Zahau Death Investigation

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I was a little confused on the gloves, so I went searching.

From the search Warrant (41227) - list of items:

1. Knife
2. Pair black gloves
3. Paper towel w/red stains
4. Box w/paint supplies
5. Dr. Pepper bottle
6. Clothing
7. Flip camera
8. Basket w/cameras
9. Stain kit
10. Clump of hair
11. Document addressed to Jonah
12. Tissue w/red stain
13. Clothing
14. Hair
15. Receipt for paint supplies
16. Candle
17. Water bottle
18. Bedding
19. 2 red plastic cups
20. Underwear
21. Black latex glove
22. Table
23. Greeting card
24. Paper w/writing
25. Bedding
26. Butcher Knife
27. Steak knife
28. White plastic bag
29. Rope
30. Samsung cell phone
31. Paint brush
32. Stain kit
33. Small paint brush
34. Green & white striped towel
35. Bedroom door
36. Tube of black paint
37. Laptop computer
38. Mac computer
39. Olympus camera
40. Lumix camera
41. Swab kit
42. Swab kit
43. Swab kit
44. DNA swab
45. Print cards

I'm not sure where the pair of black gloves were found (above says on a table and that they had mixed DNA on them). I thought the black latex glove was found in the balcony bedroom. Can anyone validate that?

Sorry, but I don't think most anyone has just one black latex glove lying around anyway.


And was there ever a box of ANY TYPE of latex glove found at the mansion? This is a huge question that has NEVER been answered. I sure would clear up a lot if they had a box of those gloves laying around. Also, was the G Street house EVER searched?

Always. MOO
I wonder if these same type of black latex gloves were used by nurses at Rady Hospital?
I wonder if these same type of black latex gloves were used by nurses at Rady Hospital?

I was thinking the same thing, but latex gloves almost never used in health care facilities anymore because of wide spread allergies. Gloves used in the hospital are usually blue or white or clear. They are unlikely to be black. Just think of a mental image - nurse entering patient's room wearing black gloves - scary!
You're about the janitorial personnel at Rady that change trash baskets ,pick up things from floor or dispose used needles , bloody bandages ,etc. Inthedark14 mentioned where was the box of latex gloves at Spreckels? It would seem these type of black latex gloves were taken from a box somewhere because it's unlikely you can just buy a pair somewhere ....Rady hospital seemed most likely.

By the way, does anyone know NINA's occupation or past employment?
You're about the janitorial personnel at Rady that change trash baskets ,pick up things from floor or dispose used needles , bloody bandages ,etc. Inthedark14 mentioned where was the box of latex gloves at Spreckels? It would seem these type of black latex gloves were taken from a box somewhere because it's unlikely you can just buy a pair somewhere ....Rady hospital seemed most likely.

By the way, does anyone know NINA's occupation or past employment?

Nina doesn't work, nor has she ever.
Don't forget to choke and gag yourself with a long sleeved t-shirt Inparadise.

And you also have to be able to do the last bit in the dark as the lights were turned out in that room when the police arrived.
I'll try again and see if my future posts survive. Here are a few thoughts on subjects brought up on this thread.

The footprints on the balcony....the set that were so close to the balcony door I've always felt that RZ's "bound" body was LIFTED UP after the doors were open by the killer and her body was dropped down so her feet were touching the dirty/dusty balcony surface.This could've been accomplished with the killer's feet just inside the room. Does anyone have that balcony footprint picture to support my theory?

All the dna/blood issues all go back to the SDSO crime lab to Director Gary Thompson so I don't trust any of those results. Geez...Adam supposedly cut down RZ on a 3 legged table and there wasn't any Adam fingerprints or dna on that portion of the rope? How about Adam taking the GAG out of Rebecca's mouth - the reported CPR yet nothing showed up with Adam. By the way, did Pfingst's friend Thompson ever measure the 3 cut pieces of the "tow rope" ? I've never read that is was measured to the same factory length as advertised. Hmm...

One of the primary reasons CA AG Ms. Harris should launch an independent investigation is the real possible conflict of interest between the SDSO Crime Lab Director Gary Thompson and his long time friend and former boss in the SD DA's office Paul Pfingst and Shacknai attorney. That alone should even bring in our Justice Department Eric Holder to see if ALL evidence was tested and tested properly, phone records of Thompson and Pfingst from July 13 thru September 13 in 2011.

