Found Deceased MI - Venus Stewart, 32, Colon, 28 April 2010 - # 7 *D. Stewart guilty*

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Is there a Doug Stewart impersonator?
MSP wants help with April 25-26 timeframe
Updated: Tuesday, 01 Jun 2010, 12:24 PM EDT
Published : Tuesday, 01 Jun 2010, 12:24 PM EDT

police now want help determining if someone impersonated Douglas Stewart in Newport News, Virginia in that same timeframe.

The Michigan State Police is looking for anyone with information about "a person or persons who impersonated Douglas Stewart in the Newport News, Virginia area between" April 25-26. They're also looking for anyone who had contact with Douglas Stewart in that timeframe to contact them.


Wow! This is quite an interesting AND unusual development. I've never observed a case on WS before, that a possible impersonator was used.:eek:

I'll be watching this case for sure! to see how this is explained.

They have to have an alternative (the regular ticket with that photo ID they tell you to bring in case of problems) in case the scanner malfunctions or a person has a handicap that prevents them from using the finger scanner. Can't discriminate against the disabled. Amputees, those with birth defects, those with e.g. rheumatoid arthritis would file a lawsuit - and win.

Well, first of all, my daughter doesn't remember. She said she knows there's more security than before, but she doesn't know if she was "printed". Good grief. She just went there 6 months ago.

So I called BG and verified they do scan pass holders. I asked what do they scan if someone can't use the scanner or is disabled, as in an amputee; how they verify the person is truly the one who owns the pass. She put me on hold and then came back sounding very suspicious, telling me that there are "agents" to take care of that.

GREAT. Now I'm on a watch list, and they have my phone number.

Homeland security has raised the terror alert level to RED in Williamsburg, Virginia. Film at 11.

Please, nobody else call them. They'll think we're in cahoots.
Maybe Doug's blood in the truck is from him severing his hand for his lookalike to get through the lines, and then he had it reattached later, after he drove both vehicles to and from MI and made sure he was seen at his old house and at VS parents house too.
I agree, until we know what the alibi is, there is no way to make sense of it.

That could be!

Maybe this impersonator thing is why he bought the hat at Walmart... to match the one his buddy wore coming and going from the apartment while Doug was in MI.
Here's something else we've not considered about Doug. He had to have keys and passes to places to deliver and drop off food. Lots of places aren't open when food deliveries are made.

Just had ANOTHER idea. Casinos.

Is there one near Newport News? He might have been cammed at a casino. No telemetrics required if you're sitting at a slot machine dropping nickels.
Who's the guy in the background? He looks kinda like Doug.


Looks like a Douggie-Daddy to me.

Can someone search Facebook for some family pics? Maybe he has a look alike cousin with a very low IQ somewhere.

What kind of stupid person agrees to impersonate someone else for a couple of days? :waitasec: What story could Doug have possibly come up with that didn't scream, "I'm about to commit a crime, and the cops will be on to me fast, so I need you to pretend to be me, 'kay?...Noooo, not a chance you'll ever get caught, no one will ever know! Trust me!"
You couldn't write this stuff. lol
I'm waiting for tomorrow's article "MSP Still Trying To Figure Out How to Get Doug's Murder Truck Back To Michigan". That's almost reasonable compared to, "Hmm, I've got it! Doug has an evil twin!"
Well, first of all, my daughter doesn't remember. She said she knows there's more security than before, but she doesn't know if she was "printed". Good grief. She just went there 6 months ago.

So I called BG and verified they do scan pass holders. I asked what do they scan if someone can't use the scanner or is disabled, as in an amputee; how they verify the person is truly the one who owns the pass. She put me on hold and then came back sounding very suspicious, telling me that there are "agents" to take care of that.

GREAT. Now I'm on a watch list, and they have my phone number.

Homeland security has raised the terror alert level to RED in Williamsburg, Virginia. Film at 11.

Please, nobody else call them. They'll think we're in cahoots.

Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!! We'll bail you out, Calliope!

Meanwhile, we now know why Doug was wearing a long-sleeved shirt - it was to hide the fact that he'd cut off his arm and gave it to the Douginator to stick in the scanner. One of those hands we saw in the news was fake!!!!!!

Well, first of all, my daughter doesn't remember. She said she knows there's more security than before, but she doesn't know if she was "printed". Good grief. She just went there 6 months ago.

So I called BG and verified they do scan pass holders. I asked what do they scan if someone can't use the scanner or is disabled, as in an amputee; how they verify the person is truly the one who owns the pass. She put me on hold and then came back sounding very suspicious, telling me that there are "agents" to take care of that.

GREAT. Now I'm on a watch list, and they have my phone number.

