CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #15

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Why didn't he contact his friends and say "hey, I'm late but Dad left without me so I'm finding my own way."?

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Have they said positively the land line wasn't used? I believe his cell was dead he grabbed it and backpack and headed out.
I was gonna say that. LOL Someone disappeared Dylan. I don't think it's Mark because it was at the beginning of his visit that he went to court for. It was before he spent any time with him really. As someone stated earlier today, these types of disappearances usually occur somewhere towards the end of a visit, not at the beginning, not if it's the visiting parent.

Whether it was an abduction or deliberate, time will tell. But until those can be ruled out, I'm going to sit on my fence. :fence:

In reverse, he fights for the visit with the intention of disappearing Dylan and does it quickly before he can change his mind. For me it keeps coming down to "did he love Dylan more than he hated Elaine" and I think the answer is no.

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Just because someone goes to court to fight 'for' their kid, it doesn't mean they are doing it because they love their kid. Sometimes they just want to fight with their ex.

My dad was an attorney. He spent his early years doing divorces. He hated it so much that he decided to do criminal cases instead, because there was less drama. lol

But he had a beautiful French Louis the 14th antique table in his office lobby. It was exquisite. People always commented on how beautiful it was. But the secret backstory was funny. He had a client who was in a contentious divorce and it carried on for years. The only thing left to battle over was that antique table. They fought over it for a few years, spending many times over it's value in attorneys fees. Finally, my dad's client won but he never ever came to pick it up. My dad kept it in his lobby until he retired. LOL

Couldn't that be truth of both parents in a custody battle?
I am waiting for evidence, because at this point hitching/abduction are still very possible. Maybe he took off walking because he was upset at MR and didn't wont to wait on him to return and maybe he didn't wont to ride with MR.Why would he not call mom from land line? Maybe because he didn't wont to tell her he was walking/hitching/to friends house because he knew she would say no or tell MR.The PC might be password protected maybe that is why he wasn't on there? IMO

There are just so many possibilities and scenerios in this case, it's hard to nail anything down, especially with the limited info we have.

LE needs to do a presser. The fact they haven't done an all out "abduction" announcement leads me to believe they might think it's an inside job or it was done with Dylan's cooperation somehow.
I am waiting for evidence, because at this point hitching/abduction are still very possible. Maybe he took off walking because he was upset at MR and didn't wont to wait on him to return and maybe he didn't wont to ride with MR.Why would he not call mom from land line? Maybe because he didn't wont to tell her he was walking/hitching/to friends house because he knew she would say no or tell MR.The PC might be password protected maybe that is why he wasn't on there? IMO

But he had a friend who lived in Vallecito. Why didnt he call him to see if they were going into town that day?
And why didnt he call his friends that were waiting for him?

They told LE that they thought Dylan's dad was dropping him off at 6:30 that morning. So why didnt he call them to say he missed his ride?

Why would he hitchhike there, without even checking to see if they were still waiting for him?
This is bothering me...I have read that MR could not wake Dylan up the next morning, and also that he told Dylan he had to run some errands to which Dylan said 'Ok I understand'. Which one is it????

Both. If at 5:30-6:00 am he tried to wake Dylan and he didn't wake, he went on about his business. Made coffee, got something to eat, took a shower, got ready for his day. Then at 7:30 am when he had to leave and Dylan still wasn't up, he told him he was leaving and he'd give him a ride when he got back, at which point Dylan responded. That's what I think anyway.
Couldn't that be truth of both parents in a custody battle?

Of course it could. But one of those parents is estranged from their 3 older sons. And the other parent has actually been doing the daily work of raising them. So I think it shows which parent has been the most committed to their kids.
Have they said positively the land line wasn't used? I believe his cell was dead he grabbed it and backpack and headed out.

They hsavent said if the land line was used or not.

But his friends/family said he never contacted them.
But he had a friend who lived in Vallecito. Why didnt he call him to see if they were going into town that day?
And why didnt he call his friends that were waiting for him?

They told LE that they thought Dylan's dad was dropping him off at 6:30 that morning. So why didnt he call them to say he missed his ride?

Why would he hitchhike there, without even checking to see if they were still waiting for him?

My thoughts are maybe he tried to call the one friend that lives 2 miles away(i believe) from the land line maybe he got no answer since it was so early but he didn't wont to be there when dad got home so he left,i wonder with kids sometimes if he did call them do you think they would defiantly tell?
But he had a friend who lived in Vallecito. Why didnt he call him to see if they were going into town that day?
And why didnt he call his friends that were waiting for him?

