Brooke Bennett, 12 yrs. old Randolph, VT #2

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Fox is reporting K-9s, helicopters, etc. on his it is obvious this must have to do directly with Brooke.

Not sure if the Anchor mispoke, but he said that Brooke's computer linked back to the uncle. Interesting.
I don't know that does any good, Cheko. It is a power thing and they would still abuse children, imo. They would just use other things to do it. :(

This should not have been out tho. The charges against him were very serious and I don't know what happened that he was released in such a short time. I haven't found any info on how long he actually served, but he wasn't under mandatory monitoring etc. Seems very odd in light of the charges.

I've also been looking SS haven't found anything yet!
I know its a power thing with them but it infuriates me everytime we go thru this....... like you I knew the uncle was guilty of something!!!!!
No, no footage yet. It was the blonde reporter on the ground there just reporting.
Fox is reporting K-9s, helicopters, etc. on his it is obvious this must have to do directly with Brooke.

Not sure if the Anchor mispoke, but he said that Brooke's computer linked back to the uncle. Interesting.
omg. Cable news gets facts mixed up all of the time, so..grain of salt with that until it's been repeated by other sources.
Would he pretend to be a young guy just to get her to meet him somewhere?
Do you think he planned it that far in advance? Playing with her on myspace until he had the perfect opportunity to ask her to meet him somewhere.
omg. Cable news gets facts mixed up all of the time, so..grain of salt with that until it's been repeated by other sources.
Would he pretend to be a young guy just to get her to meet him somewhere?
Do you think he planned it that far in advance?

He has probably had her scoped out for years Evelyn...
RSO are very smart at luring there prey...I think he has had it planned for a long time.
Not sure if the Anchor mispoke, but he said that Brooke's computer linked back to the uncle. Interesting.
How sick but we predicted that too, the poor girl had no chance at out witting the creep. He knew all along what was going to happen and what he was going to do. How freaked and shocked she must have been at the moment the horrible truth about whom she was corresponding with and meeting was revealed to her. :eek: Does VT have the death penalty?
He has probably had her scoped out for years Evelyn...
RSO are very smart at luring there prey...I think he has had it planned for a long time.

If this turns out to be true, then I guess he did plan it pretty far in advance.
He has probably had her scoped out for years Evelyn...
RSO are very smart at luring there prey...I think he has had it planned for a long time.
Yes, pedos do groom and set up events to carry out various actions. This has to do with the fantasy side of their evil sick ways.

I would not be surprised if he used a younger male persona to lure her from myspace at all. (I spent hours last night looking for just that.) He could easily have pulled that off knowing Brooke and knowing the things she was interested in. Photos etc. are easy to come by and she would never have known. Then to be the one to drop her off for her "meeting" would mean that he covered all his bases including being seen on the video going the other way to back up his story.

Knowing there was no one there for her to meet gives him the perfect opportunity to swing back by to supposedly "check on her" and offer to give her a ride. No one else is the wiser if he did it out of the view of the public so no one sees her getting into his vehicle and after others saw her wandering around on the streets alone prior for an hour or so.
How sick but we predicted that too, the poor girl had no chance at out witting the creep. He knew all along what was going to happen and what he was going to do. How freaked and shocked she must have been at the moment the horrible truth about whom she was corresponding with and meeting was revealed to her. :eek: Does VT have the death penalty?

this just makes me furious...what is wrong with her parents...why would they even let her come near this "uncle", no less be spending nights over at his house.
this just makes me furious...what is wrong with her parents...why would they even let her come near this "uncle", no less be spending nights over at his house.

We don't know that they knew. The Dad didn't before hand, that's the impression I have. Not everyone out there is doing the sex offender searches. Anymore, I guess parents that don't are negligent. :confused:
Fox said more after the break. Wouldn't you know I have to leave for work.

Prayers for the family. Geez, why did the sob have to steal this child's life from her.
We don't know that they knew. The Dad didn't before hand, that's the impression I have. Not everyone out there is doing the sex offender searches. Anymore, I guess parents that don't are negligent. :confused:
I wouldn't go as far as to call them all negligent. Some people are not computer savy and others are trusting of family. We are talking about a small community and according to one person who claims people did know...they obviously didn't care enough to do anything to prevent this.

While I doubt the father knew, the sister's in-laws must have known. They should have made her and Brooke's mom aware of the uncle's past. However, if she did know...she was negligent to allow a relationship of any kind with this man.
I am so furious right now, I can hardly breathe. How you can let someone like him around any young children in that family is beyond words. I'm sure he had them all convinced (gee, the RSO website says he's not being supervised so he's ok, right?!) that he was fine. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if he wasn't the one that got her involved in Myspace in the first place. Maybe she should have been living with her dad.

I think at this point that is a given since the father was trying his best to do the right thing by taking her myspace down in the first place. He was trying to protect her as he mentioned...then he mentioned she lived with her mother...which reading between the lines to me could mean that the mother didn't follow through with his decision to prevent her from getting online.

It would not have prevented this perv from being around her tho since she was allowed to spend the night at his house. One of the parents must have agreed to it.
Who is DM5632?

They where posting on here but I have not seen anything since yesterday early afternoon. Are they a family member? It appeared so but I was just curious.
Here's how I see this possibly happening. She goes to the laundromat waiting to meet the on-line guy, he doesn't show (because he's the uncle), so she starts to walk back home. The uncle pulls up alongside her in his car (he's been waiting for her) and says...what happened, get in and I'll take you home. Then that was the end.

Is it true that Vermont is one of the most lenient states when it comes to prosecuting sex offenders, I seem to recall hearing discussions about VT on TV, wasn't there a judge there that let child rapist go, something like that? Don't mean to "dis" the whole state, I have visited there many times and it's a beautiful place with good people, but it is a very very liberal state. DP in Vermont, no way.
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