Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #2

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:woohoo:Best news I've heard in a looong time!!!!!!!! It's just such a shame that another girl had to die before he was caught!!
I hope someone is retracing his whereabouts prior to and since May 30th 2005 as closely as is possible. I find it really, really odd that both Natalee and Stephany were 'targeted' on the same date, five years apart. There are 365 days in a year and yet he just chose this date, twice, by coincidence? And on top of that there seem to be a whole lot of glaring similarities in both of these incidences for my liking. I have to wonder if perhaps Natalee wasn't the first....and if perhaps there were others between Natalee and Stephany. Especially after the way he taunted people continuously over Natalee's dissapearance.
I don't "know" that he killed Natalee (I think he did), but if he did, I hope and pray that Stephany's death will be the missing link that somehow proves the SOB did it and gets him off the streets before he does this to some other poor girl's family. I just can't help but ask myself "could there be others?"
Clint Van Zandt on MSNBC - "he will not be happy because Chile WILL extradite him back to Peru and he will not be a happy man with the conditions he will face there"

-comparison to OJ's arrogance and carelessness....

-Peru has tons of evidence. He is a man in big trouble... LE has a very good chance to put together an airtight case with forensics to put him away forever...
HLN update now - Victim's father speaking

It was actually her brother Ricardo, her brother and father share the same name. (according to Chuck Roberts of HLN)

~Last time spoke to Stephany was Saturday
~Stephany met van der Sloot at a poker tournament in the casino
~The victim nor the family were aware of van der Sloot before the murder

Sorry, I couldn't hear the first part of what he was saying.
Does anyone know if his mother still lives in Aruba? I would love to see her reaction!!

As a mother myself, my heart goes out to her. Deep in her heart, she probably knows he had a hand in Natalee's death but chose to believe him/her husband, since she probably had no knowledge herself. I actually feel very bad for her.
Thanks for posting the information as FOX is not showing it here on the west coast.
I can't wait to hear from Natalies parents.......

I bet Beth is getting the scoop from Greta.....Shes probably crying of joy right now. I hope Beth will be on her show tonight!!

Prayers for both families.

The cruel monster has been caught. Wow just wow.
It was actually her brother Ricardo, her brother and father share the same name.

~Last time spoke to Stephany was Saturday
~Stephany met van der Sloot at a poker tournament in the casino
~The victim nor the family were aware of van der Sloot before the murder

Sorry, I couldn't hear the first part of what he was saying.

oh, okay. I was reading the ticker across the bottom. No wonder it is confusing!
Thanks! He's been traveling! That's pretty close to Argentina, and I bet he might have been trying to find a way over the mountains into Argentina.

Should have snuck out into the dark night after a concert, wearing wollen shorts and kneesocks...the hills are alive....(run, run, run for your lives)!

(Couldn't reist!
Thanks for posting the information as FOX is not showing it here on the west coast.

The reporter said a presser by the Peruvian General will be forthcoming...I will try to paraphrase as soon as they show it for those who can't watch television. But I would imagine that all the stations will cover the presser. I think I am going to stick with HLN...they keep circling this story like a shark every few
Here ya go Kimster. I asked earlier and this was the info via steadfast/via Linda

Originally Posted by Linda7NJ
About 20 years ago I had a friend from Peru who told me that there really aren't any corrections officers in the prisons there. The inmates run it and the place is simply surrounded with well armed guards to keep em inside.

If that is should be a model for prisons everywhere.

Prison conditions in Peru are poor; 91 percent of the prisons have no medical facilities, 18 percent are without bathrooms, 77 percent do not provide beds or matresses, and all are lacking with regard to prison uniforms and adequate meals.

Also at link:
Arrested individuals must be brought before a judge within 24 hours. The judge can order up to 10 days of detention, and a provisional detention can be extended to 50 days. Bail is not allowed. To provide for judicial checks, the laws call for superior court review of all cases involving pretrial detention in July and at Christmas.. . . .
Although Peru's laws encourage a speedy investigation and trial, an increase in crime and lack of criminal justice personnel have resulted in considerable delays.

A SHOUT OUT to our guests! As a moderator on Websleuths, I'd like to personally invite you to register and join us today while we discuss this case! :grouphug:
Meanwhile, the public prosecutor in Aruba - where Natalee Holloway disappeared five years ago - is still considering whether to prosecute Joran, although he has argued that there is insufficient evidence to launch a prosecution.

From grandmaj's link above. WTH? They are still considering it? Oh give me a break!
As a mother myself, my heart goes out to her. Deep in her heart, she probably knows he had a hand in Natalee's death but chose to believe him/her husband, since she probably had no knowledge herself. I actually feel very bad for her.

I believe all mothers..well...some...their hearts break..when their children commit horrible crimes...and wonder where did they themselves go wrong

But grown children..even tho brought up in good homes...can make bad decisions that have NOTHING to do with the way they were raised..

She will probably feel glad he was if he is guilty of these 2 women, (maybe more) he is off the streets and out of society.
all in my own opinion
Can I just say to all of the posters who have been involved heavily in the Natalee forum...I am so thrilled for you guys...for sticking with this case for 5 years...hoping he would get caught in some form or fashion and that the truth will hopefully, be revealed about the night Natalee disappeared.

I am sickened that yet another innocent, Stephany, was lost. Nothing is thrilling or wonderful about that. RIP.

But I do feel for posters who follow cases like this one, for years, with no break in sight...and for ya'll to finally get makes me happy we have places like Websleuths to belong to and to debate and discuss things...most of my friends are like, "Casey Anthony, who?" so I can relate.

Photo: Chile Police
OMG....he has shaved his head....

Video now up on HLN
HLN: showed clip of new video of VDS in custody
Looks like he shaved his head.
By taxi???

I don't know............maybe he just arrived in Santiago shortly before apprehended, and was going to find a hotel or some place to stay while he figured out a way into Argentina.

I'm just so glad he was apprehended before making it over the border into Argentina!

Justice will be served this time!
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