Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #54

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Yes I was about to ask you... did he just share what was floating around unconfirmed today? I feel like the local reporters would know first/better...
Apparently he was told this directly by a law enforcement source. The discovery of an old campsite explains the renewed effort today, but it doesn't mean this was necessarily Brian's campsite, or even a recent one if it was his (although he did use the word "fresh").

So grain of salt.
Well, if the reserve has been closed to the public for several weeks now, a fresh campsite would certainly be of interest. Probably not 'conclusive', but certainly of interest.


Could some confusion have arisen over the "fresh campsite" that DTBH supposedly had found in Ft. Desoto? Did someone then make the erroneous connection between that "fresh campsite" and what is happening at the reserve?
No. It can definitely be a legal strategy to play dumb and not disclose what you know. You are completely within your rights to say nothing and see what the other side really knows and then respond only to what is being disclosed to you. I think that's often a good strategy.

But I'll say I've never seen or heard of a strategy that involved intentionally making bizarre statements to the press. I have seen people get tripped up and say the wrong things (which is why you're often better not saying anything at all to the press!)
Alethea, can you imagine any situation of how this farce could have possibly even begun? Certainly, SB wouldn't have created this purposefully, would he? I can't see how he could think it would be advantageous to anyone he's representing. Even a miscommunication couldn't create this, could it?
Gabby Petito's body was found 'a five-minute walk from her and Brian Laundrie's van' | Daily Mail Online

'Her body was found — I guess it would be in front of a tent, if that's what was there — or just in front of the fire ring... there was definitely a fire ring there,' her stepfather, Jim Schmidt, shared.

'It wasn't far from the van. It was a five minute walk,' Petito's mother, Nichole Schmidt echoed.

Jim, who visited the location on the outskirts of Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming where Petito's body was found, painted a vivid picture of the isolated area.

'You would have to want to go out over into that area,' he said.

Jim said his stepdaughter's remains were found in an area of dispersed campgrounds on the borderline of Bridger-Teton National Forest, about 40 feet away from where Grand Teton National Park begins.

He explained in order to get to that area, campers would have to cross over the creek bed that separated the campgrounds from the area where police found Petito and Laundrie's van.

'So you have to cross over this creek bed, this rock area, and go through these tributaries and once you get on the other side it's just some trees sparsely placed throughout and a lot sage brush, a lot of low brush,' he shared.

'It was in an area where there was a few trees and there was the remnants of a fire ring there...There was a clearing where I would assume - knowing I have a similar tent, where I would place my tent - and that opening would face out overlooking the mountain range.'

Jim left a stone cross and flowers in the exact location where she was found.

So this guy, this BL person, killed her in front of their tent by the fire circle. Then he packed up the tent, walked 5 minutes to the van and within a day or two just packed up and left, leaving her body there. Thinking only how to save his own skin.

He would weave a tale of how she went and camped without him for a night and he knew nothing …. but he overestimated his own intelligence. There is no story he can tell that anyone would believe. He killed her and left her there, took her van and her money and ran away for his home.
For an amateur hiker from NY to stay in the Carlton Reserve without help...

Unless, he brought enough canned food for a month or someone is regularly dropping food off at the perimeter of the Carlton...

Food resources would be limited because he can't light a fire to cook. He would be spotted, easily. It's unlikely, he has anything other than a knife. The sound of a gun shot would carry for miles out there and would be heard at neighboring ranches.

BL is likely to be suffering from trench foot. Therefore, unlikely to be walking around in good condition.

IMHO...He isn't out there.
Lots of boats in Florida. It would not surprise me to learn that Mom and Dad made arrangements for him to escape via water vessel. IMO
I don't understand how CL is interviewed by a group of citizens AND professional reporters and none of them ask the questions EVERYONE ELSE is asking.

Did she ask about Gabby? If no, then why not? Did her kids?

Did her parents mention Gabby? Did BL?

Were any of them acting off? Did she notice anything amiss?
I would agree. When someone’s child is missing, they don’t allow family to search with the trained searchers, but they usually give them something to do to feel helpful. But that’s also when parents want to do anything to find their child and also when their child is missing not on the run. Something seems off here. & why now?

Why now, indeed. SMH. Makes no sense to me at all. BL's dad in the midst of it??
Maybe I can see his dad looking at some things that were found -- to see if they might be BL's, or maybe to show them where they camped -- on a map, of course -- but IMO, even that is a stretch. Did their lawyer misunderstand?
Wait & see, I guess...
Chris Cuomo is reporting that authorities told him that they found a fresh campsite in the reserve, and that's why they were back in force today.

Source: Law enforcement found remnants of a campsite in area Brian Laundrie is known to have spent time.

I am looking forward to more details, but I suspect its just going to be someone who wanted to go camping and doesn't think the rules apply to them. There are a lot of people with that attitude in the outdoorsy community.
Apparently he was told this directly by a law enforcement source. The discovery of an old campsite explains the renewed effort today, but it doesn't mean this was necessarily Brian's campsite, or even a recent one if it was his.

So grain of salt.
Yeah I just looked up the CNN screen & it says it was where BL is believed to have spent time, which reads to me as trying to stretch a connection, in a way. Like, he could also have set up a camp somewhere he has never spent time. It seems like it's trying to imply that because he went there before, that must be him now... I hope LE will be able to prove or disprove this pretty quickly.
Chris Cuomo is reporting that authorities told him that they found a fresh campsite in the reserve, and that's why they were back in force today.

Source: Law enforcement found remnants of a campsite in area Brian Laundrie is known to have spent time.
Thanks for this.

For a while there I'd started to believe I'd been hallucinating..

Also, Chris Cuomo gets the leak and the poor suffering Brian Entins must flog a dead thing constantly and still manage to make it interesting..!
NPPD came out real fast to say, “nope, we can’t make that call.” Brian Laundrie’s parents hoping to assist in search for son soon, attorney says



Attorney Steven Bertolino told 8 On Your Side’s Mahsa Saeidi Wednesday night that Chris Laundrie was asked to assist law enforcement.

According to Bertolino, “North Port police had to postpone Chris’ involvement.”

However, according to North Port Public Information Officer Josh Taylor, it wouldn’t be their police department making that call.
The Laundries were most likely assuming LE would have no comment. It's what they usually do. This time, LE commented and corrected the record.
The level of miscalculation it would take for a lawyer to have thought that he could falsely or at least inaccurately attribute something to a LE agency that would call into question that agency's work or reputation, in a case where all LE involved has been under a public magnifying glass for weeks...would be off the charts.
So this guy, this BL person killed her in front of their tent by the fire circle. Then he packed up the tent walked 5 minutes to the van and within a day or two just packed up and left, leaving her body there. Thinking only how to save his skin.

He would weave a tale of how she went and camped without him for a night and he knew nothing …. but he overestimated his own intelligence. There is no story he can tell that anyone would believe. He killed her and left her there, took her van and her money and ran away for his home.

What a disgusting creature this bloke is.

What's even more disgusting is how our laws give the perpetrator more rights that the victim. They let him go twice now!


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