News station found video of THE DUCT TAPE on posters at the Anthony home!

Your right, I think it was the media that said LE says it rare. haha And your also right that I dont trust the state is always right. But your wrong about Casey. I dont trust her either. So when I look at the evidence, I look at everything with grain of salt. Is there a thread that goes through each and everyone of Casey's lies? I mean are we sure she was lying about everything?

Are You Kidding?????????
Your right, I think it was the media that said LE says it rare. haha And your also right that I dont trust the state is always right. But your wrong about Casey. I dont trust her either. So when I look at the evidence, I look at everything with grain of salt. Is there a thread that goes through each and everyone of Casey's lies? I mean are we sure she was lying about everything?

Yes, I believe there is. It is probably from a couple of months back but you can surely find it if you search, unless someone else on this thread knows exactly where that thread is.
Your right, I think it was the media that said LE says it rare. haha And your also right that I dont trust the state is always right. But your wrong about Casey. I dont trust her either. So when I look at the evidence, I look at everything with grain of salt. Is there a thread that goes through each and everyone of Casey's lies? I mean are we sure she was lying about everything?

Are You Kidding????????????????????
I think I am reading the same threads and same docs as everyone else. Just because LE says its rare, does not mean its rare. I need to see docs. Some folks take LE at thier word. I do not. In my opinion the Police may be mistaken and the duct tape is not that rare.

I am sure nobody believes that George is the only person in Florida to have Henkel duct tape.

Well of course not...and I don't profess to know really anything about the different kinds of tape, nor have I done any research on the rarity (or not) of the tape. I also have NO idea what LE knows. As I said the kind/brand of tape is not going to make or break this case by itself, but was curious since you seem so sure of what you are posting, that's all. :)

Wonder where would could find a duct tape expert, lol?! Any Henkel employees posters at WS, wouldn't that be nice?
In my opinion, the 3 pieces of tape over Caylee's face area were bound together when they found the remains. How they were bound, I dont know. Perhaps end to end or lapped over each other. In any event, if they were bound together that means there had to be glue present. Also means they manipulated the tape before they took pictures for us. If there was glue present, they should be able to get a comparative sample.

I think that in one of the previous document dumps it says that the glue on the duct tape was chemically the same.

Someone correct me if I am wrong. Thanks.
Are You Kidding?????????

Reeseeva. I did not say that. That quote is from Notthatsmart. Please try to correct that post to reflect the correct poster. Please, please. I would NEVER say such a thing.

EDIT: Okay, I see what is happening. The (miss) quote button is acting up again. Sorry Reeseeva. Looks like technical difficulties.
I think I am reading the same threads and same docs as everyone else. Just because LE says its rare, does not mean its rare. I need to see docs. Some folks take LE at thier word. I do not. In my opinion the Police may be mistaken and the duct tape is not that rare.

I am sure nobody believes that George is the only person in Florida to have Henkel duct tape.

I do take the word of LE at face value. They have done nothing to dissuade me from that point of view, and they can provide the evidence behind their claims.
Are you seriously saying you distrust all LE but you believe Casey,despite all the lies that have been so easily proved? That seems entirely incongruous to me.
If you look in the links for document dumps, I believe that the information from the company that manufacturers the tape is in the dump before this last one.

It clearly states that this tape was no longer made after 2007 and none was sold in the state of Florida in 2007. I believe that you will find that it was sold in Florida in 2005/2006 and only about 135,000 rolls were sold, I believe, to Lowes. I also think that this was for the entire state but I could be wrong about that (going from memory here). Even if it was only for the Orlando area, that would still be a small percentage of the total population that would have been able to purchase this tape.

If you check the orignal Duct Tape thread, I believe that there is more information on exactly when and how it was sold.

Someone reported there finding a roll of it (they were from Orlando) in their garage but reported that it was purchased from Home Depot. Only problem with that is that Home Depot did not sell it.

If I have gotten any of the above information incorrect, someone will correct me.

