Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #79

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I don't think any of the gas cans were recovered by police. It seems that she managed to get rid of A LOT of evidence before she was taken into custody.

So JA's recent statement that, before she was arrested, she had her [escape] rental car loaded with the two, DarrylB gas cans so she could return them was a lie too?? TIA

And, LE didn't recover / doesn't have those two, DarrylB gas cans? TIA
That's a good point. I wonder how much he has talked to Travis's family during this whole time. I look at them during the trial and my heart is aching for them. I can't imagine the hurt and anger he has seen in their eyes. I really believe that he feels responsible for getting justice for that family and it's not just about maintaining his great reputation as a prosecutor. I swear, he's like a super hero to me, I really admire him.

Believe me, he and Flores are talking with the family a LOT. When you're a crime victim, your biggest support is the detective and your prosecutor. After this length of time, I imagine they consider these 2 men family by now.
She never gets up. Every time she tells the story, she rolls and runs. See, that way there's no time for Travis to stop her from getting up.

Yup. But.....what did she say oh yeah, she got the breath knocked out of her. Hurt her head. And he's standing over her OR is on top of her whichever version she's told at any given time in 17 days yet she rolls, gets up and runs!?

He's a wrestler don't ya know and he's also fast too. Huh? He couldn't keep you down or catch you.

Lies Lies and just plain stoopid Lies!:banghead:
So JA's recent statement that, before she was arrested, she had her [escape] rental car loaded with the two, DarrylB gas cans so she could return them was a lie too?? TIA

And, LE didn't recover / doesn't have those two, DarrylB gas cans? TIA

Perhaps I am mistaken. Why did I get that impression, I wonder?
I didn't hear that statement. Was that from yesterday?
Thank you for posting all of this. I did not sleep well at all after reading last night's post as it was haunting. I watched the documentary clip on here today and was further haunted. What you pointed out in your post was brought to life if you will, in the documentary. My heart broke. I am now very conflicted about JA. I have spent all this time "hating" her for what she did to TA. I absolutely "hate" what she has done to this family. I have "hated" the lack of decorum her mother has displayed along with the mocking of TA family seen on camera. I have been content to see her as demonic and soulless and deserving the DP over and over.
In Working as a critical care RN for over 30 years, I have fine tuned my observations and assessments of people, as I had to do it daily. To think that my judgement has been clouded by her heinous act and lying is very disturbing to me. Please do not misinterpret that I have sympathy for her as I don't. What do you think happened to the "child" in JA way back when? I have a hard time believing that children are born "evil". Heck, I had difficulty seeing what you saw in her face when she knew the gig was up. I am just trying to comprehend all of this as I think we all are. We would not be here if we didn't care for one reason or another. Thanks to all of you who post day after day and are as invested as I am. Respectfully submitted, IMO

Is there a way to link the documentary you mentioned? I cannot find it in past posts & am very interested to see it. Sorry & thanks ahead of time!!
I'm struggling with the issue of premeditation. I keep going back and forth. For me, the issue is the gun.

Does anyone think the defense is going to try to prove that Travis owned the gun that Jodi used? Will they bring in that tape of Travis at the shooting range or will the prosecution bring it on rebuttal? Thoughts?
One of the roommates was house sitting with his girlfriend while her parents were out of town.

You don't go all stealth and then just leave your butt hanging by parking in the driveway. Jodi rented a car, bought gas, and turned off her phone till it was over and she was on her way. She screwed up in other ways ,but she wants us to believe that she was welcome there. The car was parked down the street or a block over. Why announce your presence during the trip. It only became important when she needed it to be.

I think Jodi came packed out for Cancun. She had her mind made up. She was going or Travis was dying.
also, why place photos that "prove" you were there that day, when you're going out of your way to hide the fact that you were ever in arizona that week?

Because Jodi's goal was to murder Travis. She wanted to murder everything about him. If people in the church or friends later found photos of her naked on his camera, they would be shocked. Jodi wanted to ruin everything she could about Travis. If she says she couldn't figure out things on the camera, perhaps she didn't realize that the photos were time stamped. She probably hoped that people would think that they had been there for a while. When she realized that they were time stamped, she deleted them.

