REVISIT Caylee's biological father/Reverse DNA Profile**MERGED**

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To my knowledge, lee was tested but George never was. I think that is what he is implying. I remember all that speculation here years back. It kind of became taboo. I think Baez read here and other places for his defense.
Honestly I have always wondered WHY Caylee's father was never known.

Why did he never come forward? Is he really dead, the one that got in the car accident?
Could that have been the only true thing that Casey ever said?
Honestly I have always wondered WHY Caylee's father was never known.Why did he never come forward? Is he really dead, the one that got in the car accident?
Could that have been the only true thing that Casey ever said?

Because nobody knows who he is, including Casey. Do you really think that if they knew who he was, they wouldn't be all over him for support?
Broderick I was afraid to say it because i didnt know if it was a stupid thought but yes i have a feeling he may be implying that George could be the father....

id like to know what "home" he is referring to for the Jury to let Casey go to because after what she has done to this family I really doubt she has one....
Honestly I have always wondered WHY Caylee's father was never known.

Why did he never come forward? Is he really dead, the one that got in the car accident?
Could that have been the only true thing that Casey ever said?

thats what im thinking too would the family of Eric B come forward or someone anyone if they thought they could be related to Caylee?? too weird.. i doubt she knows who the father is.
To my knowledge, lee was tested but George never was. I think that is what he is implying. I remember all that speculation here years back. It kind of became taboo. I think Baez read here and other places for his defense.

George and Lee were both tested and ARE NOT the father - See Mythbuster thread - post #41:

George is NOT the father of Caylee, read below.

See the thread here 2010.07.19 post #715 ... Read below for text:

from ‘joypath’

“Scientifically it is IMPOSSIBLE for George ANTHONY to be the biological spermatozoa donor that created Caylee Marie Anthony. The DNA profile has over 6 individual singlet loci that George did NOT contribute! This rumor needs to be 86’d forever even without specific documentation, MANY WS’ers with scientific backgrounds mapped out the DNA profiles (GA/Jessie/Caylee/Lee/Casey/even, Cindy!) released from the discovery process as soon as they were available to satisfy curiosity, ahem, scientific inquiry~”

and ... here #717

“When the loci don’t exist, there’s no need for a formal “paternity” test report! DNA is the essence of the nuclear material of the specific cell vs just a “something” that identifies “who’s ya daddy or mommy”, the reasoning behind performing DNA testing of all members of the co-habitants of the home Caylee shared was exclusionary, similar to that of comparative fingerprinting. Specifically performing comparison/mapping/”paternity” testing with and to Caylee’s and Lee’s DNA exemplars was by legal request for discovery purposes to be utilized within the trial IF NEEDED to demonstrate perhaps that “all bases were covered” since the accused DID testify to Jessie Grund that LA had been “familiar” (slightly paraphrased by me)
FYI: The defense DOES have a proclaimed stellar expert witness or two in the field of DNA : Henry C. Lee, Ph. D. and Lawrence Kobilinsky, Ph. D (if he’s still playing on the team) and both of these gentlemen are more than capable of creating a grid page, even without a computer program!”

and .... here #726

I’ll take a “crack” at the you tube lady! She’s got some edges of truth: yep, 46 genetic pieces of code, 23 from each donor, not quite in her bead designation but.... She’s right when she declared she was “horribly simplified” and oh so horribly wrong when she proved her incest theory with the orange beads! IF Caylee Marie Anthony were the product of an incestuous relationship, this itty bitty detail would have raised all types of red flags (to quote the infamous Cindy) during the paternity testing protocol of Jessie Grund-Caylee Marie Anthony -Casey Marie Anthony. Yep, the testing would have to be performed by an licensed laboratory with a licensed M. D. as the medical director and oops, guess what, IIRC was Casey underage when she conceived thus it would be a reportable offense~(IF not underage, not sure WHAT Fl law might be so.....) but on the scientific side....the laboratory would be doing a lot of retesting and asking for NEW fresh samples to confirm results!
Okay back to You Tube lady: She’s advocating that one listen and respond to an individual with incest issues, to which I SAY YES! And then she becomes the Oracle of Delphi on pedophilia, with an incorrect dash of DNA mapping, then extrapolates her expertise into all types of behaviors a la Anthony.

Can’t find my full schematic panel but here’s a “quickie” from a brief overview of a doc dump:
Loci A Loci B Loci C Loci D

CAYLEE: 12 28 11 13

George 14 30 12 12

Bio Sperm: 12 28 11 13

That’s just 4 loci that I quickly grabbed, there are a significant number that r/o George.

Read below for detailed analysis from The Hinky Meter;
Black Magic Woman - you are on the same wave length of thinking as I am with this. I think Baez is going to do something with the "information" he has in regards to this...

I think he wants to crack this trial wide open with big reveals (like in the opening statement), and win the case with a "Perry Mason" moment. Maybe that's going to be related to the father. And no I don't think he'll suceed in that episode!
Broderick I was afraid to say it because i didnt know if it was a stupid thought but yes i have a feeling he may be implying that George could be the father....

id like to know what "home" he is referring to for the Jury to let Casey go to because after what she has done to this family I really doubt she has one....

