Everybody likes unwrapping a good present, right?

Darn! Was so looking forward to Jeff tonight! I guess my secret "outfit" can wait another week - but wah! just the same....:sigh:
Lol. I was just there to get the link for my previous, and didn't even notice the rescheduling. I don't have to throw anything after all!
Shame though.
I feel like the Grinch just stole our tree or something.

That's okay, the presents are still here and we get to unwrap them next week. :grouphug:
awww :hug: I'm happy for WD99 not missing it and throwing things, and it's prolly better next week for me as I'm getting over a cold and it's soooooo late my time at 8pm eastern!
Lol. I was just there to get the link for my previous, and didn't even notice the rescheduling. I don't have to throw anything after all!
Shame though.

I went upthread - and have no idea what you are talking about? It's 3 hours before show..........and there are posts about rescheduling? I don't see any posts from mods in threads about any changes here....?

Who is on tonight? TIA!

Oh - I now see folks posting on other threads after many were having to change plans that Jeff is not going to make it tonight! DURN!!!!!!!!!! Oh well - I'm good and I'm grateful that Tricia has Jeff Aston on next week as tonight has been cancelled at the very last minute for others that don't know. Thanks Tricia and other for having him - and hope that next week works out!
I feel like the Grinch just stole our tree or something.

That's okay, the presents are still here and we get to unwrap them next week. :grouphug:

Beach - What are you referring to? HUH - is tonight off?
What a delightful way to start my day!!!

Your bday is Dec. 11? That is the day, in 2008 that Caylee's body was found. I remember this so well, because my bday is Dec. 12...it was a milestone for me and I actually chose to stay home that Friday night andand be right here on WS. I will never forget it.

I wonder if Jeff A. realizes this particular anniversary?


Just had to pop in today and say that I remember that day back in 2008. There were so many of us here that we almost broke WS! I could not tear myself away from here or the TV.

I will never forget it either, or ever forget precious little Caylee Marie Anthony. It will always break my heart that she was just tossed away like trash, but at least she was found. I had begun to think she wouldn't be. She is indeed one of Heavens most precious little angels.

*I am so disappointed JA will not be on tonight, but at least he will be on next week! Good job with getting him on!!!!! Thanks!
Pattie Marie and others - who recognize as tomorrow ........for a long time - I have seen but not clicked on the "put an candle by your computer" since it was created. For some reason - when I learned Jeff would not be on at the anniversary due to another conflict within the last 2 hours - I just have visited the thread.........and hope that those visiting for Jeff will instead participate in that thread........as just a few have carried it on their shoulders for us for such a long time.

........... Just have first posted - of many more in the future - on the thread of "put a candle by your computer". Hard to fathom I have missed that thread for soooooooooo long. I didn't know what that thread was! For others that haven't seen - suggest you look and see - only ONE NAME is mentioned with ONE MESSAGE! Thanks to those few who have kept it going in quiet respect and love for Caylee.
awww :hug: I'm happy for WD99 not missing it and throwing things, and it's prolly better next week for me as I'm getting over a cold and it's soooooo late my time at 8pm eastern!

Lol 2g. I wasn't really going to throw anything. More like stomping around with a curled lip.
Hope you're feeling better soon:seeya:
Ok...so in my perfect world I hope that the reason for his cancellation is that there's some good news coming, maybe additional charges filed against dear 'ole Casey? And, Jeff, knowing how dedicated we have been to this forum all these many years, needs more time before he can share it with US!! What a present that would be!! Yup...I'm a dreamer...but what better to dream about, today of all days?
Oh how I wish, Santa could make this right.
Bummer, man! Aw, nuts...and I washed my hair and everything! Well, dang.....

OH WELL..something to look forward to next week, yes?

Well I'm probably the only one glad this was rescheduled. I had a conflict and could not listen live with y'all!
Well I'm probably the only one glad this was rescheduled. I had a conflict and could not listen live with y'all!

Nope, me too. I was stuck at the football banquet that would not end and was guiltily relieved when I checked twitter and found it would be next week instead!


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Nope, me too. I was stuck at the football banquet that would not end and was guiltily relieved when I checked twitter and found it would be next week instead!


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:lol: That's what I did! Checked twitter at my brother's party because they were watching football and I thought I heard that Joe Paterno broke his hip (yes he did) so I was looking for that and caught Trish's tweet!

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