With every interview the A's do they are going against what LE & SA advise

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Hammer. Nail. Hit it.

At this point, IMO.. George is just as guilty in any obstruction of justice at worst... or obfuscation of truth at least.

When Cindy goes off the rails... and boy howdy, you know she will at any given moment... George steps up and diverts the attention.

It's like a bad Abbot and Costello routine.

LOL laughing at the bold.... :crazy:

daughter did not come home minus her child with a plan :eek:
IMHO - The clean up plan was Ex LE Daddy....:bang:
That is when the lies started.
Cindy is just more tenacious about it...Seems she may have a new job as a Director :rolleyes:
LOL laughing at the bold.... :crazy:

daughter did not come home minus her child with a plan :eek:
IMHO - The clean up plan was Ex LE Daddy....:bang:
That is when the lies started.
Cindy is just more tenacious about it...Seems she may have a new job as a Director :rolleyes:

She must have... but with any corporation such as Lies, Obfuscation and Manipulation Anthony Incorporated, I'm sure you don't want that lady in charge.

I know the Anthonys are coached... but gee whiz, Brad... *sigh* He's making them look like even bigger fools than they already are. Bad bad PR... It's gonna come back to bite them in the butt, I'm sure.
I was gratified to see that neither was chomping on gum during the LKL interview!

I can just imagine the memo that went out regarding this issue prior to the broadcast.

"There will be no gum chewing during the course of this broadcast. A production assistant who shall be known as "the chewing gum officer" will be assigned to check each interviewee immediately prior to airtime. Should any chewing gum be detected - and be alert for "cheek tucking" - it will immediately be confiscated from the chewer. Should said gum chewer object to voluntarily giving up their gum, said chewing gum officer will take immediate steps to use whatever means necessary to obtain said gum, up to and including wrestling the chewer to the ground and forcibly prying open the mouth of the chewer in order to remove said gum. Confiscated chewing gum will be held by the chewing gum officer and returned to the chewee upon conclusion of the broadcast."

If you have any questions about the above or need further guidance in dealing with this matter, please refer your questions to Mr. King.
I was gratified to see that neither was chomping on gum during the LKL interview!
Because us stupid bloggers may notice - :)

I can just imagine the memo that went out regarding this issue prior to the broadcast.
YAP! just don't mention Caylee to the "A"s was in the note too :furious:

"There will be no gum chewing during the course of this broadcast. A production assistant who shall be known as "the chewing gum officer" will be assigned to check each interviewee immediately prior to airtime. Should any chewing gum be detected - and be alert for "cheek tucking" - it will immediately be confiscated from the chewer. Should said gum chewer object to voluntarily giving up their gum, said chewing gum officer will take immediate steps to use whatever means necessary to obtain said gum, up to and including wrestling the chewer to the ground and forcibly prying open the mouth of the chewer in order to remove said gum. Confiscated chewing gum will be held by the chewing gum officer and returned to the chewee upon conclusion of the broadcast."

If you have any questions about the above or need further guidance in dealing with this matter, please refer your questions to Mr. King.

I think that interview was perfect:
1) Cindy did her Freudian slip. "Casey must have been grieving" that is while they were looking for a live Caylee.
2) Everybody hates what they are up to - their new jobs :rolleyes:

I still do not know WHY?
why did they put their Azzes in a sling; It is very clear that they hindered the investigation.

OK G&A we do know that you do read here
You are welcome to think that us bloggers have no life, have no facts, don't really know you. FINE!
But somehow we should at least let you know that the public image you now have
will neither help you or Casey.
We bloggers are only a small nucleus of what the population at large is saying.
I have tried to refrain from pointing only at Casey. But you are putting the nails in her coffin.

OH! by the way that Caylee Non profit foundation will never fly....
Here is why...Nobody trust, or believes you.
To sell a concept or a product here are the primary essential qualities you would need
to know how to deal and work with.
OH yes I have written sales manuals so you can take this to the bank.
Those three are on the FIRST page of my manual; if you cant deal with that forgetaboutit!

