2010.12.10 - Hearing

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Come on now! It's like the adult version of X-Mas Eve for us!

Twas the Night Before the Hearing, and all through the house
Jose Baez was whimpering, as frightened as a mouse
Judge Perry reviewed the filed motions with care
In anticipation that Baez would soon be there
The members of Webslueths all snuggled in their beds
With visions of "female dog" slaps dancing in their heads


When out in the hallway there arose such a clatter
Up jumped Cindy and screamed what's the matter?
Away to the baliff JB flew with a flash
To see if someone fell and he could make some quick cash
The victim in shackles and vintage blouse
Gave a luster to crowns on the floor below
When what to my wondering eyes would appear
But Judge Perry and his reindeer
With an order flying and his heavy stick
He summoned us all and said I will make this quick
He whistled and shouted and called them by name
Now Biaz and KC and George and Cindy
To the holding room for you
one and all

.....I heard him exclaim as he ran out of sight
Merry Christmas to all
and to all a GOOD NIGHT!
Come on now! It's like the adult version of X-Mas Eve for us!

Twas the Night Before the Hearing, and all through the house
Jose Baez was whimpering, as frightened as a mouse
Judge Perry reviewed the filed motions with care
In anticipation that Baez would soon be there
The members of Webslueths all snuggled in their beds
With visions of "female dog" slaps dancing in their heads


When out in the hallway there arose such a clatter
Up jumped Cindy and screamed what's the matter?
Away to the baliff JB flew with a flash
To see if someone fell and he could make some quick cash
The victim in shackles and vintage blouse
Gave a luster to crowns on the floor below
When what to my wondering eyes would appear
But Judge Perry and his reindeer
With an order flying and his heavy stick
He summoned us all and said I will make this quick
He whistled and shouted and called them by name
Now Biaz and KC and George and Cindy
To the holding room for you
one and all

.....I heard him exclaim as he ran out of sight
Merry Christmas to all
and to all a GOOD NIGHT!

Have I told you guys lately how much you freaking ROCK? 'Cause you do!!!! This is AWESOME!!!!! I love you guys! *big group hug*
I don't know? I mean HHJP's ruling on the matter last hearing was specifically stated to "put it in writing" so that it was abundantly clear what he meant and what he wanted done right away, with no wiggle room. he specifically stated that he wanted it clear so their would be no opportunity for attorneys to fight over this matter out of court. He was extremely clear on what the intent of his ruling was, and why he was making it. And JB's e-mails are rather offensively outside of that intent. I don't believe the judge is above using subtlety to lay the smack down when necesary. So long as he can justify it on the busy calender than 5pm Friday for this case sends a really clear message to those that have so far chosen to ignore all previous messages. Playtime is over!

I agree, time to break out the Rules of Decorum again pages 4-7 and write another one for Out of Court (make the whole defense and affiliates sign it)!:

http://www.ninthcircuit.org/news/Hi...Setting Case Management Hearing 4-22-2010.pdf
Come on now! It's like the adult version of X-Mas Eve for us!

Twas the Night Before the Hearing, and all through the house
Jose Baez was whimpering, as frightened as a mouse
Judge Perry reviewed the filed motions with care
In anticipation that Baez would soon be there
The members of Webslueths all snuggled in their beds
With visions of "female dog" slaps dancing in their heads


When out in the hallway there arose such a clatter
Up jumped Cindy and screamed what's the matter?
Away to the baliff JB flew with a flash
To see if someone fell and he could make some quick cash
The victim in shackles and vintage blouse
Gave a luster to crowns on the floor below
When what to my wondering eyes would appear
But Judge Perry and his reindeer
With an order flying and his heavy stick
He summoned us all and said I will make this quick
He whistled and shouted and called them by name
Now Biaz and KC and George and Cindy
To the holding room for you
one and all

.....I heard him exclaim as he ran out of sight
Merry Christmas to all
and to all a GOOD NIGHT!

Pure Brilliance! :gold_crown: :toast:
But, but, but......won't ICA miss dinner?

...oh well, george thought that "gorgeous" was putting on a couple too many lbs. anyway.

March 14, 2009
Casey Marie,

Hey Beautiful! It was very exciting for Mom and I to see you the other day. If only for a few minutes.

I can see that you’ve put on a few lbs.! I realize that you cannot run/workout, but just be careful!

I Love You , my Daughter, no matter what!
Be Strong! Stay Safe! All My Love Dad/Papa Joe
It seems pretty odd, but there are a couple of explanations other than HHJP being ticked off. For example, maybe the lawyers in this case are up to their eyeballs in depositions right now, and requested this hearing time.

IIRC HHJP was also up to his eyeballs with another court case along with the SA.....
I think the the Judge is just moving business along. If he had had time during the day, I'm sure the hearing would have been earlier. This motion is very time sensitive and with the Christmas season approaching, HHJBP realizes that the State needs time to prepare for the up coming depositions. They really won't have a lot of time and this information is crucial.

I'm not convinced that there will be a "smack down". Every time I hope it happens or hope that Baez gets denied hours, the Judge flexes and gives. At the last hearing, I saw the Judge as stern but generous. His bark is way worse than his bite and Baez is on to him.
I think HHJBP is using his time efficiently and tagging Baez and Co. on at the end of a very busy day for him. Maybe this way Baez won't waffle and drone on forever.

Does the courthouse have an automatic shut-off on it's lights???:angel:
I think the the Judge is just moving business along. If he had had time during the day, I'm sure the hearing would have been earlier. This motion is very time sensitive and with the Christmas season approaching, HHJBP realizes that the State needs time to prepare for the up coming depositions. They really won't have a lot of time and this information is crucial.

