Does Pam Paugh Know Anything About JB's Murder?

Does Pam Paugh Know Anything About JB's Murder?

  • Yes, She Knows Way More Than She Is Saying....

    Votes: 185 70.9%
  • No, She Doesn't Know A Thing....

    Votes: 27 10.3%
  • I Have No Idea!

    Votes: 49 18.8%

  • Total voters
Ames said:
Okay are probably sick of all of my Polls that I have been conducting recently. I have one more for you you think that PP knows anything about JB's murder?? Afterall, she did carry out a buttload of boxes...which I believe contained evidence. What are your thoughts???
Hee, can we have a poll of whether we think Ames conducts too many polls? :D

FWIW...I think they are interesting.
Ames said:
Um, no..I have never heard that why wouldn't Pam say who the killers were then...why did she state that her loyalty was to JB, in her interview? That would make absolutely NO SENSE..if it were Fleet and Priscilla...but, would make a little bit of sense if she were talking about John and Patsy.

Pam did not want to get sued. Her sister and brother-in-law were masters at that and she knew what grounds they were using and she didn't want the Whites to be able to do that to her. Read your books. This fact about Pam is in most of them.
trixie said:
Pam did not want to get sued. Her sister and brother-in-law were masters at that and she knew what grounds they were using and she didn't want the Whites to be able to do that to her. Read your books. This fact about Pam is in most of them.
Odd my opinion is the Ramseys were familiar with suing people not the Whites. However like I say....I am willing to just sit back and relax till the special prosecuter is ever appointed in this case and if it ever goes to trial. Then we are going to hear from the Whites. I'll really perk up then.... Till then I find it pathetically sad that the only people who really truly advocated for justice for JonBenet are to this day feeling the tire treads of that bus going over their backs. IMHO Fleet and Priscilla White acted more consistently in JonBenets best interest that those that shoud have.
trixie said:
Pam did not want to get sued. Her sister and brother-in-law were masters at that and she knew what grounds they were using and she didn't want the Whites to be able to do that to her. Read your books. This fact about Pam is in most of them.
Since it has not been in any of the books I have read. And I read alot of the standard ones. Would you be so kind as to narrow this down and give us the books Title and if its handy a page number. I know its not in Sinclairs book or Thomases or Schillers or Ramseys. I frankly had never seen that till you posted it. But I certainly don't dismiss the possibility. I'd just like to acquire the book and read it.
coloradokares said:
Since it has not been in any of the books I have read. And I read alot of the standard ones. Would you be so kind as to narrow this down and give us the books Title and if its handy a page number. I know its not in Sinclairs book or Thomases or Schillers or Ramseys. I frankly had never seen that till you posted it. But I certainly don't dismiss the possibility. I'd just like to acquire the book and read it.
I have never seen it either. But I am interested.
I don't do other peoples research for them but I can tell you to go ahead and look in Thomas' book and I'm pretty sure also in PMPT. Maybe when you find it you all can post the page number and whatever else you wanted me to do FOR you. If you can't find it that doesn't mean it's not there, it simply means you are not good at looking things up.
trixie said:
I don't do other peoples research for them but I can tell you to go ahead and look in Thomas' book and I'm pretty sure also in PMPT. Maybe when you find it you all can post the page number and whatever else you wanted me to do FOR you. If you can't find it that doesn't mean it's not there, it simply means you are not good at looking things up.
FWIW, I have read these books numerous times and I have NEVER registered that Pam Paugh thought the Whites did it. I have read the interview where she wouldn't say but other than that, I am unaware that Pam Paugh has ever done more than defend her sister and brother in law.

I would therefore urge you to post your source rather than direct people to read the books and if they can't find it, it means they aren't good at looking things up. I would also be very interested to read what you are talking about. As I understand it, the onus is on the person making a claim to source it rather than others to disprove it.

(Somehow I am reminded here of the tale of the Emperor's new clothes :))
Ames said:
There was no way that a NINE year old could have been the author of that RN...the handwriting is that of an adult. The A's with the little hood (a). Patsy wrote the ransom note. I cannot believe that someone would actually think that a NINE YEAR old boy wrote it...thats just ridiculous.


IMO a young person wrote or helped participate in writing the ransom note. The length of the note is ridiculous; it contains shock movie adages; it contains unnecessary threats and other immature language; it contains a bizarre amount for a ransom demand; it contains a childish evil foreign terrorist scenario; and its kidnapping theme is contradicted by a sexually violated body being left at the crime scene.