Mrs.Holmes our posts yesterday were rudely deleted yesterday after I replied to your post on NINA telling an interviewer that the "family" was told Tuesday of Max's GRAVE condition. If you bring that subject up again....I will try to reply in the same detailed response.

Ah yes Serpico.... I believe Nina is telling the truth in her statements to the media. She is actually the only family member that is acting like an innocent person would. I believe that she was at the mansion and did want answers from RZ.... I think either JS or DS got there before her though...

Her statement was something about on the Tuesday night the doctor told DS and JS that Max would never walk again.... very serious and I got the impression she was not privy to the entire conversation... so what more was said to JS and DS...that information could very well have been the last straw... a catalyst for the violent death of RZ..

Nina's statements also corroborate that someone was in the death room because the lights were on... and I was wondering about the time line... with regards to the scream and the witnesses seeing someone at the front of the mansion.... there is that niggling thing about the time on her phone bill though... but it would be good to match that all up...
Mrs.Holmes -

When did NINA say this because DINA has said multiple times on National tv shows that it wasn't until Friday (2 days later) that Max's condition turned grave. If we do a timeline on Tuesday night....DINA and NINA arrived back at Rady around 6:00 pm according to Jonah. NINA left at 9:00pm and Jonah came back from dinner with Adam and Rebecca about 7:50 pm and he left Rady at 1:00 am Wednesday morning.

Here are my questions based on NINA telling the truth for sake of argument.
1- why did NINA borrow Jonah's car given that DINA stayed overnight and she was driven to Rady in DINA's car?

2- when Jonah gave NINA his car keys....did he take his house keys off?

3- NINA was clearly agitated when she came back to DINA's residence Tuesday night around 9:20 pm. She TEXT RZ but didn't get a response so shortly after decided to make the 5 minute walk to confront Rebecca on her past statements. NINA said she wanted answers....clearly Rebecca felt under attack by the Romano sisters but if she didn't SEE the fall...what more details can she provide?

4- NINA was spotted pacing back and forth on the front porch by the adult bicyclist witness after 10:00 pm and she has never mentioned in any article or interview the possibility that maybe Rebecca was asleep given her hectic previous 36 hours which including picking up and dropping people off at Lindbergh Airport at various times on Monday and Tuesday. NINA saw the adult male bicyclist looking at her while he stopped in the street which makes me wonder if NINA would've she used Jonah's keys to open the front door at some point.

5- NINA walking down the driveway was to enter through the unlocked backdoor....what other reason to go back there...NINA wasn't leaving until she got answers from Rebecca. The phony story about the light being on from that balcony room should be on the list when a polygrapher gives her the test. Rebecca was either in bed at that time or in her bathroom taking a shower before retiring for the evening. Shady Sheriff Gore's suicide theory is solely based on Jonah's hearsay call which supposedly wasn't made until 2 hours later at 12:30 am so that room light wasn't on around 10:30 pm unless an intruder was hiding in there.

6 - why didn't Gore and SDSO ask for the public's help and ask residents if anyone saw either DINA or NINA walking back on such and such streets between 10:40 pm - 11:00pm or later that Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning?

7- why would Jonah make such a late call to Rebecca early Wednesday morning (12:30 am) when he knew she was tired and asleep plus he was going to see her about 6 hours later for breakfast after she brought his "fresh" clothes. Rebecca told sister Mary Tuesday night that she was going to bring Jonah some breakfast the next morning and a "fresh" set of clothes. This declaration was confirmed when Jonah asked detectives Wednesday afternoon when he could go back to his residence because he needs some "fresh" clothes.

8- why didn't SDSO ever get a search warrant for DINA's residence? There was a black latex glove missing not to mention a box of latex black gloves and to see if there was any similar "tow rope" on the premises. This would also give detectives a chance to interview NINA's son and any other occupants at that residence.

9- did Crime Lab Director Gary Thompson ever conduct a forensic test on Adam's shoes to see if any carpet fibers were on the soles? If not, why not? Did Adam wear different clothes Wednesday morning when detectives saw him than the clothes he was wearing early Tuesday evening at Rady Hospital via the security tapes?

