CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #21

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Imo, malignant psychopath Jeffery Reed Siggs; vath; monster, was a chameleon hiding in plain sight due ignoring the many red flags, and the obvious lack of perception and enabling by mental health professionals, family, and friends, with the exception of his 11 year old neighbor who told her mom, 'that's him, that's the man that took Jessica Ridgeway'..

JM, was in the same Psychology 101 class as Sigg. She said he wore a cross on a necklace and always carried a Rubik's Cube.

Miller said that at the start of the class in August, the professor asked the students for their majors. Sigg, she recalled, announced that he was majoring in mortuary science.
"He said he was intrigued by dead bodies," she said. "There was something creepy about him."
Read more:

The Post interviewed a friend of his, who said he was into music and computers, as well as collecting pocketknives and switchblades, but that he excelled in all his classes and was a favorite of teachers. In the spring, while enrolled at Warren Tech to complete his GED, he won second place in a Health Occupations Students of America competition in the crime scene investigation category.

"Imo, sexual predators do not begin their deviant behavior dismembering their victim's bodies, taunting investigators, and collecting and storing body parts in their crawl spaces. Imo, many serial killers prior begin their evil trails of terror at around the age of 14 years old...If this pattern holds true Austin Reed Siggs should be investigated for all missing persons from the Westminister area over the past 3 years"..

RE: " she said. "There was something creepy about him."
Family marks anniversary of Amy Ahonen’s disappearance

Family members also asked investigators to find the man who responded to a roommate ad Amy placed on Craig’s list. Amy thought he was so “creepy” she immediately took the ad down. Andrea said police searched Amy’s computer but found nothing.

CO - Amy Ahonen, 38, Golden, 08 July 2011

[ame=",+Golden,+CO&daddr=Westminster,+Colorado&hl=en&ll=39.786906,-105.179672&spn=0.316054,0.441513&sll=39.836653,-105.037205&sspn=0.315826,0.441513&geocode=FQFhXgId1ei4-SkH3kWeiJlrhzG5vE-hdJykmg%3BFe3bXwIda0K9-Smff1miHohrhzEXRHQ_cFfPqA&oq=clear+creek+canyon&mra=ls&t=m&z=11"]Clear Creek Canyon Rd, Golden, CO to Westminster, CO - Google Maps[/ame]
OK I think something weird is going on but it may be nothing. Photo number 29 at the link shows a friend of Sigg's. This is a fake name IMO. Say it out loud and you will understand what I mean. DO NOT POST HIS NAME HERE OR THIS FAKE NAME because he is a minor. His real name (or other name with same last name) was appearing in articles and they have been wiped or changed. Weirdness.

I had something weird happen on an earlier thread when I opened up something to see pics of AS ex girlfriend. I deleted my history to get rid of it. Did anyone else have this happen?
Many things are possible, but at this time it appears that Austin Sigg is the one and only suspect in both the attempted abduction in Ketner Park, where the witness stated that there was only one person that attacked her, and in the abduction and murder of Jessica. Without any information or evidence to suggest that 2,3 or 4 people were involved, I think it's safe to assume that Austin acted alone.

I also believe that AS acted alone but understand the folks speculating about accomplices need or wish to do so, this i s a sensational case and we won't know more about why LE feel cerrtain AS acted alone til trial. Til then there will continue to be speculation about the facts of this case.

So long as sleuth remember not to confuse ithe thread and its visitors by stating they are speculating.

Parents on high alert this Halloween after Jessica Ridgeway murder

On Halloween, hyper-vigilance will be as abundant as candy and costumes in the aftermath of the abduction and slaying of 10-year-old Jessica Ridgeway.

Relief followed the arrest of 17-year-old Austin Sigg in connection with her death, but most adults — parents and community leaders — remain on high alert as Oct. 31 approaches. Along with fears of copycat crime and stranger danger, there is new awareness that even trusted neighborhood kids may be masking dark and twisted urges

Usually I get hundreds of trick or treaters, but I don't know about this year.
Wondering if I should just leave my lights off. :(
If anyone has a floorplan sketch of the house (hand sketch, realtor sketch) ... that they could send me in a PM, I'll build a scale model. Clearly something happened in the house, and having a 3D model may make it easier for us to visualize how the suspect could have done what he did without being detected by anyone else that lived in the house.