1- FACT - must be able to offer facts. You never have any.
2- EMOTION - You must be able to evoke positive emotion and talk to other peoples emotion.
3- CREDIBILITY - well that one speaks for itself
Your venture will flunk because you do not posses any of these attributes.
The first one can be learned the next two are part of a persons Character.
THAT IS exactly how those who do not listen operate! GREAT POST

I totally agree that GA is as big a part of this act as Cindy is.
It is always.... that the helpless, the sick end up controlling far more then the loud one. I can see the confusion though, IMO While Cindy is louder, GA is more manipulative.
He is doing it covertly and not overtly. There in lies their difference; Cindy has Freudian slips, while George is more contained.

The way that George turned on a dime during his deposition in the ZG civil suit showed me a really scary side to him and, I think, may indicate some genes which he may have contributed to KC's disfunction. He went from surly, angry, hostile, openly agressive and mean to perfectly civil and totally co-operative after Morgan's threats to get a judge involved and a little break toward the end. He went from vicious to butter would melt in his mouth in a few minutes. As much as I hate the thought, I wondered if little Caley might have seen the same sudden transformation in her mom just before she died...only going the other way.
The way that George turned on a dime during his deposition in the ZG civil suit showed me a really scary side to him and, I think, may indicate some genes which he may have contributed to KC's disfunction. He went from surly, angry, hostile, openly agressive and mean to perfectly civil and totally co-operative after Morgan's threats to get a judge involved and a little break toward the end. He went from vicious to butter would melt in his mouth in a few minutes. As much as I hate the thought, I wondered if little Caley might have seen the same sudden transformation in her mom just before she died...only going the other way.

ITA George was very scary during that depo. Cindy is crazy but George...yikes! I feel he is capable of just about anything. I wouldn't turn my back to him! I can totally imagine Casey showing the same "turn on a dime behavior" - we saw some of it in her video visits with her family.
THAT IS exactly how those who do not listen operate! GREAT POST

I totally agree that GA is as big a part of this act as Cindy is.
It is always.... that the helpless, the sick end up controlling far more then the loud one. I can see the confusion though, IMO While Cindy is louder, GA is more manipulative.
He is doing it covertly and not overtly. There in lies their difference; Cindy has Freudian slips, while George is more contained.

Bold mine.

ITA. I'm sure Cindy had some personality problems before the marriage but being with George has surely made it worse.

George controls through his passive, helpless mask. But the really scary thing is that if things don't go his way he is totally capable of explosive rage.
She must have... but with any corporation such as Lies, Obfuscation and Manipulation Anthony Incorporated, I'm sure you don't want that lady in charge.

I know the Anthonys are coached... but gee whiz, Brad... *sigh* He's making them look like even bigger fools than they already are. Bad bad PR... It's gonna come back to bite them in the butt, I'm sure.

Issi I agree with you completely even Madoff who was single handedly much smarter then they in unisons will ever be eventually flunked. Look where he is :rolleyes:
A company run on Lies, and con jobs will not sustain.
DO you hear this MR and Mrs Anthony? You are in deep chit...
The way that George turned on a dime during his deposition in the ZG civil suit showed me a really scary side to him and, I think, may indicate some genes which he may have contributed to KC's disfunction. He went from surly, angry, hostile, openly agressive and mean to perfectly civil and totally co-operative after Morgan's threats to get a judge involved and a little break toward the end. He went from vicious to butter would melt in his mouth in a few minutes. As much as I hate the thought, I wondered if little Caley might have seen the same sudden transformation in her mom just before she died...only going the other way.
In my eyes the part that gave him up is that he acted normal at the beginning.
That is very covert. He was so into being cooperative and charming :rolleyes: :puke:
But with a little time I saw through him....

thank God my Mother taught me to "watch the charmers"
We had a distant uncle that was very charming - my Mom did not find him a charm at all.
My father on the other hand was also Very Charming...
But mom taught me how to see the difference. Some are pure that was my Dad...
Some are covert, that was my distant uncle. That IS GA...
I do know the difference. Thanks MOM :) RIP
Thanks. :blushing:

I know what you are saying about George and that is certainly the opinion of lots of people on the board.

