FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #13

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I hope something breaks soon.
I'll be back when it does.
Pot didn't kill Somer, alcohol didn't kill Somer, a flesh and blood monster killed Somer.
And that monster wasn't her mother, since her mother has an alibi.
So, I'll be back when there is something that can be sleuthed.
I am so sorry to see Somer's thread fall apart, she deserves so much better; I guess the injustice to this little girl won't ever end. I, for one, will no longer be a party. Here's to hoping we have something worth digging at soon.
ITA... with all of it.
Debarry Ave appears to be a long straight road. If Somer had ran ahead of the children , I would think she would be in clear view of them. So....she must have taken a short cut, went to visit a friend, hid somewhere....I just wish we knew more. Did Somer not go by the crossing guards on Debarry (2nd crossing)? TIA
So we are back to blaming the mom for Somer being killed by a monster?

Is this now a thread on keeping your child safe pointing the faults out of the mother that led to somer's demise?

I just don't know where this sleuthing is going.

1. I am sure LE tries to be objective about everything that they examine. If the parents are into drugs, then they are going to look at any connections with that. They are not going to be wringing their hands and saying, "But we might be picking on them (the parents). " There is no room for emotion in any investigation and looking at one's self and saying, "But for the grace of God go I". Cold and cruel, maybe. But a child killer is out there.

2. Yes, I did change my behavior with my children because of child kidnappings. I live in an area very similar to Jacob Wetterling. Did I let my kids ride bikes all over in my safe, rural area? You bet.

Did I change my parenting skills after Jacob Wetterling? You bet. My eyes were totally opened to possibilities. Not because of the Wetterlings as parents, but because of what can happen that I never guessed 20 years ago in my safe, rural neighborhood.

3. If I had young children would I change my behavior of them walking to school in what appears to be a safe situation with adult crossing guards like in Orange Park. Yes, I would. I would have thought it was safe with the long straight shot and people all around. But now I have learned that it is not.

Does that have anything with DT being a good or bad parent? We can learn from our own mistakes, but it's smart to learn from others as well. I don't mean mistakes, actually. I mean lack of knowledge of possibilities, of which we can't even predict all of them.

We can try to beat the odds. For example, wear a life jacket in a boat. Don't stand under a tree in lightning. Can things happen anyway? Unfortunately, yes.

People can put their heads in the sand and refuse to look at things and become all defensive because of their own experiences. You don't want to lump everyone into the same basket because of certain characteristics, but you don't want to not put them there and look them over, as well.
Debarry Ave appears to be a long straight road. If Somer had ran ahead of the children , I would think she would be in clear view of them. So....she must have taken a short cut, went to visit a friend, hid somewhere....I just wish we knew more. Did Somer not go by the crossing guards on Debarry (2nd crossing)? TIA

She did not make it to the crossing guard on the block the burned out house is on.
1. I am sure LE tries to be objective about everything that they examine. If the parents are into drugs, then they are going to look at any connections with that. They are not going to be wringing their hands and saying, "But we might be picking on them (the parents). " There is no room for emotion in any investigation and looking at one's self and saying, "But for the grace of God go I". Cold and cruel, maybe. But a child killer is out there.

2. Yes, I did change my behavior with my children because of child kidnappings. I live in an area very similar to Jacob Wetterling. Did I let my kids ride bikes all over in my safe, rural area? You bet.

Did I change my parenting skills after Jacob Wetterling? You bet. My eyes were totally opened to possibilities. Not because of the Wetterlings as parents, but because of what can happen that I never guessed 20 years ago in my safe, rural neighborhood.

3. If I had young children would I change my behavior of them walking to school in what appears to be a safe situation with adult crossing guards like in Orange Park. Yes, I would. I would have thought it was safe with the long straight shot and people all around. But now I have learned that it is not.

Does that have anything with DT being a good or bad parent? We can learn from our own mistakes, but it's smart to learn from others as well. I don't mean mistakes, actually. I mean lack of knowledge of possibilities, of which we can't even predict all of them.

We can try to beat the odds. For example, wear a life jacket in a boat. Don't stand under a tree in lightning. Can things happen anyway? Unfortunately, yes.

People can put their heads in the sand and refuse to look at things and become all defensive because of their own experiences. You don't want to lump everyone into the same basket because of certain characteristics, but you don't want to not put them there and look them over, as well.

Names to sleuth?
His slide show with his children indicates to me he is a proud father, and takes interest in their lives. Adorable children & great pics. His staus is 'crushed' and has a photo of Somer. :( He has a little girl so I'm sure this has him on high alert. IMO

I'm moving on to more of the friends of friends network to see what else is out there.

