Interviews Lisa's Parents Good Morning America, Fox, The Today Show 10/17/2011 #2

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Am I the only one who thinks this makes her look even less guilty than before?

I don't think a drunk woman could have hidden this baby's body as well as it is hidden if she killed her during the night.

And I think someone who was drinking with a friend may very well have left the door unlocked, and the lights on, when going to bed.

Whatever else happened, I have no idea.
Maybe she never had a drink, she's just claiming that so that people will think she was too drunk to hide the baby's body.

*tinfoil hat*
i wonder what "kind" of drunk DB is... is she a chill drunk? does she get emotional? does she get worked up and/or violent?

also - why the heck would anyone come out and "admit" ANYTHING that could possibly be used against them in a trial?? wouldn't you just wait and see if it came out some other way and perhaps your defense team could bring it to light during the trial if they didn't have any other avenues to pursue? i just don't get it. i can see making it public info in order to make it seem like maybe you were just out of it and thats why you didn't know what happened and are unable to fit all of the pieces of the timeline together... but why? why do you feel the need to have to reveal this to the public? i sure as heck wouldn't say such a thing if i thought the police were suspecting me of anything.

i think someone's conscience is reaaaaaally getting to them!!!

it just makes me sick to even think about someone being so heartless to throw a baby away, even if it was an accident. that baby deserves better than what has happened to her. if the mother or father did something to her, i hope they feel guilty and hopefully they soon realize that they need to just come clean and allow that precious baby a proper burial (if this is indeed a death, which i am... sadly... pretty sure it is).

i don't think there has to be motive. i think someone could have just snapped, especially if they were in an altered state of mind. and i don't understand DB not allowing the boys to be interviewed anymore. i get it that maybe she feels as though they have already been through enough... but come on... as long as the case is drug out even longer... they'll continue to "go through" a lot. the more LE can find out, the faster they can bring this case to a close. i think someone is just trying to avoid being arrested as long as possible. MHO only. i've been off the fence for a long time.
An accident doesn't need motive. I still believe - maybe now more than ever due to DB's admission of intoxication - that something happened to the baby, Mom panicked, and decided to cover her azz instead of being found guilty of negligence. jmo

Well I agree that if she is the one, it is definitely due to an accident of some sort, nothing premeditated or wanting to get rid of her baby.

I can still see an intruder with a drunk mum though
In Texas, boxed wine has significantly lower alcohol content than bottled. I don't know if it's by law, or the market force - boxed wine is kind of like a wine spritzer, imho.

In Ohio, it's just as strong. Not as tasty or classy, but It'll knock ya down. Trust me, I know this :floorlaugh:
More than five but less than 10.

More than 1 glass .. db "yeah"
More than 2 glasses db "yeah"
More than 5 glasses db "yeah"
"but this has nothing to do with her"
More than 10 glasses..db "no" she sounded indignate..IMO
were you drunk. db "yeah"

Do you have a drinking problem..db ..I dont think so

IMO Really?..really?..You dont think you have a drinking problem when you consume more than 5 glasses of wine and you are suppose to be caring for your children?..Really you dont think you have a drinking problem? Really?

My foul language is flying in my mind at this moment..thank goodness not in print.
Am I the only one who thinks this makes her look even less guilty than before?

I don't think a drunk woman could have hidden this baby's body as well as it is hidden if she killed her during the night.

And I think someone who was drinking with a friend may very well have left the door unlocked, and the lights on, when going to bed.

Whatever else happened, I have no idea.

It's very possible she did leave the lights on and the door open and it would give an opportunity to an observer but I can't help it, I always think being caught in lots of lies and inconsistencies makes people look guiltier.

I don't know where Lisa is so I'm not sure if she is well hidden. Maybe she is lying openly in a ditch somewhere and nobody just stumbled on her yet.
The neighbor left around 10:30 PM, and they had spent ? hours drinking on the porch... who put the boys to bed ? Sounds to me like mom is saying that she was drunk at around 10:30pm, and that's when she "went to bed ". MOO

So who was using the phone at 2:30 AM ?

I'm thinking that witness really did see someone carrying a baby ( and that baby was only wearing a diaper). That baby could well have been Lisa. MOO But who knows if she was still alive at that point ?..Just horrendous... MOO
I haven't come off the fence yet.

Mostly because I still see no motive. In most cases the motive is pretty clear, be it Casey, Susan Smith or Darlene Routier. There is a history to the family dynamics that bolster it too.

Here? I am so stumped..even admitting the drinking doesn't make me fall off the fence. Makes me more likely to though lol.

Hi, I believe it was a shaken baby or baby drowned in tub type of situation. And then the cover up. IMO
More than 1 glass .. db "yeah"
More than 2 glasses db "yeah"
More than 5 glasses db "yeah"
"but this has nothing to do with her"
More than 10 glasses..db "no" she sounded indignate..IMO
were you drunk. db "yeah"

Do you have a drinking problem..db ..I dont think so

IMO Really?..really?..You dont think you have a drinking problem when you consume more than 5 glasses of wine and you are suppose to be caring for your children?..Really you dont think you have a drinking problem? Really?

