Debbie Bradley and Jeremy Irwin on Dr. Phil 3 February 2012

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Your theory assumes that if they were making money, they'd be spending it on a new car, or home improvements. I can think of several things they might spend any new found cash on.

It's a rumor and judgements about it are based on a rumor, not facts. Does someone have a MSM link that states for a fact they received money from ABC?
peeps... let us drop the "money" aspect of the interview until and unless there is something reported on that they are receiving monies. Thanks so much.
IMO I think there are better ways to get the message out there then going on Dr. Phils show. I would hope they were not getting paid for their appearance but I know better. It's not going to garner any sympathy from those that already believe the parents responsible. But....

Doesn't this fly in the face of the argument that the parents are wanting this case to go away? That they want everyone to forget about BL? How does that make any sense when they are willing to go on a national syndicated show to talk about the case?


:seeya: Hi City, I am not being "snarky", but you know the ole saying :

Money Talks and BS Walks ...

JMO ... but that is what is behind this ... it's all about the $$$$$ and NOT about Baby Lisa ...:furious:

MOO ...

:seeya: Hi City, I am not being "snarky", but you know the ole saying :

Money Talks and BS Walks ...

JMO ... but that is what is behind this ... it's all about the $$$$$ and NOT about Baby Lisa ...:furious:

MOO ...

Perhaps, I just know that lately I've seen a lot of comments saying the parents being quiet = wanting everyone to forget and move on. Doing something like this, regardless of incentives, will put it back in the news, back in the spotlight. That is the direct opposite of 'wanting everyone to forget and move on'.

Regardless of motivation behind it, I would think you rather them talking then being quiet as they had been.
I know I'll be happy to see more activity on this forum as a result of this. This case needs it.
This is absolutely sickening! My outcries that the parents should be talking more do NOT include ratings shows for them to make money off of this. How is this going to bring anything new to the case? If JT is going to be answering questions for the parents, wouldn't it make sense that everything about this "interview" is staged?

One thing has come to light out of this for me. It is becoming sickeningly clear to me that with each new case of child murder, something new is learned to help the murderers have a better chance of getting away with it. The latest thing that we have learned is that if you murder your child, and you get through the initial questioning without breaking, that you can just sit back and bide your time. You can keep out of the limelight and play it low. You don't have to talk to LE. You don't have to talk to anyone who isn't paying you. You can take the paying gigs and collect your money. You can sit back and use that money for paying your high priced attorney (who, after all, seems to be keeping you out of the spotlight of being a child murderer.) You can save whatever money is left over and let it multiply for later when you can start your "new" life and when people have "forgotten."

Of course JT is telling them to not go out and buy anything new right now or spend money on anything that is significant. After all, there is lots of time for that later.

Makes me physically ill.
This interview is ONLY for money. Joe T. will be with them and will answer the questions. We or LE will learn absolutely NOTHING. I am disgusted w/Dr. Phil for paying these neglectful and irresponsible parents. He should be ashamed of himself.

Bring them on! sure, but don't let their MAJOR MEDIA HOUND Criminal Defense Attorneys speak for them. This is a major power play for money. These two parents disgust me even more....if that was possible!

I bet it is true that DB followed missing child cases with great interest. She loves the camera too. I think we are going to witness another narcissistic bloom. These two stuck with ABC and got paid and they're going for the bucks again with Dr. Phil. I was curious as to what these two were doing and now we know they were in California preening for TV.

I am always amazed at how much info you have on the whys and hows of events before they even take place ~ amazed!
Let me say it first to get it out of the way. Their going on the wrong kind of TV. They should be talking to local media. Dr Phil is paying them to go on his show. They will just lie anyway. Why did they wait so long. Its too late now. They should talk to the police not Dr Phil. Anything that they say that implicates them will be edited out. It doesn't matter what they say. I know there guilty. Dr Phil is in it for the ratings. How's that for starters?

I <3 you :)
This is absolutely sickening! My outcries that the parents should be talking more do NOT include ratings shows for them to make money off of this. How is this going to bring anything new to the case? If JT is going to be answering questions for the parents, wouldn't it make sense that everything about this "interview" is staged?

One thing has come to light out of this for me. It is becoming sickeningly clear to me that with each new case of child murder, something new is learned to help the murderers have a better chance of getting away with it. The latest thing that we have learned is that if you murder your child, and you get through the initial questioning without breaking, that you can just sit back and bide your time. You can keep out of the limelight and play it low. You don't have to talk to LE. You don't have to talk to anyone who isn't paying you. You can take the paying gigs and collect your money. You can sit back and use that money for paying your high priced attorney (who, after all, seems to be keeping you out of the spotlight of being a child murderer.) You can save whatever money is left over and let it multiply for later when you can start your "new" life and when people have "forgotten."

