GUILTY LA - Jaren Lockhart, 22, New Orleans, 5 June 2012 - #2

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At the very end, the female is turning around, smiling and tapping to her chest with her free hand to the door lady as to say, "I'm just coming in for a minute.."

I think she was a dancer too. I know at certain clubs, dancers have to bring in their own costumes, so her large bag could be containing a change of clothes and her tips; and that's why she is holding it so tightly to her side.

People do just that all the time (relatively speaking). Particularly in a panic, judgement gets clouded. I could see where the perp might think chopping up a body and throwing it in a water might invite predators to dispose of the evidence..... just didn't happen to work out that way.

My mind is fuzzy today, but I can't think of a single case where an accidental death or one not premeditated ended in dismemberment. Anyone?
My mind is fuzzy today, but I can't think of a single case where an accidental death or one not premeditated ended in dismemberment. Anyone?

I'm not saying people dismember victims of an accidental death all the time, but rather that they make panicked decisions to cover up a crime, and more specifically, they do things under normal circumstances they would not be capable of doing (like dismembering a corpse). self-preservation wins.

Take Casey/Caylee Anthony, for instance... look at all of the ridiculous crap she pulled after Caylee died (I'm leaning towards that one being an accident at this point).

However, I'm not looking to shift the focus of this thread, so I'll end my line of reasoning there.
I don't think this couple was the 'destination.' I think they were Jaren's transportation, to another event. I think she was invited somewhere for an after party, and she needed a ride. She knew this couple, and invited them along, imo.

It looks similar to this tattoo to me:

I'm not saying people dismember victims of an accidental death all the time, but rather that they make panicked decisions to cover up a crime, and more specifically, they do things under normal circumstances they would not be capable of doing (like dismembering a corpse). self-preservation wins.

Take Casey/Caylee Anthony, for instance... look at all of the ridiculous crap she pulled after Caylee died (I'm leaning towards that one being an accident at this point).

However, I'm not looking to shift the focus of this thread, so I'll end my line of reasoning there.

I know what you're saying. It just isn't adding up in my mind. If anyone here can pull a case for us as an example I'd be able to wrap my head around it. Dismemberment and premeditation go hand in hand in my mind.
There have been conflicting reports regarding whether she was stabbed in the chest or in the back.
Moo is that at this point IMO the safest to assume is accurate is the statement made by the coroner who performed the autopsy on Jaren's remains, Jim Faulk stated that there was one, single stab wound to the chest.. (i don't have the link handy but the quote and link are posted in the Timeline I compiled last night) ..atleast for now IMO that's the most credible source.. jmo


JL left earlier than expected with these people after they'd been there for 17 minutes.
I'm not so certain that Jaren did actually leave EARLY from her scheduled shift.. moo is that in some of the early articles the wording got misconstrued and when repeated in other articles it became that Jaren left early from her scheduled shift rather than the term early being used in a general way in that Jaren left the club early hours of Wednesday, June 6..again moo, but in today's article it states that Jaren left work at the end of her scheduled shift.
"Chief Deputy Don Bass said Lockhart, 22, was last seen leaving Temptations, a Bourbon Street strip club where she was a dancer, early Wednesday at the end of her shift."

I have to say, from what little you can see of the female, she doesn't exactly look like the picture of health. Surprising that no one was able to identify her before releasing these to the public. That we know of, I guess.
For any who may have missed the early morning discussion here our member, Memory Foam stated that they knew the male.. he was known to many and not only by face, but by name as well.. but that they did not know the female..
<this discussion begins on post #164-170 of this current thread>

That may be the case, but it was extremely ineffective in this case... which implies that the dismembering/disposal was done in an extreme hurry (and there may be an extremely gory room somewhere reflecting that haste) and without much planning and forethought.
WRT there likely being a crime scene somewhere that would quite likely be a gory, bloody scene due to the fact we know for absolute certain that she was intentionally dismemebered.. and IMO not only dismembered but methodically dismembered into even smaller portions than IMO would be typical(oh how i hate typing that) ..what I'm referring to is that each of her limbs were not only removed, but taken even a step further in cutting each limb into sections.. the upper thigh, then the lower leg, and even quite possibly from there removing the foot from the lower leg portion..