My own opinion is that George is not a doormat at all. If George comes off as a helpless man it is because he has deliberately cultivated that position. In fact, he is a deeply lazy man who has sold his soul to the devil. He traded away the right to express his own opinions by choosing to team up with a woman who allows him to behave like a spoiled child. He gets to be unemployed, gamble away their savings (or otherwise lose all the family money - I don't buy the gambling) and be totally useless as a parental partner and essentially have a personal responsibility free life. He lies to his wife (by his own admission) and those lies btw are ones calculated to make himself appear less culpable. Just as much as Cindy is getting the feeling of power and control she craves George is getting the freedom to not grow up. He married himself a malignant mommy.

Casey learned so many of George's behaviors.

In fact I believe that Casey gets most of her explosive rage from George. Cindy's anger comes out as more of the slow, constant, poison drip. George threatens, bullies, explodes and gets physical.

If you combine Cindy and George you get a Casey.

Going back to the tv appearances - I've never seen anyone with as many tics and tells as George. His grimaces, that weird smile, the eye fluttering, the constant coffee cup touching, the inability to look anyone in the eye...The difference between George and Cindy is that George has a harder time denying to himself what he knows to be true. George is not as delusional as Cindy. George knows he is lying. Cindy believes her own BS half the time. He also is not as quick on his feet as Cindy. So George accidentally says true things whereas Cindy only says true things when she has talked herself into a circle.

All just my opinion of course!

(red font my emphasis)

Great post and marvelous insight to the situation. I could not agree with you more.
I do hope that if LE did tell them to lay low and not talk they will give them a really hard time at the trial.
I do want them to be tripping all over themselves because they should not have cleaned any car at all.
LE dad knows that very well. :mad:
They should have given the search team a Caylee Garment so that the baby is found much sooner. :mad:
I do want them to pay for that :furious:

While some say just the mention of the name Peter Benevides makes a room scatter...
I imagine that LE Dad would know his way around that too.
So I am not impressed with GA's choices of how to handle a problem.
GA is starting to make my skin crawl.
CA is just trying to punch her way out of this mess, but has no clue how.
Whenever there is one that is really loud I Begin to look at the more quit one there in lies many answers.

I kind of feel sorry for Casey...Maybe jail is more sane then home?
But I am starting to think that the "A"s want us to say that.
Especially since they do read what the bloggers think.

They are more concerned with their new job then with the bozo that is
representing their daughter on a DP charge :bang: :crazy:
I would be on every TV station screaming that he is inept
and will hang her due to his lack of knowledge.
I think that interview was perfect:
1) Cindy did her Freudian slip. "Casey must have been grieving" that is while they were looking for a live Caylee.
2) Everybody hates what they are up to - their new jobs :rolleyes:

I still do not know WHY?
why did they put their Azzes in a sling; It is very clear that they hindered the investigation.

OK G&A we do know that you do read here
You are welcome to think that us bloggers have no life, have no facts, don't really know you. FINE!
But somehow we should at least let you know that the public image you now have
will neither help you or Casey.
We bloggers are only a small nucleus of what the population at large is saying.
I have tried to refrain from pointing only at Casey. But you are putting the nails in her coffin.

OH! by the way that Caylee Non profit foundation will never fly....
Here is why...Nobody trust, or believes you.
To sell a concept or a product here are the primary essential qualities you would need
to know how to deal and work with.
OH yes I have written sales manuals so you can take this to the bank.
Those three are on the FIRST page of my manual; if you cant deal with that forgetaboutit!

1- FACT - must be able to offer facts. You never have any.
2- EMOTION - You must be able to evoke positive emotion and talk to other peoples emotion.
3- CREDIBILITY - well that one speaks for itself
Your venture will flunk because you do not posses any of these attributes.
The first one can be learned the next two are part of a persons Character.

That's what blows my mind, Songline...

the Anthony's want to play to the media... IE HLN.. etc and / or anything connected to it.

I find it ironic that their most harsh critics are already ahead of the curve... Folks like the ones on WS that already have formed opinions on what the deal is. With facts to back it up as well.