Homeland security has raised the terror alert level to RED in Williamsburg, Virginia. Film at 11.

Please, nobody else call them. They'll think we're in cahoots.
Okay, I promise not to call them if you promise not to call the Colon Post Office. You do realize you and I will probably be locked up soon, don't you? lol Cookies. It's your turn to bring the cookies to the jail.
Looks like a Douggie-Daddy to me.

Can someone search Facebook for some family pics? Maybe he has a look alike cousin with a very low IQ somewhere.

What kind of stupid person agrees to impersonate someone else for a couple of days? :waitasec: What story could Doug have possibly come up with that didn't scream, "I'm about to commit a crime, and the cops will be on to me fast, so I need you to pretend to be me, 'kay?...Noooo, not a chance you'll ever get caught, no one will ever know! Trust me!"

"Hey, Harry - now that I can't see my kids per the April 19th hearing, why don't you use my BC passes to take your lil tykes there for the day? OOPS! Sorry - I didn't mean to set your hand on fire there. Let me bandage that up for you."
Douginator! Douginator! I lkie it, BeanE!

Who will volunteer to see if we can fool a fingerprint sensor with a picture of a fingerprint or an impression in something like that gooey stuff they use at the dentist to make an impression of your teeth? It would come out backwards, so you'd have to make the imperssion, use it as a mold, then use the molder "finger" on a sensor programmed to accept that fingerprint. Volunteers?

lol sure

I have to use fingerprint to get into the drugs at the hospital. Hell, the FBI is already headed my way because of my BG call, why not swing by and bring the DEA agents, too. The more the merrier.
Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!! We'll bail you out, Calliope!

Meanwhile, we now know why Doug was wearing a long-sleeved shirt - it was to hide the fact that he'd cut off his arm and gave it to the Douginator to stick in the scanner. One of those hands we saw in the news was fake!!!!!!


I forgot all about his arms. I would HOPE LE checked him out and got photos when this all began. I've seen many cases here where when the get dna evidence from the SO (ie spouse) they photo any scars or cuts and scratches.

Just returned from the not so magical kingdom. Bought 4 three day tickets 2 kids two adults. Took a cleansing for almost 900 samolians. My mother-in-law took a day off from the festivities...she is 69 and was a little pooped from traveling. So I used the ticket for the first day. The ticket bounced on the next two days when she used it, but they let her in anyway. God forbid if the customer acts like a reasonable economic engine seeking to maximize the value of his expenditure on entertainment. Disney wants to make sure you lose at this game too. Denying the bulk purchaser the value of the volume discount is just downright greedy. And if it takes a bite out of your privacy and personal space, tough luck buddy, get in line for your Horrible French toast and a snapshot with ol' Mickey.
Here's something else we've not considered about Doug. He had to have keys and passes to places to deliver and drop off food. Lots of places aren't open when food deliveries are made.

Just had ANOTHER idea. Casinos.

Is there one near Newport News? He might have been cammed at a casino. No telemetrics required if you're sitting at a slot machine dropping nickels.

Casinos? In Virginia? Surely you jest. These people had the vapors when the lotto was introduced.

Actually, I think all they have are betting places for horses. I don't believe VA allows slots.
You couldn't write this stuff. lol
I'm waiting for tomorrow's article "MSP Still Trying To Figure Out How to Get Doug's Murder Truck Back To Michigan". That's almost reasonable compared to, "Hmm, I've got it! Doug has an evil twin!"

Here's something else we've not considered about Doug. He had to have keys and passes to places to deliver and drop off food. Lots of places aren't open when food deliveries are made.

Just had ANOTHER idea. Casinos.

Is there one near Newport News? He might have been cammed at a casino. No telemetrics required if you're sitting at a slot machine dropping nickels.

Virginia does not have legalized slot play in the state.

There are no legal slot machines in the state of Virginia. They do have one horse track, but there are no slots there. It is listed below.

Colonial Downs in New Kent, Virginia
Just returned from the not so magical kingdom. Bought 4 three day tickets 2 kids two adults. Took a cleansing for almost 900 samolians. My mother-in-law took a day off from the festivities...she is 69 and was a little pooped from traveling. So I used the ticket for the first day. The ticket bounced on the next two days when she used it, but they let her in anyway. God forbid if the customer acts like a reasonable economic engine seeking to maximize the value of his expenditure on entertainment. Disney wants to make sure you lose at this game too. Denying the bulk purchaser the value of the volume discount is just downright greedy. And if it takes a bite out of your privacy and personal space, tough luck buddy, get in line for your Horrible French toast and a snapshot with ol' Mickey.
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