Where I live you can go online to the property tax section for the county and see the scetch of the floorplan if you have the address.

Re: the cross coming from the jogger's neck...that was one of my first thoughts. Maybe I watch too much tv.

Just wow, I never thought of it but how is DNA from the jogger on that necklace, hmmmmmmm.
Ok thats what you think!

So Ill just shaddup!

Maybe it would help if you posted your reason for thinking this? It's okay to have an opinion, either way, but it just helps people understand where you're coming form, KWIM? If one just throws stuff out there without something to back it up, it confuses people.
No offense, just sayin'.
OMG, thanks wasn't enough.

My very best friend growing up was a charming psychopath, and she eventually hurt me to the core in a very criminal way. I knew her parents like close, close family. I heard all of her tales, so I knew how she saw her own childhood, too. The girl was just missing something, and she was brilliant at pretending she was like other people. Quite frankly, she just wasn't like other people, and she knew it. It's like a different species, imho.

I'd have an easier time believing she was really an alien sleeper than believing that her home life caused her to be that way. OTOH, her real, biological dad and bio cousin were bad, bad seeds, too. I would believe a strong genetic component in her case.

eta: Oh, but she was spoiled, and her parents (mom and adopted step-dad from infancy) thought she could do no wrong. She hid all of her wrongdoings, but I do wonder if being emotionally and otherwise spoiled may play a factor. She certainly felt special!

In my opinion, and according to the book, Too Much of a Good Thing, by Dan Kindlon, passive permissive parenting is the kind that yields individuals who participate in the greatest at risk behaviors. There is other research on this as well, and from experience, I believe it.
Maybe it would help if you posted your reason for thinking this? It's okay to have an opinion, either way, but it just helps people understand where you're coming form, KWIM? If one just throws stuff out there without something to back it up, it confuses people.
No offense, just sayin'.
(snipped read more)
Women report strange encounters with suspect in Jessica Ridgeway murder

WESTMINSTER, Colo. - When Emily Alexander's 11-year-old daughter said she knew who kidnapped Jessica Ridgeway the day after it happened, no one believed her.

"I feel bad I dismissed it. She was right," said Alexander. "She said, 'Mom, oh my God. I know who did it: the Goth teenager from the park."

At the park down the road from their house, Alexander said a teenage boy had been acting strangely, staring at her daughter and walking by their home.

"She pointed him out right across the street from our house a few days after Jessica disappeared," said Alexander.

But Alexander said she never thought she suspect would be a teenager, until she saw Austin Sigg's mug shot on the news Wednesday night.

Christie Mueller recognized the stare as well.

"When I saw his mug shot, I literally took a step back, and it just hit me," said Mueller.

Twice last summer, while running on a trail near Standley Lake, Mueller saw Sigg walking with two friends and something was not right.

"I made eye contact and said 'hello,' and that's what I thought was so weird. I said hello and they just stared at me and didn't say anything to me," said Mueller. "Having my dog as extra protection, I think that is what saved me."

Alexander said her daughter's friends were with her when she saw Sigg, and that may have been what saved her.

"If she had been at the park alone, there's no telling what could have happened," said Alexander. "I should have let her know that the moment she feels uncomfortable, she should trust that. It's better to be safe than sorry."

"Imo, Austin Reed Siggs didn't begin trolling for victims on October 05, 2012 and very well could have had sidekicks/associates"...
Catching up. Not too much to add. One quick thing:
I saw several posts about the ITNP or whatever the abbreviation or acronym was for AS personality, I wanted to share that I recognize those results as something I have seen before, it is actually a quiz that was going around facebook not too long ago, for example I saw on a friend's timeline "Bob is a XXXX type personality, click to find out which you are", I clicked it, it was a very basic quiz asking hypothetical questions about feelings and situational reactions. I don't even remember my results.. My point is, it was something going around Facebook, so it doesn't mean someone was concerned about possible personality disorders, or looking to self-diagnose, it could have been an innocent stumble-upon. it automatically posts your results on your Facebook wall if you link through your FB account.
I googled and found the link for the personality quiz:

