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To clarify the ZG locations per the affidavit.

Casey pointed out a building that's across the street from Amy and claimed ZG lived there in years past. That building was later determined to be Senior citizen housing.

Casey then took the detectives to the Sawgrass apartment and showed them an actual apartment saying that's where she last left Caylee with ZG.

Casey then took detectives to some townhouses and claimed that ZG at one time lived with her mother who owned the townhouse. The neighbors said no one by that name was ever there.
The grandmother already knows in her heart that her grandaughter is dead...she's preparing herself by her comments about "if" the police do the investigation right the child will be when/if a body is found she will simply blame police for not finding the child that was "kidnapped"....she isn't able to admit her daughter is a sociopath that killed her baby.

Who ever heard of expecting the police to basically go through the phone book and check out anyone with the same last name as the alleged 26 year old babysitter that nobody has seen or heard of in advance of the 'extended vacation leading to kidnapping by loving babysitter, or, oops, ex boyfriend'
To clarify the ZG locations per the affidavit.

Casey pointed out a building that's across the street from Amy and claimed ZG lived there in years past. That building was later determined to be Senior citizen housing.

Casey then took the detectives to the Sawgrass apartment and showed them an actual apartment saying that's where she last left Caylee with ZG.

Casey then took detectives to some townhouses and claimed that ZG at one time lived with her mother who owned the townhouse. The neighbors said no one by that name was ever there.

Thanks for that recap...I was fuzzy on that part.
Home » Forum Index » Working Mom with Zenaida Gonzalez
I'm not that Zenaida Gonzalez

I'm not that Zenaida Gonzalez

Submitted by Zenaida Gonzalez on Fri Jul 18, 2008 11:59 am

Many of you have emailed me concerned that I may be involved in the case of the missing 2-year-old in Orlando. It is a very sad story where the child has been missing for almost a month, but mom didn't report it to police. I believe the grandparents filed the missing person's report.

Let me assure you I am not involved and I am not the Zenaida Gonzalez that mother told officials she left her daughter with on that day.

I've been bombarded with emails and phone calls even some from media asking for comment. But it is not me.

It is a very sad case. I worry for the child and the family as well. In my opinion you have to be mentally ill to lose track of your child or do them harm. I pray for the family and thank you all for your concern.
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Highly Coincidental I'd say...

Submitted by cglrcng on Sat Jul 19, 2008 2:44 am

Are you sure she isn't actually speaking of someone who's office she may have robbed/burglarized on the same day thereabouts as the day her daughter went missing? Instead of a "babysitter" she dropped her child off to...Could she, "Caylee" have been possibly hurt while mom may have been committing another crime. Could you have been a victim of that crime...the robbery of your office back in June? You wouldn't have to know her, but she would sure know your name.


Hear me out please. I got here through a simple name search following an ABC News.Com story as many others may have...But read this:

Please, for a moment...Check out this huge coincidence I found by just browsing the net (On the weekend of June 9th...the same day that Caylee Anthony was last known to have been seen), there was a robbery in Brevard County, FL of a Zenaida Gonzalez who writes on a forum that "she is not that Zenaida Gonzalez" in one post from July 18, 2008 ("the one who Casey Marie Anthony claims she dropped Caylee off to"). But she just may well have been totally unknowingly/unwittingly "The Zenaida Gonzalez" that Casey Marie Anthony actually speaks of, as far as a simple name she remembers all too well from the office door/computer(s) she may have actually robbed/burglarized.

There is a post dated Tuesday, June 10, 2008 down the page a bit further (, posts 1 & 12 on the page are the ones I find are the strange ones that may relate in a roundabout manner. (Why has Casey Anthony been secretive to the point of lying about where she really works? Could she be a burglar/thief...Not something she'd actually like to admit to the police, I'd truly suspect).

Could Casey Marie Anthony (an alleged thief according to many friends listed in the police arrest report located at:, have actually committed the robbery/burglary of the office of that actual blogging/posting "Zenaida Gonzalez" and therefore remembers the name all too well?

As an IT tech myself, I can tell you a stolen computer would have the real owners name all over it, as did the office door according to the post by Zenaida Gonzalez. I find the date of the robbery (on or about June 9th, 2008 as described by the posting Zenaida Gonzalez, and the last known date of Caylee Anthony being known to be last seen of June 9th, 2008), a huge coincidence....Food for thought. But this info should be investigated further as to possible prints, etc left behind (possibly collected by authorities in the robbery/burglary?), in the office robbery as relates to the Mother/Suspect/arrested and in custody defendant in my opinion.