My foul language is flying in my mind at this moment..thank goodness not in print.

I noticed the same thing. She was a sole caretaker for three children, while her boyfriend went to work. Apparently neither one of these parents think that is a problem.
Well I agree that if she is the one, it is definitely due to an accident of some sort, nothing premeditated or wanting to get rid of her baby.

I can still see an intruder with a drunk mum though

Me too. This is beginning to look like that case of the 4 year old twin girl in Canada (I forget her name) who went missing in the night, and both parents and a friend were all extremely drunk (not 5 glasses drunk, REALLLLLLLYYYYYYY drunk) and they were in and out of the house all night, no one knows what happened to her. They simply don't know because they can't remember.

The key here with Baby Lisa, IMHO, is what do the children remember. What did they hear and see.
I think that is exactly what she was implying. But, I would also think if they showed her burnt clothes and they were Lisa's she would know it immediately. jmo

Well she was admittedly out in front of the house most of the night. Did anyone walk by the house that night? There had to be some people out and about. Maybe the kidnapper actually walked by the house earlier and saw them out there drinking. I'd be checking the clothes to see if they matched anything that someone who was walking around the neighbourhood might have been wearing.

Found it Patty G!

It was the Today Show interview with Peter Alexander.

He asks:
"Does it seem feasible to you that someone could have gotten in while you and your 2 boys were sleeping and you wouldn't have heard a thing?"

JI answers:
"Our bedroom is on the exact opposite corner of the house and she sleeps with the fan on high"

DB says:
"Yeah, but they must have been doing it much quieter than the police were"


BBM-I wonder if this means she was at the house when the police were doing the reenactment?
I wonder if they have looked in the breaker boxes for the phones? (or fuse box)
BBM-I wonder if this means she was at the house when the police were doing the reenactment?

I don't think she was in the house during the reenactment. I am pretty sure the family has already moved out by then.
Ok - I've read and watched all the interviews (except the FOX one - I can't get that one to open)

Anyway, ever hear that there's always "a little truth" in every lie?

This quote is from the People mag interview:

She put Lisa down in her room around 6:40 p.m., she says. Only once more soon afterward did she check on Lisa, finding her standing in her crib before tucking her back in.,,20537543,00.html

Hmmmm - standing in her crib? Was this new? And how many of us mothers have had children that we find standing in their crib - only to try to lay them back down and they are like lil boomerangs? Right back up.

I don't know the statistics on this and I do know all about how children - especially young infants can bounce - BUT

Could DB have laid her back down - told her to go back to sleep and left. Then at 10:30 to check on her again - only to find her on the floor, with a broken neck? It is possible for Lisa to have fallen out of that crib and broke her neck? Yes, very possible and with DB drunk - probably not checking on her at all - Lisa could have been gone for at least an hour - if not more.

Out of all the interviews this morning - THAT line sticks out to me the most and it was only in the People mag article - never said anywhere else.

I think we're getting closer to the truth here - only hope we're getting closer to finding Baby Lisa.
Is that a glass and iron birdbath under the computer room window in the Fox clip?

Was it supposedly under that window that night?
I keep coming back to Lisa being sick and wondering if DB gave her meds. My kids are 11 and nearly 16 now but they always have reacted very differently to meds. The least little thing will knock my youngest out. A few weeks ago I gave him a Benadryl after he got stung by a bee before a soccer game and he was literally falling asleep running down the field. My oldest on the other hand reacts like Tigger on meth when given cough meds, Benadryl or anything like that. Anyway, is it possible DB gave Lisa cold meds to put her to sleep so she could enjoy her "adult time" and when it hyped her up instead of having the intended effect she gave her a 2nd dose or tried something stronger (wine? the older boys meds?) and it was too much for her?

I'm just now convinced DB is behind all this but I can't wrap my head around her killing her child on purpose.

I'm leaning towards an accident with meds... or just another accident related to illness. An infant under a year can choke quite easily on their own mucous because their airway is so tiny, which is why Pertussis (whooping cough) is so dangerous for those little ones.

What if baby Lisa was given meds that made her drowsy yet she kept coughing and couldn't cry out b/c of all the mucous? Or coughed so much she triggered vomiting and then choked? (My oldest has done this many times). I know this sounds dreadful but having had one of my children repeatedly get bronchitis and finally receive a diagnosis of reactive airways, I know how difficult it can be for a child to breath if they have a bad cold/cough.

I see this also as a possibility with baby Lisa. So much can happen to a sick baby, which is why they need to be watched constantly...

In Ohio, it's just as strong. Not as tasty or classy, but It'll knock ya down. Trust me, I know this :floorlaugh:

I buy BlackBox brand wine, and it is not "getyadrunk" wine. It is actually good (and expensive) stuff. I know that the really dirt cheap stuff may be crappy, but I would guess that the Almaden or similar middle of the road box wine would be acceptable. Can anyone identify (or has it been said) what brand wine she bought?
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