If "those bloggers with too much time on their hands" are such a nuisance.. then why is it that so many of those people have put together truths that Cindy would rather leave out?
That's what blows my mind, Songline...

the Anthony's want to play to the media... IE HLN.. etc and / or anything connected to it.

I find it ironic that their most harsh critics are already ahead of the curve... Folks like the ones on WS that already have formed opinions on what the deal is. With facts to back it up as well.

If "those bloggers with too much time on their hands" are such a nuisance.. then why is it that so many of those people have put together truths that Cindy would rather leave out?
And to take your question one step further...
WHY is she reading here?
I think her plate is pretty full with many issues.
Either she has too much time on her hands or she does care about Public opinion.
But I think she wants to see what we are saying so that she can come up with more stories
to try and debunk us, by creating more BS and getting more hate from the Public.

Cindy said she gets so many letter of support. hmmm. :rolleyes:
Lets do a percentage run....Will the people who hate her bother to waist time to write? NO!
If we use this site alone I can say that maybe 1% here is who may be the type who would support her.

How can they read here and be asleep !!!. This site should give them an incentive to change their MO completely.
but they don't have it...they are what they are.

I feel for her and have been on her side for a very long time.
Till they droped CAYLEE, refused to give a garment, and took on a project
that should have been on a shelf untill after the trial.
Sdavidson11, you are an amazingly brave person...thank you for sharing your story with us.

I think the A's believe the only chance they have of keeping the doors closed on whatever sordid family secrets they might have is to force a mistrial.
IMO...the big family secret was/is that they KNOW Casey was capable of what she did.
I think that interview was perfect:
1) Cindy did her Freudian slip. "Casey must have been grieving" that is while they were looking for a live Caylee.
2) Everybody hates what they are up to - their new jobs :rolleyes:

I still do not know WHY?
why did they put their Azzes in a sling; It is very clear that they hindered the investigation.

OK G&A we do know that you do read here
You are welcome to think that us bloggers have no life, have no facts, don't really know you. FINE!
But somehow we should at least let you know that the public image you now have
will neither help you or Casey.
We bloggers are only a small nucleus of what the population at large is saying.
I have tried to refrain from pointing only at Casey. But you are putting the nails in her coffin.

OH! by the way that Caylee Non profit foundation will never fly....
Here is why...Nobody trust, or believes you.
To sell a concept or a product here are the primary essential qualities you would need
to know how to deal and work with.
OH yes I have written sales manuals so you can take this to the bank.
Those three are on the FIRST page of my manual; if you cant deal with that forgetaboutit!

1- FACT - must be able to offer facts. You never have any.
2- EMOTION - You must be able to evoke positive emotion and talk to other peoples emotion.
3- CREDIBILITY - well that one speaks for itself
Your venture will flunk because you do not posses any of these attributes.
The first one can be learned the next two are part of a persons Character.
Wow! Great post.

ETA: Just in case George and Cindy do read here...there are many here who have walked in your shoes. Spend some time here and you will know that to be the case. You don't own the exclusive on "tragedy". Yes, they may not have experienced the same exact scenario as yours, but don't think for one minute that there aren't others here who have had to make hard choices when it comes to the crimes/wrongs family members have perpetrated against others. It DOES NOT make one turn a blind eye to what is real. No, we are not like you...and for that I am grateful.
Thanks. :blushing:

I know what you are saying about George and that is certainly the opinion of lots of people on the board.

My own opinion is that George is not a doormat at all. If George comes off as a helpless man it is because he has deliberately cultivated that position. In fact, he is a deeply lazy man who has sold his soul to the devil. He traded away the right to express his own opinions by choosing to team up with a woman who allows him to behave like a spoiled child. He gets to be unemployed, gamble away their savings (or otherwise lose all the family money - I don't buy the gambling) and be totally useless as a parental partner and essentially have a personal responsibility free life. He lies to his wife (by his own admission) and those lies btw are ones calculated to make himself appear less culpable. Just as much as Cindy is getting the feeling of power and control she craves George is getting the freedom to not grow up. He married himself a malignant mommy.

Casey learned so many of George's behaviors.

In fact I believe that Casey gets most of her explosive rage from George. Cindy's anger comes out as more of the slow, constant, poison drip. George threatens, bullies, explodes and gets physical.

