WA WA - Shantina Smiley, 29, & Azriel Carver, 8 (fnd deceased), Olympia, Mar 2010 - #5

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It looks like a crack pipe to me. But the picture is kind of blurry.
Also, if it washed ashore - it may not be hers. Just a coincidence perhaps.

These were items that were found in the van. They didn't wash ashore.
Right, thanks, I recall it, and was grateful to you and thanked you on it, but wonder what it could mean? Perhaps that Shantina was being harassed? (Happens big time in my family) Do not want to judge where I do not know the people, but sounds like conflict, the nature of which we simply do not know......

You are very right -- we do not know the nature of it. I know I would like answers as well as everyone else. So, on that note, I emailed the Thurston County Sheriff with that post as well as the questions regarding the items found in the car. I also asked if there would be another media announcement in the near future. I will keep you posted if I get an answer.
You are very right -- we do not know the nature of it. I know I would like answers as well as everyone else. So, on that note, I emailed the Thurston County Sheriff with that post as well as the questions regarding the items found in the car. I also asked if there would be another media announcement in the near future. I will keep you posted if I get an answer.
Good thinking!!!:dance:
And, back to the van -- why did the coloring books and various other items posted above not wash out of the van if the tide was so "ferocious?" The other items showed up a 1/4 mile down the beach IRC. It wasn't the ocean and the weather that night was not bad -- In fact I drove home late that evening from Westport.

Maybe the coloring books were in the pocket of the back of the seat, so it was held secure? Some of those items could have come from the glove compartment.

If the key is the one she was using to drive with, didn't we hear it was on the dash? I wonder if the water didn't come up that high, then.
Bravo! I agree with every word you wrote. I too feel like people are trying to make excuses for SS, and grasping at any far-fetched scenario that might explain her behavior and that dismisses her of any responsibility, i.e., head injury, foul play, a 3rd party being involved, mental illness, etc. I think the head injury is pretty unlikely - there was no real damage to her car other than that scrape from her possibly side swiping that wooden pole on her way down to the beach. Also, I know Olympia and Silverdale are 'small towns' and people are more friendly and trusting, but I feel SS knocking on the Williams' door after dark, barefoot, and expecting them to feed her son was irresponsible and just plain unsafe. Of course, the Williams seem like very good people, but how was she to know that? Because they had a Christian sticker on their car? She was irresponsible and put herself and more importantly her son at unnecessary risk that night, going beyond just her consumption of alcohol. I don't know if SS was that trusting and naive 'normally', or if the alcohol caused her to be too trusting and lose her inhibitions.

IMO, we need to follow the evidence. Past CPS investigations -> charges of neglect -> past history of alcoholism -> fiance claiming a recent relapse -> video of her buying a huge jug of wine -> jug of wine found half empty on beach -> disoriented, unsafe and nonsensical behavior all point to one person being at fault here: an intoxicated SS.
Your points are extremely well taken. SS was no angel, and screwed up big-time. Yet no stone should be left unturned, in my opinion; better to err on the side of being overly thorough, than on the side of "open and shut, case dismissed". No one is making excuses for SS's irresponsible actions. I know it is frustrating when it seems that way. Thanks for your input.

Here are some pics of crack & crystal meth pipes.

Thanks for the pics.

They are a reminder that some of us humans will do just about everything to screw our lives.
That other object looks brass to me, too. But I have no idea what it is - it might be a nitrous oxide charger. Someone posted earlier that it might be a CO2 charger. I know that some people use N2O for recreational purposes to get high. But IDK if that's what that brass-looking object is. I'm still trying to ID it.

I was thinking CO2 cylinder in the beginning, mostly used for paint balls guns, and for BB guns. But, the common CO2 cylinders are mostly blunt on the top to be pierced by inserting them. The one in the picture has some sort of cap.

Maybe also looks like a cleaner for electronics/guns, where you press the top and cleaner and pressured air comes out to help clean whatever.

She was into the outdoors, as was her... ummm... BF. So, maybe the paint balls guns were her thing.
I was thinking CO2 cylinder in the beginning, mostly used for paint balls guns, and for BB guns. But, the common CO2 cylinders are mostly blunt on the top to be pierced by inserting them. The one in the picture has some sort of cap.

Maybe also looks like a cleaner for electronics/guns, where you press the top and cleaner and pressured air comes out to help clean whatever.

She was into the outdoors, as was her... ummm... BF. So, maybe the paint balls guns were her thing.

I showed the pic to my husband and the first thing that came out of his mouth was CO2 cartridge for BB guns or paintball guns.
I showed the pic to my husband and the first thing that came out of his mouth was CO2 cartridge for BB guns or paintball guns.

And as far as the hole...


This link is to an auction of a "dummy" CO2 cartridge. From the description:
This dummy CO2 has two 1/8" NPT ports, one on the end and one on the side 1.5" from the back. It is modeled after a real 12 gram CO2. The overall length is 3.25" and the diameter is .73" I have included one male 1/8" NPT plug so that you can plug the port you do not intend to use. This dummy CO2 is normally used to convert a stock class paintball gun into a constant air paintball gun, so that you don't have to keep buying those expensive 12 grams. It is best used with a remote line. That is how I recommend using it.