10 - why didn't Jonah ask DINA for her car keys Wednesday morning to go to his residence and seek answers? His brother TEXT him....Rebecca hung herself providing no details and Jonah not responding back with a series of questions. Why wouldn't Jonah think someone murdered her? After all, Rebecca was due shortly to bring him some breakfast and "fresh" clothes. Jonah is a multi millionaire, a Washington DC lawyer and CEO of a successful company......this is a "alpha" male and "alpha" males take charge and want - demand answers. Jonah's inaction is quite telling actually....
Ah yes Serpico.... I believe Nina is telling the truth in her statements to the media. She is actually the only family member that is acting like an innocent person would. I believe that she was at the mansion and did want answers from RZ.... I think either JS or DS got there before her though...

Her statement was something about on the Tuesday night the doctor told DS and JS that Max would never walk again.... very serious and I got the impression she was not privy to the entire conversation... so what more was said to JS and DS...that information could very well have been the last straw... a catalyst for the violent death of RZ..

Nina's statements also corroborate that someone was in the death room because the lights were on... and I was wondering about the time line... with regards to the scream and the witnesses seeing someone at the front of the mansion.... there is that niggling thing about the time on her phone bill though... but it would be good to match that all up...

I actually don't believe Nina is telling the truth re: light in sitting room for many reasons.

First, Nina's desperately trying to protect her fraternal twin Dina. So anything she says will be skewed to protect Dina. Remember Nina FINALLY came forward to CBS8 in a telephone interview the DAY before Dr. Phil show hit the air re: Dr. Wecht's autopsy of Becky's exhumed body. So it was Nina/Dina's pre-emptive strike on Becky's news.

Second, Nina said she texted Becky at 9:40pm but Becky's phone records indicate 10:40pm. So who do we believe? Nina's own calculated words and her photocopied snipped portion of phone records or Becky's unadulterated phone records?

Third, Nina clearly stated in the audio interview that she saw only ONE light lit that Tuesday night, and it was in the "sitting room" (aka murder/suicide room) at Spreckels mansion. If Nina's telling the truth, that would mean either Becky was preparing her own suicide HOURS in advance of even hearing from Jonah around midnight about Max taking "a turn for the worse" or Nina was trying to point fingers at someone else being in the "sitting room" preparing to kill Becky.

Remember, Becky, only minutes prior before 10pm on Tuesday, had been continuously texting/calling her two sisters, XZ and Mary Zahau, and had said that Max was to have an MRI to confirm his health status on Wednesday (the next day). So if you believe Nina was HONEST in her interview about when the solo light was on in the sitting room, then you'd have to either assume Becky was psychic and knew Max's MRI would show Max would never recover, or Becky somehow predicted HOURS before Jonah makes his "trigger voicemail" that Max's condition would worsened and decided she had to immediately prepare for her suicide. Either that, or you'd have to believe Nina was saying that someone else (Adam?) was in the sitting room because Nina clearly said in the interview her twin Dina was nowhere near the Spreckels mansion, but at the hospital holding Max's hands.

If you believe that, then you'd have to believe that even though Nina was so anxious to have texted in late night that she wanted to talk to Becky about Max around 10pm Tues, AND Nina actually walked/ran over to the Spreckels mansion right after and saw that ONE light in the sitting room, she nonetheless, simply gives up without talking to Becky OR Adam OR whoever was in the sitting room, and turns around and walks back to Dina's summer house when no one answers her knocks at the front door OR when she skulks about in the back of the mansion. Also, why would Nina who seemed so desperate and anxious to connect with Becky that she physically rushed over to the mansion NOT then make another text/phone call to Becky while Nina's still physically at the mansion to alert Becky she's outside the mansion and wants to "chat" about Max? That defies common sense and simple logic.

No, to me, Nina's covering up for someone/thing re: light in sitting room. I would take what Nina said in the audio interview with a grain of salt. Obviously amidst the lies, there will also be some half-truths. But how do you decide what to believe and what not to believe out of Nina's mouth? I'd say unless there's objective evidence, I'm disinclined to believe her.

Re: Max's grave condition -- when it was known by Dina/Nina, etc. This is easily verifiable, as his medical condition should have been logged by the medical staff at the hospital in Max's medical charts. Here then objective evidence can dictate whether or not we can believe Nina.
I actually don't believe Nina is telling the truth re: light in sitting room for many reasons.

