Cross-Dressing Elementary School Event Draws Criticism

White Rain

Active Member
Jan 3, 2007
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REEDSBURG, Wisconsin — An elementary-school event in which kids were encouraged to dress as members of the opposite gender drew the ire of a Christian radio group, whose angry broadcast prompted outraged calls to the district office.
Students at Pineview Elementary in Reedsburg had been dressing in costume all last week as part of an annual school tradition called Wacky Week. On Friday, students were encouraged to dress either as senior citizens or as members of the opposite sex.
A local resident informed the Voice of Christian Youth America on Friday. The Milwaukee-based radio network responded by interrupting its morning programming for a special broadcast that aired on nine radio stations throughout Wisconsin. The broadcast criticized the dress-up day and accused the district of promoting alternative lifestyles.
"We believe it's the wrong message to send to elementary students," said Jim Schneider, the network's program director. "Our station is one that promotes traditional family values. It concerns us when a school district strikes at the heart and core of the Biblical values. To promote this to elementary-school students is a great error."
If having fun is an alternative lifestyle I say go for it. For crying out loud let the kids have fun!!
You know, we didn't have "Wacky Week" when I was growing up. All this silliness must take away from school work. I wish schools would just stick to reading, writing and arithmetic.

I am not an "extreme" Christian, but neither I or my dh would want my son dressing up as a girl. Maybe for Halloween if he wanted, but not for school.

My daughters high school have days where they dress up.One is Wacky Day another is Gender Bender Day.My daughter comes home laughing at some of the guys.Skirts with hairy legs(a couple even wear heels and ballons in the shirt (which don't last too long because everyone is trying to pop the ballons :p)
This event is toward the end of the year and its a week long event with each day being a different type of day.

My sons(one in middle the other in elementary) don't have that kind of days but they do have Hat day or wear your pjs to school day.The pjs have to be appropriate for school.On that day they also bring a pillow and books.Its just a fun day of reading and snacking and maybe a movie.

I think the gender bender day is ok for highschool but not to sure about elementary age children doing that.
We called it Spirit Week at my school. Everyday we were given the option of dressing up as something different. The pictures from that week were always everyone's favorite in the yearbook. It did not take away from learning. It actually helped because it made school fun and interesting.
We did this stuff during "Spirit week"... it was a lead up to our Homecoming football game. I can remember Spirit week consisting of days like: team colors days, twinny day (you and your best friend dressed alike) and opposites day (usually meant boys dressed like girls, girls dressed like boys), to name a few. It didn't take away from the learning... it just made school fun. I loved Spirit Week.
REEDSBURG, Wisconsin — An elementary-school event in which kids were encouraged to dress as members of the opposite gender drew the ire of a Christian radio group, whose angry broadcast prompted outraged calls to the district office.
Students at Pineview Elementary in Reedsburg had been dressing in costume all last week as part of an annual school tradition called Wacky Week. On Friday, students were encouraged to dress either as senior citizens or as members of the opposite sex.
A local resident informed the Voice of Christian Youth America on Friday. The Milwaukee-based radio network responded by interrupting its morning programming for a special broadcast that aired on nine radio stations throughout Wisconsin. The broadcast criticized the dress-up day and accused the district of promoting alternative lifestyles.
"We believe it's the wrong message to send to elementary students," said Jim Schneider, the network's program director. "Our station is one that promotes traditional family values. It concerns us when a school district strikes at the heart and core of the Biblical values. To promote this to elementary-school students is a great error."

Schools have been doing this forever!
The school is promoting nothing but fun. IMO
First off there was the alternative of dressing as a senior citizen and its not mandatory to participate.

These people just want something to *itch about.
Some people really will get their panties in a bunch over everything. We had this when I was in school, it was fun but not mandatory and it didn't take away from our education at all. There are real issues in our schools people should be complaining about, this IMHO is not one of them.
Everything Eire just said. :clap:
And another thing....if you believe in your Christian faith so much then SEND YOUR KIDS TO CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS and stop trying to cram your beliefs down everybody elses throats. Believe it or not everyone in not of your faith and it's time ya dealt with that reality. :furious:
And another thing....if you believe in your <insert faith here> faith so much then SEND YOUR KIDS TO <insert faith here> SCHOOLS and stop trying to cram your beliefs down everybody elses throats. Believe it or not everyone in not of your faith and it's time ya dealt with that reality. :furious:

Fixed. Don't generalize, please.
This stupid day the idiot school is having is very demeaning to the elderly and to people who crossdress. Being elderly is no joke for anyone to be dressing up and neither is crossdressing. Actually, to me, crossdressing would be considered an alternative lifestyle and schools need to stay out of that since it could actually be promoting some person's beliefs at the bottom of it all. What happened to hat day, slipper day, pajama day, sock hop 50's day, etc?? This could also cause some child abuse. There are still lots and lots of parents, especially men, who would beat a kid, especially a boy for dressing up like a girl.
And another thing....if you believe in your Christian faith so much then SEND YOUR KIDS TO CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS and stop trying to cram your beliefs down everybody else's throats. Believe it or not everyone in not of your faith and it's time ya dealt with that reality. :furious:

:woohoo: You said it!

