Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #18

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years where the airliner/debris could not even be located:

How did we get here? It was like within 24 hours the whole story stopped, switched to it crashed in ocean and has stalled there.

If we think back to the first 3 days -- same thing -- transponder stopped and the media reported it crashed right under where it failed. It did not!

Same thing here. The pings ended and so it has to be here. There has been no challenging of that conclusion-- the ping could ended for a whole host of reasons other than crashing in the ocean!

Whomever could have gone down to the elecotronic bay and turned off the second half of ACARS that sends out that ping. Just like the transponder.
The half a ping kinda sounded like what it is like when you unplug a lamp a flicker!!

If fuel reports are accurate the plane could have flown around 2000 miles further than they are running around cleaning up the Indian Ocean for 2.1 billion a day!!

There is no proof that the plane crashed or that it crashed just got embraced as fact by the media.....
Regardless of 'ping evidence' suggesting various search areas I would like to better understand why strange aircraft sightings - the oil rig guy near Vietnam and in the Maldives, for example, were discounted. I have not heard on what basis they were discounted...In the case of the rig worker, he saw flames - if it wasn't the MH370, what was it?
I do seems a bit drastic..,,BUT because Anwars acquittal was overturned, it means that he could not run in a by-election, which means he could not run for future prime-minister.... so really IF the pilot did it for political reasons, I would think it was to somehow put a bad spotlight on the corrupt government and overturn the charges on Anwar all together so that he would be capable of becoming next prime minister.......

Once again I say a big "if" as it does seem very drastic to kill 238 innocent people, unless he maybe thought it was worth it for the overall good of his country...

Did anyone in Australia watch th Sixty Minutes segment on it last night....the two aviation experts (one was American) they had in both agreed that it was deliberate, and one even said along the lines of - there is nil, none, zero evidence of mechanical fault in any way............he stressed this point...I found it interesting and I don't believe it was mechanical either.....


I have completely ruled out mechanical or pilot error (I"m not counting pilot sabotage in the 'pilot error' department).

It clear from the track the plane took beginning from the left turn and on past Malaysian peninsula and continuing on westward until it was out of any countries' radar, that someone was trying to fly stealth and someone was trying to do something "nefarious" (to use Richard Quest's word).

I don't know if it was the pilot or terrorist-related.

There are lots of questions in both of these scenarios: Pilot or Hijacker.

For pilot - first of all, how did he incapacitate the co-pilot in the 2 minutes b/w when (supposedly) co-pilot said goodnight and when the transponder was disabled and left turn made? Was that really the co=pilot's voice or is Malaysia making up that part? Then what did he do? I guess then he would just keep the cockpit locked and not let flight attendants know what had happened. Wouldn't the rest of the crew have noticed all the turns and altitude changes? If he killed everyone with hypoxia, how did he keep himself alive (I read somewhere even the pilots get only a certain amount of oxygen?). Then, what was the whole purpose of making the plane fly until the fuel ran out? Did he kill himself before the plane ran out of fuel? How did he kill himself if that's the case? And all of the above is even without asking the critical question of, what was the motive? Was he really depressed? If so, aren't millions of people depressed/unhappy at one time or another? Does that mean he woudl suddenly go "rogue" and do something so awful? Was he even unhappy to begin with? Etc., etc..

For hijacker- the questions are even more. But generally - How did they get into the cockpit? How many were there? How did they all pass security clearance? If it was one person - how did one person do all of that? How did they get the tools in to do this mission (getting into cockpit, etc.)? What did they do to the passengers and crew? How did they disable the pilots? What was the motive of "losing" the plane?

Hmm...has anyone else noticed the absence of Richard Quest on CNN tonight? He had a little temper tantrum last night lol. Maybe they told him to take a little "mental health" break...

What was the tantrum about? I missed it!
Hmm...has anyone else noticed the absence of Richard Quest on CNN tonight? He had a little temper tantrum last night lol. Maybe they told him to take a little "mental health" break...

Oh what was the temper tantrum about?
Its hard to describe but a airplane cant "slow down" to land like gently. It hits stall speed way before that - it is not going forward fast enough to keep it airborne and plummets out of the sky - (like AIr France) .

A certain speed must be kept up. Typically with wing hung engines they hit first ripping off ...............The Hudson crash was on smooth water and he is one of the few ever to do so !!

Check out 52 seconds in! Notice where the engines are mounted.

Jet Airplane Crash In Water "You won't believe what happens" - YouTube

This guy did it too - again notice location of engines -- there was a neat book about this crash!

Crashing into Shark Infested Water - YouTube

Another wing mounted (737) water crash:

BREAKING NEWS Plane crashes into water in Bali with over 100 on board.mp4 Breking News - YouTube
The Department of Homeland Security on Wednesday told airlines about a potential new shoe-bomb threat and urged them to pay extra attention to flights from overseas into the United States.