Devils advocate-good he has the time to make these changes....
Here is where I stand..
I will not rule anyone out as being a suspect until LE starts ruling them out.
I will not though say that because someone has been married several times, or has had several boyfriends in between that it makes them more of a suspect! After all, who knows? The killer could be a 50 year old woman who married her high school sweetheart, never had another sexual partner and has stood out as a good person in the community all their life...the point is, no one knows..
Until we find the right person to blame, I will continue to blame the School System first! Why? Because these little children should not have been made by the public school system to walk because of budget cuts! BS! I can almost guarantee if anyone were to go back and sleuth through what the city and county spends their money on, you will see many holes in where they could have made transportation available to these children. We feed inmates 3 meals a day (including people who murder innocent children), yet we cannot put our innocent children on school buses! WTH?
If LE were to never suspect a parent of doing harm because of their life style or because of who they associate with, many parents would get away with murder and many parents would never find the killers of their children! It has to be looked at from all angles of an investigation..including sleuthing.. I myself would much prefer to say I am sorry for something I may have said in a forum, than the parent turning out to be a killer and me defending them tooth and nail.
Until LE clears everyone related to Somer, (and I hope they do) EVERYONE should be looked at as possibly knowing something or possibly being the cause of her death!
Here is a link for a map of the Town limits of Orange Park, Fl. Orange Park is only three square miles. I was unable to copy and paste map if anyone can do this please feel free to do so.


About the garbage pickup. Residental pick up in Somers area is on Wednesday. Dumpsters are empted on Tuesdays. Hope this clears up the questions for everyone.

I live in Orange Park but in the County a few miles from where Somer lived.


I've been looking all over and this is one I posted at one point.

It was horrible blurry but figured at the time it was better than nothing.

Working on marking the street names and will post. ETA: Lord this map is awful ... hope the fire department doesn't rely on it!

And sorry, it does not clear up what trash Somer came from (to me) since Horton is not far from city limits, according to other sources listed in http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4371647&postcount=687
I think that nails it down to a dumpster doesnt it?


About the garbage pickup. Residental pick up in Somers area is on Wednesday. Dumpsters are empted on Tuesdays. Hope this clears up the questions for everyone.

Is the quote by the sheriff saying that trash in Somer's street was picked up on Tuesday or trash from the area was picked up on Tuesday? Because residential trash from the city limits is picked up on Tuesday and from what I can see, Horton (outside city limits) is not that far from the city limits ... so it could have been residential

I wish LE would tell us something and eliminate SOME of this need for all the "trash talk"! :)
Should we sleuth the google map driver?

FWIW, if you use google street on Solomon, just past the tanks, the picture quality changes for some reason. It might just be the sun, but who knows? Maybe he saw or spoke to Somer.
1. I am sure LE tries to be objective about everything that they examine. If the parents are into drugs, then they are going to look at any connections with that. They are not going to be wringing their hands and saying, "But we might be picking on them (the parents). " There is no room for emotion in any investigation and looking at one's self and saying, "But for the grace of God go I". Cold and cruel, maybe. But a child killer is out there.

2. Yes, I did change my behavior with my children because of child kidnappings. I live in an area very similar to Jacob Wetterling. Did I let my kids ride bikes all over in my safe, rural area? You bet.

Did I change my parenting skills after Jacob Wetterling? You bet. My eyes were totally opened to possibilities. Not because of the Wetterlings as parents, but because of what can happen that I never guessed 20 years ago in my safe, rural neighborhood.

3. If I had young children would I change my behavior of them walking to school in what appears to be a safe situation with adult crossing guards like in Orange Park. Yes, I would. I would have thought it was safe with the long straight shot and people all around. But now I have learned that it is not.

Does that have anything with DT being a good or bad parent? We can learn from our own mistakes, but it's smart to learn from others as well. I don't mean mistakes, actually. I mean lack of knowledge of possibilities, of which we can't even predict all of them.

We can try to beat the odds. For example, wear a life jacket in a boat. Don't stand under a tree in lightning. Can things happen anyway? Unfortunately, yes.

People can put their heads in the sand and refuse to look at things and become all defensive because of their own experiences. You don't want to lump everyone into the same basket because of certain characteristics, but you don't want to not put them there and look them over, as well.

Please, anyone that thinks they have to trash the mother to teach me a lesson about child safety or who to sleuth forget it. It is an automatic turn off to most people and a poor teaching skill.

Give me a name, a person, or a place instead. I am not scared to look anywhere or at anyone.
Names to sleuth?

Wouldn't that be great if we had names to sleuth. Someone mentioned a MS page with a contractor and maybe employees there. They were shot down as picking on the guy.

