CA Refused To Watch Caylee for PR Trip Around Same Time KC's Googles?? Motive!

Not to mention she "Wanted" Caylee for herself and yet "FORCED" Casey to take responsibility for Caylee. She also told many people she would TAKE Caylee for herself and then also told people she could not AFFORD to keep Caylee. She also tells people that she only wanted Caylee for herself and Casey could leave at any point but yet REFUSED to babysit Caylee sometimes. She would at times take her no problem and then at other times berate KC and harrass her to come home and watch her kid.


I was a very young mother and had my son at 16 years of age, my mother allowed me to go out with friends and finsish school - my mother understood my young mind and how it felt and so she took her grandson no problem no guilt nothing and often I didn't have the need to go out with friends - we never had that guilt trip tug of war - I never had a reason to resent my child.

*I also want to add - that I worked from the age of 16 and contributed to our household.

KC had major problems. NO JOB, NO SITTER, NO MONEY, and a mother sending her mixed signals constantly.

I think the difference is you were 16...KC was 22. What prevented her from getting a job, an apartment and paying a sitter if she wanted to go so many others have done? I was a single parent at 19, got my own apartment at 20, paid a sitter when I went to work and on the occasional weekend nights I went out with friends. Caylee was KC's responsibility...not CA's. Let's keep in mind that KC was stealing from family and friends...then going out partying. CA was probably putting her foot down and trying to get KC to take responsibility for her daughter. Let's face it...CA and GA did a lot for KC and Caylee, but there comes a time when enough is enough and I don't blame C&G for taking steps to make KC more responsible. I don't think they could ever be blamed for what's happened.
I had never heard that CA had refused to watch Caylee within the same time frame KC did her evil Googling.

"Her 22nd birthday didn't seem so special either, but was riddled with dark thoughts. Investigators said, on St. Patrick's Day last year, she Googled "how to make Chloroform," "neck breaking," "shovel," "household weapons," and "self defense." Two days after her birthday, she researched household ingredients used to make chloroform, missing children's websites and Googled the 100th episode of the TV show One Tree Hill, where the plotline included a nanny kidnapping a toddler.

Investigators believe, at this time last year, she could've been hatching her plan to kill Caylee. Her mother had just refused to babysit Caylee while Casey wanted vacation with friends in Puerto Rico."

I think this is a strong motive that further digs the hole for KC.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this and can we use our websleuthing skills to try to find the docs that state CA told KC "No" on the PR trip (maybe texts?) and try to to tie them into the 3/19/08 date of the searches?
If KC and CA had just been in fight maybe KC's Googling was intended for CA and Caylee somehow got caught in the crossfire. Or KC planned an accident for both-an intruder in the house?

Unlikely, just a thought

Do we know for sure she bought their tickets? I don't remember reading that anywhere.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought this was just a "working theory" (or rumor).

And whether or not CA refused to babysit Caylee is a non-sequitur. KC didn't have the funds to go on this trip. Maybe she was scheming of a way to raise the cash for weeks, but never suceeded and came up with the lame "my mom won't watch my kid" excuss at the last minute. We see documented eviedence of her frequent use of both lame and last-minute excusses.
Not to mention she "Wanted" Caylee for herself and yet "FORCED" Casey to take responsibility for Caylee. She also told many people she would TAKE Caylee for herself and then also told people she could not AFFORD to keep Caylee. She also tells people that she only wanted Caylee for herself and Casey could leave at any point but yet REFUSED to babysit Caylee sometimes. She would at times take her no problem and then at other times berate KC and harrass her to come home and watch her kid.


I was a very young mother and had my son at 16 years of age, my mother allowed me to go out with friends and finsish school - my mother understood my young mind and how it felt and so she took her grandson no problem no guilt nothing and often I didn't have the need to go out with friends - we never had that guilt trip tug of war - I never had a reason to resent my child.

*I also want to add - that I worked from the age of 16 and contributed to our household.

KC had major problems. NO JOB, NO SITTER, NO MONEY, and a mother sending her mixed signals constantly.
You said it very well. This is the feeling I get as well, that Cindy was always giving conflicting messages. Not that she is reponsible for Casey's actions, Casey is responsible alone for Caylee's death. I do wonder though, how much Cindy's parenting style contributed to what Casey is today.
You said it very well. This is the feeling I get as well, that Cindy was always giving conflicting messages. Not that she is reponsible for Casey's actions, Casey is responsible alone for Caylee's death. I do wonder though, how much Cindy's parenting style contributed to what Casey is today.


