jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 10TH DAY #53 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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there may be sympathetic women out there but in general, i think women judge other women pretty harshly. it's just hard to believe any woman who's followed this trial could be anything other than horrified by what she did.

i'm angry we share the same gender.
Calling Travis "promiscuous".

Another opportunity to turn that knife a little bit more on Travis.


Jury...make note of that one!

She actually said it with contempt. Like she was justified in murdering him. OMG. Kudos to those of you that have to deal with sociopaths regularly. I am stunned.
:furious: :banghead: :silenced:

Well, looks like Dr. Drew is getting another irate email from Dum~Dum Sucker tonight.

its like getting kicked in the stomach. He makes so much sense many days in a row and then in one sentence, depresses me
Dr. Drew and JVM should just sit around diagnosis each other, praising each other for how right they always think they are. They are awful.

I'm sure JVM will be very excited tonight that Dave Hall's gun range video was featured on her show. Someone tell me if she's shouting and hollering about her "involvement" in the case. I'm passing on this cr!pola tonight.

They both should be on psyche couch getting their heads examined.:floorlaugh:
I don't know it's a close call between Casey and her. Casey said nothing for 31 days about her missing baby and Jodi talks to much.

What's most chilling is that there are other women just like JA & FCA out there but they haven't been caught yet or their delusions haven't been pushed to point they snap & kill... that's chilling but also terrifying!!!
I cracked up when Nurmi objected and said something to the affect of 'this was 20 years ago and irrelevant' When he and Jodi made the jury endure the 1997 years.


Me too! I'd swear he just objected, then tried to come up with reasons.
i think today he has been establishing that she is not shy, instigates, confronts, stalks, doesn't know when to let things go... plus all the lying.

I so much agree with you. I hope the jury sees it also!!!!
Ryan Smith on HLN, " a prosecutor you want to finish with a bang, right?" (might not be verbatim - I only heard it 15 seconds ago...) :)

They're bashing him for getting into the weeds and not finishing with a 'bang'.
Hmm... Maybe that's because he's not finished yet?

Just picture for a moment sitting through a days' testimony during KN's direct - any of them, doesn't matter. Compare that to today.

Nurmi finished his DE with the defendant. JM is on day 2 with CE.
How many of us were wishing Nurmi would keep going when the judge would call it a day?
Anyone wish JM could have continued?

Beyond style, JM is actually making points! Nurmi made ZERO headway over 3 weeks of direct.
JM wins on style and substance.
And it's only day 2.

IMO Juan could do a much better job of laying out for the jury what just happened or what was just proved. Things that are clear to him are not necessarily clear to the jury or me for that matter.

We keep saying he will summ things up and tie it all together but he needs to do that now while it is happening.

He is doing good, but room for improvement in this regard. It is way confusing. IMO only.
You just can't forgive someone that has no remorse.
And you can go on and have a great fruitful life and never forgive someone.
(and if they are dead you will never know if they would have forgiven, um because you killed them)

I don't believe you must forgive in order to heal. I think you can heal and time helps that but it is unfair to make people think they must forgive.

Forgiving comes from within, and often times if someone offers an apology that sounds heart felt, that is honest and true, you can feel yourself forgiving sometimes because the person is remorseful.

In this case, she is not remorseful, and he is dead so this will live on in eternity as a great friction and I think she will have no peace with herself. I am afraid there is something wrong with her so she can't feel the normal feelings of remorse that would even make sense of what she did.

I think he is in the courtroom (Travis) He loves how hard the Prosecutor is fighting for him.

But she is scary, that is one scary woman.

jodi's not upset because she thinks she owns travis now. she owns the story---only she knows it. i think she loves that.

HER pain is over because she doesn't have to worry about where he is and who he's with and what he's doing anymore. she doesn't care that he's dead.
there may be sympathetic women out there but in general, i think women judge other women pretty harshly. it's just hard to believe any woman who's followed this trial could be anything other than horrified by what she did.

i'm angry we share the same gender.

I wonder who these women are? Could they be men haters in general and always take up for a female? I have always thought that is pretty much JVMs motive for her drivel she spews nightly.

Several of my female friends are following this case. They.. like me.. cant stand Jodi Arias.

Dr. Drew and JVM should just sit around diagnosis each other, praising each other for how right they always think they are. They are awful.

I'm sure JVM will be very excited tonight that Dave Hall's gun range video was featured on her show. Someone tell me if she's shouting and hollering about her "involvement" in the case. I'm passing on this cr!pola tonight.
Watch as Jane will manage to throw in some "anti-meat agenda" comments when discussing this. lol
Everytime nurmi touchs his nose I see that little "ditty "

Roflmao! It's stuck in my head too!

I love that ditty, reminds me when my son was little, he loved that booger worm

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Dr. Drew feels that Juan's approach is not going in the prosecution's direction. Dr. Drew talked to many women who were feeling sorry for Jodi.

Uh....where was he interviewing women that felt sorry for Jodi? At Jodi's grandma's house? At her mom's house? At the jail? He is completely out-of-touch!

Whoever they are, they haven't seen the trial from Day 1 (if they have they're friends/family of JA - or simply there to be on tv).

The producers or whomever decides such things puts people on who will contradict anything so people will watch. That's what it is. Nothing more, nothing less.
IMO Juan could do a much better job of laying out for the jury what just happened or what was just proved. Things that are clear to him are not necessarily clear to the jury or me for that matter.

We keep saying he will summ things up and tie it all together but he needs to do that now while it is happening.

He is doing good, but room for improvement in this regard. It is way confusing. IMO only.

I had no problem with keeping up with what he was bringing in.
I wonder who these women are? Could they be men haters in general and always take up for a female? I have always thought that is pretty much JVMs motive for her drivel she spews nightly.

Several of my female friends are following this case. They.. like me.. cant stand Jodi Arias.


I guess Jodi abducted and silenced them all.
'Snapped' is rerunning the story of the medical researcher, Sheila Davaloo, who stabbed her husband, while pretending to play a sex game, drove him to the hospital, stabbed him again. He survived, & testified that she didn't intend to kill him...where do these crazy women run across complacent men?
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