The extra hole referred to in the auction (and in the photo of the cartridge) looks to be in the same place as what is in the photo of the stuff from the van.
I agree!

Maybe RS has one on his key ring and an extra one. When Shantina borrowed the van from him, he gave her the extra key. It is odd she doesn't have it on a ring of keys with at least her house key. I wonder if she had a ring of keys and they too were left at home, with her cell phone, possibly on purpose? Do we know if she had her own car? Robb owns the van and his motorcycle which he was driving down to Castle Rock.

I would assume the key is there as a single like that because she was expecting someone to come tow the vehicle in the morning.

I think the items that washed up on shore indicate they tried to walk out as well. It was dark, it was cold, very easy to become disoriented, and if one of them got in trouble in the water the other could easily drown trying to get to them in the dark.
And as far as the hole...


This link is to an auction of a "dummy" CO2 cartridge. From the description:

The extra hole referred to in the auction (and in the photo of the cartridge) looks to be in the same place as what is in the photo of the stuff from the van.

So, the CO2 will be coming from some bigger cylinder through a "remote line" rather than smaller CO2 cartridges.

Yup, you may have solved this thing.
On RS facebook (not his main personal one but photography one) he posted an our ago that he was praying for the safe return of Shantina. I believe we can't quote exacts so that is as close as I can go? I can provide a link if I am allowed to do so. Interesting, though, that no one is searching for her but he is praying for her safe return.
On RS facebook (not his main personal one but photography one) he posted an our ago that he was praying for the safe return of Shantina.

Well, an update, it was about time. Glad to hear he's expressing concern.

OT, but I'm curious about how many phone calls were made (from grandfahter, step-dad, RS, maybe the EX) to the cell phone Shantina forgot at her Silverdale home that day, or to the landline phone in her home... in case she returned home.

IF I had been in one of their shoes, I would've called her cell phone in case she got discouraged by being lost in Olympia, and went home.
Well, an update, it was about time. Glad to hear he's expressing concern.

OT, but I'm curious about how many phone calls were made (from grandfahter, step-dad, RS, maybe the EX) to the cell phone Shantina forgot at her Silverdale home that day, or to the landline phone in her home... in case she returned home.

IF I had been in one of their shoes, I would've called her cell phone in case she got discouraged by being lost in Olympia, and went home.

That is a very interesting question. Also, if she was so "lost" why didn't she backtrack home. I also wonder if RS got some rest vs searching for his fiance that evening was because maybe she has pulled these kinds of disappearing acts before? I still stand on my belief that she is either alive and with someone who is protecting her due to her past history or that she took off with someone she met online and no longer wanted the responsibility of a child.
Not on topic: Does anybody else's internet go out when they try to access various web sites related to this case?
I would assume the key is there as a single like that because she was expecting someone to come tow the vehicle in the morning.

I think the items that washed up on shore indicate they tried to walk out as well. It was dark, it was cold, very easy to become disoriented, and if one of them got in trouble in the water the other could easily drown trying to get to them in the dark.

What are your thoughts as to why she would remove the key from the key ring if she was so scattered in her thinking otherwise?
Not on topic: Does anybody else's internet go out when they try to access various web sites related to this case?

I haven't had that happen on this case; but I strongly recommend having up to date anti virus and a firewall and exercising care when clicking on any links. It never hurts to be careful! ;o)
Hi....have just been catching up and reading the last five or six pages....

1st of all that note put on the other forum to Candy has me convinced there is alot more going on in this family......maybe she was going to confront her stepfather about something....(i dont even want to think, what) and the bf knew about it as well....and this triggered the relapse and the wanting to drink that night......

maybe someone who is a member of that forum can ask the person who posted it what type of stuff they are refferring to.....

and since I have found out that stepdad didnt go to the memorial I am certain there is an underlying issue there.....

also someone has posted that she phoned her grandparents and JS.....can this be confirmed????? i am totally confused as to the location etc etc but she was going to drop in on him on the way back from Castle Rock.....does this mean that he lives around that area??????? could he maybe have met up with her somewhere????

thirdly.......that copper thing next to the lighter.......as an ex hooch smoker (not crack, no way hose) I have got to say that thing thing looks very suss......if it didnt have a hole in it, I wouldnt have looked twice..........but anything with a hole smack bang in the middle like that........someone said you put the rock on the hole.......you can also put a metal cone onto a hole like that......

without the hole I'd would say it was some type of small perfume dispenser or even breath spray..........maybe it has been damaged or banged around hence the hole......
What are your thoughts as to why she would remove the key from the key ring if she was so scattered in her thinking otherwise?

Maybe someone did it for her, like a third-party-foul-play type person.

Maybe by someone who REALLY cared about the van.

One thing I haven't seen here, other than someone mentioning it once... is...

if she drove to the beach before or during high tide coming in, there shouldn't be tire tracks... IMO the water would've washed them away...

if she came after high tide, or when it was almost all receded there should be tire tracks.

In the picture shown in a few posts back, there appear to be tire tracks, and I wonder if those tracks were from her van, from a Sheriff's cruiser who went to investigate early in the morning, from the wrecker, or other vehicle.
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