2011.03.17 - Billie Dunn was arrested

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This is starting to remind me of Jarred Harrell, who is in jail awaiting trial for killing Somer Thompson. He took pictures of himself molesting a very young girl who was associated with his family. I wonder if they think Shawn has molested one of his family members.

I think this is the most suspicious thing Billie has done yet, lying to LE. I doubt I'll be climbing on her fence again.

I didn't remember that thank you CF.

I thought of


I know it's sick but I did. I'm sorry to any it offends. JMHO and a possibility to me.
Yes, that's where my mind was going also.

What if . . . and this is extremely disturbing to me . . . what if BD said there were pictures of herself and SA among the *advertiser censored* pics but really it was SA and Hailey?

Wouldn't that be "filing a false report" and "hindering an investigation"?

Yes, that is an extremely troubling thought. But not implausible under the circumstances. :sick:
Well it just said ont he news they are at his mom's... sooo how can they be leaving his grandmas??

as usual "stellar" reporting in this case..NOT!!!!!

IMO they've been referring to Grandmas home in Dunn this entire time!!!!!!!!jmo tho!
It wouldn't have time to pop before it was over! Anybody else disappointed that was it?

Nope I have been waiting for this kind of action for months! It's a downhill slide from here!
neighbors said they saw blue flashlight looking at things

DPS troopers going through places still as the news guy was there on scene...
AGAIN this is MOM'S house!!

said there will be updates thorughout the night on bigcountry homepage

Ok it's over
Billie has pushed the few supporters she had left right off the fence all by herself imo. It seems to me that she has left them with no reason to believe in her and every reason not to...

Well, I'm still not ready to say I think she had anything to do with what has happened to Hailey, but for her to lie to LE about SA being at her house, along with SA BEING AT HER HOUSE, is enough for me to say I hope no one pays her bail and she sits her butt in jail for awhile.
RE- charge of a false report- could it be considered that, if one reports someone missing, when they know darn well where that someone really is???
Billie was charged with this offense:
EMPLOYEE. (a) A person commits an offense if, with intent to
deceive, he knowingly makes a false statement that is material to a
criminal investigation and makes the statement to:
(1) a peace officer conducting the investigation; or
(2) any employee of a law enforcement agency that is
authorized by the agency to conduct the investigation and that the
actor knows is conducting the investigation.
(b) In this section, "law enforcement agency" has the
meaning assigned by Article 59.01, Code of Criminal Procedure.

(c) An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor.
Filing a false missing person report is a different violation.


Filing a false missing person report is a different violation.

PERSON. (a) A person commits an offense if, with intent to
deceive, the person knowingly:
(1) files a false report of a missing child or missing
person with a law enforcement officer or agency; or
(2) makes a false statement to a law enforcement
officer or other employee of a law enforcement agency relating to a missing child or missing person.
(b) An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor.

neighbors said they saw blue flashlight looking at things

DPS troopers going through places still as the news guy was there on scene...
AGAIN this is MOM'S house!!

Ok it's over

Blue flashlight? Like the one they use with Luminol?

today the Howard GJ met

Pete K and Sparky are out of town

this afternoon team from the DA went to BD's house to serve a howard county search warrant on SA

BD lied and said he was not there. Drugs were also found at the house.

She was arrested and taken to jail and interrogated

since 1:30 multiple LE agencies have been searching the home/outbuildings of SA's grandmother and just left the scene at 11pm. Cars were also reportedly searched as hailey's angels searchers stood next to reporters on scene. There was also a search warrant for SA's body.

LE has confirmed to reporters that SA has not been arrested

BD will be arraigned tomorrow...

(((that is what I got so far)))
Updates on the events this evening, for those just joining:

Billie is facing 3 Charges:

KTAB's Michelle Ashworth is reporting Billie Dunn is facing 3 charges. Hindering and apprehension of prosecution, possession of dangerous drugs and false report to a police officer.


Thursday, 9:30 p.m.

Howard County went to the home in an attempt to serve a search warrant of Shawn Adkins' body.
Scurry County is in the process of serving a search warrant for Adkins' grandmother's home in Dunn.


I think LE had the Prescription Drug Charge for Billie in hand when they went there.

Why was LE serving a warrant on Shawn Adkins BODY? Tattoos? Pictures?

We were not far off!


Texas Rangers have also been seen searching the home of Shawn Adkins' grandmother in Dunn Texas, north of Colorado City.

Seen taking boxes, blankets and other items from the property, KTXS has also learned there is a warrant to search Shawn Adkins' body.

at shawns mom's house!!!!

been here since 1:30

highway patrolman as well as other LE.. going through outhouses(out buildings)
Going through cars..

detached garage

take out HUGe amounts of stuff

Carrying out an EXTENSIVE search warrant in Dunn.

Nope I have been waiting for this kind of action for months! It's a downhill slide from here!

I agree! I think I just want more details than LE is willing to give..(and rightfully so)..Patience is not a virtue I have an abundance of anymore, lol!
Yes, that's where my mind was going also.

What if . . . and this is extremely disturbing to me . . . what if BD said there were pictures of herself and SA among the *advertiser censored* pics but really it was SA and Hailey?

Wouldn't that be "filing a false report" and "hindering an investigation"?

Thinking about the search warrant for SA's body makes me want to 'erp' - my beloved grandmother's term for vomiting. Your thought takes it to a whole new disturbing level, mainly because it could be true!
or a birthmark, or mole? scar?

I'm sorry but that reminds of that scene in Porky's -- where Beulah Ballbreaker is trying to get them to put out poster of the p**** with the identifiable mole!! Have you seen this p****??? That coach guffawing always makes me laugh so hard I cry.

I hope Shawn has a very identifiable one as well. Or knowing them, maybe some piercings as well?????

today the Howard GJ met

Pete K and Sparky are out of town

this afternoon team from the DA went to BD's house to serve a howard county search warrant on SA

BD lied and said he was not there. Drugs were also found at the house.

She was arrested and taken to jail and interrogated

since 1:30 multiple LE agencies have been searching the home/outbuildings of SA's grandmother and just left the scene at 11pm. Cars were also reportedly searched as hailey's angels searchers stood next to reporters on scene. There was also a search warrant for SA's body.

LE has confirmed to reporters that SA has not been arrested

BD will be arraigned tomorrow...

(((that is what I got so far)))

Except the news said it was mom's house but other sources say grandmas... I don't know which?? LOL:waitasec::waitasec::waitasec::waitasec:
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