If that is what he comes out with late in the trial it's no wonder he is so confident but he ought better have something valid to prove it. If it's more dung on the wall hoping to stick he is likely gonna hold that til near the end so it can't be scientifically proven negative by the state.
He absolutely implied that Caylee was a product of incest in his opening statement. So I imagine he is attacking another one of Casey's BS stories about Eric because if he can prove that it is not true, he can keep up the fiction. It's disgusting, and I hope the state will come out swinging at the right point to refute this.
Hi All

If anyone wants to read and/or discuss WHO is Caylee's father, we have threads already started on that topic.Here are a few's+father
Will Caylee's Biological Father Be Named at Trial?'s+father
Who Is Caylee's Biological Father?'s+father
Who is Caylee's biological father? #2's+father
Does Casey Know Who Caylee's Father Is?
Thanks for the mythbusters thread links. It's been years since I drifted off the case and came back. I recall the speculation back then and discussions. I still think he is implying that George could be the father to the jury even if not. That's pretty bold if he closes with that. I hope the SA addresses that in expert testimony otherwise it will be lingering during deliberations.
oh boy he is brave to imply something like that because all they would have to do is test George and boom we have proof... however Softail has posted that George WAS tested so what is Baez doing?? I guess I am really just confused as to what angle Baez is going with this..
but yes TallyHo i totally felt that Baez implied that Caylee was a product of incest.. which i do not believe is true btw
Intermezzo, i probably have come across in my posting that im starting another thread about Caylees father but i guess my thread is more about what Baez is implying in regards to this matter.. I wanted to see if other caught the vibe that Baez was pushing that Caylee was a product of incest... not saying that is what i believe or am i asking if that is what others believe but more so if thats what other Sleuthers felt Baez was trying to push for.

Sorry if i have confused anyone !! hahah
I hate to beat a dead horse but could he be suggesting something else entirely. Don't forget, he's trying to assasinate the parents' characters as a reason for the daughter's behaviors. He kept highlighting to CA that she believes she and KC are very much alike.

Is it posssible that either LA or KC might not be GA's biological child? Has this possibility ever been discussed here? With the DNA information we have, is it possible to determine this?

Did they "specifically" test GA for paternity, or just collect dna and that's what was compared. Because if they didn't "specifically" test him for that, JB may just be playing word games, KWIM?
George and Lee were both tested and ARE NOT the father - See Mythbuster thread - post #41:

Why why why, does this rumor still persist? It drives me nuts.

Give Baez time and I'm sure he'll throw out a theory Jeff A is the father. :)
I hate to beat a dead horse but could he be suggesting something else entirely. Don't forget, he's trying to assasinate the parents' characters as a reason for the daughter's behaviors. He kept highlighting to CA that she believes she and KC are very much alike. Is it posssible that either LA or KC might not be GA's biological child? Has this possibility ever been discussed here? With the DNA information we have, is it possible to determine this?


If this chart is correct it is IMO consistent with Cindy and George being the biological parents of both Casey and Lee.
The chart can be found here

It's just a few allele markers and there might be others that rule either Cindy or George out but what we have here is consistent. Having inconsistent alleles rules a parental candidate out but having the same alleles doesn't prove they're the parents, necessarily. I don't know how many allele markers you need to be statistically sure it's not just a coincidence.
A. That the family knew about incest & afraid to ask who father was.
B. That family was weird because normal parents/family would ask first thing who is the father.
C. That Casey was a pathilogical liar & lived in an "imaginery world"
D. That Cindy turned her head, covered up, accepted and enabled Casey in the lies.

I think this too.

Casting doubt on Cindy's word and judgment (and therefore testimony) while highlighting ICA's detachment from reality.

Might have meant to put an early suggestion of GA as the father, even knowing it would be later refuted, hoping the jury would remember their first impression of GA and get confused or give less weight to the "technical" scientific evidence that he's Caylee's father.
I hate to beat a dead horse but could he be suggesting something else entirely. Don't forget, he's trying to assasinate the parents' characters as a reason for the daughter's behaviors. He kept highlighting to CA that she believes she and KC are very much alike. Is it posssible that either LA or KC might not be GA's biological child? Has this possibility ever been discussed here? With the DNA information we have, is it possible to determine this?


I was 100% convinced he was saying that Caylee was a product of incest. His "Flowers in the Attic" reference nailed it for me. He was referring to the novel of that name by VC Andrews. That book (and series) was very popular when I was a teenager, and I am 44 now. The story line involves a brother raping his sister. I think he was banking on some of the jurors being well acquainted with this book.
If this chart is correct it is IMO consistent with Cindy and George being the biological parents of both Casey and Lee.
The chart can be found here

It's just a few allele markers and there might be others that rule either Cindy or George out but what we have here is consistent. Having inconsistent alleles rules a parental candidate out but having the same alleles doesn't prove they're the parents, necessarily. I don't know how many allele markers you need to be statistically sure it's not just a coincidence.
Thanks Donjeta. I read that report but it was focused on Caylee's parentage and I don't know enough about any of this to be able to comment on either LA or KC's parentage. That is why I'm asking about this.

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