Of course JT is telling them to not go out and buy anything new right now or spend money on anything that is significant. After all, there is lots of time for that later.

Makes me physically ill.

:goodpost::goodpost: These are some great points ... and very well said !

MOO ...
This is absolutely sickening! My outcries that the parents should be talking more do NOT include ratings shows for them to make money off of this. How is this going to bring anything new to the case? If JT is going to be answering questions for the parents, wouldn't it make sense that everything about this "interview" is staged?

One thing has come to light out of this for me. It is becoming sickeningly clear to me that with each new case of child murder, something new is learned to help the murderers have a better chance of getting away with it. The latest thing that we have learned is that if you murder your child, and you get through the initial questioning without breaking, that you can just sit back and bide your time. You can keep out of the limelight and play it low. You don't have to talk to LE. You don't have to talk to anyone who isn't paying you. You can take the paying gigs and collect your money. You can sit back and use that money for paying your high priced attorney (who, after all, seems to be keeping you out of the spotlight of being a child murderer.) You can save whatever money is left over and let it multiply for later when you can start your "new" life and when people have "forgotten."

Of course JT is telling them to not go out and buy anything new right now or spend money on anything that is significant. After all, there is lots of time for that later.

Makes me physically ill.

Well said-This is why there are several unsolved cases...JMO
IMO I think there are better ways to get the message out there then going on Dr. Phils show. I would hope they were not getting paid for their appearance but I know better. It's not going to garner any sympathy from those that already believe the parents responsible. But....

Doesn't this fly in the face of the argument that the parents are wanting this case to go away? That they want everyone to forget about BL? How does that make any sense when they are willing to go on a national syndicated show to talk about the case?

Not according to my assessment. They only want LE and the people around who think they're guilty to "Go away". Otherwise, if DB can get attention and JI can stockpile some moola, they're all for it...bring it on!
What makes you think that hasn't already been resolved? It was, after all, an EMERGENCY.

We all know better. The child will not go anywhere. It has been observed in all these cases, the remaining children get to stay in the home even if it is believed abuse may have taken place. From OJ Simpson to this case, the boys will stay where they are. JI has money and/or a high priced attorney to dig him out of any trouble that anyone suggests, including letting <modsnip> watch his child.

For those who support these parents, it is happiness all around. It is win-win situation.
Let me say it first to get it out of the way. Their going on the wrong kind of TV. They should be talking to local media. Dr Phil is paying them to go on his show. They will just lie anyway. Why did they wait so long. Its too late now. They should talk to the police not Dr Phil. Anything that they say that implicates them will be edited out. It doesn't matter what they say. I know there guilty. Dr Phil is in it for the ratings. How's that for starters?

What's the flip side? How is Bradley/Irwin going on Dr. Phil going to solve this case and bring BL home?
Disgusting! Baby Lisa is most likely dead due to negligence caused by her mother's need for "adult time", but the money keeps rolling in :furious: No doubt the couple enjoyed a 5-star hotel, wining and dining, limo rides to/from Dr. Phil's studios :rolleyes: Lisa who?


:cry: ...for that darling baby. :cry:
Perhaps, I just know that lately I've seen a lot of comments saying the parents being quiet = wanting everyone to forget and move on. Doing something like this, regardless of incentives, will put it back in the news, back in the spotlight. That is the direct opposite of 'wanting everyone to forget and move on'.

Regardless of motivation behind it, I would think you rather them talking then being quiet as they had been.

bbm = I totally agree. I don't care what the reason for them talking now, but at least other people are talking - Lisa is back in the news and that's all I care about.
It doesn't matter how or why D&J speak out, they will be raked over hot coals regardless. The amount of 'jumping' to conclusions going on is fascinating though :waitasec:
Since the parental units may not all be interested in being compensated from Dr. Phil (some actually buy that), what is their reason for not speaking to local media. Afterall, the crime occurred locally.

Dr. Phil's show is national. Are we going the Cindy A way now, and asking the ENTIRE nation to find her? Heck, they haven't even got the attention of their entire county yet but I bet Joe T is going to tell us ALL to search for Lisa. He may even tell us they saw her in California.

We may want to cover our screens w/plastic on Feb 3, so the tvs don't get damaged from the stuff we may throw. Does Dr. Phil have a big following? I never see the show and don't even know when it airs? I hope this isn't another hoax for donations.
bbm = I totally agree. I don't care what the reason for them talking now, but at least other people are talking - Lisa is back in the news and that's all I care about.
It doesn't matter how or why D&J speak out, they will be raked over hot coals regardless. The amount of 'jumping' to conclusions going on is fascinating though :waitasec:

The amount of concern expressed by some that the parental units are being raked over the coals is also fascinating.
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