IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #1

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Spierer studies fashion merchandising and is a University Division scholar. She planned to stay in Bloomington for part of this summer to take a course at Ivy Tech Community College before starting an internship at the clothing store Anthropologie in New York City. Her parents and older sister live in New York.

Spierer’s apartment is only a block and a half away from Kilroy’s Sports, and the last place she was seen, the intersection of 11th Street and College Avenue, is another two and a half blocks away.

Robert and Charlene Spierer, Lauren’s parents, flew in from New York early Saturday morning.

They immediately contacted the Bloomington Police Department, filed a report and started printing fliers with their daughter’s smiling picture.

The police department told her parents they had custody of their daughter’s phone and wallet. There were conflicting reports stating the items were found in either her friend’s house or the bar. The Spierers stayed at a downtown hotel Saturday night.

The Spierers said BPD forces had already combed through nearby construction sites, apartment complexes and streets. The Spierers themselves had spent all day Saturday searching the blocks around Smallwood and Kilroy’s Sports.

More at link.
Hey, everyone! I'm new to WS, but y'all aren't really new to me...I've been lurking since even before Caylee and faithfully reading since and I finally decided to sign on today. I was glad to see that Lauren has a thread here. I don't live far from Bloomington and my sister actually lives there. I heard about this story on the local news last night and have been hoping and praying for Lauren's safe return ever since.

This reminds me a little of the disappearance of Jill Behrman, but hopefully Lauren and her loved ones will have a happier outcome. I agree that there is something unsettling about this, though. She was a beautiful girl who may have possibly been impaired walking along the road in the very early morning hours. I also think that if she had collapsed somewhere due to her condition that it would most likely be in close proximity to the route she was taking. :(
I don't think She died of her heart condition (If that was the case I think they would have found her by now) and I also Don't think she is at any hospital. (i'm sure they have already checked to see if she was).

I really think foul play was involved here.

bolded by me.

I don't either--not naturally, anyway-- but with a heart condition like that she might have died of it after being accosted, kidnapped, or ?? whatever. I hate to say. : (
Ok, So did she walk home from the Sport's Bar or from a friend's house?
So now it seems she was last seen leaving Kilroy's Sports bar which is a block and a half from her apartment. Also, they say the bar has a "sand and beach area" which may have been why she was shoeless. Could she not find her shoes before she left or was she more inebriated than any of her friends thought?
Hey, everyone! I'm new to WS, but y'all aren't really new to me...I've been lurking since even before Caylee and faithfully reading since and I finally decided to sign on today. I was glad to see that Lauren has a thread here. I don't live far from Bloomington and my sister actually lives there. I heard about this story on the local news last night and have been hoping and praying for Lauren's safe return ever since.

This reminds me a little of the disappearance of Jill Behrman, but hopefully Lauren and her loved ones will have a happier outcome. I agree that there is something unsettling about this, though. She was a beautiful girl who may have possibly been impaired walking along the road in the very early morning hours. I, too, think that if she had collapsed somewhere due to her condition that it would most likely be in close proximity to the route she was taking. :(

Welcome to WS Dragonfly5 :seeya:
So now it seems she was last seen leaving Kilroy's Sports bar which is a block and a half from her apartment. Also, they say the bar has a "sand and beach area" which may have been why she was shoeless. Could she not find her shoes before she left or was she more inebriated than any of her friends thought?

That's a good question and Why did she leave her cell phone and wallet at her friend's house, if in fact that is what she did?

I would assume she would take those items with her before leaving for the bar.

Unless, they went from one friend's house to another friend's house and she could not find her cell phone and wallet before she left. but why not go back to your friend's house and retrieve those items before you went home.
Have any of the friends who were with Lauren that night posted on FB? I've read most of the FB posts but could've missed them.
That's a good question and Why did she leave her cell phone and wallet at her friend's house, if in fact that is what she did?

I would assume she would take those items with her before leaving for the bar.

Unless, they went from one friend's house to another friend's house and she could not find her cell phone and wallet before she left. but why not go back to your friend's house and retrieve those items before you went home.

This is a good ???. Could she have given her phone/wallet to her friend to hold onto while there? If she didn't bring a purse with her she may have given the items to a girlfriend to put in HER purse so she could dance unencumbered. Just a thought! Maybe that's why the article said it was unclear whether the phone and wallet were found at the friends house or the bar. (Bear with me...I quoted this wrong initially. Still learning!)
Have any of the friends who were with Lauren that night posted on FB? I've read most of the FB posts but could've missed them.

Beyond generic search and support related posts, I have seen nothing.
That's a good question and Why did she leave her cell phone and wallet at her friend's house, if in fact that is what she did?

I would assume she would take those items with her before leaving for the bar.

Unless, they went from one friend's house to another friend's house and she could not find her cell phone and wallet before she left. but why not go back to your friend's house and retrieve those items before you went home.

