GA - Cooper Harris (HLN Coverage (JVM, NG & Dr. Drew)

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Song list in order...

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Oh, wow. TY. Blast from the past! I remember most of those, though it was kinda, um, foggy (lol), in my friend's apartment. My fav from that list, "In the Air Tonight" by Phil Collins. Loved, and still love, that song! Ooh, and "Rapture" by Blondie! Probably many more, just browsed through the ain't gonna have me up all night reminiscing, LOL!! I've already pulled up Phil Collins and jamming right now. But, I NEED TO GO TO BED, LOL! :lol:
Ok, y'all ain't gonna let me sleep, huh? LOL! Saw your post after I logged out, had to log back into reply.

First off, you're NOT old because I remember this, and I'm definitely NOT old...just oldER! :smile:

I had forgotten about Star Jones until I read your post, but I used to like her too. And, yes, times HAVE changed. CourTV is now TruTV and it airs a bunch of foolishness now, imo... so-called "reality shows". Whatever. Haven't watched it in years since they changed.

If it makes you feel better, I keep "threatening" to log off... and.. can't seem to do it

Where's lightlady and her wine?? Could use some about now... need something to shut my mind off for the night...
I cut school with friends the first day Mtv came on the air...watched it ALL day...:)

Video Killed the Radio Star.

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My neighbor with cable came over to get me out of bed when "Thriller" premiered....

ETA: I had mixed reactions to MTV... Cars video "Drive" was not at ALL what I pictured in my mind while listening to the song... no purpose for posting, just random FYI....
So please remember, we don't bash the show hosts. There are threads downstairs for discussing hosts. Up here, we play nice.

So please remember, we don't bash the show hosts. There are threads downstairs for discussing hosts. Up here, we play nice.


Sorry Salem :/

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I blocked HLN on my TV a while back...just too trashy and sensational for me. And I have yet to see anything there we didn't know already, more accurately, here. Jmo
MEL ROBBINS, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: Well, I actually do think there is an innocent explanation, Don.

And I wrote an opinion piece on that went bananas, basically telling everybody, before you indict this woman, take a step back and take a look at the facts. The police keep saying they have a mountain of evidence, Don, but where it is, other than the fact that unfortunately little baby Cooper was left in the car?

I know that there are some things that the dad has done that we all find to be really offensive. But, as Jose Baez was saying -- and I agree with them -- most of us are rushing to judgment to connect the dots where there may not be a guilty -- like a guilty person here. This may have been a gigantic mistake, and he was horrible in trying to cover it up. snip

[JOSE] BAEZ: Oh, absolutely.

I think if you have an issue here where, as you see, an issue like this beckons awareness. And a lot of people are talking about this right now. So when you have that situation, lawmakers want to put laws on the books. But then you go into that slippery slope where you have to prove intent.

And nothing could be harder than trying to prove someone's intent in a court of law.
I have merged everything up here. We talked about doing a daily thread, but if we are only generating a page or two a day, let's just use this one thread for awhile. Once the trial gets closer and the shows heat up, we can re-evaluate going to a daily thread.


JRH worked for police dispatch from 2006 - 2009 and was familiar with the importance of obtaining immediate emergency aid. Yet JRH did not call 911 for his own son.

JRH is entering the jail's mental health ward tonight. via JC (consider the source :)

That is one thing I got out of watching the NG show last night - correlating the fact that he worked as a police dispacther with the fact that he did not call 911 for his own baby son.
I was just .. aghast! I hadn't thought of that before.

Also, I am a little ashamed that I am not on the fence about LH. They're gonna have to prove to me she isn't guilty of something.

I know people grieve differently, but I see no sign of stress on her face at all.
It's relaxed!
So yeah, maybe she doesn't want to grieve in public but I don't see how she could hide any underlying stress.

RED FLAG: Best friend said RH played with his sons more than he did.
Maybe Ross was grooming children too, not just teenage girls.
"Abraham said that Justin actually made him feel bad about his own parenting skills because Justin often played with Abraham`s kids more than Abraham
actually did. "
Who is Ross' best friend? Someone named Abraham? Is this on HLN right now?
RED FLAG: Best friend said RH played with his sons more than he did.
Maybe Ross was grooming children too, not just teenage girls.
"Abraham said that Justin actually made him feel bad about his own parenting skills because Justin often played with Abraham`s kids more than Abraham
actually did. "

If I'm not mistaken, this friend was in Alabama, and they had not had Cooper yet. It's easy to play with other people's kids, you don't have the responsibility, and when your done playing, you can go home and do what you want. Maybe Ross thought having a kid was all fun and games, and then after awhile couldn't stand the responsibility anymore. Wonder how much he played with Cooper?
Well, RH was better than everybody at everything wasn't he? moo
Seems like he always presented himself as the model person.
I have merged everything up here. We talked about doing a daily thread, but if we are only generating a page or two a day, let's just use this one thread for awhile. Once the trial gets closer and the shows heat up, we can re-evaluate going to a daily thread.



:tyou: Salem! :gomods:

FYI, Salem has given the OK to a separate thread, dedicated to the CNN coverage of Cooper's case.

Here is the link:

GA - CNN Coverage of the Cooper Harris Case

FWIW, I am bringing over the transcript links now, and they are extensive. Perhaps the fact that CNN Worldwide HQ is located in Atlanta, or just because Cooper's case resonates with so many, but he is receiving the media coverage he justly deserves, along with legal analysis.

:justice: for Cooper!

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RED FLAG: Best friend said RH played with his sons more than he did.
Maybe Ross was grooming children too, not just teenage girls.
"Abraham said that Justin actually made him feel bad about his own parenting skills because Justin often played with Abraham`s kids more than Abraham
actually did.

BBM, well RH was always between jobs (when he did actually work) so he had plenty of time for playing :rolleyes:
RED FLAG: Best friend said RH played with his sons more than he did.
Maybe Ross was grooming children too, not just teenage girls.
"Abraham said that Justin actually made him feel bad about his own parenting skills because Justin often played with Abraham`s kids more than Abraham
actually did. "

This could also very well be the all important "image management" of a sociopath. :moo:
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