Defense Response To New Documents

"Baez has a long and respected career as a defense attorney"

I suppose 3 years is a long time for trying to baffle with B.S.

I know! It is quite the stretch to refer to Jose as a "much respected veteran". That can be discredited much quicker than the mountain of evidence they have against his client.

She's going down and he knows it.
Todd Black right?
His name is right there on the masthead of the current release. Taking the phone # that was on Leonard P's phone when he was called by Baez's media relations person and tracing it back gives interesting results. Don't know if number on current masthead is the same or if there has been a change, I've been down this look up road before and I ain't traveling there again.
His name is right there on the masthead of the current release. Taking the phone # that was on Leonard P's phone when he was called by Baez's media relations person and tracing it back gives interesting results. Don't know if number on current masthead is the same or if there has been a change, I've been down this look up road before and I ain't traveling there again.

Original # tracked back to AIM productions, IIRC.

Loads in Donations thread Part Deaux, some in the PR Firm thread. For those who wish to review, just do a post search on 'Todd Black'.
JB you need a new media firm to represent you, this press release is laughable and very unprofessionally written.

Sounds like someone's pouting. He should go visit his mama and get his sucky to soothe him. :rolleyes:
"Baez has a long and respected career as a defense attorney"

I suppose 3 years is a long time for trying to baffle with B.S.

Hey Lilti you forgot High Profile
So this guy is hired by JB to release his info? I did not know that! if that is the case then never mind and thanks for setting me straight.:blowkiss:

Shocking isn't it? lol.
So, imo this is sensationalized news reporting, designed to look as though it is an official press release from JB. Gotta watch those journalists lol.


In reality, it is a press release from JB's PR company. This is not their first release on his behalf, and each is worse than the next.

In the media links thread, there should be a few more releases from this company, and from Todd Black specifically.
Veteran high profile trial attorney???

Three years does not a veteran make.
High profile? Never heard of him before this.
Trial attorney?. How many of his cases in three years even went to trial?
Attorney? Don't know that I can even call him this after the blunders he's made.

Maybe that's how he envisions himself after this is all over. Delusions of grandeur.
I can't wait to see him defend Casey in court. I hope we get the chance.
We'll see in the end what kind of reputation he walks away with.
Fax from Mr. Baez's representation in response to release of interview documents for CASEY Anthony

My comments are in bold:

In an exclusive interview for NBC and the Today Show, veteran high profile trial attorney Jose Baez responded to the release of certain documents and audio tapes by the prosecution, and presented other insight into his client, Casey Anthony and her daughter, Caylee.

Unfortunately there continues to be distorted and completely false reporting, not the least of which is a tabloid-style cable show that spends more time showing pictures of the host’s babies, instead of giving her viewing audience some TRUTH about this case.

What reports have been completely false? Please tell us. Also, do you really want to compare the number of times we have seen NG’s twins to the number of times we have seen your clients missing child? Serioulsy?

Not a single report of chloroform has been substantiated through a verified analysis. Not a single report of cadaver farm tests have been substantiated through a verified analysis. That is the TRUTH.

What is considered verified analysis? Since no less then 5 people and a dog smelled a dead body in the care, I would think that the UT Body Farms preliminary findings should be considered some sort of verification. I live in Knoxville and I believe that the BF would never let their reputation be hurt by false information circulating in the media. The press also stressed that these findings were preliminary. More testing is being done.

Documents released held no surprises. That information came from a process of accumulation over several weeks, with authorities participating in leaks to the media of virtually everything contained in those documents. The Baes Law Firm is, nevertheless, examining each line for accuracy, History has proven that even official papers could be altered, with information beneficial to Ms. Anthony deleted.

So what you are confirming is that THESE leaks were accurate and verified everything in the actual documents. So what leaks were false? Also, What history? Are you really saying that my eyes and hears did not hear or see what these folks had to say about Caylee and Casey A. And finally, the ONLY beneficial information about Ms. Anthony would be if she told someone accurate information of her baby’s whereabouts. Are you saying that LE would have left that part out?

Jose Baez has a long and respected career as a defense attorney, including representation of police officers. Mr. Baez maintains a deep respect for law enforcement, but every step will be taken to provide Ms. Anthony the very best in legal assistance, while continuing the search for Ms. Anthony’s missing daughter, Caylee.