It's such a touchy subject and such a "fine-line" issue. Seems there's no nice way to say what many seem to feel, that while yes, KC is ulimately responsible for all her own choices, there IS that underlying factor that HER mother was HER role model. Not saying an excuss, but an underlying factor for sure.
That being said, again, I think KC had alot of audacity for not recognizing how "good" she had it in SO many ways.
lightbulb moment!
From a re-reading of the thread title. What do you mean CA refused to watch Caylee around the same time as the google searches? KC didn't back out of the trip till the very last minute! NOT the same time as the google searches. Google searches=March. Trip planning=May.
Another look at KC's texts with Amy show's me that 2 days after Amy left for PR, (June 10) KC was STILL telling Amy she was going to try to make it down there.
Cindy did not knock Casey up. Casey was 18 years old when she got pregnant. That is legal adult age in this country. Cindy did not bear any responsibility whatsoever for taking care of this child. Caylee was Casey's child, she shouldn't have had to be FORCED to take responsibility for her. As far as Cindy not being able to afford to keep Caylee, well, if it's true Casey ripped her off for $45k, I can certainly understand it. Why is it so wrong for Cindy to refuse to babysit Caylee from time to time? The woman held down a full-time job, and from what I have seen of her house, seems to be way more involved in housecleaning than I ever thought about. Can she not be tired sometimes? What exactly was it Casey needed to do so badly she needed a babysitter so much? It's been proven pretty conclusively she wasn't working. We're not even talking about a Friday or Saturday night here and there, Casey was dropping Caylee off at Cindy's workplace about once a week!

Finally, someone who thinks as I do. I am raising ag/s, who was literally dropped of at my house and never picked up. At 3 days old,definitely not the way I wanted to spend my retirement years. I worked full time,kept house and tried to have a social life. I was in no position to start over with kids. You do not know how many times I wanted to find his mother and force her to take responsibility. He is five now, and there is no way that I would willingly give him back. Anyway, I don't think Cindy had a very easy life,and she did the right thing by trying to make Casey face her responsibilities. It just did not work. I wish she would have followed trough with the custody issue, but I know how scary that is for an older couple. And most likely they would not have won.
I do not believe she forced Casey to keep the baby, but she welcomed her into her heart, and truly loved her. Casey is such a selfish person, and every time I see her snubbing the two people who truly love her, it makes me so angry. Poor little Caylee was Caseys responsibility, and she should not have expected them to raise her all the time.
Couple any refusal to watch the child for that long of a duration for that purpose with a refusal to assist with funds, and it's crystal clear that KC had a problem with CA. I honestly can't say I blame CA for not agreeing to keep Caylee so KC could go to PR. She basically had the child the bulk of the time and provided for her, why would she 'enable' her daughter to go party some more?

She (CA) is in this predicament solely because she's always enabled 'that child'. I have 0 respect for her (CA) as a woman, wife, mother or grandmother. She created this monster, she deserves the consequences.

Her games with KC were just that, games. "Yes, no, maybe, I dunno. She's mine, I'll take her from you, she calls ME mama, I HELD HER 1st when she was born." Calculated evil vile games... CA enjoyed causing the utmost pain in KC's life. And KC returned the favor by committing the ultimate "I WIN" by killing their pawn.

(before I get bashed... I am NOT a supporter of KC one bit. Hope the DP is still on the table) She's a bi-product of her environment who is clueless that her own games in jail don't work like they did in the 'real world'.
I was almost the same age as KC when my son was born. and I was a single parent, much like KC. I even think my mother was much like CA.. not a bad person, but a rather determined controlling sort of person... she could make me feel badly about taking off a single moment from caring for my baby to go out for a cup of coffee with a friend.. she would watch him for me for an hour or so, but I paid dearly for those little moments of freedom.
That said, I did the normal thing, found a job, got a place of my own, hired a babysitter.. I can't help thinking KC had it better than I did for parental support, and I certainly didn't kill my child, nor ever think of such a thing. And my mother was a wonderful Grandma, and both I and my child loved her to bits, despite her faults and failings. I am getting just a little tired of hearing everyone fault CA for her actions .. she wasn't perfect, no doubt controlling, no doubt sending mixed messages.. but so few people ARE perfect when it comes to dealing with their own families.
She (CA) is in this predicament solely because she's always enabled 'that child'. I have 0 respect for her (CA) as a woman, wife, mother or grandmother. She created this monster, she deserves the consequences.

Her games with KC were just that, games. "Yes, no, maybe, I dunno. She's mine, I'll take her from you, she calls ME mama, I HELD HER 1st when she was born." Calculated evil vile games... CA enjoyed causing the utmost pain in KC's life. And KC returned the favor by committing the ultimate "I WIN" by killing their pawn.

(before I get bashed... I am NOT a supporter of KC one bit. Hope the DP is still on the table) She's a bi-product of her environment who is clueless that her own games in jail don't work like they did in the 'real world'.

ITA about CA. And dislike her strongly. I've been begging for her to be arrested on obstruction charges (ALREADY!) and if/or when the day comes that she is charged, you'll hear lots of cheers and noise coming from Central IL...
(GA too and especially...driving home a car that he KNEW was a "crime scene" is unforgivable and ILLEGAL I would think!)
I thought I heard this morning on the Today show that there is supposed to be more docs released today. They were talking about the defense trying to show a 'softer' side of KC. I've never posted a link, I'll try to post the link from the Today Show.

Bold by me....They already have shown the softer side. Her hair is in a bun every time she goes to court! Doesn't that make her ever so innocent librarianishhhhh?! Certainly a pole dancing half naked 22 yr old would never put her hair in a bun. What more is it that you're wanting? ;)
She (CA) is in this predicament solely because she's always enabled 'that child'. I have 0 respect for her (CA) as a woman, wife, mother or grandmother. She created this monster, she deserves the consequences.

