Paint tote

Nothing can be more outdated and obsolete than remarks made the same day relating to a murder that is unsolved for more than 10 years. Remarks made before any forensics were done, before any details were known.

they aren't outdated or obsolete remarks,Hold.Agent Walker was right on the money.

Welcome to the present day real world, where LE is testing new suspects against qualified (not degraded) DNA.
hey that's good.because the DNA in this case is still degraded.

Where the intruder is now seen as the most likely scenario by renowned experts in the field.
I don't know why you say this,but unfortunately,the parents are still the ones that have to be cleared first,because usually it's them,or one of them.Other than that,it's sometimes a live-in and or significant other,like a boyfriend or step-parent.But it's usually someone within the home.
It's just like most rape victims know their attacker.Things haven't changed.
Nothing can be more outdated and obsolete than remarks made the same day relating to a murder that is unsolved for more than 10 years. Remarks made before any forensics were done, before any details were known.

Welcome to the present day real world, where LE is testing new suspects against qualified (not degraded) DNA. Where the intruder is now seen as the most likely scenario by renowned experts in the field.

Are you suggesting that Agent Walker's memory of being on the scene is outdated. What is with you IDIs, you all and I MEAN ALL, give the impression of someone badly in need of shock treatments. Nobody knows what the hell you are talking about.
Nothing can be more outdated and obsolete than remarks made the same day relating to a murder that is unsolved for more than 10 years. Remarks made before any forensics were done, before any details were known.

Welcome to the present day real world, where LE is testing new suspects against qualified (not degraded) DNA. Where the intruder is now seen as the most likely scenario by renowned experts in the field.

You mean "FRAGMENTED DNA" Holdon and you can say qualified every which way AND LOOSE and fragmented STILL would suggest that the DNA IS OLDER. Dream on.
While WS was "acting up" today, I did some snooping on the internet and found this site:

Y'all have probably seen it before, but some of the photos I had never the loom in JB's room. There's also a photo of the paint tote.
WARNING: There are 3 pages of photos. I linked to page 1 has autopsy photos.
Besides, JR coud've called those things twisters. That doesn't add to any RDI argument, really. It only indicates JR may have had a familiarity with that type of weapon, and he refers to them as twisters.

To stress a point it would be much colder for him to have said that after his daughter was killed in that manner than had it been said prior. Although they may not have been aware she was still alive at that point. However why would he have spoken of twisters prior eludes me why he would have spoken of a garrote at all. But to speak of one after in any manner that alone to call it a twister is ice cold brutal.
To stress a point it would be much colder for him to have said that after his daughter was killed in that manner than had it been said prior. Although they may not have been aware she was still alive at that point. However why would he have spoken of twisters prior eludes me why he would have spoken of a garrote at all. But to speak of one after in any manner that alone to call it a twister is ice cold brutal.

This presumes the context. I'd have to actually hear the context in which it was used and then also have JR answer some other questions as to why he calls it a twister. Otherwise I'd be speculating, as you apparently are.
You mean "FRAGMENTED DNA" Holdon and you can say qualified every which way AND LOOSE and fragmented STILL would suggest that the DNA IS OLDER. Dream on.

How come you've concluded its 'OLDER' but LE apparently hasn't and so continues to use it to test suspects? Do you know something LE doesn't?
Besides, JR coud've called those things twisters. That doesn't add to any RDI argument, really. It only indicates JR may have had a familiarity with that type of weapon, and he refers to them as twisters.

Yep, and this is the point that I was trying to make....thanks for helping me with it. Hmmm...he had a "familiarity with that type of weapon"..and one was used on his daughter. what are the odds of THAT?? Patsy's fibers were found on the sticky side of the tape over JB's mouth, entwined in the fibers of the garotte, AND inside of the paint what are the odds of THAT?
Ames,the pics are great and they are both so beautiful ! If you posted one of your teen then I must have missed it,I was in a hurry yest.But they are both so pretty.You are very blessed.

Thanks JMO...No, I haven't posted one of my teen, but...I will.
By calling it a twister it shows he knows that the attached paintbrush handle wasn't pulled.


