Caylee Anthony 2 years old #7: General Discussion

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IIRC, Gpa picked up the car and had it for an entire day before LE took posession of it.
What day did they actually report her as missing? My mind just drew a blank. Wasn't it the day after George picked up the car? Lee said he came over "about the car" then they later (an hour and a half) called the police in.
Detective in the court hearing today said the shovel was borrowed sometime between mid to late June.
I know gpa seems very honest in all of this, but what if they got the tow letter, and they got casey over there and she told them whatever happened and what if the family helped her cover up.

Ok....just speculation here but what if....

They get the letter from Tow company, Find Casey and bring her back to the house with them, she breaks down and tells brother what happened, and after detectives leave that night after the missing persons report and talking to her, the family stays up and figures out the plan. Casey tells them about whatever is in the trunk wether it be Caylee (which of course I pray not) or wether it is evidence of what happened....

They decide to go get the car from tow yard, bring it home while they decide Casey will take detectives on a wild goose chase to keep them busy while the family is taking care of the car. They smell how bad the car smells and put a bag of trash in the trunk to try and convince detectives that the trash was causing the smell..??

Or detectives ask about the smell in the car after they take it to forensics, and gpa just wings it and says ohhhh I did find a bag of trash in the trunk, that is probably what you smell in the car..... They ask for it and he produces a bag of trash.....
Lead det is former Homicide:

Note, stain responded to luminol, hair similar to Caylee, and dirt, which I predict will match the samples from their yard- this child was buried and moved. Casey requests to see Jesse 6/25, car abandoned 6/27, what day did she borrow the shovel from the neighbor?
Yep, this was the one thing that got my hinky meter up "Stain responded to luminol"
There could have been a hair there if they through a jacket in the trunk sometime, dirt in the trunk..with kids it's possible. But RESPONDED TO LUMINOL????
FOX NEWS with Shepard Smith will cover the bond hearing after this commercial
For some reason people always disregard the notice for changing threads unless it is locked! Drives me crazy!!!! GRRRR!

I pmed a mod so hopefully she will get it taken care of soon enough. They will just have to catch up here...because I am not going back to read there!!

Sorry but this just made me laugh. Thanks!
What day did they actually report her as missing? My mind just drew a blank. Wasn't it the day after George picked up the car? Lee said he came over "about the car" then they later (an hour and a half) called the police in.

I beleive from the Det testimony today they reported her missing late afternoon/evening of July 15th.
I think Casey will break before Cindy does. I think there will be a weak link in the family somewhere. I still say, before this is over, I expect Cindy to be arrested also.

Agreed, I think 2 threads ago I posted Casey will crack, and I think she will crack when the re-arrest her on the check or forgery charges because she will have thought she was going to get out, to find out she is back to "jonesing" in her cell. Also, I posted Mom will be charged (and Dad).
Concealing a corpse, hindering, obstruction or accessories after the fact, just my guess. I hate to say this, but Im liking Jesse for helping her as well, after the fact, but all the same. Why hide your parentage to have it announced after the child is deceased, they found something on him that Casey also had and kept him at attention with, imo. Additionally why would the GM try to say he was dead? She did not want LE to get to him..
I believe FBI is involved to exclude the allegations of the child crossing state lines, imo. If they do not find her they will need to dispute this theory..

Does it bother anyone else that there have been ZERO organized searches for this child, No contact from the family to TES and NO AMBER ALERT??
Her Mother is making a kidnapping allegation? Hello?

I swear it makes me think LE knows this child is deceased and they are just hopeful to recover her- what other explanation could there be?

Okay, I knew there was something wrong, and you've hit it. No one has volunteered to help. No neighborhood searches, no TES, not even Mark Lunsford, and he always shows up if it's a case that's relatively close to his home. Even Mark Klass didn't have too much to say. It's as if they all knew from the very beginning that something smelled. It doesn't meet the criteria for Amber Alert... they have to have some idea of who took the child, a car or license plate number, SOMETHING. They've been given almost nothing to work with.
Agreed, I think 2 threads ago I posted Casey will crack, and I think she will crack when the re-arrest her on the check or forgery charges because she will have thought she was going to get out, to find out she is back to "jonesing" in her cell. Also, I posted Mom will be charged (and Dad).
Concealing a corpse, hindering, obstruction or accessories after the fact, just my guess. I hate to say this, but Im liking Jesse for helping her as well, after the fact, but all the same. Why hide your parentage to have it announced after the child is deceased, they found something on him that Casey also had and kept him at attention with, imo. Additionally why would the GM try to say he was dead? She did not want LE to get to him..

I completely agree with everything in your post....I believe quite a few more people will be arrested..... I believe the card at the end of the video says fathers day. When the camera pans down to the table.

and another thing about this video... gma gives the video to msm to help find little Caylee..

now...please...correct me if you can see it another way... but WHY wouldn't that have jogged gma's memory on the last time she saw Caylee?

WHY IS SHE LYING??????????? It makes no sense! I seriously think she has some sort of axis one diagnosis!
When I did a check on Cynthia Anthony in the Orange County court records I noticed that there was some sort of a judgment from an apartment complex within the last few years. My thought at the time was "Did Cindy move out at the time of the divorce filing, OR did they try and get an apartment for Casey and did she take off without paying the rent. Perhaps Cindy co-signed for her.

Divorce filing- who, what?? What year on the default and any address?
We all know that Cindy lies. We looked at the court records yesterday and both she and George have several loan defaults on their credit. I would think, logically, if they had money they would have paid those off. Bank of America is over 12,000.00 and it was filed in 2007.
If they had savings wouldn't they have paid off the bills they owed.

One would think so....
But, poor Cindy isn't even sure of where her hubby is employed or what it is, exactly, that he does :confused:
Gotta keep in mind that not only was it Cindy that was saying the father was dead, Casey had also been telling for a while the same lie.

Someone here last night said they specifically talked to the newest boyfriend, Tony, and he told them that Casey lied to him from the beginning and said the father was dead.
and another thing about this video... gma gives the video to msm to help find little Caylee..

now...please...correct me if you can see it another way... but WHY wouldn't that have jogged gma's memory on the last time she saw Caylee?

WHY IS SHE LYING??????????? It makes no sense! I seriously think she has some sort of axis one diagnosis!

I dont know what that is but if it's clincal term for narcisstic whackjob in need of the rubber room I concur.
Lead det is former Homicide:

Note, stain responded to luminol, hair similar to Caylee, and dirt, which I predict will match the samples from their yard- this child was buried and moved. Casey requests to see Jesse 6/25, car abandoned 6/27, what day did she borrow the shovel from the neighbor?

I heard it was approximately one month before Caylee was reported missing. So that would be around....June 15th.
yeah, at a minimum, this whole group of friends, ex bf's etc, will be brought in for some serious questionning. Oh, I hope the Feds do it.
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