Maybe friends house was too far away and no one was sober enough to drive back to get it? Or maybe she wasn't worried about getting the items, she could pick them up in the morning.

I'm more inclined to think the phone was at a friends and her wallet was left at the bar with her shoes. Although I guess she could have had her ID and money with her?
According to this timeline, she was last seen walking south at College Ave and 11th. Kilroy's is a block over on Walnut between 7th and 8th. Her apartment was on College between 8th and 9th. If she left Kilroy's for home, she wouldn't have been walking near 11th. Also, Kilroy's stops serving liquor at 3 am. They probably stay open for awhile later, but it sounds like she was at Kilroy's first and then a friend's "party" afterward, and finally seen walking on College at 4:30 am.


Before 4:30 a.m. Lauren Spierer hangs out with friends at Kilroy’s Sports Bar and a friend’s party.

At 4:30 a.m. Spierer is seen near the intersection of 11th Street and College Avenue, walking south on College.

Video footage at the entrance of Smallwood Plaza that night shows she never made it home.

Saturday morning
Spierer’s parents fly into Indianapolis from New York after hearing their daughter is missing. They rent a car, drive to Bloomington, file a police report and begin combing the areas around Spierer’s apartment and Kilroy’s Sports. The Bloomington Police Department also starts searching with dogs.

10 a.m. Sunday
Volunteers gather outside Smallwood Plaza to create a search plan. Local residents, students, friends and family map a route to explore Bloomington and Lakes Lemon, Griffy and Monroe.

Sunday afternoon
The Spierers drive around Lake Monroe, stopping to search for their daughter. A caravan of cars drive together. At 4 p.m. The Spierers meet with BPD to discuss the next steps.
just a thought, and is probably not what happened but if she was in a bar she may have had fake ID, not necessarily in her own name.

it is possible, but not probable, that she was admitted to a hospital under a wrong name taken from an ID.

even so, you would think there would be ambulance records taking a young woman to a hospital in the wee hours of the morning, but with patient privacy rules, it might not be as simple as one would think.
This is a good ???. Could she have given her phone/wallet to her friend to hold onto while there? If she didn't bring a purse with her she may have given the items to a girlfriend to put in HER purse so she could dance unencumbered. Just a thought! Maybe that's why the article said it was unclear whether the phone and wallet were found at the friends house or the bar. (Bear with me...I quoted this wrong initially. Still learning!)
Welcome to Websleuths, Dragonfly. Just speculating, if she left the bar with a group of partying friends and they were a little intoxicated, she might've left shoes, purse and phone in the bar without realizing they were actually leaving. I'm picturing a group of friends standing outside the bar, lauging, carrying on. Someone suddenly says, "let's go over to my place", and Lauren goes along without thinking about her things inside, or figures she'll be back to retrieve them in a little while.
Welcome to Websleuths, Dragonfly. Just speculating, if she left the bar with a group of partying friends and they were a little intoxicated, she might've left shoes, purse and phone in the bar without realizing they were actually leaving. I'm picturing a group of friends standing outside the bar, lauging, carrying on. Someone suddenly says, "let's go over to my place", and Lauren goes along without thinking about her things inside, or figures she'll be back to retrieve them in a little while.

This is VERY possible!

I'm going to try and ask my sister about the traffic in that area late at night. I know that there is a skeezy adult bookstore on the next block North from College and 11th.
I'm talking to my sister now. She said that at 11th and College the sidewalk is closed if you are walking a certain direction or side of the road. You have to walk on the road in that particular area. She said there is not a lot of traffic at 4:30AM, especially during the summer when most of the students have gone home. She said even during the academic year that area is not particuarly busy at that time of the morning.
hope she is found soon. having been in bloomington (mostly in the campus area), and knowing many who live there, I would never ever walk home alone. there are a few complexes/dorms notorious for sexual assaults and I have had a few friends horribly attacked (both male & female). FWIW
According to her mother, Spierer has a life-threatening heart condition called Long QT Syndrome.

Lauren's mother tells Fox59 she has a heart condition which requires daily medication, and if found please take her to a hospital.,0,2029507.story

Do we know for sure that Lauren drank that night?

Do we know if her friends knew about her heart?

Long QT Syndrome Treatments:

While on beta-blockers, you should also avoid eating or drinking products that have caffeine or taking over-the-counter cough and cold medicines, antihistamines, and antacids that contain aluminum.

You should also avoid drinking alcohol, because it can decrease the effects of beta-blockers.

Beta blockers lower your blood pressure... alcohol also slows your system down as well. Alcohol can decrease beta blockers effectiveness for your heart yet also enhance the "sedating" effect... if that makes any sense.

Drinking alcohol while on medication for Long QT Syndrome is not a good idea.
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