Right..awesome point!!!! You would make a GREAT detective!!! I still find it odd that he referred to it as a "twister" HOW would he have KNOWN that????
I'm not defending Patsy at all, but I've always thought that JonBenet was allergic to all that mold in the basement room and that's why she went to the doctor so many times with upper respiratory symptoms. Of course, that doesn't explain the other problems.

Yep, that could be a oldest daughter is allergic to mold spores and had respiratory trouble and ear infections when she was younger.
he had to have some kind of knowledge to come up w/ that comment.
not just 'may have had' some knowledge of it.

Exactly!! I mean, what is there to actually "know" about garottes anyway?? He knew enough about them to know that they are called twisters (how would he have known that???)...that is way more than the general population knows about them.
In JR 1998 interview...and I will post it if you need to see it....he refers to the garotte as a "twister". Doesn't sound like someone who doesn't have any notion to what a garrote or countermeasure is. On the contrary....sounds to me like JR is someone that knows an awful LOT about garottes....enough to know that they are called twisters....I didn't even know that, until I read his interview. The below link is very SPANISH, a garotte is called a TWISTER. HMMMMM (Maybe John knew how to speak and read Spanish, afterall).

Modern Translations: Garotte

Language Translations for "garotte"; alternative meanings/domain in parentheses.Hungarian

megfojtás (choke, choking, garrotte, smothering, strangling, strangulation), kivégzés nyakszorító vassal (garrotte), csavarófa (garrote, garrotte). (various references)

mencekik (choke, strangle). (various references)

garrotta (garrotte), strangolare con la garrotta (garrotte). (various references)
Pig Latin

arottegay.(various references)

garrotear (garrotte), garrote (defect, Esmarch tourniquet, garrotte, kink, tie, top of shoulder, tourniquet, withers), floreado (flowery, twirl), estrangular (choke, emote, garrotte, mug, quell, scrag, strangle, strangulate, suffocate, suppress, throttle), esganar (garrotte, strangle, throttle), assalto (assault, attack, blow, bout, break in, burglary, flaw, garrotte, mugging, onfall, onset, push, raid, robbery, rush, shock). (various references)

garrote (bludgeon, club, dancer, defect, garrote, garrotte, kink, springer, truncheon, twister), dar garrote a (garrote, garrotte), agarrotar (garrote, garrotte, squeeze tight). (various references)

boğazlamak (butcher, choke, garrote, slaughter, strangle), boğazlama, boğazını sıkarak boğma, boğarak idam etmek (garrote, garrotte), boğarak idam (garrote, garrotte). (various references)

страчувати за допомогою гаротти (garrotte), гаррота (garrotte), задушення з метою пограбування (garrotte), задушити з метою пограбування (garrotte). (various references)

hình phạt thắt cổ (garrotte). (various references)​

Holdon I supplied the post for you that refers to Ramsey referring to the "twister" in his interview. TO ME that is CHILLING that he could do such a thing in any context considering that it in fact contributed to this precious childs death in conjunction with the skull fracture. If it really escapes you why this bothers me I am at a total loss for words. Truly it chills me to the bone.
Yep, and this is the point that I was trying to make....thanks for helping me with it. Hmmm...he had a "familiarity with that type of weapon"..and one was used on his daughter. what are the odds of THAT?? Patsy's fibers were found on the sticky side of the tape over JB's mouth, entwined in the fibers of the garotte, AND inside of the paint what are the odds of THAT?

Everybody has a 'familiarity with that type of weapon" You might try looking for someone who is experienced in killing with one. Or did you really, actually think that JBR's killer has never killed before?
Holdon I supplied the post for you that refers to Ramsey referring to the "twister" in his interview. TO ME that is CHILLING that he could do such a thing in any context considering that it in fact contributed to this precious childs death in conjunction with the skull fracture. If it really escapes you why this bothers me I am at a total loss for words. Truly it chills me to the bone.