I know you may not have linked 1 to the other...But is it possible they are actually linked? Same State 2 different crimes...or even 1 crime, 2 circumstances leading to a huge cover-up because Caylee Anthony may have been/was hurt while mom was out committing another different crime.

Think about it for just 1 minute. Sure, I'm a CIS buff/fan...But sometimes life does imitate art and this is a huge coincidence...Exhaust all leads till the child is home safe or the truth is otherwise known, I say.


(In the spirit of full exclosure, I am not a woman or a Mom as the icon above represents (I only saw that after returning to the message after posting it)...I'm an older married man and a Dad of 3 boys. I will not be posting on the site besides this particular thread if and only if responded to). To help find the child, all leads must be exhausted no matter how trivial they may seem as not everything meets the eye in all cases such as these.
I just looked it up on Yahoo Maps. Orlando, FL (where she lives) to Brevard County, FL (where I assume you live based on this web page and the local news link above), is only 53.5 miles center to center and less than an hours drive (56 minutes according to Yahoo w/ nice direct multiple highways and a borrowed car according to the Grandmother who's car it was she borrowed). Too close to be pure coincidence in my book. County, FL&q2=Orlando, FL

The police need to re-look at this "Robbery" of your office and how it just might relate to her daughters disappearance. You don't have to personally do anything wrong to be dragged into something of another's making. You just have to "Be" in this world.
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Submitted by tweenmom on Sat Jul 19, 2008 1:20 pm

Wow, it's amazing that you were able to piece those things together. I hope your theories are investigated further in hopes of finding this little one.....
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Submitted by mommyX3 on Sat Jul 19, 2008 8:54 pm

thanks for posting the update as I'm sure many of us recognized the name similarities immediately what a stressful time this must be for you and your family as well as little Caylee My prayers are with everyone in this ordeal that it may be resolved quickly and with the best of results
Dont forget to hug your children everyday!

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Missing Caylee

Submitted by Zenaida Gonzalez on Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:03 am

I saw the thread about the robbery. It's a long shot, but I've passed on the theory to detective who covered the robbery.

If there's anything any of us can do to help find this little girl, I think we are willing to do it.

And thanks to all those moms (and dads) who have posted and emailed. Every caring parent can relate to the feeling of panic at hearing of a missing child. My prayers are with her family.
I am just worried that it is taking so long for the release of the forensics on the car. If they did indeed come back positive, I think the DA would change the charges to murder and that hasn't happened...........yet. I just think they should have known by now if there was human remains there or not.
Is there a bail hearing today? If so, anyone know what time and if it will be broadcast on the web?
Except for the cadaver dogs hitting on the car and yard, I would be more inclined to think that Casey sold Caylee or even gave her away due to the fact she shows no emotion. Nice way to be rid of the burden of the child, get back at grandma and maybe get some money. I wish they would come out with the info on the car evidence so I could make up my mind on whether she killed the child (or she died accidentally) or whether she gave the child to someone. She knows her family would disown her if she told them she gave the child or sold the child so she made up this kidnapping story. I definitely do not believe the kidnapping story.
Except for the cadaver dogs hitting on the car and yard, I would be more inclined to think that Casey sold Caylee or even gave her away due to the fact she shows no emotion. Nice way to be rid of the burden of the child, get back at grandma and maybe get some money. I wish they would come out with the info on the car evidence so I could make up my mind on whether she killed the child (or she died accidentally) or whether she gave the child to someone. She knows her family would disown her if she told them she gave the child or sold the child so she made up this kidnapping story. I definitely do not believe the kidnapping story.
To clarify the ZG locations per the affidavit.

Casey pointed out a building that's across the street from Amy and claimed ZG lived there in years past. That building was later determined to be Senior citizen housing.

Casey then took the detectives to the Sawgrass apartment and showed them an actual apartment saying that's where she last left Caylee with ZG.

Casey then took detectives to some townhouses and claimed that ZG at one time lived with her mother who owned the townhouse. The neighbors said no one by that name was ever there.

Why O Why does this keep lying like this?
Unbelieveable! Like she doesn't understand her lies will be quickly uncovered!

