AZ AZ - Adrienne Salinas, 19, Tempe , 15 June 2013 - #2

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I have a theory about Lauren, I think a lot of people do, including LE. But they can't arrest based on hunches, they need hard evidence. It's frustrating.
Kortne......not familiar at all with that one. I'll read up on it. Most of these kinds of cases end up with the arrest of whoever was last with the victim. Ted Bundy's are rare. Alien abductions don't happen (IMO LOL!!!!). Shane Fell is another frustrating case. If we're honest, so many times cases turn out to be an obvious perp or a simple explanation.

And really, it wasn't obvious that TM had to be in the water. Remember LE had her turning in another direction, and people from the area swore up and down that she could not possibly have gone in the water. But I always felt that she did, from day one of hearing of her missing I told my husband "she left a bar, had been drinking and I think she's in the water."

With Terrilynn's car also missing, there was a good chance she was in the water, IMO.

I know Lauren's case has Poi's and Kortne also had a very wild night and I believe friends know something. What I am saying is, we can't count on the friends to crack, if they do know more in this case. Not to be age-ist but this age group, to me, is very much about "self".

Also we do not know if Adrienne had done this sort of thing with the male friend before, i.e texting, getting dramatic, not showing up. I am not ready to jump all over him yet.

"Saturday will mark two weeks since Adrienne Salinas was last seen near her Tempe apartment, where she and her roommates had a party with around 40 guests. "

i think the information has been so thoroughly watched, read, and re-read, i for one am forgetting various info as some changed or NOT. like where party was. at least, that info makes sense to the dialogue we are having. party at her apt! 40 people, and i wonder how many the police are still waiting to interview...
OK, Kortne......once again, you have a guy who was last to see her, and who tells a VERY STRANGE story that makes no sense. LE isn't stupid. They know. They just need evidence. Perps are getting better all the time at getting rid of it. Leah Hickman is another one I've always had a hunch about.

Again, just what my gut tells me.
I listened to the Maricopa scanner archives. I heard one mention of a Buick LaSabre, but I'm not sure if it was Adrienne's vehicle or not. There was not any mention of the location or the 911 call. You can read the rewind post here: Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

I don't think she was in the car accident at all.

I think she got out of her BF's car after arguing, walked back to her apartment, and found that her car was gone/"borrowed" by a party-goer.

I think she flipped out and tried calling her BF over and over again, because having you car stolen trumps being PO'd at your BF and puts things in perspective darn quick. If there was unaccounted for time in here, I think she spent it being angry at the roommates and demanding answers but got none.

I think she couldn't get ahold of her BF as she was heading back outside, still amped up from her argument and full of adrenaline from the latest development, and started looking for her car. I think she called him and called him while walking around with angry "beer muscles" feeling invincible and not watching out for herself properly, finally texting him she was coming over because perhaps she decided that she was going to call a cab to take her there if she didn't find the car within the next couple of minutes.

Then perhaps she found her car just a couple of blocks away with tires blown out, locked, and she realized for the first time that she didn't have her spare key on her (her normal keys having been swiped while she was gone and used to "borrow" her car), OR her wallet to pay for a cab. This would be easy to forget, having run out to look for her car in such a haste; so perhaps she walked back to the apartment to get her spare key (maybe changing while she was there) and called a cab while she was there, knowing her car was undriveable for now, but intending to call someone about it in the morning when she was 100% sober (her dad, a tow company, AAA, whatever).

I think perhaps when they told her it'd be a good 20 minutes before the nearest cab could come I think she decided to walk to the store and meet it there because she was angry, assuming someone at the party had taken her keys and her car, and didn't want to be there any longer than necessary, heading out with a peeved sense of "I'm so over this, I'm outta here!"

I think perhaps at this moment, while she was getting ready to grab her spare key and wallet and head out to the AMPM to meet the cab, something happened to her. Perhaps someone heard her being angry her car was gone. Maybe she ranted that she was going to turn in whoever she found out did it (snitches get stiches, dontchaknow)...

Maybe. IMO. For now.

perhaps she threatened to call the police on the person that was driving her car and they have something to hide?? a warrant?? but if they used her car, what car would they have used to abduct her?? (i'm asking myself lol) JMO
With Terrilynn's car also missing, there was a good chance she was in the water, IMO.

I know Lauren's case has Poi's and Kortne also had a very wild night and I believe friends know something. What I am saying is, we can't count on the friends to crack, if they do know more in this case. Not to be age-ist but this age group, to me, is very much about "self".

Also we do not know if Adrienne had done this sort of thing with the male friend before, i.e texting, getting dramatic, not showing up. I am not ready to jump all over him yet.

I don't think the BF had anything to do with this.
I don't think the BF had anything to do with this.

the argument, which we have no record of, was the bf at the house party? i do believe so, of course he was....