If you combine Cindy and George you get a Casey.

Going back to the tv appearances - I've never seen anyone with as many tics and tells as George. His grimaces, that weird smile, the eye fluttering, the constant coffee cup touching, the inability to look anyone in the eye...The difference between George and Cindy is that George has a harder time denying to himself what he knows to be true. George is not as delusional as Cindy. George knows he is lying. Cindy believes her own BS half the time. He also is not as quick on his feet as Cindy. So George accidentally says true things whereas Cindy only says true things when she has talked herself into a circle.

All just my opinion of course!

In a very short time, I've come to deeply respect your opinion. I actually had goosepbumps reading this. I'm dying to know - are you in the mental health field perhaps? Psychologist? Psychiatrist? Social Worker? You really do show a great deal of insight in a family that gives the word complex a whole new meaning.
Please say that is a jest?

LK asked about the bears being given to supporters (aka donors) of the foundation and Cindy said No, the donations are to purchase the bears - the bears are to be given to first responders.
IMO...they're looking to make nicey nice so LE will refer victims or endorse their "Foundation" in some way. Lots of luck with that. CA has a very short memory.
IMO...they're looking to make nicey nice so LE will refer victims or endorse their "Foundation" in some way. Lots of luck with that. CA has a very short memory.

After this trial is over LE should lock the door and never let them in again.
They gave LE a huge FU from the start. JMO
Thanks. :blushing:

I know what you are saying about George and that is certainly the opinion of lots of people on the board.

My own opinion is that George is not a doormat at all. If George comes off as a helpless man it is because he has deliberately cultivated that position. In fact, he is a deeply lazy man who has sold his soul to the devil. He traded away the right to express his own opinions by choosing to team up with a woman who allows him to behave like a spoiled child. He gets to be unemployed, gamble away their savings (or otherwise lose all the family money - I don't buy the gambling) and be totally useless as a parental partner and essentially have a personal responsibility free life. He lies to his wife (by his own admission) and those lies btw are ones calculated to make himself appear less culpable. Just as much as Cindy is getting the feeling of power and control she craves George is getting the freedom to not grow up. He married himself a malignant mommy.

Casey learned so many of George's behaviors.

In fact I believe that Casey gets most of her explosive rage from George. Cindy's anger comes out as more of the slow, constant, poison drip. George threatens, bullies, explodes and gets physical.

If you combine Cindy and George you get a Casey.

Going back to the tv appearances - I've never seen anyone with as many tics and tells as George. His grimaces, that weird smile, the eye fluttering, the constant coffee cup touching, the inability to look anyone in the eye...The difference between George and Cindy is that George has a harder time denying to himself what he knows to be true. George is not as delusional as Cindy. George knows he is lying. Cindy believes her own BS half the time. He also is not as quick on his feet as Cindy. So George accidentally says true things whereas Cindy only says true things when she has talked herself into a circle.

All just my opinion of course!
This post deserves a repeat performance. I have to say, I feel some sort of affirmation from reading it. Since the beginning, I never bought George's performance.

Thanks for your insight!
In my eyes the part that gave him up is that he acted normal at the beginning.
That is very covert. He was so into being cooperative and charming :rolleyes: :puke:
But with a little time I saw through him....

thank God my Mother taught me to "watch the charmers"
We had a distant uncle that was very charming - my Mom did not find him a charm at all.
My father on the other hand was also Very Charming...
But mom taught me how to see the difference. Some are pure that was my Dad...
Some are covert, that was my distant uncle. That IS GA...
I do know the difference. Thanks MOM :) RIP
I find myself being sucked into George's "helplessness" time and time again. On LK, he played the part well to the point where I was actually feeling sorry for him. But, then I have to remember the deposition and his uncalled for rage at KM. One thing I can say is that this family does play a good game, Cindy's look of "vulnerability" when the LK show first started..she was looking into the camera's like she was a broken woman. Of course that didn't last long, even though she held it together better on LK, you could see bits of her anger come out when pressed for sensitive information. Cindy isn't very good at hiding her emotions, George is a little better and I think that's where the confusion comes in...
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