I have never called someone a liar that I had deep respect for. Please give us information on exactly how you are searching for Caylee. (Telling the media and public to find her DOES NOT count.)

Audio tapes recently released also hold no surprises. The media has widely reported for many weeks that Casey Anthony had a strained relationship with members of her immediate family, but TRUTH is, only expert examination of original recordings can verify accuracy.

So the media widely reports the strained relationship of the A family, so no surprise here huh? Apparently you know the media does not always fabricate stories. Mr. Baez, I hope you are not basing your defense on the authenticity of these recordings…. Then again, maybe I am!!
Ab-so-lutely the most unprofessional correspondence from a "respected" lawyer I've seen!

Basically, what he says is this: "We haven't gone thru all the stuff yet, but regardless, my client is innocent. And, note to Nancy Grace- I'm still pizzed that you won't have me on your show! Oh, and all that science jazz? Pure-d bullhocky! Just listen to my client, you'll believe her too!"


HAHAH:clap:A! Great job with the summary Jinnimae!
"Baez has a long and respected career as a defense attorney"

I suppose 3 years is a long time for trying to baffle with B.S.

Jose Baez ... " A Legend... in his own mind " I wouldn't hire this guy if he were the last attorney in Florida.
You would think that Mrs. Baez would tell him that he is making a BIG AZZ of himself.. every time he open his mouth.

Aleve, had you ever heard of the co~counsel? And also....has ANYONE heard or seen the co~Counsel lately? Where has he been? Hopefuly he has decided to move on to something more career enhancing then being second chair to Jose.

I never heard of the co-counsel either. What makes me wonder is that none of us have heard from the co-counsel in a while either.
Todd Black right?

Yep Todd Black is JB's spokesperson and this is the PR firm that JB uses. This is also the same PR firm that released the last statement from JB about KC bailing out on the $500,000 bond. That one was with all those heinous misspelling leading WFTV to investigate the firm and it came back that the firm is from Tennessee same area that the Anthony's spokesperson has ties with. Hmmmm makes you wonder.
.....and his past allusions to the military and comparing soldiers like that to Casey and then spouting that he has defended LE before..... that doesn't serve his client is more like he is defending HIMSELF. The man is really disgusting to read and hear.....especially being a member of an active duty military family going on 18 years now! He really needs to keep it short and about tainting the jury panel LOL... If anyone remembers any of those comments when they are sitting on the jury they just may tend to discredit anything the man says no matter what way he says it!

He really needs to take a second and Think before he starts
flapping his jaws, hasn't anyone in his camp ever told him how
ridiculous he sounds?
It's amazing how Casey hooked up with an ego maniac just like
herself. I feel like it's Groundhog Day with Drew P and Joel B.
Jose Baez ... " A Legend... in his own mind " I wouldn't hire this guy if he were the last attorney in Florida.
You would think that Mrs. Baez would tell him that he is making a BIG AZZ of himself.. every time he open his mouth.


Is he even married? I have not heard once of a Mrs. If so I wonder what she thinks of all these visits.
:blowkiss: Casey and JB are a match made in heaven. :blowkiss:
Based on its content and how it has been written, Casey could have dictated it. (About as bad as her letter.)
"Baez has a long and respected career as a defense attorney"

If he is such a smart man how can he defend someone that Helen Keller could see was guilty as sin. I think JB just using KC for publicity in hopes to make a name for himself.... IMO

Oh good Lord Karate Dad the picture in your signature just made me spit my water out all over my laptop. That will teach me to drink while reading/posting. :crazy:
Veteran High Profile Attorney???? WOW - I have lived in Orlando for almost 20 years and nope, never heard of him until this case. Now if you asked me if I heard of Mark NeJame and John Morgan - of course I did - they truly are high profile Orlando attorneys....

I guess he is high profile now.... sheesh
He's a legend in his own mind.
I hope NG picks up on the slam on her being a proud loving Mom, and I hope she gives some commentary along the lines of some of the responses here.....slamming NG for being a pround Momma does not look good for someone who is defending someone who is suspected of murdering her baby. :loser:

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