Are we watching something leading up to an insanity plea??:confused:

Wonderful websleuthing my dear, that information should be turned over to investigators. Bravo!! Well done! well done!!
I am still finding this site quite slow. Did the change over not occur or is it just a problem on my end?

Wonderful websleuthing my dear, that information should be turned over to investigators. Bravo!! Well done! well done!!

That information was turned over the LE by the woman, Zenaida Gonzalez, who was robbed.
Me too - I truly believe this angel is still with us. Wonder if the Feds are in Puerto Rico. Never thought of that angle. Amy taking her to PR. I always wonder why this Amy would file theft charges against Casey right after she got back. MAYBE - IMO - Amy and this Morales (father or no) believe that Casey did not "deserve" such a beautiful child - but to Casey's face talked her into letting Amy take her to PR for a little "vaca" - then when Casey picks her up from the airport - no Caylee and that's when Amy drops the bomb - you aren't getting her back and I'm going to file charges against you for stealing. Would have loved to have been in that car with them 3 - Cindy, Casey and Caylee - riding around looking. And, wasn't it Amy that called Cindy to tell her where Casey was - or the other way around - Cindy called Amy?

If Caylee had been taken out of the country, wouldn't LE have put that out there? Think about it -- anytime there is a missing child case where crossing the border is a possibility, there is usually some sort of bulletin put out in the national media about it. In fact, there's one right now, the custody case where the father may have kidnapped his daughter and is smuggling her out of the country on a yacht.

What is not being done/said by LE speaks volumes in this case,

I think that Casey "set this up" so she could meet up with Caylee out of the US. A previous poster said LOTS of people in Orlando go to Puerto Rico and you don't need a passport to do that. She was taking the only thing that was HERS outright away from Cindy. She was sick of Cindy's rules and of Cindy "not letting her be Caylee's mother" and she decided that she would do the only thing that she could do that would hurt her mother. Take Caylee away from her.
She "gave" Caylee to Amy, when Amy went to Puerto Rico. Zenaida either went with Amy or was there already. She is an illegal and that's why NO ONE can find her through papertrails. People have posted that a few Zenaidas were linked to some "Morales"
Casey was suppose to meet up with her but Cindy found her before she could. Hence the reason she NEVER reported it to LE, Hence the reason why Jesse heard Caylee on June 24th. This would explain why she isn't worried about Caylee. She knows EXACTLY where she is and in her mind (i am not saying she still isn't crazy) she is doing what she needs to do for HERSELF. Caylee was never suppose to be reported to the LE.

Far fetched I know,.... JMO
Perhaps a thread regarding mental illness should be made so it is not being continually brought up here. It seems we keep going over this and over this but others are missing the discussion and bring up the same things again

Anyone want to do that?
Is there a bail hearing today? If so, anyone know what time and if it will be broadcast on the web?

there may or may not be an actual (public) hearing, but there should be a decision. they are supposedly considering it right now, not sure exactly what that means, maybe it just means they have received all pertinent documents and it is "in their hands", maybe it means they are actually meeting and discussing it.
Former Inmate Says Casey Told Him Caylee Is With Ex-Boyfriend

POSTED: 11:29 am EDT July 30, 2008
UPDATED: 1:29 pm EDT July 30, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- The Florida Attorney General issued a response Wednesday to Casey Anthony's attorney's request to get her bond lowered on the same day a former inmate told Eyewitness News about a conversation he allegedly had with the arrested mom.

Also Wednesday, Eyewitness News spoke to a former inmate who allegedly talked with Casey Anthony before her hearing Tuesday and he was told an entirely new story about where Caylee is.

"I was asking her where the baby was. She said, 'I don't have the baby,'" said former inmate Travis Nichols. "Her ex-boyfriend has the baby. She didn't say where."

"Did she say who that was?" WFTV reporter Kathi Belich asked.

"No. And she started smiling and then she went into the cage and went into court," he said.

Nichols admits he was in jail after being accused of burglary, but insists he isn't trying to use the information for his own gain. He doesn't believe what she told him is true and said she's been changing her story left and right.

The jail is checking records to verify that Nichols was in the holding area Tuesday when Casey was there. If they were both there, the jail said it is possible they could have exchanged words through the transparent dividers.
Mom of Five,

That is terrific information and too coincidental in my book to not be related to this crime. The posts are hard to decipher, but who was the original poster that discovered this?
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