In the Jacob Wetterling case which was my first because of the similarities of where we live, it was thought to be stranger abduction. Now 20 years later they are looking at neighbors and people in the area.(Not the parents).

My guess that it is someone associated with the neighborhood because of the burned out house.

The sleuthers have deduced that it must be a dumpster. I agree with that. Therefore, she must have been at the burned out house. Why? Who is Kyle? Who worked there? Who are neighbors there and their friends or acquaintances?

The perp was able to do something with her and then transport her by car somehow without being seen leaving the burned out house at a time that was busy with searchers. I think that is something to meditate upon.

I was against it being a dumpster, but from evidence gleaned here, I believe that to be the case now based on what tiny bit of knowledge that is out there.

I think LE must know more or they would be asking for more public help. They haven't asked for much, in my opinion. They haven't asked the public for any info on the burned out house have they? Witnesses to a car there or activity there. Too little info.

Thinking of all kinds of possibilities leads to brainstorming. The dumpster is a good one after several days of working on it. Who knows what will pop up next for ideas.

Putting everything in the mix is good. Then throw out what isn't. People look at things from so many different angles. Then there can be an "Aha moment."

DT did not ask to be ion the spotlight. It's ugly to be dissected. I watched it with my friend's child that was kidnapped. Ugl ugly ugly. But they were grateful for anything that might find their child. Hasn't happened yet.
I will say this and then come back when the police put out more information.I really think LE the police are the ones qualified to investigate this case.I agree we need to understand she just had her little girl killed.I don't care what life style she led.No one had a right to kill her little girl or thier sister and throw them away like trash.No one.I feel if you are going to slueth her or the family.Maybe it should be in a private forum.To me it just seems very disrespectful after something this tragic happened.
I'm sorry I just really don't see anywhere her lifestyle was bad.We do not know what her lifestyle was like.

We have a pretty good idea, based on pictures, live-in BF's while still being married, etc.

I, for one, have been married more than once...and more than twice for that matter. I was also a single mother. I have never been associated with anyone who is a murderer, a sex offender, or any other unsavory characters.

That's the thing: there's more here than just multiple marriages/single mom. Want to know what the adults in this child's life were into? *advertiser censored*, graphic imitated sex acts at parties (very graphic), pot. That we know. There are also some unsavory people in the circle of friends. And those unsavory people have even more unsavory people. It goes on and on.

And the dress at the funeral: that's not a problem by itself. It just seems to fit all this other stuff on the internet about DT. No, a woman should be able to wear what she wants to wear - and not be raped or ogled or called a *advertiser censored* or whatever. But we live in the real world, not a vacuum. And when you already have some other red flags, then anything else you do that give people more fuel for the fire, then that's just what happens.

It's like being on your cell phone when you're in a wreck: it doesn't matter if you're at fault or not, but if you have a few witnesses and your cell phone records to show that, "Hey, she was talking on the phone AND driving!" Guess what? Your credibility just went down the drain.

I think that's the point some people are trying to make. I think the public can be harsher than LE at times. But we - all of us - invite that scrutiny into our lives when we post pics on websites, keep blogs, take digital pics of every moment in our lives. It can come back to bite you in the butt.

Maybe this person has no connection to DT or her friends. But it doesn't mean that the info "out there" should not be scrutinized and gone over with a fine tooth comb. There just seems like Somer may have been familiar or acquainted with some sketchy people in her own world, not to even mention someone lurking on her route to/from school. Just as all those people are being looked at, so are the others.
Just a question.. I for one do not believe that this mother had anything to do with any of this..I could very well be wrong, but..
Would it be normal for LE to stand beside a family if they thought that anyone in that family had anything to do with a child's murder? Would they allow the public to continue to give and give and give without letting on that they are standing beside and supporting a murderer?
Like with Misty in the Haleigh Case..LE has come out and said she holds the key which throws out much support of her..
Then Casey..
LE immediately said she was a liar which sparked the public to turn from being by her side and supporting her and her "script"
It just seems to me that if this family had anything to do with this, LE has an obligation to the public to inform them so they are not supporting fraud..
Any ideas on this?
Does the fact that Sean P. was at the house (not normal routine according to Diena in police report) to wait until the kids were home mean anything?

What was the normal routine?

THIS is the one question I would like to have answered. Well actually it's two questions, but I want to know what their normal after school routine was, and why this family strayed from that routine on this particular day.
I haven't seen the names of Diena's boyfriends posted in mainstream media but did see mention of them here (no names, just that they had found 2 ... so someone may be willing to share initials.

I don't know the names, and even if I did, I couldn't include in the Who's Who unless they were in mainstream media.
This most likely has been answered before however do we know exact spot on the rd. where Somer ran off from her sibs? TIA
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