First, Nina's desperately trying to protect her fraternal twin Dina. So anything she says will be skewed to protect Dina. Remember Nina FINALLY came forward to CBS8 in a telephone interview the DAY before Dr. Phil show hit the air re: Dr. Wecht's autopsy of Becky's exhumed body. So it was Nina/Dina's pre-emptive strike on Becky's news.

Second, Nina said she texted Becky at 9:40pm but Becky's phone records indicate 10:40pm. So who do we believe? Nina's own calculated words and her photocopied snipped portion of phone records or Becky's unadulterated phone records?

Third, Nina clearly stated in the audio interview that she saw only ONE light lit that Tuesday night, and it was in the "sitting room" (aka murder/suicide room) at Spreckels mansion. If Nina's telling the truth, that would mean either Becky was preparing her own suicide HOURS in advance of even hearing from Jonah around midnight about Max taking "a turn for the worse" or Nina was trying to point fingers at someone else being in the "sitting room" preparing to kill Becky.

Remember, Becky, only minutes prior before 10pm on Tuesday, had been continuously texting/calling her two sisters, XZ and Mary Zahau, and had said that Max was to have an MRI to confirm his health status on Wednesday (the next day). So if you believe Nina was HONEST in her interview about when the solo light was on in the sitting room, then you'd have to either assume Becky was psychic and knew Max's MRI would show Max would never recover, or Becky somehow predicted HOURS before Jonah makes his "trigger voicemail" that Max's condition would worsened and decided she had to immediately prepare for her suicide. Either that, or you'd have to believe Nina was saying that someone else (Adam?) was in the sitting room because Nina clearly said in the interview her twin Dina was nowhere near the Spreckels mansion, but at the hospital holding Max's hands.

If you believe that, then you'd have to believe that even though Nina was so anxious to have texted in late night that she wanted to talk to Becky about Max around 10pm Tues, AND Nina actually walked/ran over to the Spreckels mansion right after and saw that ONE light in the sitting room, she nonetheless, simply gives up without talking to Becky OR Adam OR whoever was in the sitting room, and turns around and walks back to Dina's summer house when no one answers her knocks at the front door OR when she skulks about in the back of the mansion. Also, why would Nina who seemed so desperate and anxious to connect with Becky that she physically rushed over to the mansion NOT then make another text/phone call to Becky while Nina's still physically at the mansion to alert Becky she's outside the mansion and wants to "chat" about Max? That defies common sense and simple logic.

No, to me, Nina's covering up for someone/thing re: light in sitting room. I would take what Nina said in the audio interview with a grain of salt. Obviously amidst the lies, there will also be some half-truths. But how do you decide what to believe and what not to believe out of Nina's mouth? I'd say unless there's objective evidence, I'm disinclined to believe her.

Re: Max's grave condition -- when it was known by Dina/Nina, etc. This is easily verifiable, as his medical condition should have been logged by the medical staff at the hospital in Max's medical charts. Here then objective evidence can dictate whether or not we can believe Nina.

I totally agree with this and am hopeful that KZ will chime in on these records...when someone is in ICU, or in the hospital for something far less severe as poor MS' injuries, it is well documented. That information is somewhere.

This case is so unbelievable because there is SO LITTLE information available.

In many other "suspicious circumstance" cases there is a plethora of information available, even if it is snippets that have to be pieced together. In this case, the MISSING information goes on and on. So much of the speculation in this case could be put to rest if that information was available.

All those blanks could be filled in so easily, and IMO would take suspicion away from many people, but that information isn't out there. Why is that? Why doesn't GS/ES's mother or father put their boarding passes out for the world to see? Why doesn't MS' parents put out the records to show when they were told when their child was dying (that is horrible to write and I'm sorry, I'm sorry DS and JS and your entire family for the loss of Max, but you know you could clear up so much if you just spoke freely). Why haven't LE given back RZ's phone and computer? Why hasn't Anne Bremner and her people made the supposedly complete case file a public fact?

The statute of limitations on these two closed (IMO wrongly) cases is coming close for any civil action. This can be the only reason why.

Nearly two years later we are still speculating about this case, because we don't know. We only know that the information is out there, we are just not privy to it. But the questions we ask are not to hurt anyone, we ask to know the truth. All this convoluted mess that was the investigation and everything that has happened afterwards is a disgrace to the memories of Rebecca and Max. There are two people that the world misses and will never have back and there are several people keeping secrets. What do those secrets matter now?

