Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #21

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Guess I had better nap...seems like any news can't come before about 10pm where I am...

It's almost 8am Perth time. I do believe we are getting closer to the pings. I think all the parties are coming together now, not like at the beginning of this mystery.

I really hope the black box is recovered and date restored, then hopefully debris can be located (still puzzles me as to why there is no debris yet).

Once the black box is restored, then we can hopefully get all the juicy details as to what happened to MH370.

All the best to the loved of the passengers and crew of MH370.

:lepsmilie: We need some good luck!
I promise it isn't that I don't know that... it is totally a lack of control for me.
In a car I am driving (almost always, I refuse to be a passenger unless we are towing the trailer, I don't like to do that.)
In a car I am in control if something goes wrong, or there are any issues.
I know the issue immediately, not when a pilot decides to tell me.
It's all about having knowledge and control in an emergency situation.
I'm not very trusting so putting my life in someone's hands is not my favorite thing in the world. :giggle:

And in a car, you don't get infested with germs! lol I still don't mind flying, find it extremely boring but airlines are now installing Wi-Fi in their fleets. yay
Malaysia Airlines MH370: searchers narrow in on 'final resting place'

Updated 12 minutes ago

Air Chief Marshal Houston says the Ocean Shield will be looking to pick up more transmissions which would help to better pinpoint where the signal is coming from.

He says once the search area has been narrowed down, searchers could then find something in a "matter of days".

BBM~ I just this crazy thought that MH370 is either in one piece or two pieces.

That's would be trippy.
I am starting to wonder what will be the emphasis of the "recovery". I have just re-read the transcript of last nights press conference (thank you Amee) and four times Chief Houston refers to the "final resting place" of MH370. That sounds kind of final. He is evermindful of the families and he must be well aware they are hearing these words. It is almost as if to send them the message that there are your relatives and there they will stay.

He also emphasized the importance of getting a visual. As if that will be the end of it. And I don't think he talked about bringing anything to the surface eventually.

But maybe I am reading too much into it.

It could be in one piece and it become a memorial location? :dunno:

Are they not telling us more than they know? Is it really deep down on the bottom? I wonder how long it would take for it to get to the bottom or leaning on a ridge?
"Malaysia Airlines MH370: Malay Mukherjee, relative of missing Canadians, hopes for closure.

Grandparents looking after children of missing couple during grim search for Malaysia Airlines jet"

Sitting in his Beijing hotel room, the soft-spoken grandfather pulled out his iPad, which has served the twin purpose of looking up news about the desperate search for the plane and looking at photos of his family.

"That's what keeps us awake," he said, his fingers hovering over a picture of his son, daughter-in-law and two grandchildren.

"It's not a simple responsibility of looking after children who are three years and seven years. It's a whole lifetime which is left for them."

Mukherjee told the CBC's Andrew Lee that both of the boys are anxious, but understand the situation differently. The older brother knows the plane crashed. The younger clings to the idea of seeing his parents again.

8:11 was the last satellite ping.
Those times are the times the pinging was heard from the black boxes.

Is the black box always engaged in and out of flight? I was under the understanding the black boxes are activated when hit against water or land?
Is the black box always engaged in and out of flight? I was under the understanding the black boxes are activated when hit against water or land?

The black boxes will only activate when they make impact with water or land.
During flight/standby, they are not pinging. They are on, though.

The 8:11 was in reference to the last satellite ping (handshake) that Immersat figured out. That ping came from the second part of ACARS-the part that was never disabled.
The black boxes will only activate when they make impact with water or land.
During flight/standby, they are not pinging. They are on, though.

The 8:11 was in reference to the last satellite ping (handshake) that Immersat figured out. That ping came from the second part of ACARS-the part that was never disabled.

The one that you a toolset to get to underneath the cockpit?

While the Wall Street Journal report that started all this talk may turn out to be incorrect – Malaysian officials are already disputing the story -one of the few facts that does not appear to be in dispute is that the Rolls-Royce engines on the Boeing 777 had an engine monitoring system.

Yes, I was certain I read RR had engine data regardless if MA paid for the service.
Pings becoming more consistent. I just heard on CNN that they are getting pings that are lasting long enough to pin point an area. 4 sets of pings 17 miles apart. I just have to give my gratitude to those countries who have not given up looking even though the cost are enormous.

I'm not sure what was updated on the article you posted because I saw it after this update & not when you posted it
updated 8:50 PM EDT, Wed April 9, 2014
Yes, that's the one.
From my understanding, that's why Immersat was able to get basic satellite data from MH370. That part of ACARS was still functioning.

I don't understand why there isn't a full back-up to ACARS. The second one should switch over and record the exact same data, IMO.
I don't understand why there isn't a full back-up to ACARS. The second one should switch over and record the exact same data, IMO.

Yes, I agree.
I just did some Google searches and it turns out ACARS can't be totally disabled. It goes into "standby mode." Which would explain the handshakes that Immersat got.

I also found this bit interesting
“It is Mas procedure to switch ACARS, VHF, and High Frequency selection off but this is only for flights to China as the service provider for Mas does not cover China. Some if not all pilots switch them all off for a while and then later switch SATCOMM back on to force the system into SATCOMM mode.”
todays search charts

AMSA News @AMSA_News

Today's search area charts are now available from the #mh370 media kit page.
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