Ill quickly explain what and why i believe this to be possible.. first we know that each limb was atleast cut into upper and lower portions.. to date we only have recovered 3 of the 4 "upper" portions of her limbs(upper thigh, right&left upper arms) ..what is left unrecovered is ALL 4 OF THE LOWER PORTIONS OF EACH LIMB..this is where my opinion comes in.. I believe it likely that all 4 lower portions of the extremities(including 2 feet and 2 hands) were then further cut by removing the hands and feet from the lower portions of her extremities(again horrible to type this) reason for seeing this as a strong possibility is that it is THESE LIMBS THAT REMAIN UNRECOVERED.. i believe that's due to their having been cut into such small portions that its even quite likely they will not be recovered..

FACT- the perp dismembered each of her limbs into ATLEAST 2 SECTIONS(thus far recovered ALL"UPPER" PORTIONS OF 3 OF THE 4 LIMBS) ..that we know as an established fact..

MY OPINION- that there is a great possibility that from there the perp then removed the 2 hands and 2 feet from those STILL MISSING lower portions of all 4 limbs..

Back to my point re: there likely being a very gory, bloody crime scene somewhere due to the fact we know that she was dismembered and decapitated.. (and this is not just a specific reply to the above post but rather in reply to this particular discussion since learning the manner in which Jaren's remains were disposed)

For any who possibly have followed the very recent Canada case of Luka Magnotta who not only murdered, decapitated, and dismembered his victim, Jun Lin.. . but most horrifying he recorded the entire act and then uploaded it to the internet(where I might add that it is still all of the WWW for any/all to view.. including children:( ).. this video is proof positive that a dismemberment of the human body DOES NOT AT ALL MEAN THAT THE SCENE FOR WHERE IT IS DONE WOULD BE A GORY, BLOODY MESS AS MOST ASSUME IT TO BE. in fact it is proof positive that it is shockingly void of massive amounts of blood.. if the killer knows what they're doing..

I won't continue to drone on and will only say that its very easily searched or Googled to find that what i am saying is absolutely accurate and true and that there very well could be little crime scene evidence left wherever it is found to have been done..
(With the Magnotta/Jun Lin case being saturated in the media IMO it should be easily googled to see for one's self the exact way that a body can be easily dismembered WITHOUT THERE BEING A GRUESOME, BLOODY CRIME SCENE.. )

All jmo, except for where i stated otherwise..

**My apologies for this being one of my rather extremely long winded posts:blushing: as well as if any of the above has already been thoroughly answered and discussed.. still attempting to get caught up from the wee early hours of this mornings discussion..
I'm not saying people dismember victims of an accidental death all the time, but rather that they make panicked decisions to cover up a crime, and more specifically, they do things under normal circumstances they would not be capable of doing (like dismembering a corpse). self-preservation wins.

Take Casey/Caylee Anthony, for instance... look at all of the ridiculous crap she pulled after Caylee died (I'm leaning towards that one being an accident at this point).

However, I'm not looking to shift the focus of this thread, so I'll end my line of reasoning there.

And don't even get me started on Casey Anthony. Even the best profilers and investigators couldn't figure that piece of work.
Originally Posted by HeinekenMan
I have considered that theory. I think it's difficult for some people to imagine that the dismembering was not some sort of thrill for the killer. It's entirely possible that the person only did it to conceal the crime and/or dispose of her. One thing that is clear is that this was not some wealthy man and his wife. These two aren't sharp dressers. They're not looking to impress. They're walking through the door on business.

Are we eliminating 'yacht'?

Could be a commercial fisherman/shrimper/oysters/etc. with a good size boat. He looks like he could do that for a living ... jmo. Of course, maybe he had absolutely nothing to do with her death ... dunno at this point.
I thought the tattoo looks like a flower and the man looks very feminine (the smile, and is that a pony tail sticking out the back of the hat?).

Disclaimer: my comments from the stills only - have not viewed video yet.

EDIT: Just saw SmoothOperator's post reiterating some earlier comments that the man is known. Thanks.
could be a commercial fisherman/shrimper/oysters/etc. With a good size boat. He looks like he could do that for a living ... Jmo. Of course, maybe he had absolutely nothing to do with her death ... Dunno at this point.

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