LE is tasked with providing the truth to people. When LE says this is the truth "accept it" and people ask questions why aren't they are equally charged with proving their "truth".

I wonder where those investigators are now, I wonder if they sleep at night. Tell the truth and shame the devil. It's time. We can list all the missing pieces until we are old and gray, but the truth is there somewhere.

More than just the family knows, there were the "14 trained investigators" attached to this case, they know too.

I understand your points but that's why I prefaced "for the sake of argument". Geez...I'm not even sure it was NINA on the front porch that Tuesday night. The adult male eyewitness is adamant that is was DINA. If so, then it would stand to reason that NINA and DINA switched cell phones and NINA's confusion about the time of TEXT etc. isn't surprising given that DINA had her phone. Of course, DINA's cell GPS "pinged" off towers near Rady but she wasn't positively identified Tuesday night on Rady Security tapes.
Does anyone know when the other Romano sister joined her sister at Rady on Wednesday?

NINA going to the police the next day after talking with Jonah.....he KNEW after the conversation a Romano sister was spotted on the front porch so go to police and "get ahead of it." The reason NINA didn't follow through with her polygraph is highly suspicious ...using an excuse that her son wasn't feeling well.

I feel there were at least 2 involved in the murder of RZ <modsnip>.

A thorough investigation would've had Adam taking a 2nd polygraph and persisting that NINA take her poly. There also would've been a lineup of 6 women with 2 of them (NINA and DINA) and let the adult male eyewitness pick out the woman he saw Tuesday night.
I totally agree with this and am hopeful that KZ will chime in on these records...when someone is in ICU, or in the hospital for something far less severe as poor MS' injuries, it is well documented. That information is somewhere.

I have posted many times on my thoughts about Max's records.

I feel strongly that Max's medical records from the accident and treatment at both Coronado Sharp and Rady Children's hold answers to MANY questions surrounding who was where when, who knew what and when, etc. I strongly believe that the records hold answers to questions about Rebecca's death, as well as Max's death.

I feel equally strongly that Dina (and possibly Jonah, as well) do not want any portion of Max's records available to any of Rebecca's family, attorneys, or advocates, and they most certainly do not want the records available to the public. I think Dina has had to balance the possibility of Max's records becoming legally available, against her vendetta to paint Rebecca and XZ as somehow responsible for Max's death. It is my opinion, and I am very confident, Dina knows that information in the records almost certainly contradicts a lot of what she has said publicly. IMO, there is nothing in Max's records to support Dina's stories, or paint Dina in a good light, or she would have released it long ago. Even if she had to battle with Jonah to release the records. And even if she was allowed to release just a few phrases to support her whereabouts, for example, comments in nurses notes that she was at the bedside at a certain time. If it was there, she would have released it, IMO.

I think she was very blind sided and angry when she released the EMS run report on her website, and so much of that information was not favorable to her stories in the discussions that followed on the web. She thought she could bold only a few words on her website, and cherry pick one phrase out of the report to support her position, bit neglected to realize the wealth of information in the rest of the run report that could be interpreted by those with medical knowledge and experience. That information clearly shows how dire the situation and prognosis was for Max even before he was rushed to Coronado Sharp. She wants everyone to believe the hospital staff thought he would recover and only need a tutor for a few months. The fact is that almost no child victims of blunt head trauma with cardiac arrest survive at all, let alone neurologically intact. (Reference the conversation in the EMS thread, with references and statistics. )

I also strongly suspect she has grossly misrepresented Dr. Peterson's words, and that is why neither he, nor a Rady spokesperson has publicly supported anything Dina has quoted him as saying. They can't, without revealing what is in the record. It's a big circle-- can't release the record info without permission, and apparently neither Dina or Jonah want to give that permission. So Dina gets to have the only public comments (truthful or not) unless and until there is any legal action to compel release of Max's records.

She won't release anything else now that she isn't compelled to, IMO.

That's my opinion.
My post #16 from the EMS thread: (originally posted 9-25-2012)

It would be extremely interesting to know what the timing was of Dr. Peterson's comments were to the family-- and particularly the timing as it relates to CT and MRI imaging. I'm not convinced that he "believed" Max was suffocated, but that his explanations for the global hypoxic encephalopathy were misunderstood if he used "suffocation" as an example of hypoxia anywhere in his explanation.

