Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #17 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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OOPS my bad.. LaMar's father is a registered sex offender! I'm sorry if I spread a rumor!

There is a man on the Megan's Law site with his father's name that was convicted of forcable rape...still might be :waitasec:
That is normally true but here in CA, many offenders have been moved to County Jails from State Prison due to overcrowding and budget restrictions. They have also granted many non-violent offenders early release from parole.
could be also they don't want father and son housed in the same facility?
Can anyone post a side-by-side of this photo w/sketch of suspect in 2009 Safeway assaults?

IMO, this is an even closer match to the sketch.

From Seeking theLost (I think, not sure now):

Oh my gosh. The girl saw a red car!! and this was After SL went missing. Scary to me. jmo

All the Case on the 26th in Willow Glen has already been ruled out having anything to do with Sierra case. Remember they had the PREP DNA on the
28th. The Sherriff has came out and said they are not connected at all.
Marc Klaas requested one of his team to cross-check AGT's name to the list of volunteers who searched.

Does anyone know the answer to this question?


Thank-you for posting this.

I clearly remember this incident.

This attempted abduction happened on March 26th. It was March 28th when LE made the DNA link to AGT and started following him.

Knowing what we know now, it would seem that the perp in this attempted abduction could very well have been AGT.

How many other victims are there? He must have gotten away with many, many crimes, to so boldy attempt an abduction in broad daylight, when LE was on the lookout for Sierra. 5:30 pm in the afternoon? A Tazer? Wow.

How many more are there, AGT?


It seems he was riding around after school kids going to or going home from school!
Must be alot of children walking alone!
Red car
Hooded sweatshirt
Hispnic Male
All the Case on the 26th in Willow Glen has already been ruled out having anything to do with Sierra case. Remember they had the PREP DNA on the
28th. The Sherriff has came out and said they are not connected at all.

I wouldnt be to sure about that!
Is it in his name, or a fake name?

It was in his name, but now when I try to go back where I found the comments, it says page not found. :banghead:

I think someone finally smartened up and decided to clear internet tracks. JMO
Appalachian Bear Rescue (huh?) is beating out Texas Equusearch! Go vote for TES to get a free truck. See the top of this page.
From Seeking theLost:


This is how to look at the two to connect them: Think you are the person giving the identifying features. Which are; round face, full face, lips are not wide out, look small for wide face, small almond eyes; round chin, short wide nose; he had on a hoodie so I didn't get to see his hair color. BOOM!
All the Case on the 26th in Willow Glen has already been ruled out having anything to do with Sierra case. Remember they had the PREP DNA on the
28th. The Sherriff has came out and said they are not connected at all.

Did they even have the perp's dna from the Willow Glen girl?
This is how to look at the two to connect them: Think you are the person giving the identifying features. Which are; round face, full face, lips are not wide out, look small for wide face, small almond eyes; round chin, short wide nose; he had on a hoodie so I didn't get to see his hair color. BOOM!

To me the nose and lips really stand out in the sketch and picture. Just what a description would sound like.
Basically one straight shot down Monterey Rd from his trailer to Sierra's home..

Posting via mobile as well as via tablet so plz forgive all typos.. Btwn the sucky touch keyboard and the obsessive auto-correct it's a big ol' mess :crazy:
Good work! The best thing the family could have done in the aftermath of the arrest is remain quiet. As soon as he lawyers up, I guarantee the FB comments will be gone, as well as the family will stop talking.

The perp is more than likely responsible for all three of the Safeway attacks, and it is a matter of time before LE has evidence pointing toward him. If I saw that police sketch at Safeway by itself, I would not think the perp looks like the drawing. Seeing them side-to-side now, there is a resemblance except for the mouth.

That's a good point; I mean how many people would be hanging out at the Safeway to attack random women?
Basically one straight shot down Monterey Rd from his trailer to Sierra's home..

I posted this yesterday, or late last night, can't remember now, and yes, Monterey Rd was his hunting ground and everything that was inside a huge circle. In Smiths presser yesterday, the huge circle was in the background and I saved it also.


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