"Greater Orlando has a population of 2,032,496[1] according to the U.S. Census Bureau 2007 population estimates. The size of the city of Orlando is very unusual for a metropolitan area of its size since most of the inhabitants of the area live in the suburbs and surrounding areas in Orange and Seminole counties, whereas the total population of the city proper is only 220,186 people (2006 estimate)."

According to

And I think that the population of Florida as a whole is over 18 million.

I think you missed my point about a central distributor or middle man. We as a people do not buy all our products from a manufacture. Many times there are 2 or 3 middle companies distributing the goods. So just because Henkel corp didn't sell henkel duct tape in florida, doesn't mean that a middle company didnt sell Henkel Duct tape in florida. As a matter of fact, just based on the statement you made. Henkel produced duct tape in 2007 but did not sell it to florida. That seems to mean they found a distributor that would do that for them.
I think you missed my point about a central distributor or middle man. We as a people do not buy all our products from a manufacture. Many times there are 2 or 3 middle companies distributing the goods. So just because Henkel corp didn't sell henkel duct tape in florida, doesn't mean that a middle company didnt sell Henkel Duct tape in florida. As a matter of fact, just based on the statement you made. Henkel produced duct tape in 2007 but did not sell it to florida. That seems to mean they found a distributor that would do that for them.

Wrong.....they did not manufacture henkel 200 degree duct tape after 2007....might have been 2006.

So it was NOT being manufactured at all.

As for a distribution company, it clearly shows in their paperwork, exactly what companies they sold this duct tape to and how much they sold to each company.

Have you read that document yet? If not, then you can not dispute what I am saying.
saw this while watching this oldie but goodie.....

It's holding up a Caylee missing poster on the back of someones car that is parked in the garage of the A home. Can't tell what type it is. It's near the end of the video at around 8:37ish

YouTube - Cindy Get the Hell out of Town Why you can People don't like you

OMG, Thank=Your for posting this, I think??? I forgot how much I want to stick pins in my eyes, listening to her......... or Better yet, I would just "want t kill myself if I had to live around her?
Here is a link to the documents from henkel about this particular tape.

You can read it and make an informed decision on whether it is rare or not from this. Most people that read the document to feel that it is rare but if you don't, you don't but at least you have read the same information that we have so we are on the same page. YKWIM?
In my opinion, the 3 pieces of tape over Caylee's face area were bound together when they found the remains. How they were bound, I dont know. Perhaps end to end or lapped over each other. In any event, if they were bound together that means there had to be glue present. Also means they manipulated the tape before they took pictures for us. If there was glue present, they should be able to get a comparative sample.

If you read the most recent doc dump, you will find that Q63 and Q64 were stuck to each other with Q63 on top.

Q62 was separate from Q63 and Q64.

All three pieces were affixed to Caylee's skull, and had to be removed.

Of course, the OCSO, ME, and FBI could be wrong about that...
I do take the word of LE at face value. They have done nothing to dissuade me from that point of view, and they can provide the evidence behind their claims.
Are you seriously saying you distrust all LE but you believe Casey,despite all the lies that have been so easily proved? That seems entirely incongruous to me.

I do not take the word of LE at face value. They are human and can make mistakes. They can make huge mistakes. They are also being paid. They also have a lot of resources at thier finger tips. They dont have to make claims if the sunshine law does it for them. I think people naturally think that any evidence that comes out in discovery means thats what LE thinks. They may never even bring up the trunk. They may never even bring up the lies. We dont know.

LE is human, therefore they can make mistakes. This is why we have a checks and balance system. If LE was always right, why would we need courts.

I am on a fact finding mission. The whole truth and nothing but the truth. Then I will decide, but until then, she is presumed innocent.
I do not take the word of LE at face value. They are human and can make mistakes. They can make huge mistakes. They are also being paid. They also have a lot of resources at thier finger tips. They dont have to make claims if the sunshine law does it for them. I think people naturally think that any evidence that comes out in discovery means thats what LE thinks. They may never even bring up the trunk. They may never even bring up the lies. We dont know.

LE is human, therefore they can make mistakes. This is why we have a checks and balance system. If LE was always right, why would we need courts.