40 people partyn it up, in yr gfs' apt, maybe he lost his temper with who was there, maybe their was jealousy, AND JUST MAYBE his gut feelings of a salinas not being safe there, might of kicked in. perhaps when he had to drive her home, he wasn't happy about her going back there.

maybe he had reasons to get into argument with her, and it sure seems like the party, or at least the time frame of them being at the party, was part of the argument. IM ASSUMING

my point, if i even have ANY, is that while bf is always gonna be a suspect or at least someone under microscope, perhaps he knew the party was not a good scene.

there is no sit down interview w bf i've seen. would he answer to these questions?

or perhaps, someone told him to shut up. or he knows, that the crowd he might of had issue with, isn't one to remark on, esp with his friendgirl missing.

can someone PLEASE link me to an article or missing persons flyer that states where her apartment is located?? (not the one that says it's on Ash).
Perhaps there was someone at the party she had a problem with, maybe an overly interested/aggressive male who wouldn't leave her alone. That could be what prompted the argument between her & the boyfriend, & her desperation to get away from the apartment and that person later. If there was someone she was having an issue with at the apartment, I can understand why she would want to wait for the taxi somewhere else, but the individual could have followed her outside.
can someone PLEASE link me to an article or missing persons flyer that states where her apartment is located?? (not the one that says it's on Ash).

from the vid clips, without ever reading where her address was located, i visually cued it to brown street by hardy. isnt that it?
The party was at her apartment. Why are we now saying it wasn't? Several MSM's have been provided over and over again that it was at her apartment.

Also, the SGS comment. That comment was NOT in relationship to Adrienne Salinas, it was in regards to Begay, the murdered girl who was dumped a few blocks away, the one where her boyfriend was arrested.

At this time there is no connection between the two cases, so building a theory on SGS doesn't make any sense, since it has nothing to do with Adrienne.

This is why these cases get so confusing. People apply facts/rumors in this case from other cases to the ones they are working on. The SGS comment was deleted from this forum by the mods for a reason. It's rumor on an MSM page about the death of someone entirely different. Now we have it as a possible motive for the disappearance of Adrienne.

This gets us nowhere guys. IMO, JMO.
ive been beating that drum, about the inner circle of people known to the party, not really talking. And the police reporting that they have people they wanna speak to, that they haven't? Ding ding ding

if my friend disappeared, or gf, or whomever is close to me, i would be out in the community making an insane fuss, being absolutely livid.

That its not happening, and we would see it on the facebook pages of those who are 2 degrees or 3 degrees seperated, and we aren't...

..someone was told to shut up. In fact, i think a lot of people, were told to shut up!!!

I remarked earlier, there is a possibility, that very dangerous connections are at play here. I wont remark on that beyond just saying it.

If its the proverbial boogyman krueger guy in the bushes with the white van and asking a salinas to help him move a rowboat to his vw, then so be it. I dont think its a ted bundy. I think, its a friends friend associate friend known but known, if you know what i mean>


The party was at her apartment. Why are we now saying it wasn't? Several MSM's have been provided over and over again that it was at her apartment.

Also, the SGS comment. That comment was NOT in relationship to Adrienne Salinas, it was in regards to Begay, the murdered girl who was dumped a few blocks away, the one where her boyfriend was arrested.

At this time there is no connection between the two cases, so building a theory on SGS doesn't make any sense, since it has nothing to do with Adrienne.

This is why these cases get so confusing. People apply facts/rumors in this case from other cases to the ones they are working on. The SGS comment was deleted from this forum by the mods for a reason. It's rumor on an MSM page about the death of someone entirely different. Now we have it as a possible motive for the disappearance of Adrienne.

This gets us nowhere guys. IMO, JMO.

Inaccurate. It was on this page -

as originally posted by MayQueen here on page two of thread one for Adrienne here on WS

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - AZ AZ - Adrienne Salinas, 19, Tempe , 15 June 2013
The party was at her apartment. Why are we now saying it wasn't? Several MSM's have been provided over and over again that it was at her apartment.

Also, the SGS comment. That comment was NOT in relationship to Adrienne Salinas, it was in regards to Begay, the murdered girl who was dumped a few blocks away, the one where her boyfriend was arrested.

At this time there is no connection between the two cases, so building a theory on SGS doesn't make any sense, since it has nothing to do with Adrienne.

This is why these cases get so confusing. People apply facts/rumors in this case from other cases to the ones they are working on. The SGS comment was deleted from this forum by the mods for a reason. It's rumor on an MSM page about the death of someone entirely different. Now we have it as a possible motive for the disappearance of Adrienne.

