2010.12.10 - Hearing

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Upon a second look, I don't think that's an offficial court schedule.
sorry . . .
HHJBP has repeatedly threatened to bring both sides in "after hours" to hear motions,if they can't work things out.He means what he says : )
It will be interesting to see if both halves of the happily married couple show up, and what the demeanors will be on this anniversary eve.
From FB

WFTV Channel 9
Casey Anthony will be in court this afternoon. The judge is holding a 5pm hearing. We'll have it live on WFTV.com: http://www.wftv.com/news/26089105/detail.html

I won't be able to watch the hearing today so I would like give a BIG THANKS :clap: :blowkiss: to all WS'ers who will be and posting about it..

I will watch and read about it late tonight...:waitasec:wait I will read about it first on WS then I will watch it....
It will be interesting to see if both halves of the happily married couple show up, and what the demeanors will be on this anniversary eve.

I'll wet myself if they show up wearing matching tacky christmas sweaters:dance:

On a more serious note, we may want to open a fresh thread discussing the hearing itself..so that those who
can't watch will be able to easily read what transpired.
karn, i too wondered isnt the the day before the (anniversery of caylees FINAL location, ie, being found in the woods, is that dec 11????) has it really been 2 years almost?

Yes it was charok http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,465424,00.html
We just knew they had found the remains of a small child near the A home. ICA was the only one who knew for sure. Well maybe the Grandparents did too although you'd think the discovery would have squashed their appetite for compted crab puffs.
So strange the innocent Casey wouldn't have opted for a speedy trial. Even stranger that a guilty Casey wouldn't have when you think what an amazing case the delay has allowed the SAO to build against her.
RIP Caylee!! Justice will come.
When out in the hallway there arose such a clatter
Up jumped Cindy and screamed what's the matter?
Away to the baliff JB flew with a flash
To see if someone fell and he could make some quick cash
The victim in shackles and vintage blouse
Gave a luster to crowns on the floor below
When what to my wondering eyes would appear
But Judge Perry and his reindeer
With an order flying and his heavy stick
He summoned us all and said I will make this quick
He whistled and shouted and called them by name
Now Biaz and KC and George and Cindy
To the holding room for you
one and all

.....I heard him exclaim as he ran out of sight
Merry Christmas to all
and to all a GOOD NIGHT!

LOL! This bears a repeat....
It will be interesting to see if both halves of the happily married couple show up, and what the demeanors will be on this anniversary eve.

I swear on all that is holy if they try to make tomorrow about THEM, I am going to throw things. They need to let it be about Caylee and keep their dang mouths SHUT tomorrow. I hope no one interviews them about it or anything!
Started a fresh thread for when the hearing begins :)
20 minutes to go...time to grab that last ciggie, and gather up a snack! :dance:
is it 5 yet?


Well it's 5 o'clock somewhere...just not in Florida quite yet...18 min. and counting.:dance:

Hey, this bring a whole new meaning to "Happy Hour":Banane35:
microphones are hot..you can hear them discussing things
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