Several officials familiar with the advisory told NBC News that "very recent intelligence" considered credible warns of possible attempts to attack passenger jets using explosives concealed in shoes.

What? Omg. Was th9s "recent intelligence? from 370????

What do they know that we dont' know?????
Ok well looks like nothing will be found today, so I will catch you all on here sometime tomorrow.

I have completely ruled out mechanical or pilot error (I"m not counting pilot sabotage in the 'pilot error' department).

It clear from the track the plane took beginning from the left turn and on past Malaysian peninsula and continuing on westward until it was out of any countries' radar, that someone was trying to fly stealth and someone was trying to do something "nefarious" (to use Richard Quest's word).

I don't know if it was the pilot or terrorist-related.

There are lots of questions in both of these scenarios: Pilot or Hijacker.

For pilot - first of all, how did he incapacitate the co-pilot in the 2 minutes b/w when (supposedly) co-pilot said goodnight and when the transponder was disabled and left turn made? Was that really the co=pilot's voice or is Malaysia making up that part? Then what did he do? I guess then he would just keep the cockpit locked and not let flight attendants know what had happened. Wouldn't the rest of the crew have noticed all the turns and altitude changes? If he killed everyone with hypoxia, how did he keep himself alive (I read somewhere even the pilots get only a certain amount of oxygen?). Then, what was the whole purpose of making the plane fly until the fuel ran out? Did he kill himself before the plane ran out of fuel? How did he kill himself if that's the case? And all of the above is even without asking the critical question of, what was the motive? Was he really depressed? If so, aren't millions of people depressed/unhappy at one time or another? Does that mean he woudl suddenly go "rogue" and do something so awful? Was he even unhappy to begin with? Etc., etc..

For hijacker- the questions are even more. But generally - How did they get into the cockpit? How many were there? How did they all pass security clearance? If it was one person - how did one person do all of that? How did they get the tools in to do this mission (getting into cockpit, etc.)? What did they do to the passengers and crew? How did they disable the pilots? What was the motive of "losing" the plane?


I am thinking along the same lines. As for your questions...
Oxygen for pilot - he would have had his own plus the co pilot's, if he did away with him ( He could have drugged him)

Hijackers - could have gotten in the cockpit with a shoe bomb...which answers the "how did they pass thru security"...remember the two Iranian guys with the photoshopped photo? Yeah, i do too. There was no security. None.

I also wonder why the statement from the "supergrass" was discounted, as well as, other threats and, of course, the sightings by various people.
The possibilities are endless. :banghead:
To any of our pilot peeps:

If the pilot was in a hypoxic state, could he have turned off the transponder while attempting to turn something else on or off? Like communications radio or anything? Anything of interest near that switch? Just a thought I had.

Yes, that is exactly the type of thing a person in a hypoxic state would do.

I've read a few posts about how an airplane would contact the ocean if it ran out of fuel - DH feels there is no way to predict exactly how an impact would occur in a 777. He predicts the aircraft would oscillate (up and down) becoming more and more severe in its climbing/descending pattern if there was no one at the controls. But there are many complicating factors - how the autopilot would react to fuel starvation, built-in stall prevention technology, etc.

An airplane appearing to stop midair, as a pp mentioned, would be experiencing a stall due to fuel starvation (in this situation) and then would spiral down towards the surface, sometimes with the tail falling first. This is what Payne Stewart's LearJet did when it eventually ran out of fuel.

As far as fuel requirements, they would have been legally required to carry: fuel to destination, fuel to a (preselected) suitable alternate airport near destination plus a reserve of 30 minutes at a minimum.

I'm glad everyone is still here, working away on this mystery.
What was the tantrum about? I missed it!

It was great drama, Don Lemon and Richard Quest arguing, Richard Quest yelling very loudly "You're the one putting the horse before the carriage, not me!" and accusing other guests of making "gross misstatements!"

I said in a previous post I thought there was going to be an "Anchorman" style news cast throw down.
Another delay! Ship on which hydrophone was installed must be inspected before being allowed to proceed. 6 hour delay for inspection and 3 days to get to the area to listen for pinging. Good grief!

Heck they might as well paint the hull before setting off, don't ya think?

Just being sarcastic, sorry.
Here is my fuel chart ...

Because this is what the few facts tell us. One of my circles are misplaced..sorry.


  • Aplane2.jpg
    100.6 KB · Views: 39
Notice it just went basically forward, climbing as it got lighter due to fuel being burned off

Ground Track of Payne Stewart Accident Flgiht


Accident Aircraft N47BA

Payne Stewart Plane Crash Information -- Revised: 5 April 2012
It was great drama, Don Lemon and Richard Quest arguing, Richard Quest yelling very loudly "You're the one putting the horse before the carriage, not me!" and accusing other guests of making "gross misstatements!"

I said in a previous post I thought there was going to be an "Anchorman" style news cast throw down.

I haven't ever watched Richard Quest, but maybe it's hit him personally as he did the segment with the co-pilot very recently?
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