They told LE that they thought Dylan's dad was dropping him off at 6:30 that morning. So why didnt he call them to say he missed his ride?

Why would he hitchhike there, without even checking to see if they were still waiting for him?

I just can't imagine any child going straight from "I missed my ride" to "I'll start walking and hope to catch a ride" with nothing in between. Wouldn't they call the friends first and see if maybe a parent or older sibling would pick them up? We are talking late November in CO, not exactly 'nice day for a walk' season.

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I think the biggest question I've been asking myself is: If Mark is on one side of the fence, who is on the other side? :banghead:

Pick me! Pick me!! I think I know. LOL All I know is whoever is there, will probably push me off the fence. :thud:
I wonder if he took the same vehicle to Durango on Monday as he used to pick Dylan up on Sunday. If not, it's possible that Dylan had turned off the phone on the way home because they were talking about Thanksgiving plans, visits to friends, etc., and he left it in the car that night because he was tired and not thinking clearly. When he got up Monday, he turned on the tv and had a bowl of cereal, then remembered the phone - or at least went out to grab the fishing pole and phone, and planned to call/text his friends on the way to the creek. Someone could have stopped by looking for Mark for some reason, and asked if he was home. When he said he wouldn't be home for a couple of hours, the guy could have offered to take him to the lake to fish for a while because it was better than the creek. If Dylan was familiar with him, he might go. Maybe. :rocker:
In reverse, he fights for the visit with the intention of disappearing Dylan and does it quickly before he can change his mind. For me it keeps coming down to "did he love Dylan more than he hated Elaine" and I think the answer is no.

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That's always a question in acrimonious divorces. And I've known several people who hated their ex more than they loved their children. But since I don't know Mark Redwine, I can't make that determination just based on what I've seen. And because I've seen so many acrimonious divorces, it's hard for me to take just one side's word for anything because I've found there is always an agenda in there. Unfortunately.
I just can't imagine any child going straight from "I missed my ride" to "I'll start walking and hope to catch a ride" with nothing in between. Wouldn't they call the friends first and see if maybe a parent or older sibling would pick them up? We are talking late November in CO, not exactly 'nice day for a walk' season.

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Maybe he knew their parents worked and wouldn't be able to pick him up.
My thoughts are maybe he tried to call the one friend that lives 2 miles away(i believe) from the land line maybe he got no answer since it was so early but he didn't wont to be there when dad got home so he left,i wonder with kids sometimes if he did call them do you think they would defiantly tell?

The cops would know if that happened. Maybe it did. But I think they would have said something to narrow down the timeline if they knew he made a phone call at 10 am or something.
My thoughts are maybe he tried to call the one friend that lives 2 miles away(i believe) from the land line maybe he got no answer since it was so early but he didn't wont to be there when dad got home so he left,i wonder with kids sometimes if he did call them do you think they would defiantly tell?

Or he only had the friend's cell number and the friend had bad reception which only worked with texts at that time of day (or all day).
Maybe he knew their parents worked and wouldn't be able to pick him up.

Do you remember the interview with Hesse, the family friend. She said in one of her first interviews, that everyone was really surprised that he hadn't called and asked about getting a ride. I think if a bunch of kids were getting together, there was probably at least one adult somewhere that was supervising them. Maybe not every minute.But I think he would have at least called to say he missed his ride.
I think it is also court ordered that he had to live with his Mom. I'm sure a boy his age had rather stay in Bayview where his friends are.

Actually, if the plane had not been delayed, Sunday night would have been the 2nd night of his visit to his Dad's home.

I thought he has settled and was happy in his new home and he is 13 so it would not of taken him long to make new friends IMO !

Has there been anything to say that Dylan was unhappy in his new home and location ??
This is all just FWIW:

Colorado doesn't have an age of consent statute meaning a lot of latitude could have been afforded by a judge regarding Dylan's wishes in his custodial status or none at all. It is extremely variable depending on several factors.

Very little, in my opinion, would have been afforded to Dylan's wishes in visitation though. Visitation is seen as a very different animal. Unless there is a concrete reason not to allow visitation a judge will nearly always order it. Most family courts believe that access to both parents is always in the best interest of the child. Even when it very clearly isn't. ;)

In my experience it takes A LOT for a judge to rule against reasonable visitation. A whole lot.
I thought he has settled and was happy in his new home and he is 13 so it would not of taken him long to make new friends IMO !

Has there been anything to say that Dylan was unhappy in his new home and location ??

No. We have absolutely no reason to believe that Dylan wasn't happy in the new location. In fact, we have heard just the opposite.

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