This gets us nowhere guys. IMO, JMO.

whats yr facts for this particular case? i was confused because some news' reports did not say the location of party was her apartment. it was a temporary confusement. and now that the 1st forum messages have been closed, and this thread is started, 40 pages of theory, facts, and info is buried there that won't be seen.

people are gonna ask questions needing information restated. i don't see that being much of a problem.

if people who wanna help and post here, aren't welcome to make a mistake by asking a question.... well, a salinas is a bit more important than if you get a bit flustered because some one asks something that you dont see moving the case forward.

i myself do not SEE any connection to the lady who was murdered/dumped that same night. BUT it does speak to a culture of violence; AND my initial thoughts on the sunday after hearing bout' salinas? yes, immediately went to the woman who was killed and left in tempe.

how could it not? we apoligize thou, if thats' not moving the ball forward.

so, the ball is in your court. whats your information or insight for this?
I have a theory about Lauren, I think a lot of people do, including LE. But they can't arrest based on hunches, they need hard evidence. It's frustrating.
Kortne......not familiar at all with that one. I'll read up on it. Most of these kinds of cases end up with the arrest of whoever was last with the victim. Ted Bundy's are rare. Alien abductions don't happen (IMO LOL!!!!). Shane Fell is another frustrating case. If we're honest, so many times cases turn out to be an obvious perp or a simple explanation.

And really, it wasn't obvious that TM had to be in the water. Remember LE had her turning in another direction, and people from the area swore up and down that she could not possibly have gone in the water. But I always felt that she did, from day one of hearing of her missing I told my husband "she left a bar, had been drinking and I think she's in the water."

I was another one who said from the beginning that she was in the Bayou St. John and you are right, the locals insisted every way they could that she wasn't in there and couldn't possibly be, no damage to curbs, trees, shrubs and no openings. Then you have the police saying she was on camera turning left at the intersection, so it took the focus away from the area she was later found in, underwater, drowned in Bayou St. John.

Having complicated, untrue information hindered locating TM for months. Our first gut feeling, our instinct was correct, even though we were told many times it couldn't be.
whats yr facts for this particular case? i was confused because some news' reports did not say the location of party was her apartment. it was a temporary confusement. and now that the 1st forum messages have been closed, and this thread is started, 40 pages of theory, facts, and info is buried there that won't be seen.

The facts don't get changed because we are on a new page. The first thread is there for all to see.

people are gonna ask questions needing information restated. i don't see that being much of a problem.

ITA W/U New people will ask questions. All I'm saying is lets make sure we give them the correct information.

if people who wanna help and post here, aren't welcome to make a mistake by asking a question.... well, a salinas is a bit more important than if you get a bit flustered because some one asks something that you dont see moving the case forward.

New people are important and should want to help. I'm not flustered by someone asking questions, I'm flustered by rumors taking wings and flying as fact and applied to the case. It only makes it harder to stick with what we know. IMO.

i myself do not SEE any connection to the lady who was murdered/dumped that same night. BUT it does speak to a culture of violence; AND my initial thoughts on the sunday after hearing bout' salinas? yes, immediately went to the woman who was killed and left in tempe. how could it not? we apoligize thou, if thats' not moving the ball forward.

I do not see a connection either and so far, neither has LE that we know of. The SGS comment was not in relationship to Adrienne at all. So basing a theory on her disappearing because she knew something about someone and was going to talk doesn't make any sense, in fact is just muddies the waters.

so, the ball is in your court. whats your information or insight for this?

Occams Razor. The simplest conclusions with the least assumptions.

Didn't mean to ruffle any feathers. Just trying to keep the facts clear and these were two glaring ones that keep coming up that I think is causing to our overall confusion. We are all confused. The information is confusing. Let's not add information to it that isn't verified or hasn't been substantiated. That has a way or growing legs and becoming fact when it's not. kwim?? Sorry to come off the way I did. Trying to clarify, not incite. Peace out.:rockon:
Why would she have needed a ride from BF from a party at her own apartment?

I know media has been horrible...but I am pretty sure it has been established that the party was at her apartment.
i think until a press conference or something is released that is newsworthy, we are all going over information to the point of delusion, craziness, and absolute frustration.

i can only imagine how the father of a salinas feels, as cliche as that sounds.

im goin on a lil' journey again tmrw night, the path between rooseveltbrown/ and possibly into brown and her apt street. AND im cruising the hardy, 5th, brown area more thoroughly, because to my mind the focus is that area, after she left her apt and was callin' for el taxi de cabbie la ampm. hittin the park up, as well. i do remember AN ALLEYWAY behind, or i guess south of park? time to check it out first hand, see the wonderful sights of dirt and cement. channel some sherlock holmes and hopefully see something of interest for the forum and for this case.

cheers yall!
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