Jayelles said:
FWIW, I have read these books numerous times and I have NEVER registered that Pam Paugh thought the Whites did it. I have read the interview where she wouldn't say but other than that, I am unaware that Pam Paugh has ever done more than defend her sister and brother in law.

I would therefore urge you to post your source rather than direct people to read the books and if they can't find it, it means they aren't good at looking things up. I would also be very interested to read what you are talking about. As I understand it, the onus is on the person making a claim to source it rather than others to disprove it.

(Somehow I am reminded here of the tale of the Emperor's new clothes :))
And in PP's interview, she said that she wouldn't tell who she thought that the killer(s) were, because her loyalty was with JB. IMO....the ONLY reason that she would have said THAT, is because she suspects that her sister and brother-in-law are involved...and she probably thinks that JB wouldn't WANT for them to be put in prison for the rest of their lives....that she would want them around so that they could raise her big brother, Burke. (And she kept saying "THEY"..and a couple of other words that made me think that she thought that there were TWO killers). She ...IMO...would have never said that her loyalty was with JB, IF it was the Whites that she thought were the killers. BUT..thats just my opinion....
it contains a childish evil foreign terrorist scenario

Not that I necessarily disagree, but it helps to remember that the average American was not nearly as savvy about Islamic terror then as they are now. The name Osama bin Laden was just starting to become known at the time.
SuperDave said:
Not that I necessarily disagree, but it helps to remember that the average American was not nearly as savvy about Islamic terror then as they are now. The name Osama bin Laden was just starting to become known at the time.
Agreed! And this was five years before 9/11....and way before boarding an airplane had become such a hassle, due to terrorists threats. I can honestly say that I had never even been afraid of the US...until 9/11. To me, that small foreign faction...was nothing but BS.
Ames said:
Agreed! And this was five years before 9/11....and way before boarding an airplane had become such a hassle, due to terrorists threats. I can honestly say that I had never even been afraid of the US...until 9/11. To me, that small foreign faction...was nothing but BS.
A small foreign faction is not what a child of 9 would write. It just isnt. A child would say "enemies", something like that.

And how often do you use the word "hence". Patsy uses it all the time.

I cannot remember the last time I used that word.
Solace said:
A small foreign faction is not what a child of 9 would write. It just isnt. A child would say "enemies", something like that.

And how often do you use the word "hence". Patsy uses it all the time.

I cannot remember the last time I used that word.
I agree...a child would not have used the words...small foreign faction. A nine year old would probably, most likely say BAD GUYS.

I have NEVER used the word hence...nor have I used the words "and hence" ...
BlueCrab said:
it contains a bizarre amount for a ransom demand
Doesn't the bizarre ransom amount represent staging within staging? Would a young person be sophisticated enough intellectually to process the idea of staging within staging?
BlueCrab said:

IMO a young person wrote or helped participate in writing the ransom note. The length of the note is ridiculous; it contains shock movie adages; it contains unnecessary threats and other immature language; it contains a bizarre amount for a ransom demand; it contains a childish evil foreign terrorist scenario; and its kidnapping theme is contradicted by a sexually violated body being left at the crime scene.

it's wayyyyy to soft for a man, or even a young man to have written was obv. written by a woman...and the linguistics and nature of it match PR to a T.
Ames said:
And in PP's interview, she said that she wouldn't tell who she thought that the killer(s) were, because her loyalty was with JB. IMO....the ONLY reason that she would have said THAT, is because she suspects that her sister and brother-in-law are involved...and she probably thinks that JB wouldn't WANT for them to be put in prison for the rest of their lives....that she would want them around so that they could raise her big brother, Burke. (And she kept saying "THEY"..and a couple of other words that made me think that she thought that there were TWO killers). She ...IMO...would have never said that her loyalty was with JB, IF it was the Whites that she thought were the killers. BUT..thats just my opinion....
That's just her way of being able to lay her head on her pillow at night.IF she was truly loyal to JB,she'd have helped with the investigation with what she knows, or what evidence she has from the house raid,or both.(I don't see why she shouldnt have been subjected to a lie detector,or have had her house searched for evidence).
tumble said:
After the Karr debacle, who pays any credability to what handwriting experts has to say. I remember one of the best in the country said that the odds were 100000 to 1 that the RN was written by anyone else than Karr. Go figure...
he KNEW was all about participating in the 15 mins of fame thing...$$$.
Agreed! And this was five years before 9/11....and way before boarding an airplane had become such a hassle, due to terrorists threats. I can honestly say that I had never even been afraid of the US...until 9/11. To me, that small foreign faction...was nothing but BS.

Nice to know my phrasing wasn't too vague.

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