arranged for someone in SLC to see BL as a professional courtesy if a prescription refill was the issue.


Filling an Rx out of state is straightforward. I’ve worked in healthcare for 10+ years. Some people need it on vacation, some live in a warmer climate during the winter. Some had to travel last minute. Whatever the reason, if the prescribing physician is willing to write it/send a refill, all you need is the new pharmacy information. Super simple and have never seen anything denied due to an out of state doc sending it. In the case of a controlled substance however, you do need a “wet” signature so not all pharmacies will accept a faxed rx, though most will.
Since it was Gabby's van why couldn't her dad/mom etc give the cops permission to search it? Did they have to get a warrant to search? I don't know that's why i am asking

No one (except the killer) knew Gabby was dead on September 11, 2021. So the van was still Gabby's property and it was being held on the Laundrie's property. So, yes, a warrant was needed.
Certainly. I expect most of the time F2F office visits are preferred. But if BL was in unusual distress, and he was under the care of a Florida psychiatrist (& we have no proof of that) I just can't imagine the psychiatrist telling him to get on a plane and come back to FL for an office visit. That's all I was saying.

Understood! If he had anxiety of flying too, that would be the worst possible way to get him seen by his doctor!
Most docs, since the pandemic, are comfortable doing med checks even for controlled substances by phone or video. Of course I can imagine situations in which a prescribing physician or psychiatrist might insist on an in-person evaluation (perhaps for significant health or safety concerns, or just a preference to eyeball all or certain patients if at all possible), but it's more typical that telehealth would be available, particularly where a patient is most of a country away.

That said, BL stated in the Moab video that neither he nor GP were taking meds for anxiety. He would have to be unusually literal-minded, or, for some strange reason, deliberately trying to hide being on other psychiatric-related meds when asked a question like that and giving such a narrow answer.

So for the moment, the information publicly available says no, this wasn't likely a trip home for a med refill.
What about a 'recurrence' of a previous illness?
So if neighbors saw Brian running from his home on the 17th, he may not have had much time to prepare to leave, meaning he may not have the supplies to stay out there too long. Eventually everyone gets hungry.
I also agree with this. I see very little evidence that GP was trying to monetize this trip until very late in the game. In all of her 12-18 months of planning this trip, she did very little to try to gain a substantial following. As far as we can tell, they bought all that REI gear but didn't tag the company in social media until one post in August IIRC. BL has a post on Instagram about the van conversion, but GP doesn't, and even in BL's post there's no detailed explanation of what he's doing (we removed the x to make room to install a y). That YouTube video of all their 2020 adventures should have been up and plastered over their SM BEFORE setting out. All that is the type of stuff pre-trip that would start to get them followers. Then, once the trip started they posted rather infrequently. Sponsors are looking for people who post regularly, even daily, to keep the audience engaged. GP may have had dreams to monetize this, but she didn't actually do a lot to realize that dream until her final few weeks. Maybe the two of them disagreed over this and that's part of the reason they argued, because GP does seem like she's making efforts to monetize right around the time the problems (that we know of) start.
I agree with all of y’all that Gabby’s venture was not exactly a business plan execution. I really think it was more of a lark and fantasy for Gabby. It probably just came up one day in everyday conversation and she decided to act upon the idea. Impulsively, they gathered their belongings into the van, filled the gas tank up and set off for Wyoming. I give her so much credit though. She was so young. Just beginning her life as a young woman. I think she had her head in the clouds with unrealistic expectations with she and her fiancé riding off into the sunset. I think she believed her time on the phone was her work. I’m not saying that it met a true definition of work for financial gain. What I’ve tried to say (prob not very well)is all the art, creativity and time poured out into that phone was considered work by her. That phone was her everything.
He sabotaged the work she could've done BEFORE leaving on the "#vanlife" trip? How?
I didn't say that, but now that you mention it:
1) it wasn't their first trip, IIRC he suggested that she buy a larger vehicle for this next trip.
2) yes, every time it became obvious that she was the rising star, could get along with people, had FRIENDS, etc, I do believe he was an albatross hanging around her neck, trying to sabotage her work to keep her at his mediocre level. If you don't mind mixed imagery. IMO
It really isn't easy. Its not just about creating content either. It's about creating a following more than anything - if you have the following to start, then it becomes easier to make money, but it certainly isn't big bucks.

Exactly - this couple was talking about how much time is spent answering questions from viewers. It never occurred me how much time that would take - even reshooting aspects of things to make it clearer. All of that has to be done, with a smile, in order to survive in that space.

That's why I keep going back to the idea that, in Moab and SLC, she started hearing "you've got a real 'star quality' - it needs to be about you, not him." It's like the old Brady Bunch episode, where the record producer wants Greg, not the rest of the kids.
I agree with all of y’all that Gabby’s venture was not exactly a business plan execution. I really think it was more of a lark and fantasy for Gabby. It probably just came up one day in everyday conversation and she decided to act upon the idea. Impulsively, they gathered their belongings into the van, filled the gas tank up and set off for Wyoming. I give her so much credit though. She was so young. Just beginning her life as a young woman. I think she had her head in the clouds with unrealistic expectations with she and her fiancé riding off into the sunset. I think she believed her time on the phone was her work. I’m not saying that it met a true definition of work for financial gain. What I’ve tried to say (prob not very well)is all the art, creativity and time poured out into that phone was considered work by her. That phone was her everything.
I think they did have a plan to record their journey and perhaps find a way to monetise it, it was just more difficult than they envisaged.
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