I give him much professional leeway, as I think it is very possible he was misunderstood. He has remained completely out of the public eye, and has not offered to make any public statements, nor has he appeared with Dina to plead for Max's case to be reopened, or made any written supportive statements. (I'm sure the hospital attorneys have a lot to do with that.) The person Dina quotes again and again as first putting forth a theory of assault on Max.....has been completely silent. That makes me scratch my head. Why did Dina hire only Dr. Melinek? Why not also plead with Dr. Peterson to support her quest to reopen Max's death investigation?

However, this presumed suffocation comment could have become motive for hurting Rebecca. And that's why I think it's extremely relevant, and why release of Max's medical records would be so compelling. They tell the story of who knew what, and when, IMO. But I seriously doubt that Max's records will be released. If Dina is very earnest and sincere in her quest to find out what happened to Max, that would be a good first step towards truth. Let experts who are not paid by her examine the record and weigh in. This could be compelling to persuade authorities to reopen Max's case, or not.

Max's death and Rebecca's death are forever intertwined. One cannot be examined in a vacuum from the other, IMO, and Max's records hold answers to questions about both deaths. I believe that his records will further clarify that his death was a tragic accident, and I also believe that the records will demonstrate that both Dina and Jonah were aware of the test results and prognosis very early (within hours) of Max's admission to Rady. At a minimum, I think there is ample info in the records that contradicts what Dina has said publicly. And there could be much more than that-- information that could be quite valuable in a criminal investigation of Rebecca's death.

If either death (or both) were to be reinvestigated, I believe that some of the most compelling evidence that remains preserved is in the medical record. We don't know what else may have been preserved (such as security camera footage), but the medical record lives on to tell the story from that perspective.

In cases such as these, I think that is an amazing thing-- a real gift, that provides some hope over time. There is also some hope in that there is no statute of limitations on murder. The SOL on wrongful death is coming soon, however.

:what: Now that I have said that, I suppose Max's medical records will mysteriously disappear this week, lol! Some computer glitch that "only" purges his records. <----Sarcasm.
I am concerned for the long term welfare of XZ, and have been for almost two years now. Grief knows no bounds, vengeance knows no bounds or time limit, and hatred, blame and retribution know no statute of time or limitations. I hope that XZ is protected, and will be protected for many years to come, and that I will never read of XZ's disappearance, or sudden death, or lifetime injury. Cause in that case this matter is not over ... in terms of lifetimes it has barely begun.
I understand your points but that's why I prefaced "for the sake of argument". Geez...I'm not even sure it was NINA on the front porch that Tuesday night. The adult male eyewitness is adamant that is was DINA. If so, then it would stand to reason that NINA and DINA switched cell phones and NINA's confusion about the time of TEXT etc. isn't surprising given that DINA had her phone. Of course, DINA's cell GPS "pinged" off towers near Rady but she wasn't positively identified Tuesday night on Rady Security tapes.
Does anyone know when the other Romano sister joined her sister at Rady on Wednesday?

NINA going to the police the next day after talking with Jonah.....he KNEW after the conversation a Romano sister was spotted on the front porch so go to police and "get ahead of it." The reason NINA didn't follow through with her polygraph is highly suspicious ...using an excuse that her son wasn't feeling well.

I feel there were at least 2 involved in the murder of RZ <modsnip>.

A thorough investigation would've had Adam taking a 2nd polygraph and persisting that NINA take her poly. There also would've been a lineup of 6 women with 2 of them (NINA and DINA) and let the adult male eyewitness pick out the woman he saw Tuesday night.

BBM - The excuse Nina gave in regards to canceling her LDT had nothing to do with her son. She canceled because she was distraught over Maxie's passing.

CROSSTALK: Ok, very good. And did they say that they were going to give you a LDT or anything because I know they were going to give Adam one?