This is just my theory and it makes much more sense to me in looking at the photos. The photos do not show a happy couple having sex. At all.
So JA's recent statement that, before she was arrested, she had her [escape] rental car loaded with the two, DarrylB gas cans so she could return them was a lie too?? TIA

And, LE didn't recover / doesn't have those two, DarrylB gas cans? TIA

one of the jurors asked where the gas cans went. she said they were in her grand parents garage, she hadn't gotten around to returning them to darryl.
Yup. But.....what did she say oh yeah, she got the breath knocked out of her. Hurt her head. And he's standing over her OR is on top of her whichever version she's told at any given time in 17 days yet she rolls, gets up and runs!?

He's a wrestler don't ya know and he's also fast too. Huh? He couldn't keep you down or catch you.

Lies Lies and just plain stoopid Lies!:banghead:

dont forget she hurt her shoulder too :what:
I'm struggling with the issue of premeditation. I keep going back and forth. For me, the issue is the gun.

Does anyone think the defense is going to try to prove that Travis owned the gun that Jodi used? Will they bring in that tape of Travis at the shooting range or will the prosecution bring it on rebuttal? Thoughts?

i don't really see how they can prove it was his?
the video of him at the shooting range shows him shooting a big gun and dave hall (who filmed it) is on the witness list so could be called. he has stated that travis didn't own a gun and every time they went shooting he used his (DH) guns
Because Jodi's goal was to murder Travis. She wanted to murder everything about him. If people in the church or friends later found photos of her naked on his camera, they would be shocked. Jodi wanted to ruin everything she could about Travis. If she says she couldn't figure out things on the camera, perhaps she didn't realize that the photos were time stamped. She probably hoped that people would think that they had been there for a while. When she realized that they were time stamped, she deleted them.

This is just my theory and it makes much more sense to me in looking at the photos. The photos do not show a happy couple having sex. At all.

she must have realized she took the photos of the crime. are these the photos she thought were deleted?
Because Jodi's goal was to murder Travis. She wanted to murder everything about him. If people in the church or friends later found photos of her naked on his camera, they would be shocked. Jodi wanted to ruin everything she could about Travis. If she says she couldn't figure out things on the camera, perhaps she didn't realize that the photos were time stamped. She probably hoped that people would think that they had been there for a while. When she realized that they were time stamped, she deleted them.

This is just my theory and it makes much more sense to me in looking at the photos. The photos do not show a happy couple having sex. At all.

Her goal was to muder Travis and get away with it.
i don't really see how they can prove it was his?
the video of him at the shooting range shows him shooting a big gun and dave hall (who filmed it) is on the witness list so could be called. he has stated that travis didn't own a gun and every time they went shooting he used his (DH) guns

I agree, but they know that the prosecution is going to bring up that no ammunition or holster was found (assuming this is true). And they know Travis' friend is going to say he didn't own one. So they have to say something to try to back up Jodi's story. I just wonder what it's going to be.
Because Jodi's goal was to murder Travis. She wanted to murder everything about him. If people in the church or friends later found photos of her naked on his camera, they would be shocked. Jodi wanted to ruin everything she could about Travis. If she says she couldn't figure out things on the camera, perhaps she didn't realize that the photos were time stamped. She probably hoped that people would think that they had been there for a while. When she realized that they were time stamped, she deleted them.

This is just my theory and it makes much more sense to me in looking at the photos. The photos do not show a happy couple having sex. At all.

she must have realized she took the photos of the crime. are these the photos she thought were deleted? i can see her wanting others to see the sex ones. that would explainj why she put the camera in the washer. i hope i'm making sense
I do believe they had sex that day. The reason being the pics of her genitalia appeared to be "stretched out". :blushing:

No way to tell what her genitalia looked like when not having sex, so no way to tell if she had. A persons genitalia doesn't "stretch out" and stay that way after sex. I think that was the way she always looked. But, again, just my opinion.
Perhaps I am mistaken. Why did I get that impression, I wonder?
I didn't hear that statement. Was that from yesterday?

It was the last couple of days. Maybe in response to a juror question. Will try to wade through media thread to find - send in search crew if I'm not back in 10 min. :D
Realize how important getting him in that shower was for her. He is surrounded at all sides. Anywhere else and he can escape from a knife attack from a smaller/weaker individual. In that shower he is cornered on three sides, with her blocking the fourth. This is why she must talk him into the shower.

Thing is she's fully dressed. I believe he thought she was gone. She waited a bit. Knew he'd shave and shower and re-entered the house then snuck up on him. Some of the pics are so dark it looks like no flash is being used. Until he is sitting and looking directly at her with what I can only say is the most chilling look in his eyes!
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