The murder itself was chilling. The threat to behead a child was chilling. Somehow you're losing me on this fearsome 'twister' reference. I mean, in comparison to these other aspects, its really nothing significant. You're just chilling yourself.
Everybody has a 'familiarity with that type of weapon" You might try looking for someone who is experienced in killing with one. Or did you really, actually think that JBR's killer has never killed before?
But the so-called twister was no twister. Some cord was wrapped around a wooden stick and that was it. It was no tourniquet construction.
Imo the stager of the scene clearly meant this contraption to be interpreted as a pulling, not a twisting device. Which is why she (I believe it was Patsy because it was done so poorly) left a space of cord between JonBenet's neck and the wooden stick - to suggest the perp pulled at the cord to tighten the noose around the victim's neck. But with an already fixed knot around the neck, any pulling action becomes redundant.
Everything points to the wooden handle having been used as mere grisly decor to misdirect LE.

Imo John later using the technical term 'twister' was a mere attempt at damage control on his part, trying to suggest a killer with expertise constructed this. The same goes for John calling the knots 'sophisticated', while they were actually very simple knots. The BPD's own hired rope expert said this.

The murder itself was chilling. The threat to behead a child was chilling. Somehow you're losing me on this fearsome 'twister' reference. I mean, in comparison to these other aspects, its really nothing significant. You're just chilling yourself.

The note suggested the child could be beheaded and they went ahead and called the police and everyone on over so how serious do you really think that ransom note was? The War and Peace of ransom notes. I am not "chilling myself" at all, but the fact that a grieving parent could refer rope ligature that played a role in the death of their own daughter as a slang term "twister" remains to me COLD. That is my opinion and you will not change it. I could really care less if you agree with my opinion or not, you may think its perfectly normal for the Dad of a murder victim to refer to the rope as a Twister I do NOT!
Everybody has a 'familiarity with that type of weapon" You might try looking for someone who is experienced in killing with one. Or did you really, actually think that JBR's killer has never killed before? they don't. I had heard the WORD garotte before, but, had no idea what one was, until after this murder, and I didn't even know that they were referred to as "twisters" until AFTER reading John's interview.
The murder itself was chilling. The threat to behead a child was chilling. Somehow you're losing me on this fearsome 'twister' reference. I mean, in comparison to these other aspects, its really nothing significant. You're just chilling yourself.
If YOUR child had been murdered in YOUR home, and YOUR wife's jacket fibers were found on the sticky side of the tape on YOUR child's mouth, inside a paint tote inside of YOUR house, entwined in the garotte around YOUR child's throat, and YOU referred to the garotte as a twister...that would show that YOU knew more about garottes than the average person....and THAT is pretty darn significant. And if you take the fact that he called it a twister, and then add all of the other things about this case that makes no sense....the pineapple...remember that? The "big bugaboo"....the fact that no evidence of an intruder has ever been found, the fact that it was a ransom note with NO kidnapping, the fact that it was written on a pad inside of the Ram's house, and with a sharpie that belonged to the Ram's, the fact that JB was wrapped "lovingly" like a "papoose" (same as being a mom wraps a baby), the fact that none of the neighbors barky dogs, didn't utter a peep that night....and the list goes on and on and on.....then it is VERY significant.

11 LOU SMIT: So just one more area. Everybody
12 has heard about -- I can't say that. What have you
13 heard about a paint tray?
14 JOHN RAMSEY: Just what I read, or tried
15 not to read. But can't help but hear the media
16 that tell us a broken paintbrush that was used as
17 part of the -- you see, I found JonBenet. I never
18 saw a cord or that sort of thing. I thought I saw
19 a cord, but I didn't focus on it or realize there
20 was anything in the way of a twister, which
21 apparently it was.
22 It apparently was a paintbrush. And that's based
23 on what I heard in the media. That's my
24 impression. That's all I really heard.

From AMES: John says..."I never saw a cord......I thought I saw a cord". HUH?

It's X-Mas time now, get on your Santa outfit, go to the nearest mall.

Ask each child that sits on your lap: heck, even ask the adults:

Would you like a Twister this year?

I can guarantee that 99.9% that are asked this question, are thinking

No, I don't want a BOARD GAME; (TWISTER) OR

No, I don't want CANDY. (TWISTER)

So, that leaves .01% of the population, which includes you, that thinks "garrote".

According to your theory, we are to add in any/all intruders that also think that way.


Have you gone to any school and taken "Statistics"??

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