Just a little clarification on personality tests: The test(s) assume you are healthy mentally and are intended just to show what type of personality you are likely to have. Myers/Briggs is a well-known one.
To diagnose pathology, the MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) is generally used by psychiatrists/psychologists. It is a lengthy test which shows any number of diagnoses listed in the DSM IV which is the diagnostic manual used by professionals.
Yes, some really bad things have happened where you live, but don't feel alone. I live in central texas and we had one of the worst if the worst mass murder at Luby's Restaurant and then the shooting on Fort Hood. This took place in Killeen Texas and the population is only around 40,000...go figure. it really hits home when you or someone you know is married to or a relative of one of the victims. So many families were directly affected.

The Luby's massacre was a mass murder that took place on October 16, 1991, in Killeen, Texas, United States when George Hennard[1] (born October 15, 1956) drove his pickup truck into a Luby's cafeteria and shot 23 people to death while wounding another 20, subsequently committing suicide by shooting himself. It was the deadliest shooting rampage in American history until the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre.'s_massacre

The Fort Hood shooting was a shooting that took place on November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood, the most populous U.S. military installation in the world, located just outside Killeen, Texas.[1] In the course of the shooting, a single gunman killed 13 people and wounded 29 others.[1] It is the worst shooting ever to take place on an American military base.[

Fort Hood shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm from Central Texas too- and no stranger to this kind of thing- maybe this is what brings us all together. I've also lived in Oklahoma City and moved there right after the bombing to go to college, and moved from Washington DC right before the 9/11 terrorist attacks that hit the Pentagon as well. Oh and there is Waco as well.
Why would the number of tips impress you? What's the difference between 9399 false tips and 3000 false tips? Jessica's case is pretty unusual, because LE indicated they were looking for a suspect.

Oh, I know! It is 6,399! :great:
I'm from Central Texas too- and no stranger to this kind of thing- maybe this is what brings us all together. I've also lived in Oklahoma City and moved there right after the bombing to go to college, and moved from Washington DC right before the 9/11 terrorist attacks that hit the Pentagon as well. Oh and there is Waco as well.

And in the 60's I think, the shooting at the University of Texas. The person was in the tower and shooting at everyone.
Usually I get hundreds of trick or treaters, but I don't know about this year.
Wondering if I should just leave my lights off. :(

I once lived in a community that everyone donated money or treats to the firemen.
The firehall had everything for children in age groups from games to treats.
Parents could help out.
It was wonderful and the kids loved it.
Here at camp our trick or treat is in the afternoon.
It stsrts with an activity at the rec center.
Then a parade.
Costume judging trick or trest from 2 - 4.
No more house to house at night.
Cant trust anyone
I think you are right.

Jessica only weighed half what this suspect weighs. I think it's possible that he never even got out of his vehicle, just suddenly opened the door in front of her, leaned out, grabbed her and dragged her over his own body and into the vehicle.

Once he had her inside the vehicle, depending on what the angle of the light and any potential viewer, it may well have been impossible to see in any detail what was going on inside of the vehicle. Particularly if the hypothetical witness did not see the initial grab.

I know that if I saw indistinct motions inside a vehicle, I'd just think the people inside the vehicle were getting their stuff arranged. My mind would not make the leap to abduction in progress unless I'd already seen something like the initial grab.

I was watching ID the other day where a guy kidnapped a young girl, right in front of her sister, just half a block from her house, and with neighbors watching. It was a reenactment of course, but it literally took only 5 seconds. The man actually grabbed the girl as she was rollerblading past his truck. He waited until she was right in front of the door, swung it open, stepped out and grabbed her and stuffed her in the truck and sped off. FIVE seconds. Her sister was watching the whole thing, and the older half-sister who was inside, ran out when the other sister screamed, and saw the truck driving away. She started yelling, "He took her!" Two men were just down the street talking, one sitting in a vehicle and the other standing to the side. The man who was standing jumped into his vehicle and tried to follow the perp's truck but the perp managed to lose him eventually.
Four eyewitnesses. Five seconds. The guy managed to evade police for quite a while before they caught up with him. He had borrowed the truck he used to kidnap the little girl, from his boss at a construction site. He cleaned and vacuumed the truck, but LE found one long blonde hair that matched the victim's under the seat.
It can happen so fast!! And people watching from a block away might not even realize what is happening.
I'm from Central Texas too- and no stranger to this kind of thing- maybe this is what brings us all together. I've also lived in Oklahoma City and moved there right after the bombing to go to college, and moved from Washington DC right before the 9/11 terrorist attacks that hit the Pentagon as well. Oh and there is Waco as well.