NINA: Right, Ok, Right. So they had asked me about that and I was supposed to do it the day- I was supposed to do it, I don't remember my dates here it was like 800, it was scheduled I had agreed it was actually scheduled for like 800 in the morning and I believe it was on Friday, that Friday I believe it was scheduled for. Well my nephew had- had, even though it says his actual, it reports his official time of death, was Saturday at like 1130 in the morning, he actually passed that Friday at 600am in the morning. And I knew he, I knew, it sounds, and people probably think its crazy but I knew and I looked at my nephew and I knew he was gone and I just I knew he was gone. And so they had to-one doctor came in later that day and they had to get two doctors in the state of CA to confirm that he was brain dead um so like the second doctor came in on Saturday. So I called the SD that morning and I just said "I am emotionally there is like no way that I can do this, there is absolutely no way that I can do this my nephew I mean it was just I was emotionally I was a wreck I was an absolute wreck and I said there's no way I can do this I have been up for I do not know how many hours at that point and so I said I can't there's no way that it was going to be emotionally possible for me to do that, um.
IIRC, Dr. Peterson was not even included in any of Dina's experts reports? I agree Dina does not want Maxie's medical records released for many of the reasons KZ has stated. It appeared somehow acceptable to release the horribly sad pictures of Maxie in the hospital, but not his medical records to go along with it. Of course the pictures were released to further an agenda in my opinion and the medical files do not fit that agenda. In my opinion, the medical files hold valuable information to what really happened to Rebecca.
I am concerned for the long term welfare of XZ, and have been for almost two years now. Grief knows no bounds, vengeance knows no bounds or time limit, and hatred, blame and retribution know no statute of time or limitations. I hope that XZ is protected, and will be protected for many years to come, and that I will never read of XZ's disappearance, or sudden death, or lifetime injury. Cause in that case this matter is not over ... in terms of lifetimes it has barely begun.

Thank you, Bonepile. My earliest thoughts were about XZ's safety when I first saw the KTAR interview, and I also posted as much. If I were her guardian, I would pursue all legal measures to document my concerns on the record about the Dina's stalker-like vendetta against a minor. I would pursue a restraining order against Dina, if I were XZ's guardian, as well as pursuing "cease and desist" letters via an attorney.

I strongly believe XZ's ongoing safety is a serious concern. Particularly with someone like Dina who has been so publicly vocal in her vendetta against XZ, and since Dina has a documented history of violence and confrontation. And also, IMO, because Dina appears increasingly erratic and obsessive in her public comments as time has gone on. An obsessive vendetta against a dead woman is one thing, but this is a minor.

Dina has crossed the line with her public comments about XZ, IMO, and is a hypocrite to pose in her cocktail dresses as a "child safety advocate". Because, you see, in Dina's world, "some" minors are more deserving of protection and advocacy than "others". XZ is apparently one of the "others", in Dina's opinion. Monumental hypocrisy.
Thanks Lash......however, DINA has been known to say a few different things to different people. I'll try to track down where I recall reading that about her ill son because the time I read it my initial thought was ....well you weren't that concerned about him when you left late Tuesday night.

By the way, when shady Sheriff Gore said the blood in the shower , hallway and bedroom...."spots" of blood I recall him saying was Rebecca's menstrual blood as was the dried blood on her leg.....I never recall any mention of any pads or tampons mentioned retrieved in her bedroom or anywhere else which seems quite odd.
I understand your points but that's why I prefaced "for the sake of argument". Geez...I'm not even sure it was NINA on the front porch that Tuesday night. The adult male eyewitness is adamant that is was DINA. If so, then it would stand to reason that NINA and DINA switched cell phones and NINA's confusion about the time of TEXT etc. isn't surprising given that DINA had her phone. Of course, DINA's cell GPS "pinged" off towers near Rady but she wasn't positively identified Tuesday night on Rady Security tapes.
Does anyone know when the other Romano sister joined her sister at Rady on Wednesday?

NINA going to the police the next day after talking with Jonah.....he KNEW after the conversation a Romano sister was spotted on the front porch so go to police and "get ahead of it." The reason NINA didn't follow through with her polygraph is highly suspicious ...using an excuse that her son wasn't feeling well.

I feel there were at least 2 involved in the murder of RZ <modsnip>

A thorough investigation would've had Adam taking a 2nd polygraph and persisting that NINA take her poly. There also would've been a lineup of 6 women with 2 of them (NINA and DINA) and let the adult male eyewitness pick out the woman he saw Tuesday night.

Not sure who you're directing your post to, but I thought what you had posted earlier was valid and plausible. I have no disagreements re: Dina/Nina bits.

I agree also that fortunately XZ left before the lynching of Becky took place. Had she been around, she might have been the second so-called "suicide" victim.

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