I am on a fact finding mission. The whole truth and nothing but the truth. Then I will decide, but until then, she is presumed innocent.

I'm on that same mission. Have been since Day 32. I'm doing it for Caylee, the victim.

Who are you doing it for?

Just curious.
I think that in one of the previous document dumps it says that the glue on the duct tape was chemically the same.

Someone correct me if I am wrong. Thanks.

I guess what I mean to say that if there is glue and there is poly, the cotton or fabric inside should be preserved enough to get a comparative sample with the cotton or fabric inside the duct tape on the can. Contray to popular belief that the fibers dont match because the tape is weathered.
I'm on that same mission. Have been since Day 32. I'm doing it for Caylee, the victim.

Who are you doing it for?

Just curious.

Justice. My right to a fair trial, your right to a fair trial. Yes the victim, it is very important we get to the truth, for the victim.

That could be our difference. You are only doing it for the victim. I am doing it for the victim in the name of justice. We have to make sure we get this right for Caylee. So I dont want to leave any stone unturned.
I do not take the word of LE at face value. They are human and can make mistakes. They can make huge mistakes. They are also being paid. They also have a lot of resources at thier finger tips. They dont have to make claims if the sunshine law does it for them. I think people naturally think that any evidence that comes out in discovery means thats what LE thinks. They may never even bring up the trunk. They may never even bring up the lies. We dont know.

LE is human, therefore they can make mistakes. This is why we have a checks and balance system. If LE was always right, why would we need courts.

I am on a fact finding mission. The whole truth and nothing but the truth. Then I will decide, but until then, she is presumed innocent.

But the information that is given by LE,FBI,etc.,is all we have to go by.Yes,we are all human and make mistakes,but I'm sure if the above agencies had something so very obviously questionable,it would be looked into,I don't think that's the situation in this case.You ask,if LE was always right,why would we need courts.Well,my best answer to that is,the courts use the information given by LE,to determine the guilty/nonguilty outcome.Lawyers will debate some of their findings,but I would hardly take their information with a grain of salt.

All the posters here are on a fact finding mission,and we all want the truth and nothing but the truth,but when it seems were not getting it .... that's when we start sleuthing!!
I guess what I mean to say that if there is glue and there is poly, the cotton or fabric inside should be preserved enough to get a comparative sample with the cotton or fabric inside the duct tape on the can. Contray to popular belief that the fibers dont match because the tape is weathered.

I will give you that much. However, since what we have seen do not appear to be all that there is then we don't know that these test have not been performed.

Besides the duct tape is not the evidence that I feel is going to convict KC, it is helpful maybe but not the most important piece of evidence. Might show premeditation.

If we get so caught up in these things, we lose site of the bigger picture. When you take all of the evidence we have so far, it clearly points to KC. But some of the most damning stuff has come from KC herself because she really does think that she is smarter than the average person.

Another question that just came to mind (not about the duct tape, sorry) if Zanny the Nanny had Caylee non-stop for 31 days exactly when would she have time to go out clubing? Why would KC look for her in clubs that she frequented if she was home with Caylee? Why would the Nanny just happen to frequent the same clubs as Caylee when they didn't really hang out together?

KC's goose is soooooooo cooked. Her best bet would have been to just STFU than to try to lie to LE about stuff that she should have known they could check out. She is not that smart after all.
Justice. My right to a fair trial, your right to a fair trial. Yes the victim, it is very important we get to the truth, for the victim.

That could be our difference. You are only doing it for the victim. I am doing it for the victim in the name of justice. We have to make sure we get this right for Caylee. So I dont want to leave any stone unturned.

It is really very simple, really. KC is sitting in jail when she could have come forward at any time and told the truth. When she found out the truth about the duct tape way back in December she would have been screaming at the top of her lungs with the truth. The truth can not be told by KC. The truth can only be told by what is left of the child and the remains of whatever was done to her.

If one really, really seeks justice one would have to read more of the information posted here. Not just skim over but everything. I skim and I still can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It is not looking too good for KC. No one would like anything better than to find evidence to the contrary but it is just not there.

Someone killed her child and she just does not care.

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