Her games with KC were just that, games. "Yes, no, maybe, I dunno. She's mine, I'll take her from you, she calls ME mama, I HELD HER 1st when she was born." Calculated evil vile games... CA enjoyed causing the utmost pain in KC's life. And KC returned the favor by committing the ultimate "I WIN" by killing their pawn.

(before I get bashed... I am NOT a supporter of KC one bit. Hope the DP is still on the table) She's a bi-product of her environment who is clueless that her own games in jail don't work like they did in the 'real world'.

Boy Patty, I sure agree with everything you said here. Yes, KC is the one who killed Caylee, but KC is who she is, because of Cindy.
Seebra, I got my signature from Big & Rich, they usually say that at some point when preforming. I can assure you that does not pertain to the monster KC. I also agree with you, you can roll a turd in powder doesn't make it a jelly donut. There will never be anything 'soft' about her and like you the more evidence that comes out the uglier she gets.

Maybe I should clarify my signature...murderers of children, rapist, SO etc... do not qualify for love....

I think almost everyone qualifies for love because love is in the eye of the beholder. I don't begrudge the love Casey's family (or anyone else) have for her. But when you love someone, even someone who has done something so heinous, you/society must do what's right. In these kind of cases, that may include "putting her down" or "putting her away". It's for her own good and our own good.
She (CA) is in this predicament solely because she's always enabled 'that child'. I have 0 respect for her (CA) as a woman, wife, mother or grandmother. She created this monster, she deserves the consequences.

Her games with KC were just that, games. "Yes, no, maybe, I dunno. She's mine, I'll take her from you, she calls ME mama, I HELD HER 1st when she was born." Calculated evil vile games... CA enjoyed causing the utmost pain in KC's life. And KC returned the favor by committing the ultimate "I WIN" by killing their pawn.

(before I get bashed... I am NOT a supporter of KC one bit. Hope the DP is still on the table) She's a bi-product of her environment who is clueless that her own games in jail don't work like they did in the 'real world'.

Thank You for this post, I absolutely agree on the "product of her environment".
ITA about CA. And dislike her strongly. I've been begging for her to be arrested on obstruction charges (ALREADY!) and if/or when the day comes that she is charged, you'll hear lots of cheers and noise coming from Central IL...
(GA too and especially...driving home a car that he KNEW was a "crime scene" is unforgivable and ILLEGAL I would think!)

I have never thought for a second that C&G where ignorant to the facts that where in front of them.
ITA about CA. And dislike her strongly. I've been begging for her to be arrested on obstruction charges (ALREADY!) and if/or when the day comes that she is charged, you'll hear lots of cheers and noise coming from Central IL...
(GA too and especially...driving home a car that he KNEW was a "crime scene" is unforgivable and ILLEGAL I would think!)

I agree with you about cindy. I don't think she's done
obstructing either, I believe she will roll to the witness stand
and do everything in her power to help casey anthony beat this
rap......even lie. IMO.
I recall that KC told Tony she had an account at B of A, a goodly sum, although I can't recall exactly how much. Maybe that's part of the $45,000. she took from Cindy.
I think she was going to California, without Caylee. She would have waited until Tony left, since she seemed to like/want him. That's probably why she was still there when Cindy cornered her.

ITA! I thought that from the beginning. I think she had a plan which is why she abandoned her car - to make it look like they both were kidnapped - then something sidetracked her. TL? Maybe. Maybe something at the place she was headed, or maybe she just thought she was so clever that she could hang out w TL and get away with lying just a little longer - she got away with it for 31 days . . .
I don't think CA "made" KC keep Caylee. Supposedly, KC was 7 mo. pregnant when CA found out. Too late for an abortion. KC could have got that herself if she didn't want to be pregnant. As to keeping Caylee vs adoption.....hadn't KC already named JG as the daddy? Planned to marry him? Why would adoption even be brought up? Just more lies from KC, imo.

I agree. I also remember that Jesse suggested adoption to KC before she gave birth, but KC refused. So Jesse accepted it, Caylee was born and he was ready to get married. (I still feel kinda bad for him...what a rollercoaster KC put him on!)
If Zanny the Nanny had really existed...and if KC had of had her babysit all of those times that she said she had, then she would have gotten HER to watch little Caylee, while she went to PR. Caylee was ALWAYS with "the the beach, at the park, spending the night, etc"..according to KC whenever anyone asked where Caylee was. Kinda funny that "Zanny" couldn't watch her when KC went on vacation.
I agree. I also remember that Jesse suggested adoption to KC before she gave birth, but KC refused. So Jesse accepted it, Caylee was born and he was ready to get married. (I still feel kinda bad for him...what a rollercoaster KC put him on!)

I feel sorry for him, you could really tell that he loved that little girl. I love that picture of him in a recliner, with baby Caylee asleep on him. I know that he is not her father, but, in that particular picture...when he is sleeping...Caylee resembles him.

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