2011.03.04 Motions Hearing - #1 (AM)

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If I hear George say "I didn't open that door, you did Linda. You opened that door. Or Cindy warn Linda to stop interrupting her or "I'm not stupid" one more time I'm going to start prawling thru the fridge.
Novice Seeker

Actually, it's "I didn't open dat door". I just realized yesterday what it is about his speech that's always felt a little off to me, he pronounces all his th's as d's. Drives me nuts.
Has CM gotten his voice back, do we know?
Is it time already? The bar's still a mess from yesterday, but the wine cellar is well stocked.



hmmmmm is that wine or whine? :floorlaugh:
Door shot....you know what that means.....:woohoo:
Anyone wanna bet whether or not JB and CM are poring diligently over the rules of decorum during the break?

Oh I doubt it. Am sure they feel they are exempt, their status as Family of the Victim they think brings them the right to chew gum, make faces, etc. GA as an ex LE doesn't even follow the rules that should be seared into his brain.
Guess he was an idiot as a deputy sheriff too, LOL.
After this break, are we in court for the rest of the day? Does the Judge have to leave again?
I missed quite a bit of YM's testimony (I felt like most popular person on the planet, grrrr.) but something LDB said that I did manage to catch expressed perfectly what my problem is with Baez and his 'agents of the State' BS. She asked YM something like would he want to turn away grieving family members and not be helpful or supportive to them to avoid being seen as colluding with them against the suspect.
The Anthony's can twist this and have all the revisionist history they want, but the facts remain at the time in question their 2-year-old granddaughter, Caylee Marie, was a missing person, and they were not getting any more sense or help from Casey than LE was, AND at that time they were still able to remember Caylee as a precious part of their family that they cared about and were desperate to find.

George yestereday claiming he was 'tricked', that ticks me off. First of all, he's lying, and secondly and most importantly, by his own testimony they were trying to locate Caylee, not hang Casey, so why would he have to be tricked to do that?
I just know my jaw is going to hit the floor again today!
Love seeing Kathi B sitting right front and center behind the defense table....hopefully overhearing everything!
Oh no, my breakfast isn't done and they are all coming back into court!!
I hope there are a few days when the trial starts that *someone* forgets Ms. Anthony's clothes again and she has to do her strut in her summer jail jumpsuit and little mock leather sandles.

Judge Perry was P-O'd this morning over that little delay tactic. wowza......
They really started off on the wrong foot today, and I predict it is going to go down even further....... look out below!!
When has any attorney that has worked for the Anthony family controlled their client? Remember... they are the "bosses." :floorlaugh:

:waitasec: I thought Casey was the Boss...and Cindy is the Middle finger..isn't that what George said? :floorlaugh:
Audio still off, video showing ICA and JB having a nice little friendly chat with smiles all around.
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