From the atheist that sends her kid to a Christian School!
Exactly how does a senior citizen dress? I know some older people that got it going on and dress fabulous. Cross dressing? Who gets to say exactly what that is? Unisex. The thing that used to get me about these wackadoodle days is you had to pay. It was a way to raise money. Yo, we had uniforms so we'd do anything to not have to wear them for a day including the big payoff.
This stupid day the idiot school is having is very demeaning to the elderly and to people who crossdress. Being elderly is no joke for anyone to be dressing up and neither is crossdressing. Actually, to me, crossdressing would be considered an alternative lifestyle and schools need to stay out of that since it could actually be promoting some person's beliefs at the bottom of it all. What happened to hat day, slipper day, pajama day, sock hop 50's day, etc?? This could also cause some child abuse. There are still lots and lots of parents, especially men, who would beat a kid, especially a boy for dressing up like a girl.

Wow, both my kids are engaging in an alternative lifestyle and have been since they were toddlers...who knew?:rolleyes:

I think Wacky Day is a fun idea - my kids school has something similar. There are so many genuine problems in our schools that I have a hard time getting worked up over something as fun and imaginative as this.
Wow. I really don't see what everyone is getting upset about. My school, too, had a week like this. Sure it was high school, but why shouldn't kids be able to dress up too? It's for FUN! It's not meant to be demeaning to anyone. It's not meant to make fun of elderly people or encourage crossdressing. I'm assuming they had other "themes" for other days in the week. Maybe, dress like a sports star one day, for example. Better not allow that either. Promoting one career choice over another. Come on people. IT'S FOR FUN! And also, NOT MANDATORY!

"About 40 percent of the student body dressed up Friday, Hayes estimated, with half portraying senior citizens and half dressing as the opposite sex."

There was a choice between opposite sex or senior citizen. If they didn't want their kid cross dressing, they could dress like a senior citizen, or not at all!
Call me an old fogie (fogey?) then because I think school is for learning not playing dressup. I wouldn't make a big stink about it if my children's school did it, but my son would not be going to school dressed like a girl.

And curious1, not everyone that is <insert faith here> can afford parochial schools. That does not mean we have to put up with everything that goes on in a public school environment.

Thank God (heh) our PS sticks to silly things like "weird hair day" and "wacky hats", etc.
My DD's school does this type of thing every year, but she doesn't participate in any of it. Besides, I can't imagine even TRYING to get her to dress like a boy -- they're "gross" (her words not mine).

It's not anything to really get your undies in a wad over. We had it when I was in school, but I never did it either. Guess I was too busy studying to do worry about what people wore.

curious1, I would LOVE to have the opportunity to send my child to a school of my faith. Unfortunately, the closest one is 90 minutes away and with the cost of gas these days that's not likely. If something goes against what I think (morally or academically) is right for my child, I make sure that they know it. That's my right as a parent, and unless they can explain the purpose of it to me then my child will not participate. But many of the parochial schools have these types of theme days as well -- although the themes are a little less defined.
We did this in high school. It was hilarious. I never did it but my friends did and a few males who were class clowns. The guys always had huge *advertiser censored* lol! I never thought of it as cross dressing, its not sexual just fun and was done the week before homecoming.
And another thing....if you believe in your Christian faith so much then SEND YOUR KIDS TO CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS and stop trying to cram your beliefs down everybody elses throats. Believe it or not everyone in not of your faith and it's time ya dealt with that reality. :furious:
I'm with ya. Yes, private schools cost money and that may be out of the reach of some families. But, you have other options.

A Christian band played at my kid's public, supposedly secular school last week. Did I get on the horn with my local ACLU chapter and raise holy hell? No. Because the kids deserve some fun now and then and the band wasn't up there praising Jesus every 10 seconds. If you don't want your kid to participate, they don't have to. I'd have liked to have know the school was playing host to a religious band, but there ya go.

Where did our common sense go? We were sane once, then the purple Teletubby turned out to be gay and spirit week glorifies alternative lifestyles, whatever that means. Honest to Odin folks, sometimes fun is just fun. I remember fun, we used to have it. Then people got all up in arms about silly stuff.

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