GUILTY FL - Robert, 67, & Myriam Dienes, 56, murdered, 20 Aug 2015 *daughter sentenced LWOP*

Dan Sullivan‏Verified account @TimesDan 6m6 minutes ago
The Nicole Nachtman jury is still out. The judge called them back into the courtroom to let them know they can order dinner, call their families.

Law & Crime Network‏Verified account @LawCrimeNetwork 4m4 minutes ago
#NicoleNachtman - Jury was brought in, asked if they wanted dinner and if so to send a note back with the deputy. The judge also sent them on a 10 min break so they could call family to check-in if needed. They have been deliberating for just over 3 hours.
  1. Dan Sullivan‏Verified account @TimesDan 11m11 minutes ago
    After discussing with the attorneys, Judge Sabella sends a written response. He refers them to jury instructions regarding multiple counts. He also tells them they must rely on their memory of the testimony and evidence presented. @TB_Times
  2. Dan Sullivan‏Verified account @TimesDan 28m28 minutes ago
    The Nicole Nachtman jury has come back with two questions. They want to know what would happen if they are unanimous on only one count, and they want definitions of certain terms including "consequences, psychotic break, and insane." @TB_Times
  1. Law & Crime Network‏Verified account @LawCrimeNetwork 26m26 minutes ago
    #NicoleNachtman - As of now, the jury is hung on one of the counts, either the murder of her mother or stepfather. They did not indicate which.
  2. Law & Crime Network‏Verified account @LawCrimeNetwork 29m29 minutes ago
    #NicoleNachtman - Jury questions: 1. What would happen if we are unanimous on only one of the two charges? 2. Can we have any legal definitions of terms used in the instructions? IE: Consequences, psychotic break, psychosis insane?
  3. Law & Crime Network‏Verified account @LawCrimeNetwork 40m40 minutes ago
    #NicoleNachtman - The pizza has just arrived. Jurors are still deliberating at 7:30 p.m. They began at 1:50 p.m. this afternoon.
Jury deliberations begin in the trial of former FSU student accused of killing parents
Updated: 3:26 PM EDT August 2, 2019
TAMPA, Fla. — The prosecution and defense began its closing arguments Friday morning in the Nicole Nachtman murder trial.

The prosecution's closing arguments
The state began its argument with the simple statement, "I didn't think I could do it, I shot Bob."

This statement came from Nachtman's reported confession to her brother, Joseph Carey, over the phone.

The defense's closing arguments
The defense outlined the psychological makeup of Nachtman's life and childhood to paint what they said paints a "more complete picture" of her life, showing a billboard of the contrast of a happy photo of Nachtman as a child next to Nachtman's mugshot photo.

Family members' and psychologists' testimonies and depositions were used by the defense which the defense claims amounted to the psychological abuse of Nachtman and her developing a "severe" mental illness.

The state's rebuttal
"Let me be clear, this is a case not of Myriam versus Nicole Nachtman, it's the state versus Nachtman," the state introduced with its rebuttal to the defense.

The prosecution rebutted the defense's claims that the state painted a "perfect, easy life" for Nachtman.
  1. Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 3m3 minutes ago
    #NicoleNachtman - The judge said there is no indication that he would lead him to believe he needs to give them an Allen Charge. He had his bailiff check on them about 30 mins ago and jurors said they were fine. Judge is allowing them to continue.
  2. Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 4m4 minutes ago
    #NicoleNachtman - The prosecutor called the judge's office with concern about jurors "probably malfunctioning" at this point. He wanted the judge to bring them in and possibility read them the Allen Charge now.

  1. Dan Sullivan‏Verified account @TimesDan 1m1 minute ago
    Sabella says he's had juries go longer than this. (We're inching up on 12 hours). Says the jury has not told him they're too tired. He's going to let them keep going. @TB_Times

  2. Dan Sullivan‏Verified account @TimesDan 1m1 minute ago
    Judge Sabella said he would not consider an Allen Charge at this point. He says he had his bailiff check on them 30 minutes ago. "They informed my bailiff they were fine." @TB_Times

  3. Dan Sullivan‏Verified account @TimesDan 1m1 minute ago
    Terry says he's concerned the jurors may be tired, "not functioning properly." Says some of them may have work tomorrow. Suggests that they be brought back and asked if they want to continue, possibly given an Allen Charge to keep going. @TB_Times

  4. Dan Sullivan‏Verified account @TimesDan 1m1 minute ago
    Judge Sabella says ASA Terry called him expressing concerns about how long the jury has been out.
That's a dedicated jury and a very worried attorney and defendant.
I sure I hope I'm the only one having issues with the feed.
  1. Dan Sullivan‏Verified account @TimesDan 2m2 minutes ago
    A jury has found Nicole Nachtman guilty of two counts of first-degree murder. @TB_Times
  2. Dan Sullivan‏Verified account @TimesDan 3m3 minutes ago
    The verdict: Count 1 - guilty of murder in the first degree. Count 2 - guilty of murder in the first degree. @TB_Times
  1. Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 2m2 minutes ago
    #NicoleNachtman - COUNT 2: The jury finds Nachtman GUILTY of first-degree premeditated murder for the shooting death of her mother, Myriam Dienes.
  2. Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 3m3 minutes ago
    #NicoleNachtman - COUNT 1: The jury finds Nachtman GUILTY of first-degree premeditated murder for the shooting death of her stepdad, Robert Dienes.
Insanity seems to be the popular defense attorneys latch onto these days. Personality disorders are not insanity, or a break from reality. Actions before during and after a murder easily show a person knew what was real, were in charge of their surroundings and what they did would have them convicted and incarcerated.

