Found Deceased CA - Juliani Cardenas, 4, Patterson, 18 January 2011 - #2

These divers all scare me when they come out because they look disoriented.
Yeah, I think the diver came out.

What are they going to use the tow truck for? Are they still pulling up cars?

There has been no activity on his phone or credit cards.
the water looks really choppy today
They have hooked onto another vehicle. It's in the middle tube of the siphon. Divers and tow truck operators will now work to bring that out of the water. This may seem insignificant to the investigation, but there is a possibility that the bodies they are looking for became somehow entangled in debris or a vehicle.

It's also possible that moving vehicles out of the water will help them see what else is in the water at this point.
My heart is just breaking. I cried along with this poor mother last night because I can't even imagine the horrible thoughts going through her head as she sat and waited for them to bring the car up (and on national TV, shame on NG show).

I read her entire FB page back to the very begining and she is honestly a good mother. She was focused on exactly what she should have been all the way along. Which was her son, her pregnancy and school. What was more apparent than anything else was just how much she loved her little boy. So very sad.

I feel this is going to end badly. I can see that she truly wants to believe that he is alive. We all do for that matter. But as the mother, she will feel reponsible (for bringing this monster into their lives) and that just breaks my heart. I hope she can get any/all the help she will need to heal her heart. She could NEVER have known just how unstable this man was to go to this extreme act of cruelty. I believe this was a revenge act from a truly Narcissistic monster.

Praying I am wrong about the outcome and also for the little angel and his family.
Hoping people on here are cross posting to the live chat otherwise people are plagerizing!
I think the diver just got onto the car...brave man.

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