I'm not convinced that there will be a "smack down". Every time I hope it happens or hope that Baez gets denied hours, the Judge flexes and gives. At the last hearing, I saw the Judge as stern but generous. His bark is way worse than his bite and Baez is on to him.

I've been waiting on that "smack down". I will be surprised if the honorable Judge gives one today. Don't think it will happen. Yep, Baez is on to him.
karn, i too wondered isnt the the day before the (anniversery of caylees FINAL location, ie, being found in the woods, is that dec 11????) has it really been 2 years almost?
I don't know? I mean HHJP's ruling on the matter last hearing was specifically stated to "put it in writing" so that it was abundantly clear what he meant and what he wanted done right away, with no wiggle room. he specifically stated that he wanted it clear so their would be no opportunity for attorneys to fight over this matter out of court. He was extremely clear on what the intent of his ruling was, and why he was making it. And JB's e-mails are rather offensively outside of that intent. I don't believe the judge is above using subtlety to lay the smack down when necesary. So long as he can justify it on the busy calender than 5pm Friday for this case sends a really clear message to those that have so far chosen to ignore all previous messages. Playtime is over!

And what was it the Judge said? Something to the effect of: "I would not want to get caught breaking any rules." Should be interesting.
Well, here's hoping for a smackdown. *crossing fingers*

And I am such a dolt. I forgot about the one hour time difference, so I WILL be able to follow the hearing since in CST it's at four, not five!
IMO...I think what JA seems to be getting at is the defense comments...like the one "there were no coffin flies in the trunk...according to the defense expert. Where's the info to back that comment?? I can say I saw a pork chop fly, but where's the evidence...where's even a note on a piece of paper...or even a pork rind....that says this??? Since there are "no reports" to pass along to the prosecution.....


Taken from article....Anthony defense attorney Cheney Mason said the defense disagrees with the finding. Mason said defense experts claim there were no coffin flies in the trunk at all.

Yet, AGAIN, the prosecution is asking the defense to put their money where their mouth is....just like TM started with the "we have proof KC didn't put that body in the woods"...or something to that effect. IIRC, the prosecution put thru a motion to get THAT info thru discovery. And the statements of CM about that same area and the searches....it was under water...it wasn't...his mouth full of marbles was goin full steam ahead for THAT one, too.

Seems the defense needs to just get THEIR mouths duct taped....
IMO...I think what JA seems to be getting at is the defense comments...like the one "there were no coffin flies in the trunk...according to the defense expert. Where's the info to back that comment?? I can say I saw a pork chop fly, but where's the evidence...where's even a note on a piece of paper...or even a pork rind....that says this??? Since there are "no reports" to pass along to the prosecution.....


Taken from article....Anthony defense attorney Cheney Mason said the defense disagrees with the finding. Mason said defense experts claim there were no coffin flies in the trunk at all.

Yet, AGAIN, the prosecution is asking the defense to put their money where their mouth is....just like TM started with the "we have proof KC didn't put that body in the woods"...or something to that effect. IIRC, the prosecution put thru a motion to get THAT info thru discovery. And the statements of CM about that same area and the searches....it was under water...it wasn't...his mouth full of marbles was goin full steam ahead for THAT one, too.

Seems the defense needs to just get THEIR mouths duct taped....

Thanks Tink, you have brought up some very good points I never thought about. They are the ones shooting off their mouths so let's see what you've got since you have already put it out there.
I don't know? I mean HHJP's ruling on the matter last hearing was specifically stated to "put it in writing" so that it was abundantly clear what he meant and what he wanted done right away, with no wiggle room. he specifically stated that he wanted it clear so their would be no opportunity for attorneys to fight over this matter out of court. He was extremely clear on what the intent of his ruling was, and why he was making it. And JB's e-mails are rather offensively outside of that intent. I don't believe the judge is above using subtlety to lay the smack down when necesary. So long as he can justify it on the busy calender than 5pm Friday for this case sends a really clear message to those that have so far chosen to ignore all previous messages. Playtime is over!


Either he is busy all day Friday until 5pm OR yes, I agree Judge Perry is sending a message.

Judge Perry keeps repeating that if things do not progress he will schedule to his liking, he will chose the day and time and evenings/ weekends are not off limits...

Either he is busy all day Friday until 5pm OR yes, I agree Judge Perry is sending a message.

Judge Perry keeps repeating that if things do not progress he will schedule to his liking, he will chose the day and time and evenings/ weekends are not off limits...

I think it's a combination, but I'd like to think that he's finally following through on his threats. Let's just hope he doesn't let the defense slide again this time. Please, HHJP, I know you've had enough at this point! You have been beyond fair to the defense! It's time to start holding their butts against the wall for not doing what they are supposed to do!
2010.12.03 Defense Motion to Authorize and Compel Preparation of Transcripts

The JAC filed a response to this yesterday. Can't wait to read it! I do wonder if any the the JAC-related motions will be argued at today's hearing?

Didn't Cheney already complain about this at one of the Hearings?

Then Ashton stood up and told Judge Perry that he knew, first hand, that Baez Video Recorded the Depo..Baez gives smirk/makes a face in Judge Perry's courtroom...

Judge Perry, iirc, said that his Office could transcribe the deposition that Baez had video recorded at cheaper rates?

Off to find that hearing.

Found it, the exchange was during the October 29 2010 Status Hearing.
Part 1 http://www.wftv.com/video/25566372/index.html
Part 2 http://www.wftv.com/video/25567059/index.html
Part 3 http://www.wftv.com/video/25567604/index.html
Part 4 http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=118519&page=32
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