Clearly anyone can feign hearing voices, noises etc. It seems to be quite a lucrative profession - psychologists and psychiatrists testifying to claims the defendant makes as being true and proof of insanity. Some of the claims I've heard like she didn't know she was killing when she fired the gun makes me wonder about the professionals' own reality and sanity, or at least honesty. Thank goodness for the ones like Emily Lazarou who are still principled.

Well done to the jury, and the prosecution.

After 12 hours, a verdict: Nicole Nachtman guilty of killing mother, stepfather
Updated August 3, 2019
TAMPA — It took a jury 12 hours to find Nicole Nachtman guilty of executing her mother and stepfather at gunpoint.

The panel of five women and seven men convicted Nachtman early Saturday morning of two counts of first-degree murder, rejecting defense arguments that she was insane at the time of the crimes.

Hillsborough Circuit Judge Christopher Sabella immediately sentenced Nachtman, 25, to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

The defendant showed no reaction as the verdict was read. She appeared tired as she stood at a defense table, just after 1 a.m. Saturday, her hair sticking up in back as though she had been sleeping. She was led out of the courtroom in handcuffs.
Insanity seems to be the popular defense attorneys latch onto these days. Personality disorders are not insanity, or a break from reality. Actions before during and after a murder easily show a person knew what was real, were in charge of their surroundings and what they did would have them convicted and incarcerated.

Clearly anyone can feign hearing voices, noises etc. It seems to be quite a lucrative profession - psychologists and psychiatrists testifying to claims the defendant makes as being true and proof of insanity. Some of the claims I've heard like she didn't know she was killing when she fired the gun makes me wonder about the professionals' own reality and sanity, or at least honesty. Thank goodness for the ones like Emily Lazarou who are still principled.

Well done to the jury, and the prosecution.


Her family members testified they caught her talking to people who weren't there for years, so it wasn't feigned--at least not for this event.

And it certainly has been lucrative for Emily. She's made over $1 million working for the State.
I watched the whole trial. Her mom was a hateful, evil and abusive woman whose treatment of Nicole was shameful.

We all know mental illness has a strong genetic component. Nicole's father testified a couple of times and he clearly suffers from some type of mental illness--possibly schizophrenia, but it was never specified during the trial.

I do think Nicole is schizophrenic. Since she is non-compliant with taking medication, I was ok with either a G or NG verdict.

Really interesting case with a great judge and great attorneys.
Her family members testified they caught her talking to people who weren't there for years, so it wasn't feigned--at least not for this event.

And it certainly has been lucrative for Emily. She's made over $1 million working for the State.
I'm not sure if you mean the murders or previous events when you say this event.

During the cross-examination, Lazarou testified she asked Nachtman if she had been hearing voices or seeing things others could not see, and she said Nachtman had said no, she hadn't.
'The trauma is severe': Psychologist says abuse may have led Nachtman to kill parents

Lazarou testified she has billed the state 300 hours at $150 an hour for the Jonchuck case, earned $45,000. Since 2008 she’s been paid $700,000 for her work as a state witness.
Jonchuck trial: Controversial testimony continues to cause delays

There were about two days between the killings of her step-father and her mother, during which time she performed many executive functions, which showed planning and awareness and intention to set a trap and her escape. I think the claim about self defense and believing her mother was going to kill her was deception at its worst.

I'm not sure if you mean the murders or previous events when you say this event.

During the cross-examination, Lazarou testified she asked Nachtman if she had been hearing voices or seeing things others could not see, and she said Nachtman had said no, she hadn't.
'The trauma is severe': Psychologist says abuse may have led Nachtman to kill parents

Lazarou testified she has billed the state 300 hours at $150 an hour for the Jonchuck case, earned $45,000. Since 2008 she’s been paid $700,000 for her work as a state witness.
Jonchuck trial: Controversial testimony continues to cause delays

There were about two days between the killings of her step-father and her mother, during which time she performed many executive functions, which showed planning and awareness and intention to set a trap and her escape. I think the claim about self defense and believing her mother was going to kill her was deception at its worst.


I meant hearing voices wasn't feigned just for the murder trial--several family members testified about her talking to people who weren't there years prior to the murders. The discrepancies about what she told Lazarou were also discussed during the trial.

Re: Lazarou's compensation--she admitted it during this trial testimony.

Re: executive functions--the defense expert witness said he had a professor with schizophrenia. Additionally, Nicole's father has some serious mental illness and he is also a professor.

You can hear all of the above on the trial videos on the Law and Crime youtube channel.

Law & Crime Network
I meant hearing voices wasn't feigned just for the murder trial--several family members testified about her talking to people who weren't there years prior to the murders. The discrepancies about what she told Lazarou were also discussed during the trial.

Re: Lazarou's compensation--she admitted it during this trial testimony.

Re: executive functions--the defense expert witness said he had a professor with schizophrenia. Additionally, Nicole's father has some serious mental illness and he is also a professor.

You can hear all of the above on the trial videos on the Law and Crime youtube channel.

Law & Crime Network
Point is though, the jury rejected her insanity defense, and her self defense claim. Had I been on the jury I would have voted the same. I don't think she was not aware of what she was doing or of the consequences.

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