Deja vu... Serial Killer Brandon Lavergne, from Church Point, LA abducted/murdered Mickey Shunick ULL Coed May 19, 2012.
CO tragedy evokes 1966 tower killings
Charles Whitman introduced public to mass murder

Published : Friday, 20 Jul 2012, 9:35 PM CDT

Chris Sadeghi, Reporter

AUSTIN (KXAN) - It has been 14 years since Gary Lavergne, from Church Point, LA, wrote the book “A Sniper in the Tower.”

With the country’s eyes focused on the movie theater shooting in Aurora, CO, Lavergne’s book details every known movement of Charles Whitman in the days leading up to the Texas Tower shooting.

A crime that set the precedent for mass murder in a public place like the one that happened Friday.

“The University of Texas tower shooting in 1966 was America’s introduction to mass murder as we think of it today".

The Bad Boy From Rosebud:
The Murderous Life of Kenneth Allen McDuff

The Bad Boy From Rosebud, a serial killer named Kenneth Allen McDuff, was executed on November 17, 1998. McDuff’s notoriety results not just from the frightening nature of his crimes, but also from the journey that returned him to death row AFTER having been paroled from the first death sentence he received for murders he committed in 1966. McDuff is the only convicted killer in American history to have been assigned two different death row numbers and sentenced to two different forms of execution by three different juries. McDuff’s parole in 1989 made it possible for him to murder again, which in turn resulted in one of the largest prison construction projects in the history of the free world.
OK I think something weird is going on but it may be nothing. Photo number 29 at the link shows a friend of Sigg's. This is a fake name IMO. Say it out loud and you will understand what I mean. DO NOT POST HIS NAME HERE OR THIS FAKE NAME because he is a minor. His real name (or other name with same last name) was appearing in articles and they have been wiped or changed. Weirdness.

FWIW.. We have a friend with similar last name... And we always teased him that his parents should have named him this young man's first name :giggle:...

but they didn't...

I would think that this name is confirmed since it is in MSM.... But I could be wrong...

Deja vu... Serial Killer Brandon Lavergne, from Church Point, LA abducted/murdered Mickey Shunick ULL Coed May 19, 2012.
CO tragedy evokes 1966 tower killings
Charles Whitman introduced public to mass murder

Published : Friday, 20 Jul 2012, 9:35 PM CDT

Chris Sadeghi, Reporter

AUSTIN (KXAN) - It has been 14 years since Gary Lavergne, from Church Point, LA, wrote the book “A Sniper in the Tower.”

With the country’s eyes focused on the movie theater shooting in Aurora, CO, Lavergne’s book details every known movement of Charles Whitman in the days leading up to the Texas Tower shooting.

A crime that set the precedent for mass murder in a public place like the one that happened Friday.

“The University of Texas tower shooting in 1966 was America’s introduction to mass murder as we think of it today.

The Bad Boy From Rosebud:
The Murderous Life of Kenneth Allen McDuff

The Bad Boy From Rosebud, a serial killer named Kenneth Allen McDuff, was executed on November 17, 1998. McDuff’s notoriety results not just from the frightening nature of his crimes, but also from the journey that returned him to death row AFTER having been paroled from the first death sentence he received for murders he committed in 1966. McDuff is the only convicted killer in American history to have been assigned two different death row numbers and sentenced to two different forms of execution by three different juries. McDuff’s parole in 1989 made it possible for him to murder again, which in turn resulted in one of the largest prison construction projects in the history of the free world.

I did not read that book, but lived thru all the t.v./radio coverage. Never forget the tense time while it was happening and before they were able to get to the top of the tower and stop this person. I am recalling later they said he had a brain tumor. He also killed his mother I think before he went to the tower. I may have that mixed up but it was an awful time and like this no one could imagine that this could happen. jmo
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